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Help. Coins found in the Crimea, near the Kaffa.

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I recommend your forum rick2 the Taliban.

For which he was - Thank you!

Please help me understand.

Such coins are sometimes here in the Crimea, near the Genoese colony of Kaffa. Some suggest that it is - the colony unpublished coins Kafa. But I think a number of features that the Genoese colony of Caffa, these coins have no relationship.

I have, for many years engaged in the study of minting coins Gireys-Crimea, Golden Horde coins Kaffa. I submitted this photo coins differ from those issues, which are usually minted Kaffe. For example, on these coins present flag, coat of arms is very similar to the Duke of Milan. It is not usual for Kaffa rider - usually copper coins Kaffa depicts St. George - as in tune with the Bank of Saint George. On the same coin, we see a different interpretation of the rider. I believe that before you make a final decision on the membership of these coins the Genoese colony of Kaffa, we must eliminate all other options - is it possible that this coin was minted somewhere in Europe?

Unfortunately, I'm not well versed in the coins of medieval Europe. Look, maybe someone will recognize in these coins any known coins?

Coins of silver.

I apologize for not being very good pictures - these are sent to me for identification.

Thank you in advance for your reply!


Inviato (modificato)

For this money, there is an article on Numismatic Chronicle of 2009 of Dario Ferro -that are willing to send a copy

best regards


Modificato da profausto


Please, can you give us the permission for using that image for our online catalogue? Maybe may you send us hi res images?



It would be contacting Mr Dario Ferro (Adamaney) Member of this forum, who wrote the article

"Anche gli Sforza coniarono a Caffa" -Un inedito del XV secolo


Dear Duca, thank you for your answers.!!!

Taking apart that this coin is aspr of Kaffa, we should say that this is really unique phenomenon in Kaffa’s silver stamp. I.e. one only coin that does not have attributes of Golden Horde’s rulers (or Crimean Khanate). But exactly this political dualism is the main component of Kaffa’s coins. I.e. we can’t surely read the legend of this coin, the coin alloy differ from aspr’s alloys, moreover the weight of this coin does not match to the weight of aspr… This coin does not have Portals symbol (Tower). So due to what arguments we can now talk about the attribution of these coins to the Kaffa?!


We are now discussing the coin on my site -

True, the debate is conducted in Russian, but with the help of an interpreter onlan understandable. If that is not clear - write, I'll help.

The first coin, which I have provided photos, belongs to one of our colleagues. Two others - recently put up for auction in one of Ukraine.

All scans - toolko such. Unfortunately, the best picture yet.


Dear Duca!

Could you please send me an article for review?

Thanks in advance.

My e-mail : alex_simfi @


A copy of this coin, is at the Museum of Feodosia

I enclose fragment Article



Dear Duca! Thanks for the photo of the article! Could I get an e-mail this piece to a better resolution? And it is very hard to read, but eschi and unfamiliar language. Advance - Thank you!


transmitted Article




riporto per conoscenza testo trasmesso con e-mail dall'utente post_online.pngYakushechkin Alexandr

Dear Duca! Thank you very much for the article.

You helped me a lot!

I have for years been numismatics Crimea.

In the near future we will launch our new project - an online database of "Coins of the Crimea," which will be presented to coin the Golden Horde, the Crimean Khanate and the Tatar-Genoese coins Kaffa and Crimea.

If you are interested - welcome to the project.

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