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Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum. (Stanley Lane-Poole)

- v. 1. The coins of the Eastern khaleefehs, 1875, 300p.

- v. 2. The coins of the Mohammadan dynasties, 1876, 306p.

- v. 3. The coins of the Turkuman houses of Seljook, Urtuk, Zengee, etc., 1877, 356p.

- v. 4. The coinage of Egypt: (A. H. 358-922) under the Fatimee khaleefehs, the Ayyoobees, and the Memlook sultans, 1879, 329p.

- v. 5. The coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain: and the kings and imams of the Yemen, 1880, 241p.

- v. 6. The coins of the Mongols, 1881, 393p.

- v. 7. The coinage of Bukhara (Transoxiana) ... from the time of Timur to the present day, 1882, 191p.

- v. 8. The coins of the Turks, 1883, 519p.

- v. 9. Additions to the Oriental collection, 1889, 469p.

By Henri Lavoix

- Catalogue des monnaies musulmanes de la bibliotheque nationale (French)

- v.1. Khalifes orientaux, 1887, 625p.

- v.2. Espagne et Afrique, 1891, 668p.

- v.3. Egypte et Syrie, 1896, 608p.

- Monnaies a lagendes arabes frappees en Syrie par les Croises, (French) 1877, 60p.

By Tiesenhausen

- Melanges de Numismatique Orientale (French), 1875, 79p.

- Notice sur une collection de monnaies Orientales (French), 1880, 65p.

- Monety vostochnago khalifata (Russian), 1873, 442p.

- O samanidskix monetah (Russian), 1853, 277p.

- Numizmaticheskiya novinki (Russian), 1892, 40p.

-. Vostochnqe monety Linevicha (Russian), 1890, 1896, 57p.

By Christian Martin Fraehn

- Moneti hanov ulusa Dzhuchieva ili Zolotoy Ordi s monetami raznih inih muhammedanskih dinastiy (Russian) / Die Munzen der Chane vom Ulus Dschutschi's oder von der Goldenen Horde (Latin), 1832, 113p.

- Recensio numorum muhammedanorum (Latin), 1826, 858p.

- Opusculorum postumorum (Latin), 1855, 472p., 1877, 510p.

- Das muhammedanische Munzkabinet des asiatischen Museums (German) 122p.

- De il Chanorum seu Chulaguidarum numis, 1834, 91p.

- Numi Kufici 1824, 100p.

- Quinque centuriae numorum anecdotorum chalifarum cum umeijadarum tum abbasidarum 1840, 61p.

- Numophylacium orientale Pototianum, 1813, 80p.

- Beitrage zur muhammedanischen Munzkunde aus St. Petersburg, 1818, 76p.

By Stanley Lane-Poole

- Catalogue arabic coins Khedivial librari at Cairo, 1897, 396p.

- Catalogue arabic glass weights, 1891, 187p.

- Coins of the Muwahhids, 1873, 28p.

- Coins of the Urturki turkumans, 1875, 64p.

- Collection of oriental coins, 1874, 51p.

- Essays in oriental numismatics, 1872-1874, 227p.

- Unedited Arabic Coins, 1874, 1877, 77p.

- The Mohammadan dynasties, 1894, 415p.

- Fasti Arabici 1885-1892, 70p.

By Codrington

- A manual of Musalman numismatics, 1904, 251p.

- On a hoard of coins found at Broach, 1883, 38p.

- Some rare Arabic and Persian coins. 1889, 43p.

By Nutzel

- Katalog der orientalischen munzen in den Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin (German)

- b.I. Die Munzen der ostlichen Chalifen, 1898, 452p.

- b.II. Die Munzen der muslimischen Dynastieen Spaniens und des westlichen Nordafrika, 1902,


- Nutzel. Munzen der Rasuliden, (German), 1891, 80p.

By Stickel

- Das grossherzogliche orientalische Munzcabinet zu Jena (German), 1845, 1870, 258p.

- Zur muhammedanische munzen (German), 1857-79, 131p.

By Tornberg

- Numi cufici Regii numophylacii holmiensis (Swedish), 1848, 435p.

- Symbole numariam muhammedanorum (Latin) 1847-1862, 194p.

By Tychsen

- Introductio in rem numariam Muhammedanorum (Latin) 1794, 256p., 1796, 119p.

- Almakrizii historia monetae Arabicae, 1797, 176p.

By Zambaur

- Contributions a la numismatique Orientale (French), 1905, 83p., 1906, 88p.

- Nouvelles Contributions a la Numismatique Orientale (French), 1914, 78p.

By Hallenberg

- Ex occasione nummi cufici (Swedish),1796, 80p.

- Collectio nummorum cuficorum (Swedish), 1800, 93p.

- Numismata orientalia (Swedish), 1822, 376p.

By Sauvaire

- Materiaux la numismatique et de la metrologie musulmanes, (French), 1882-1888, 370, 202, 340pp.

- Le Besant d'or Sarrazinas pendant les croisades (French), 1880, 49p.

Lettres Soret and general Bartholomae

- M.F. Soret. Trois lettres sur des medailles orientales inedites trouvees a Bokhara 1843, 33p.

- M.F. Soret. Lettre sur les medailles orientales inedites, 1851 (a de Fraehn), 89p.

- M.F. Soret. Lettre a M. Lelewel quelques medailles orientales inedites, 1854, 22p.

- M.F. Soret. Lettre sur les medailles orientales, 1854 (a M. Sawelief), 72p.

- M.F. Soret. Lettre sur les medailles orientales inedites, 1856 (a M. le l'academicien de Dorn), 94p.

- M.F. Soret. Lettre sur les medailles orientales inedites, 1858 (M. le colonel aux gardes de Bartholomae), 84p.

- M.F. Soret. Lettre a le capitane Kossikowsky sur des monnaies djoudjides, 1860, 46p.

- general Bartholomae. Lettre a M.F. Soret sur des monnaies koufiques 1859-1964, 313p.

- M.F. Soret. Lettre a M.R. Chalon sur des Elements de la numismatique musulmane 1964-1966, 247p.

By Dorn

- Monnaies des khalifes orientaux (French), 1877, 80p.

- Monnaies de defferentes dynasties musulmanes (French), 1881, 195p.

- Munzen Turkistan (German)1880, 65p.

By Grigor'ev

- Opisanie kuficheskix monet X veka naydennix v Ryazanskoy gubernii (Russian) 1841, 58p.

- Opisanie klada zolotoordinskix monet (Russian) 1850, 69p.

- Moneti Djuchidov, Genuescev i Gireiv na Tavricheskom poluostrove (Russian) 1843, 42p.

By Retowski

- Numismatics Girei (Russian), 1889, 1893, 77p.

- Monnaies genoises-tatares (Russian) 1906-1914, 101p.

- Die Munzen der Girei, v. I and v.II (German) 1901, 74p., 1903, 104p.

By Markov

- Inventarny Katalog Musulmanskikh monet (Russian) 1896, 879p

- Katalog Dzhelairidskih monet iz sobraniya Ermitazha (Russian), 1897, 166p.

- Registre general monnaies orientales (Russian) 1891, 48p.

- Topografiya kladov vostochnqh monet - sasanidskih i kuficheskih (Russian) 1910, 155p.

By Casanova

- Numismatique des Danichmendites (French) 1894-1896, 96p.

- Dinars inedits du Yemen 1894, 24p.

- Sceaux arabes en plomb 1894, 33p.

- Catalogue of Coins of the Imperial Ottoman Museum (Meskukat-i Kadime-i Islamiye) (Turkish - Ottoman Arabic Script)

- v.1. Catalogue des monnaies Turcomanes 1311AH, 227p.

- v.2. Catalogue des monnaies des Khalifes 1312AH, 535p.

- v.3. Catalogue of Ottoman coinage 1318AH, 302p.

- v.4. Catalogue of Anatolian Beylik dynasties, 1321AH, 607p.

- v.6. Early catalog of Ottoman coinage, 1334AH, 466p.

- Ahmed Ziva. Meskukat-i Islamiye Takvimi (Catalogue of islamic coins) 1910, 196p.

- Halil Edhem. Kursun muhur Katalogu 1904, 66p.

- I.Galib Edhem Catalogue des monnaies Turcomanes (French), 1894, 209p.

- Ismail Galib. Takvim-i Meskukat-i Osmaniyye (Catalogue of Ottoman Coins) 1890, 556p.

- Ismail Galib. Takvim-i Meskukat-i Selcukiye (Catalogue of Seljuq Coins) 1891, 185p.

Dictionary of Islam

- Thomas Patrick Hughes. Dictionary of Islam. (Being a cyclopaedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Mohammedan religion.) Ed. 2, 1896, 760p.

Different works

- Reinaud. Lettres de la numismatique arabe (French),1839, 216p.

- Drouin. Notice sur les Monnaies Mongoles (French), 1896, 60p.

- Silvestre de Sacy. Traite des monnoies musulmanes (French), 1797, 89p.

- Sawaszkiewicz. Le genie de l'Orient, 1846, 242p.

- Sawelief. Monety djuchidof (Russian), 1857, 191p 1858, 174p.

- Markov. Katalog Dzhelairidskih monet iz sobraniya Ermitazha (Russian), 1897, 166p.

- Markov. Registre general monnaies orientales (Russian) 1891, 48p.

- Fasmer. Kuficheskie moneti Pereyaslovskogo klada (Russian) 1914, 54p.

- Vel'yaminov-Zernov. Monety Buharskiya i Hivinskiya (Russian) 1859, 131p.

- Herman Frank. Die baltisch-arabischen Fundmunzen. 1908, 173p.

- Lindberg. Om de kufiske Munter i Vaalse-Fundet, 1842, 95p.

- Lindberg. Essai sur les monnaies coufiques famille des Bouides 1844, 82p.

- Ludolf Krehl. De numis muhammadanis (Latin), 1856, 120p.

- Moller. De numis orientalibus in numophylacio Gothano asservatis. Numos chalifarum (Latin), 1826, 193p.

- Pietraszewski. Numi Mohammedani (German), 1843, 168p.

- Nesselmann. Die orientalischen Munzen des akademischen munzcabinets (German), 1858, 192p.

- Dombay. Marrokanischen Munzen (German), 1803, 61p.

- Otto Blau. Nachlese orientalischer munzen (German), 1875, 1876, 57p.

- Otto Blau. Die orientalischen munzen des Museums der Kaiserlichen Historisch (German), 1876, 99p.

- Chas. J. Rodgers. Catalogue of the coins miscellaneous muhammadan coins, 1894, 228p.

- E. T. Rogers. Notice on the Dinars of the abbasside dynasty, 1874, 49p.

- E. T. Rogers. The coins of the Tuluni dynasrty, 1877, 28p.

- Rogers Bey. Collection of Mohammadan Coins, 1883, 65p.

- The history the atabeks of Syria and Persia, 1848, 44p.

- Valentine. Modern copper coins of the muhammadan states, 1911, 228p.

- Hoernle. Catalogue of the Central Asiatic coins, 1889, 56p.

- Bartolomeo Lagumina. Catalogo delle monete arabe (Italian), 1892, 267p.

- Isaia Ghiron. Monete arabiche del gabinetto numismatico di Milano (Italian), 1878, 91p.

- Adler. Museum Cuficum Borgianum (Italian), 1872, 196p.

- Mortillaro. Delle monete arabo-sicule (Italian), 1846, 116p.

- Spinelli. Monete cufiche battute da principi Longobardi Normanni (Italian), 1844, 347p.

- Descrizione di alcune monete cufiche del museo di Stefano di Mainoni (Italian), 1820, 137p.

Numismatica arabigo-espanola

- Catalogo de monedas arabigas Espanolas en el museo arqueologico nacional (Spanish), 1892, 284p.

- Catalogo de las monedas Arabigo-Espanolas, 1861, 56p.

- Monedas de las dinastias arabigo-espanolas (Spanish), 1893, 642p.

- Tratado de Numismatica arabigo-espanola (Spanish), 1879, 393p.

- Titulos honorificos y monedas arabico-espanolas (Spanish), 1878, 89p.

- Numismatica Malaguena (Spanish), 1880, 59p.

- Memoria sobre la moneda arabiga 1804, 99p.

- Los reyes de Taifas. Estudio historico-numismatico de los musulmanes espanoles (Spanish), 1926, 298p.

- Errores de varios numismaticos extranjeros al tratar de las monedas arabigo-espanolas (Spanish), 1874, 35p.

- Miscelanea de estudios y textos arabes (Spanish), 1915, 779p.

- Descriprion monnaies Espagnoles. Monnaies arabes (French), 1852, 94p.

Numismatics of Georgia

- M. Barataev. Documents numismatiques du royaume de Georgie (Russian, French), 1844, 585p.

- V. Langlois. Numismatique de la Georgie au Moyen Age (French), 1852, 57p.

- V. Langlois. Essai de classification des suites monetaires de la Georgie (French), 1860, 169p.

- Brosset. Rapport sur l'ouvrage intitule revue de numismatique georgienne (French), 1847, 88p.

Numismatics of Persia

- Oliver. The Safavi dinasty of Persia, 1887, 41p.

- Rabino. Coins of the shahs of Persia 1908-1915, 55p.

- Stuart Poole. Catalogue of coins of the shahs of Persia in the British museum, 1887, 481p.

Numismatics of Afghanistan

- Edward Thomas. On the coins of the Kings of Ghazni 1847, 125p. 1858, 74p.

- Oliver. The decline of the Samanis and the rise of the Ghaznavis coins, 1886, 51p.

- Longworth Dames. The coins of the Durranis, 1888, 40p.

- White King. History and coinage of the Barakzai dynasty of Afghanistan, 1896, 70p.

- Whitehead. Catalogue of the coins in the Panjab museum, LahoreVol. III - Coins of Nadir Shah and the Durrani dynasty 1934, 294p.

Ancient and Medieval Indian numismatic

Ancient Coins of India

- A study of Ancient Indian Numismatics, 1931, 255p.

- Alfred von Sallet. Die nachfolger Alexanders des grossen in Baktrien und Indien, 1879, 237p.

- Catalogue of the coins of the Guptas, Maukharis (in the provincial museum Lucknow) 1920, 54p.

- Christian Lassen. Zur Geschichte der griechischen und indoskytischen Konige in Baktrien, Kabul und Indien durch Entzifferung der altkabulischen Legenden auf ihren Munzen 1838, 295p.

- Dr. Carl Ludwig Grotefend. Die Munzen der Konige von Baktrien, 1839, 119p.

- Drouin. Chronologie et numismatique des rois Indo-Scythes, 1888, 50p.

- Hermann Oldenberg. On the dates of ancient Indian inscriptions and coins. 1881, 49p.

- Jacquet. Notice de medailles bactriennes et indo-scythiques rapportee par general Allard, 1836, 71p.

- John Allan. Catalogue of the coins of the Gupta dynasties, 1914, 369p.

- Lectures on ancient Indian numismatics, 1921, 243p.

- Masson. Ancient coins found at Beghram, in the Konistan of Kabul, 1834, 76p.

- Phys Davids. On the ancient coins and measures of Ceylon, 1877, 64p.

- Prinsep. Ancient Hindu coins, 1835, 65p.

- Prinsep. Historical results from Bactrian coins discoveries in Afghanistan 1844, 167p.

- Prinsep, Thomas. Essays on Indian Antiquities Historic, Numismatic, and Paleographic, 1858, 562, 634pp.

- Stein. Notes the monetary system ancient Kasmir, 1899, 51p.

- Wilson. Ariana Antiqua. A descriptive account of the antiquities and coins of Afghanistan, 1841, 511p.

- Wilson. Greco-Bactrian coins, 1837, 42p.

By V. A. Smith

- Classified and detailed catalogue of the gold coins of the Gupta dynasty, 1884, 94p.

- Coinage of the Gupta dynasty, 1889, 169p.

- History and coinage of the Gupta period, 1893, 49p.

- Observations on the Gupta coinage, 1893, 82p.

- Andhra history and coinage, 1902-1903, 53p.

- The Kushan or Indo-Scythian period of Indian history 1903, 67p.

- Numismatic notes and novelties 1897-1898, 38p.

By A. Cunningham

- Coins Alexander's Successors in the East 1868-1873, 360p.

- Coins of Ancient India, 1891, 151p.

- Coins of Medieval India, 1894, 139p.

- Coins of the Indo-Scythians and Kushans, 1888-1894, 450p.

- The Ancient coinage of Kashmir 1843, 43p.

Catalogue of the coins in the Indian Museum Calcutta

- Vol. I - Ancient coins 1906, 426p.

- Vol. II - Sultans of Delhi and contemporary dinasties in India, 1907, 342p.

- Vol. III - Mughal emperors 1908, 491p.

- Vol. IV - Coins of Awadh; Coins of Mysore and miscellaneous coins of South India; Western India, Rajputana and Central India 1928, 446p.

- Supplementary catalogue (Non-Muhammadan series) 1927, 113p.


Catalogue of Indian coins in the British Museum

- John Allan. Catalogue of the coins of Ancient India, 1936, 524p.

- E.J. Rapson. Catalogue of the coins of the Andhra dynasty, 1908, 518p.

- Percy Gardner. The coins of the Greek Scythic kings of Bactria and India, 1886, 332p.

- Stanley Lane-Poole. The coins of the Sultans of Dehli, 1884, 269p.

- Stanley Lane-Poole. The coins of the Muhammadan states of India, 1885, 347p.

- Stanley Lane-Poole. The coins of the moghul emperors of Hindustan, 1892, 636p.

- John Allan.Indian coins acquired by British museum 1921-1937, 74p.

By C. J. Brown

- Catalogue of coins of the mughal emperors (provincial museum Lucknow), 1920, 134, 471pp.

- Coins of India, 1922, 154p.

By Chas. J. Rodgers

- Coins of the Indian museum

Vol. I. - Sultans of Dehli, 1893, 185p.

Vol. II. - Mogul emperors of India, 1894, 277p.

Vol. III. - Ancient and Medieval coins of India, 1895, 165p.

- Coins of the mogul emperors of India, 1893, 299p.

- Coin-collecting in northern India, 1894, 160p.

- Supplement to Thomas Chronicles of the Pathan kings of Dehli, 1880-1896, 72p.

- Catalogue of the coins collected by Rodgers, 1894, 228p., 1895, 148p.

- The square silver coins of the Sultans of Kashmir, 1885, 55p.

By E. J. Rapson

- Indian coins, 1898, 70p.

- Sources of Indian history – coins, 1897, 66p.

- Notes on Indian Coins and Seals, 1900-1905, 128p.

- The coinage of the Mahaksatrapas and Ksatrapas of Surastra and Malava, 1899, 52p.

By Edward Thomas

- Ancient Indian weights, 1874, 84p.

- Bactrian coins, 1857-1877, 174p.

- Coins of the Patan Sultans of Dehli, 1871, 497p.

- Coins of the Patan Sultans of Hindustan, 1847, 122p.

- Supplementary contributions series of the coins of the Patan sultans Hindustan, 1853, 62p.

- Jainism or The early faith of Asoka, 1877, 112p.

- Intial coinage of Bengal, 1866, 1873, 132p.

- Records of the Gupta dynasty, 1876, 70p.

- The epoch of the Sah kings of Surashtra, 1848, 100p.

By Whitehead

- Catalogue of the coins in the Panjab museum Lahore

Vol. I - Indo-greek coins,1914, 271p.

Vol. II – coins Mughal emperors, 1914, 603p.

Vol. III - Coins of Nadir Shah and the Durrani dynasty 1934, 294p.

- Catalogue of the collection of coins illustrative of the History of the rulers of Delhi up to

1858, 1910, 101p.

- Notes on Indo-Greek numismatics, 1923, 58p.

- Some notable coins of the Mughal Emperors of India 1923-30, 127p.

- The mint towns of the Mughal emperors of India, 1912, 108p.

- The pre-mohammedan coinage of Northwestern India, 1922, 89p.

Numismatic supplement Journal of Asiatic society of Bengal

- Vol. 1-16 (1904-1911), 350p.

- Vol. 17-32 (1912-1918), 445p.

- Vol. 33-37 (1920-1924), 418p.

Different works

- Bhattasali. Coins and chronology of the early independent sultans of Bengal 1922, 200p.

- Catalogue of Mysore coins in the collection of the covernment museum Bangalore 1889, 66p.

- Catalogue of the coins in the prince of Sales museum Western India Bombay (The sultans of Gujarat), 1935, 195p.

- Clive Basyley. Remarks on certain dates occurring on the coins of the hindu kings of Kabul, 1882, 48p.

- Elliot. Coins Of Southern India 1886, 184p.

- Henderson. The coins Haidar Ali and Tipu sultan, 1921, 151p.

- Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics, 1923, 383p.

- Jackson. The dominions, emblems, and coins of the south Indian dynasties, 1913, 109p.

- John Allan. Coinage af Assam, 1909, 37p.

- Longworth Dames. Some coins of the Mughal Emperors, 1902, 39p.

- Lowsley. Coins and tokens of Ceylon, 1895, 62p.

- Nelson Wright. Coinage and metrology of the sultans of Delhi, 1936, 448p.

- Nelson Wright. The coinage of the sultans of Malwa, 1931-32, 98p.

- Probyn. Indian coinage and currency, 1897, 137p.

- Reinaud. Explication de cinq medialles des anciens rois musulmans du Bengale, 1823, 57p.

- Supplement to the catalogue of the provincial cabinet of coins Assam, 1919, 380p.

- Taylor. Coins Ahmadabad, 1900, 46p.

- Taylor. Coins of the Gujarat saltanat, 1904, 75p.

- Theobald. Notes on some of the symbols found on the Punch-marked coins of Hindustan 1890, 96p.

- Thurston. Government Museum - Coins in the Madras museum, 1888, 180p.

- Tuffnell. Coins of Southern India, 1890, 51p.

- Valentine. The copper coins of India, 1914

Vol. 1 - Bengal and the United provinces, 135p.

Vol. 2 - Panjab and contiguous Native states, 147p.

- White King. History and coinage of Malwa, 1903-04, 88p.

- Wiliam Wilfrid Webb. The currencies of the Hindu states of Rajiputana, 1893, 178p.

- William Marsden. Numismata Orientalia illustrara V.2 (The oriental coins, ancient and

modern) 1825, 473p

Coins of the British India

- Atkins. The coins and tokens of the possessions and colonies of the British Empire, 1889, 410p.

- Howorth. Coins and tokens of the English colonies, 1890, 94p.

- Prinsep. Coins weights and measures of British India, 1834, 106p.

- Thurston. History of the coinage East India Company, 1890, 165p.

Byzantine and Sasanian numismatics

Byzantine coins

- J. Sabatier. Description generale des monnaies Byzantines (French), 1862, 366p, 410p.

- J. Sabatier. Revue de la numismatique Byzantine (French), 1850, 55p.

- Marchant. Melanges de numismatique et d'histoire, ou, Correspondance sur les medailles (French) 1818, 140p.

- Essai de classification des suites monetaires Byzantinis 1836, 502p.

- Essai de classification des suites monetaires Byzantinis. Planches, 1836, 68p.

- Warwick Wroth. Catalogue imperial Byzantine coins in the British museum 1908, 460p, 415p.

- Penon. Description de quelques medailles byzantines 1855-1858, 119p.

- Schlumberer. Melanges d'Archeologie Byzantine, 1889, 394p.

- Schlumberer. Sceaux Byzantins inedits, 1889-1905, 136p.

- Mordtmann. Sur les sceaux et plombs Byzantins 1873, 67p.

- Charles Du Fresne Du Cange. Historia Byzantina. Familiae Byzantinae 1680, 382p.

- Die Munzen Justinians (German), 1843, 84p.

- Kohne. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Archaologie von cherronesos in Taurien. Die Byzantinische Zeit (German), 1849, 104p.

- Tolstoi. Monnaies Byzantines (Russian), vol 1-9, 1912–1914, 1140p.

Western & provincial Byzantine coins

- Warwick Wroth. Catalogue of the coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards, and of the empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and Trebizond in the British museum, 1911, 488p.

- Pfaffenhoffen. Essai sur les Aspres Comnenats, ou blancs d'argent de Trebisonde (French), 1847, 139p.

- Retowski. Die Munzen der Komnenen von Trapezunt (German), 1910, 207p.

- Kohne. Die Komnenischen Silbermunzen mit dem Heligen Eugenius (German), 1849, 54p.

- Kunik. O Russko-byzantiyskix monetax Jaroslava Vladimirovicha (Russian), 1860, 182p.

Coins of Parthia

- Warwick Wroth. Catalogue of the coins of Parthia 1903, 414p.

- Scott. On Parthian coins 1855, 50p.

- Percy Gardner. The Parthian coinage 1877, 83p.

- Lindsay. A view of the history and coinage of the Parthiaans 1852, 280p.

- Prokesch-Osten. Les monnaies des rois Parthes (French) 1874-1875, 81p.

- Allotte de la Fuye. Monnaies arsacides (French) 1904-1905, 127p.

- Longperier. Memoires sur la chronologie des rois Parthes Arsacides (French) 1853-1888, 198p.

- Bartholomaei. Recherches sur la numismatique Arsacide (French) 1848, 89p.

- Newell. A Parthian Hoard, 1924, 50p.

- Markoff. Les monnaies des rois Parthes (French) 1877, 117p.

- Markoff. Monnaies arsagides, subarsacides, sassanides (French) 1889, 180p.

- Markoff. Unpublished coins of the Arsacidas (Russian) 1892, 1893, 64p.

Sasanian coins

- Thomas. Sasanian coins 1872-1873, 100p.

- Thomas. Parthian and Indo-Sasanian coins 1870, 50p.

- Thomas. Early Sassanian inscriptions seals and coins 1868, 144p.

- Thomas. The Pehlevi coins of the early Mohammedan Arabs, 1849, 101p.

- Thomas. Comments on recent Pehlvi deciphermets, 1872, 56p.

- Thomas. Notes introductory to Sassanian mint, 1852, 62p.

- Valentine. Sassanian coins 1921, 120p.

- Vasmer. Unpublished Sassanian coins in the Ermitage Leningrad, 1928, 90p.

- West. Sassanian inscriptions explained by the Pahlavi of the Parsis, 1869, 50p.

- Mordtmann. Erklrung Der Munzen Mit Pehlevi-Legenden (German) 1854, 1858, 1865, 222, 58, 126pp.

- Mordtmann. Zur Pehlevi-Munzkunde (German) 1879, 1880, 63, 165p.

- Dorn. Pehlewy-Munzkunde (German) 1856-1881, 118p.

- Olshausen. Die Pehlewi-Legenden auf den Munzen 1843, 82p.

- Drouin. Les legendes des monnaies sassanides (French) 1898, 59p.

- Drouin. Observations sur les monnaies alegendes en pehlvi et pehlvi-arabe (French) 1884-1886, 93p.

- Adrien de Longperier. Essai sur les medailles des rois perses de la dynastie Sassanide (French) 1840, 120p.

- Morgan. Contribution a l'etude des ateliers monetaires sous la dynastie des rois sassanides de Perse (French) 1913, 127p.

- Morgan. Manuel de numismatique orientale. La Perse (French) 1923, 63p.

- Silvestre de Sacy. Memoires sur diverses antiquites de la Perse et sur les medailles des rois de la dynastie des Sassanides (French) 1793, 490p.

- Bartholomaei. Collection de monnaies sassanides (French) 1873, 45p.

  • Mi piace 1


General texts and handbooks

1. Ambrosoli. Monete Greche, 307p. 1899

2. Ambrosoli. Monete Greche. Numismatica Greca, 638p. 1917

3. Babelon. Monnaies Grecques, 160p. 1921

4. Barclay V. Head. Historia numorum a manual of Greek numismatics, 895p. 1887

5, 6. Barclay V. Head. Historia ton nomismaton (Greek)

Vol. I. Europa, 760p. 1898,

Vol. II. Asia, Afrika, 594p. 1898

7. Cadalvene. Recueil de medailles grecques inedites Europe, 288p. 1828

8-10. Ennio Quirino Visconti. Iconografia Greca

Vol. I, 518p. 1823,

Vol. II, 540p. 1824,

Vol. III, 487p. 1825

11. Evans. “Horsemen” of Tarentum. A contribution towards the numismatic history of Great

Greece, 262p. 1889

12. Forrer. Notes sur les signatures de graveurs sur les monnaies grecques, 391p. 1903-1906

13. Gardner. A history of ancient coinage 700-300 B.C, 498p. 1918

14. Gardner. Types of Greek coins, 292p. 1883

15. Hands. Common Greek coins, 180p. 1907

16. Hill. A handbook of Greek and Roman coins, 327p. 1899

17. Hill. Historical Greek coins, 225p. 1906

18-21. Sestini. Descrizione delle medaglie antiche Greche

Vol. I, 199p. 1828,

Vol. II, 418p. 1828,

Vol. III, 270p. 1829,

Vol. IV, 355p. 1830

22. Ward. Greek coins and their parent cities, 577p. 1902

Catalogues Greek coins

23-48. Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British museum

Vol. I. Italy (Poole, Head and Gardner, 441p. 1873).

Vol. II. Sicily (Poole, Head and Gardner, 303p. 1876).

Vol. III. The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, &c (Head and Gardner, 286p. 1877).

Vol. IV. Seleucid Kings of Syria (Gardner, 219p. 1878).

Vol.V. Macedonia (Head, 265p. 1879).

Vol. VI. The Ptolemies, Kings of Egypt (Poole, 363p. 1883).

Vol. VII. Thessaly to Aetolia (Gardner, 357p. 1883).

Vol. VIII. Central Greece (Head, 275p. 1884).

Vol. IX. Crete and the Aegean Islands (Wroth, 263p. 1886).

Vol. X. Peloponnesus (Gardner, 365p. 1887).

Vol. XI. Attica, Megaris, Aegina (Head, 305p. 1888).

Vol. XII. Corinth and Colonies (Head, 317p. 1889).

Vol. XIII. Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia and Kingdom of Bosporus (Wroth, 373p. 1889).

Vol. XIV. Mysia (Wroth, 327p. 1892).

Vol. XV. Alexandria and the Nomes (Poole, 570p. 1892).

Vol. XVI. Ionia (Head, 621p. 1892).

Vol. XVII. Troas, Aeolis and Lesbos (Wroth, 431p. 1894).

Vol. XVIII. Caria and the Islands (Head, 541p. 1897).

Vol. XIX. Lycia, Pamphylia and Pisidia (Hill, 568p. 1897).

Vol. XX. Galatia, Cappadocia and Syria (Wroth, 509p. 1899).

Vol. XXIII. Parthia (Wroth, 414p. 1903).

Vol. XXIV. Cyprus (Hill, 283p. 1904).

Vol. XXV. Phrygia (Head, 725p. 1906).

Vol. XXVI. Phoenicia (Hill, 607p. 1910).

Vol. XXVII. Palestine (Hill, 567p. 1914).

Vol. XXVIII. Arabia, Mesopotamia, Persia (Hill, 635p. 1922)

49. Barclay V. Head. A guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients, from circ.

B. C. 700 to A. D. 1, 272p. 1881

50. Percy Gardner. The coins of the Greek Scythic kings of Bactria and India, 332p. 1886

51. Wroth. Greek coins acquired by the British Museum, 416p. 1887-1903

52. Hill. Greek coins acquired by the British Museum, 327p. 1905-1929

53-58. Anson. Numismata Graeca. Greek coin-types, classified for immediate identification

Part I – Industry, 197p. 1911

Part II – War, 171p. 1911

Part III – Agriculture, 223p. 1912

Part IV – Religion, 151p. 1913

Part V – Architecture, 209p. 1914

Part VI - Science and the arts, 191p. 1916

59. Auctions-Catalog einer hochbedeutenden Sammlung Griechischer Munzen 94p. 1907

60, 61. Babelon. Catalogue des monnaies grecques de la Bibliotheque Nationale.

- Rois de Syrie, 559p. 1890

- Perses Achemenides, 687p. 1893

62. Babelon. Inventaire sommaire de la collection Waddington, 632p. 1898

63-72. Babelon. Traite des monnaies grecques et romaines

1e partie. Theorie et doctrine, 614p. 1901

2e partie. Description historique,

T.1 Monnaies grecques depuis les origines jusqu'aux guerres mediques, 556p. 1907

T.2 Monnaies de l'Empire des Perses Achemenides, de l'Orient semitique et de l'Asie

Mineure, 786p. 1910

T.3 Monnaies de la Grece centrale et meridionale, 577p. 1914

T.4 Monnaies de la Grece septentrionale, 555p. 1932

3e partie. Album des planches,

Vol.1 Planches I-LXXXV, 90p. 1907

Vol.2 Planches LXXXVI – CLXXXV, 106p. 1910

Vol.3 Planches CLXXXVI-CCLXX, 90p. 1916

Vol.4 Planches CCLXXI-CCCLV, 90p. 1932

73. Barclay V. Head. Chronological Sequence of the coins of Syracuse, 101p. 1874

74. Bement. A descriptive catalogue of Greek coins, 161p. 1921

75-77. Benson. Ancient Greek coins.

Vol. I. Magna Graecia, 85p. 1901

Vol. II. Syracuse, 100p. 1902

Vol. III. Sicily, 85p. 1901

78. Boissevain. Beschreibung der Griechischen autonomen Munzen, 281p. 1912

79. Bompois. Medailles grecques autonomes frappees dans la Cyrenaique, 130p. 1869

80. Bompois. Medailles grecques autonomes, livres de numismatique et d'archeologie, 227p. 1882

81. Clerk. Catalog of the coins of the Achaean league, 75p. 1895

82. Edouard de Cadalvene. Recueil de medailles grecques. Europe, 291p. 1828

83-86. Forrer. The Weber collection; Greek coins

Vol. I. Auriol Find Class, Hispania, Gallia, Britannia, Italy and Sicily, 540p. 1922

Vol. II. Macedon, Thrace, Thessaly, North Western, Central and Southern Greece, 795p.1924

Vol. III. Pt. 1. Asia, 474p. 1926

Vol. III. Pt. 2. Asia, 529p. 1929

87. Fox. Engravings of unpublished or rare Greek coins, 106p. 1862

88-90. Grose. Catalogue of the McClean collection of Greek coins.

Vol. I. Western Europe, Magna Graecia, Sicily, 497p. 1923

Vol. II. The Greek mainland the Aegaean Islands Crete, 697p. 1926

Vol. III. Asia Minor, Farther Asia, Egypt, Africa, 639p. 1929

91. Hill. Coins of Ancient Sicily, 317p. 1903

92. Hill. Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Greek Coins belonging to John Ward, 189p. 1901

93-95. Imhoof-Blumer. Die antiken munzen Nord-Griechenlands.

Band I/I. Dacien und Moesien, 575p. 1898

Band I/II. Dacien und Moesien, 406p. 1910

Band III. Makedonia und Paionia, 211p. 1906

96, 97. Imhoof-Blumer. Kleinasiatische munzen.

Band I, 314p. 1901

Band II, 302p. 1901

98. Imhoof-Blumer. Die antiken Munzen Mysiens 237p. 1913

99. Imhoof-Blumer. Griechische munzen. Neue beitrage und untersuchungen, 301p. 1890

100. Imhoof-Blumer. Monnaies grecques, 542p. 1883

101. Imhoof-Blumer. Antike Griechische munzen, 139p. 1913

102. Imhoof-Blumer.Gardner. Numismatic commentary on Pausanias, 201p. 1885

103. Leake. Numismata Hellenica. Catalogue of Greek coins, 737p. 1856

104-106. Macdonald. Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian collection, University of Glasgow.

Vol. I. Italy, Sicily, Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly, 626p.1899

Vol. II. North Western, Central, Southern Greece, and Asia minor, 726p. 1901

Vol. III. Further Asia, Northern Africa, Western Europe, 888p. 1905

107. Millingen. Recueil de quelques medailles grecques inedites, 97p. 1812

108. Millingen. Ancient coins of Greek cities and kings, 99p. 1831

109. Millingen. Sylloge of ancient unedited coins of Greek cities and kings, 106p. 1837

110. Monnaies Grecques Antiques (collections de Grand-Duc), 111p. 1922

111. Newel. The dates Alexander coinage Sidon and Ake, 81p. 1916

112. Newel. The Seleucid mint of Antioch, 165p. 1915

113. Quelques monnaies Grecques, 84p. 1907

114. Regling. Die griechischen Munzen der Sammlung Warren, 272p. 1906

115. Regling. Die griechischen Munzen der Sammlung Warren. Tafelband, 74p. 1906

116. Rodolfo Ratto. Catalogo di monete Greche. Collezione di un dotto numismatico Straniero,

395p. 1909

117. Sabatier. Quelques medailles Grecques inedites, 76p. 1860-63

118. Seltman. Temple coins of Olympia, 142p. 1921

119. Svoronos. Numismatique de la Crete ancienne, 445p.1890

120-123. Waddington. Recueil general des monnaies Grecques d'Asie mineure

T. I. Pont et Paphlagonie, 240p. 1904

T. II. Bithynie, 252p. 1908

T. III. Nicee et Nicomedie, 212p. 1910

T. IV. Prusa, Prusias, Tius, 81p. 1912
  • Mi piace 1


OK tutto molto bello; personalmente da Archive sono riuscito ha trarre, gratia et amoris dei, tutta una serie di utili e preziosi volumi di numismatica, tuttavia ga Google, per quanto si sbandieri un magnifico "Free" non riesco a cavar fuori un ragno dal buco...darmi dell'imbranato significa solo sfondare una porta aperta che non risolve il problema del: come si fa? Caro Rick 2 se puoi darmi qualche dritta un bel sentito grazie da Cesare Augusto


Buona Domenica

questa si che é una informazione preziosa per i cultori di tali monete.



Inviato (modificato)

Che ti serve Cesare Augusto? Se mi dici provo a dare una guardata...

Comunque Rick2 esiste già questo di sito che si propone di fare quello che dici tu


inoltre se parli di fare un elenco di libri liberamente scaricabili è poco utile postare un semplice elenco che invece tornerebbe utile se il lavoro che vuoi fare è di tipo bibliografico vecchio stampo...



Modificato da uzifox

Inviato (modificato)

Volevo fare un copia&incolla brutale di quel sito ma non ci riesco a conservare i link...

Vi allego la selezione italiana in WORD che almeno permette di conservare i link per il download diretto.



Digital Library Numis -

Modificato da uzifox


l idea era quella di avere dei link a dei libri

anche perche` molti di quelli che ho postato son monetazioni strane che fanno in pochi.

tutti link son benvenuti

per google books devo dirti che e` un po che non uso.

tra le altre iniziative magari si potrebbero linkare anche libri di storia.

per esempio ne avevo trovato uno della meta del 1700 che parlava del periodo di storia corsa sotto teodoro neuhof e della sua impresa.

visto che son quasi cronache credo anche quello sarebbe interessante


Uzifox scusa il ritardo ma anch'io come tutti sono rimasto colpito dagli ultimi avvenimenti di sequestro, forse bisognerebbe attivarci per conoscere meglio ciò che indica la normativa degli altri paesi europei ed mondiali per poi proporre al legislatore, chissà quando e chissà a chi, perdurando l'incertezza politica che caratterizza questi nostri giorni, un desiderata di coloro che orbitano sulla moneta: studiosi, commercianti, amanti in un qualche modo di questo angolo dell'archeologia; per carità nessun intento di sostituzione; ma come avviene in altri settori, un pro memoria tecnico che possa in un qualche modo servire di aiuto per avere leggi migliori, più consone ai tempi ecc.. ecc.. mi sono stenuto dal proporlo e francamente non so il perchè, forse ho intuito spinte troppo forti da parte di chi fa commercio e controspinte da parte di chi studioso di archeologia desiderebbe avere a disposizione, giustamente se penso alla statistica e ad altro, tutto ciò che è moneta; ma veniamo a noi ed a google: non riesco in alcun modo a scaricare libri sia pure dichiarati "free" da google; da rilevare che ho molta dimestichezza con internet; ma se ben guidato forse riuscirò nell'intento... puoi aitarmi? Grazie anticipatamente da Cesare Augusto


Dammi una lista di titoli e vedo dov'è il problema e se eventualmente si può aggirare.



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