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Clemente VIII, testone 1600 + Urbano VIII

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[ENG] Hello! My name is Alexander, Russia. I bought teston of 1600 year recently (Papa Clemente VIII). Subject of coin is understandable for me, it's a jubilee 1600-th year. But I don't know what means a mark under Holy door (Porta santa) - shield with 3 vertical lines. It's interesting for me, because I don't saw this mark at coins with other dates (only 1600). Also I'll be grateful for valuation of this teston.


Also I have teston of 1643 (Urbano VIII). It was bought at Varesi 60, total cost is about 600 EUR. How do you think, is it normal price?


[iTA] Hi! Il mio nome è Alessandro, Russia. Ho comprato un 1600 testone di recente (Papa Clemente VIII). La trama della medaglia è chiaro per me, è dedicato alla ricorrenza nel 1600. Ma io non so che cosa significa l'icona del porta santa. Io sarà anche grato per la valutazione di questo testone.

Ho anche testone 1643, Urbano VIII. L'ho comprato in Varese 60 per 600 euro. Pensi che questo è il prezzo normale?


Inviato (modificato)

Hello, the coat of arms you can see on the reverse of this testone, under the Holy Door, is the mint mark of Rome, three keys:


It’s not easy to estimate this coin only seeing the image of the reverse; however, it isn't a rare type, in good condition as your exemplar (VF), I think its value may be around 150-180 €.

The testone of Urban VIII is a beautiful coin, very rare and well-preserved, I think that the sum paid is not excessive for its quality.


Modificato da rcamil

Inviato (modificato)

Thank you for answer. I'd like to know little more about this mint mark. May be you have a link with detailed information? I don't remember this mint mark at other Papal coins.

I attach the full image. Sorry for my inattention.

7f84e44b1755aa9320f71c7107255a4c.png b886eef149b04a81d4d679f57117da3b.png

I was looking for this teston at mcsearch, but I found other type only (door laid by bricks). Last sales of these coins are about 250-300 USD + auction fee - link. Although I noticed that prices in Italy are lower usually.

Modificato da Blind Willy


I think for the Clemente VIII the price correct is more or less 200€ ( max. 250€ ), while for the Urbano VIII 600€ is a right price.


It's interesting... I found what means a legend of teston (1600). It's a psalm 117-20: Haec porta Domini iusti intrabunt in eam (the righteous shall enter into them). But text was modified, and was written per eam (through them). I think it's not an accidental mistake. Text was changed because pilgrims pass through the Holy door in temple. Do you agree? Sorry for my English.


I don't now.... for these types of coins between the XVI century and the first part of the XVII the mistakes of coniage are very very usually.... in eam or per eam I think the message of Romans Church was the seam. ( my english is very more bad than your, I'm sorry ). see you.


It's interesting... I found what means a legend of teston (1600). It's a psalm 117-20: Haec porta Domini iusti intrabunt in eam (the righteous shall enter into them). But text was modified, and was written per eam (through them). I think it's not an accidental mistake. Text was changed because pilgrims pass through the Holy door in temple. Do you agree? Sorry for my English.

Good point. It's not unusual on papal coins to find slight adaptations to the original religious text.

I looked at Muntoni (the standard reference for papal coins; your testone is in Vol.II, p.109, n.21) but it doesn't say anything more about the mint mark, just "Exergue: RO - MA besides shield n.125 (Mint)". Obviously shield 125 is the one with the three keys.

Two beautiful coins, by the way. Congratulations.

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