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Brasile 20 Reis 1829 B (40 reis contromarcati)

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Vi chiedo notizie sulla monetona del titolo, emessa dal Brasile nel 1829 all'inizio della sua storia di nazione indipendente, quando era ancora un Impero, monarca regnante Pedro I, segno di zecca B, nata come un pezzo da 40 Reis e successivamente contromarcata con il valore da 20 reis.

Sarei curioso di sapere quando è stata fatta la contromarca e per quali motivi, ed inoltre se conoscete altre curiosità su questi pezzi, dato che non sono un esperto di monetazione brasiliana......sono altresì gradite notizie sulla tiratura, e sull'eventuale valore di mercato........;)




Non ho mai approfindito la monetazione sudamericana, che è una delle mie lacune più grandi, per le monete del XIX secolo, unitamente all'estremo oriente; posso solo dirti che queste monete sono molto più comuni contromarcate, piuttosto che intonse. C'era un sito, che avevo preso come riferimento per queste monete, ma non lo trovo più... sorry :whome:


Mi sa che abbiamo le stesse lacune.....anche se io piano piano mi stò interessando alle monete del Sud America, perchè certe sono molto belle esteticamente.......;)


Ti riporto quanto trovato su internet su questa parte della storia monetaria brasiliana. Per ragioni di tempo non traduco dall'inglese ma mi pare abbastanza comprensibile:

The first monetary system (1831-1833), still in the Regency, maintained the form adopted since the discovery of Brazil, in the Colonial and United Kingdom periods: national coin and provincial coin. Or be, one destined to whole country and other with restricted circulation on certain region.

The gold coins continued to be minted in the values of 4,000 and 6,400 reis and had D. Pedro II boy's effigy, done by the artist Azevedo Carlos Custodio. The same pattern of the previous periods was conserved in the silver coins. Besides the coinage of copper coins in the mint house of Rio de Janeiro and in the foundry houses (small regional mint houses) of Sao Paulo, Goias and Cuiaba, for local use. A great control was imposed on the copper coins, because of the continuous falsifications.

The initiate measures to withdrawal in Bahia during the First Reign, extended to the whole country in 1833, being the copper coins changed in the Provincial Treasuries by notes emitted by National Treasury. Also has been started to countermarking those coins, being reduced the values and restricting to regional areas of circulation.

Later, in 1835, was determined the application of a national countermark seeking to the unification of the coins in circulation, turning unnecessary all the regional countermarks. This stamp reduced the national copper coins in half of the face value, and the provincial ones to the fourth part (exceptions existed).

Besides the official countermarking, the revolts that convulsed the country during the Regency propitiated the creation of local stamps, representative of those revolts, as the Ico (Ceara, 1829-1832), the Cabanagem (Para, 1835-1840), the Republic of Piratini, allusive to the Farroupilha revolution (Rio Grande do Sul, 1835-1845), and others.

  • Mi piace 1


ed ancora:

The second system (1833-1848) it is differed of the others for being the first genuinely Brazilian Monetary System and not a simple continuation of the colonial. The weak (provincial) and strong (national) systems were abolished, the coinage was centralized at the Rio de Janeiro Mint and became unified the gold standard. The coin of 10,000 reis is created with D. Pedro II boy's effigy. Proclaimed the Emperor's majority in 1840, such coins started to show D. Pedro II bust as adolescent, in admiral's uniform.

Regarding to the silver coins, the reform brought radical modifications, the old series of the patacas 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640 and 960 reis, were substituted by the "cruzados", in the values of 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1,200 reis.

The notes used in the change of the copper (troco do cobre), as well as the banknotes of the extinct Bank of Brazil, which were abundantly falsified, were substituted by notes of National Treasury manufactured in England by Perkins, Bacon & Petch, which had security characteristics more difficult to be falsified.

With the crescent increase of the population and the shortage of precious metals, the emissions in paper are going being imposed to assist to the expansion of the businesses which demanded resources distributed in the most several regions. This way, the several dispersed private banks on the Empire's provinces, started to have of the right of emitting, and this banking plurality provoked, between 1836 and 1853, great circulation of letters, promissory and vouchers of private banks, in the places of their headquarters, beside of the official emissions. This fact destabilizes the system, and several banks enter in bankruptcy.


A proposito di Sud America giusto oggi pensavo, avendo tranne rari casi compleatato la monetazione decimale peruviana per quanto riguarda i metalli non nobili (oro e argento), di intraprendere un onerosissimo lavoro che ne mostrasse le differenze nelle tipologie e gli errori del Krause (ce ne sono diversi) per aiutare a districarsi in questo complesso panorama. Pare però che ci sia qualche difficolta tecnica che per ora mi costringe a temporeggiare...


Sarebbe una discussione di sicuro interesse.......spero che tu possa superare molto presto le difficoltà tecniche cui accenni......;))


Sarebbe una discussione di sicuro interesse.......spero che tu possa superare molto presto le difficoltà tecniche cui accenni......;))


;) v.

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