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Provincial Coins of the Roman Republic

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I am selling a small number of my Roman Provincial coins (from the Roman Republic). Because the sale catalogue descriptions are short, there are many things which I would like to say about these coins, but which cannot be included in the catalogue. Therefore I have created a new web-page where I can write my own thought about these coins. There are just 17 coins, and I love all of them. It is sad that they will leave my collection, but hopefully another collection will appreciate them. Here is the web-page:

As usual, it is possible to translate the page into Italian, by clicking the Italian flag.


  • Mi piace 1


As you wrote, "Roman Provincial Coinage Volume Zero is a sorely needed book that should cover the period from the bronzes of Cosa in 273 BC until RPC Volume 1 commences in 49 BC, yet the book does not exist. Someone should write it!"

I absolutely agree.


Indeed I wish someone would write "Roman Provincial Coinage Volume Zero, from the bronzes of Cosa in 273 BC until RPC Volume 1 commences in 49 BC", but I do not think there are any plans. RPC was sponsored by museums in the UK, Spain and France. Perhaps RPC0 needs different sponsors?

I am also selling a small number of Roman Republican coins. Although they are not of the highest quality, many are very rare or very interesting. So I have written some extra notes which are not in the catalogue.

As usual, it is possible to translate the page into Italian, by clicking the Italian flag.



stupende...ho già una moneta che le e' appartenuta e mi guardero' tutta la lista..

saluti R.

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