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Livia o Livilla ?

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Ricordo di avere letto che il ritratto raffigurato sul dupondio di Tiberio

Coh. 1 RIC Tiberius 43, di cui allego una foto del diritto, non sia quello di livia, come generalmente ritenuto, ma quello di Livilla.

Qualcuno può confermarmi questa convinzione, magari con un riferimento bibliografico?


NB: se fosse Livilla, la moneta avrebbe un soverchio interesse, essendo un nuovo membro della famiglia giulio claudiaraffigurato sui nummi e per la vita disinvolta del personaggio. Livilla sposò inizialmente Caio, nipote di Augusto e destinato alla successione, ma egli, come noto, morì prematuramente. In seguitò soposò Druso, figlio di Tiberio, anch'egli destinato al trono, anch'egli perì prematuramente per mano di Seiano, il perfido prefetto del pretorio che lo vedeva come ostacolo alla sua personale scalata al potere, A questo assaassinio sembra non sia stata estranea Livilla stessa che forse era l'amante di Seiano. Fatto sta che stavolta sbagliò i suoi calcoli, da due volte promessa prima donna dell'impero, venne esiliata e morì in esilio dimenticata da tutti.


Modificato da caiuspliniussecundus

Inviato (modificato)

Da un commento di un'asta CNG:

The personification on the obverse of this type has long been traditionally identified with Livia, the mother of Tiberius; Sutherland accordingly followed this conclusion, though with some hesitation. Drusus Caesar's name in the legend dates it squarely to the period shortly before his death in 23 AD and as part of the larger series extolling imperial virtues and dynastic succession. Only, three years before, Drusus' wife Livilla gave birth to twin sons (see lot 26 below). Thus, as Pietas, Livilla would have been a more logical model for Pietas than Livia, who by then was in her late 70s. Livilla had fulfilled her familial duty by producing heirs for a new, Claudian dynasty. At the same time, Sejanus, Tiberius' praefectus praetorio was on the ascendant and he attempted to ally himself with the imperial family by marrying Drusus' widow. Rumors had already been circultating that he had had a hand in the death of Drusus; these implications spread to Livilla as well who was soon revealed as having had an affair with Sejanus, even before Drusus' death.

Questo da un'asta NAC (credo la 38)

This dupondius belongs to a series of nine aera issued by Tiberius in 22/23 in his name, and that of his son and heir Drusus. The series is meant to introduce a new dynastic arrangement and to celebrate some of Tiberius’ proudest achievements. It has three dupondii – including this Pietas type – each of which bears a portrait of a woman that traditionally has been described as Livia or merely as the personification named in the accompanying inscription. The bust on this coin does not seem to be Livia or Pietas, but Drusus’ wife Livilla. It was first described as such in the 1880 Numismatic Chronicle by A. Colson. Since his new identification was not published in time for Cohen to consider it for the second edition of his eight-volume catalogue on Roman coins, Colson’s epiphany had little effect on researchers who compiled the standard works of the twentieth century. The confusion on the identification of the portrait may be attributed to the great influence of Cohen’s catalogue, in which he attributed to Livia all three portraits on the dupondii in the dated aes of 22/23. In reality, only one of them – the SALVS AVGVSTA dupondius – portrays Livia. Of the remaining two, the Pietas bust represents Livilla, and Justitia is the personification herself, as the type reflects the justice Tiberius achieved in court against Piso, who was said to have murdered Tiberius’ first heir Germanicus. There is much evidence to support the identification of the Pietas bust as Livilla, which has been gathered for a forthcoming monograph. Foremost is the fact that the coin is the centerpiece of the only three imperial coins issued in the name of Drusus during his lifetime: an as bearing his portrait, this dupondius with the portrait of his wife Livilla, and a sestertius showing cornucopias topped with the heads of their twin boys Tiberius Gemellus and Germanicus Gemellus. The three coins represent a ‘family set’ of coinage organized in descending denominational order, which celebrates the relatives that Tiberius intended to succeed himself and his mother Livia. Though Tiberius must have issued these coins with great satisfaction, his joy vanished when Drusus died soon thereafter. Nearly a decade would pass before Tiberius learned his son had been poisoned by Livilla, who was in league with the prefect Sejanus, to target not only Drusus, but Tiberius himself.

da un'asta USB:

First married to Gaius Caesar, grandson of Augustus, she was widowed in 4 AD when Gaius died of wounds received in battling the Parthians. She then married Drusus, son of Tiberius and was seduced by the prefect Sejanus. It was speculated that her twin sons were not from Drusus but from Sejanus. She plotted and killed her husband, Drusus, with Sejanus who aspired to become emperor. The background of the plot became known to Tiberius and the illicit couple were both executed.

NB: la monetina qui sotto riportata (lotto 9 dell'asta 38 NAC) ha fatto la bellezza di 15000 franchi, è in effetti un esemplare magnifico


Modificato da caiuspliniussecundus


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