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Le monete più attraenti di Alessandro Magno

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Tetradramma dell’Europa dell’Est imitazione di Lisimaco di Tracia che raffigura sul diritto Alessandro deificato con il corno d’Ammone e sul rovescio Zeus etoforo seduto sul trono.




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Statere di Seleuco I Nicatore nel nome e nei tipi di Alessandro Magno, Price 3745 (CNG 860182).


SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AV Stater (17mm, 8.55 g, 5h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Babylon I mint. Struck circa 311-300 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with serpent, single-pendant earring, and necklace / BAΣ-IΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand and cradling stylis in left arm; monogram in wreath below left wing, MI below right wing. SC 81.1; Price 3745; SNG München -; SNG Alpha Bank -; SNG Saroglos 165. Choice EF, underlying luster.

CNG The Coin Shop 860182. Sold For $4250


  • Mi piace 1


A proposito di "mule" alessandrine...

Sono note imitazioni dei tetradrammi di Alessandro coniate da zecche dell’Arabia dell’Est (Mleiha, Gerrha) nel 250-200 a. C. circa. La tipologia ricalca in genere quella classica, con la testa di Eracle che indossa un copricapo in pelle di leone sul diritto e Zeus seduto sul trono con lo scettro nella mano sinistra e la mano destra estesa sul rovescio.

Sul diritto di questa imitazione battuta alla CNG 217 è raffigurata la testa di Alessandro deificato, con il corno di Zeus Ammone e quindi, non credo intenzionalmente, è stata prodotta una “mula” in quanto le due facce sono destinate a monete diverse, una di Lisimaco e una di Alessandro.


ARABIA. Imitating Abiel. Circa 250-200 BC. BI Tetradrachm (25mm, 15.15 g, 11h). Head of the deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon / Zeus-Shamash seated left, holding horse on outstretched arm and scepter; tree to outer left, Λ to inner left, monogram to inner right, vertical inscription to outer right. Arnold-Biucchi, Arabian Alexanders pl. 21, 25; SNG ANS -. VF, porous.
Ex Alexandre de Barros Collection.



Imitazione di un classico tetradramma di Alessandro coniato a Mleiha (Arabia dell’Est) con la raffigurazione della testa stilizzata di Eracle in pelle di leone sul diritto e sul rovescio una figura seduta sul trono con scettro nella mano sinistra e la mano destra estesa, su cui vi è una protome di un cavallo a destra; palma e tridente nel campo a sinistra (CNG 103).


ARABIA, Eastern. Mleiha. ’b’ (’Abi’el). Late 3rd–mid 2nd centuries BC. BI Tetradrachm (23.5mm, 14.78 g, 8h). Imitating types of Alexander III of Macedon. Stylized head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Figure enthroned left, holding scepter in left hand, right hand extended, upon which is a forepart of a horse right; palm tree and trident to left. MacDonald, ‘Abiel’, Group D.1.6.b; Van Alfen, Die 167a (O2/R4 – this coin); Potts Class XLVII; HGC 10, 689. Good VF, toned, a few tiny deposits.
From the M. A. Armstrong Collection. Ex Vecchi 5 (5 March 1997), lot 281.



Altra imitazione di un classico tetradramma di Alessandro di tipo testa stilizzata di Eracle in pelle di leone al diritto e figura seduta sul trono con scettro nella mano sinistra e protome di cavallo sulla mano destra estesa al rovescio (Triton XIX).


ARABIA, Eastern. Mleiha. ’b’l brt Nšyl (’Abi’el, daughter of Našīl). 3rd-2nd centuries BC. AR Tetradrachm (29mm, 16.02 g, 12h). Imitating types of Alexander III of Macedon. Stylized head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Figure enthroned left, holding scepter in left hand, right hand extended, upon which is a forepart of a horse right; palm tree to left, ’b’l brt Nšyl (in Aramaic) to right. MacDonald, ‘Abiel’, Group A.1.1; Van Alfen, Die 32–6 var. (O12/R– [unlisted rev. die]); Potts Class II, 4; HGC 10, 686; Huth –. Good VF, find patina. Rare.

Triton XIX, Lot: 319. Estimate $2000. Sold for $2600. 



Tetradramma autentico dell’Arabia Saudita (Triton XVI).


The Earliest Coin from Saudi Arabia. One of Seven Known

ARABIA, Eastern. Gerrha. Circa 230-220 BC. AR Tetradrachm (28mm, 16.80 g, 1h). Imitating the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Shams, wearing tainia and chlamys, seated left on backless throne, holding eagle in his extended right hand, leaning with his left on a long staff; ΩBs (Shams in South Arabian [Musnad]) in left field, ¬¬E$Å@dro¨ in right. Huth 106a (this coin); Arnold-Biucchi, Arabian, pl. 18, 3; Potts –; HGC 10, 697 corr. (rarity R2, not R1). EF, underlying luster. Well centered and struck from fresh dies. Of considerable historic importance and extremely rare, one of seven known, the fifth of this variety without throne back, and one of only two not in public collections.

Triton XVI, Lot: 576. Estimate $15000. Sold for $35000.



Segue descrizione moneta precedente

From the Martin Huth Collection. Ex Frankfurter Münzhandlung E. Button 109 (2 December 1963), 2101 (incorrectly described).

Martin Huth provides the following note:
After a first examination by Robin ("Monnaies provenant de l’Arabie du nord-est," Semitica 24 [1974], pp. 83-127) and Callot ("Les monnaies dites ‘arabes’ dans le nord du Golfe arabo-persique à la fin du IIIeme siècle avant notre ère" in: Y. Calvet & J. Gachet-Bizollon, Failaka: Fouilles Françaises 1986-1988 [Lyon: Maison de l'Orient, 1990], pp. 221-40), the tetradrachms with the full legend of Shams in South Arabian characters were examined, together with other classes of ‘Arabian Alexanders’, in 1990 by C. Arnold-Biucchi who knew of five specimens: three from the 1970 Bahrain hoard (O. Mørkholm, "New Coin Finds from Failaka" in Kuml 8 [1972], pp. 183-202; these are now in the Bahrain Museum), one in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, and one in the Vienna collection. To these must be added the two pieces in the recently published Huth collection (Huth 106 and 106a). Two of the seven coins (Vienna and Huth 106) show the throne with a back rest, while the others lack this feature.

With D. Potts (The Arabian Gulf in Antiquity. Vol II: From Alexander the Great to the Coming of Islam [Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990]) having convincingly established modern-day Thaj in Eastern Saudi Arabia as the site of the ancient mercantile town of Gerrha, considerable progress in the study of these and related coins has been made with Callot’s ("A New Chronology for the Arabian Alexanders" in CCK, pp. 383-402) publication of a revised chronology for the Arabian Alexanders. According to Callot, Gerrha had already been an important settlement on the trade route connecting the Gulf with South Arabia and India when the Seleukids (Seleukos I and Antiochos I) installed themselves in the north of the Gulf and founded the fortress of Ikaros/Failaka (in modern-day Kuwait). Seleukid power in the region, however, rapidly declined with the beginning of the rule of Seleukos II (246-226), and the famous rebellion of Molon in 222 (just after the accession of Antiochos III) unsettled Seleukid Mesopotamia, causing a breakdown of control over the traditional caravan routes. Gerrha thus became the leading regional power, and asserted its independence by issuing its own coins modelled on Seleukid coinage of Alexander type, but adding the name of the local supreme deity, Shams, in full. Other territories under Gerrhaean influence followed suit, with Ikaros/Failaka producing tetradrachms and obols with a vertical shin, and two otherwise unknown Arab chieftains, Abyatha and Harithat, issuing coins with their own names. Thus started the long series of Alexander imitations, most of which were produced in the name of various queens with the name of Abi’el (cf. Potts and Potts Suppl. for general study of this coinage; cf. M.C.A. Macdonald, "The ‘Abiel’ coins of Eastern Arabia: A study of the Aramaic Legends" in CCK, pp. 403-548, for Abi’el as a female ruler).

Shams/Shamash is a sun-deity of Mesopotamian origin, viewed as a male in Northeast Arabia and a female in South Arabia. While Robin, Mørkholm, Potts, Callot, and Arnold-Biucchi held differing views as to whether the seated figure actually represented the deity, Huth (“Gods and Kings: On the Imagery of Arabian Coinage” in CCK, pp. 107-24) has followed Mørkholm and Robin in associating the figure with the deity.








Torno a Seleuco I Nicatore con lo statere  nel nome e nei tipi di Alessandro Magno, Price 3748 (CNG 860182).


FDC Stater of Seleukos I Nikator

SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AV Stater (17mm, 8.56 g, 9h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Babylon I mint. Struck circa 311-300 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing single-pendant earring, necklace, and crested Attic helmet decorated with serpent / Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand and cradling stylis in left arm; MI below left wing; below right wing, monogram-in-wreath. SC 81.2; Price 3748; HGC 9, 3a. FDC, fully lustrous.

CNG The Coin Shop 859541. Sold For $12500


Inviato (modificato)

Statere di Seleuco I Nicatore nel nome e nei tipi di Alessandro Magno, Price 3749 (CNG 860666).



SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AV Stater (17mm, 8.52 g, 7h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Babylon I mint. Struck circa 311-300 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with sphinx, single-pendant earring, and necklace / Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand and cradling stylis in left arm; MI in left field, monogram in wreath below left wing. SC 81.3; Price 3749; SNG München -; SNG Alpha Bank -; SNG Saroglos 169. Near EF.

CNG The Coin Shop 860666. Sold For $3250


Modificato da apollonia


Statere di Seleuco I Nicatore nel nome e nei tipi di Alessandro Magno, Price 3749 corr. (CNG 108).


SELEUKID EMPIRE. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AV Stater (17.5mm, 8.59 g, 6h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Babylon I mint. Struck circa 311-300 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing single pendant earring, necklace, and triple-crested Corinthian helmet adorned with a griffin / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand, cradling stylis in left arm; MI in left field, monogram in wreath below left wing. SC 81.3 corr. (griffin, not sphinx); Price 3749 corr. (same); HGC 9, 3a. Superb EF, lustrous.

CNG 108, Lot: 270. Estimate $3000.  Sold for $12000.



Statere di Seleuco I Nicatore nel nome e nei tipi di Alessandro Magno, Price 3750 (Triton XIII).


SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AV Stater (8.57 g, 5h). Babylon I mint. Struck in the name of Alexander III of Macedon, circa 311-300 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with sphinx, single-pendant earring, and necklace / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing right, holding wreath in extended right hand and cradling stylis in left arm; below left wing, monogram in wreath. SC 81.4; Price 3750; SNG Copenhagen 637. EF, traces of original luster remaining. Well centered strike from fine style, high relief dies on a broad flan.

Sale: Triton XIII, 4 January 2010, Lot: 219. Estimate $3000. Sold For $5000. 



Statere del regno congiunto di Seleuco I Nicatore e Antioco I Sotere (CNG Feature Auction 117).


SELEUKID EMPIRE. Seleukos I Nikator & Antiochos I Soter. Joint Reign, 294-281 BC. AV Stater (16mm, 7.06 g, 6h). In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Indian standard. Aï Khanoum mint. Struck circa 284-280 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing hoop earring, necklace, and triple-crested Corinthian helmet adorned with a coiled serpent / ΣEΛEYKOY KAI ANTIOXOY, Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand, cradling stylis in left arm; in left field, Δ-in-circle above horned helmet or head of elephant left(?). Unpublished, but cf. SC 280.3a for a similar silver drachm also struck on the Indian standard. Lightly toned, a few small scrapes and faint doubling on obverse, minor flan flaw on reverse. EF. Unique.

Est. $30,000 - Starting Bid: $18,000 - SOLD $40,000

In 294 BC, Seleukos I made his son, Antiochos I, co-ruler. At the time, his domains stretched from Asia Minor to India, and Seleukos had spent most of the preceding decade in the west, at first fighting against Antigonos I Monophthalmos and later consolidating his gains by founding a number of cities throughout the Levant. This concentration on the west resulted in a degradation of Seleukid authority in the east, which culminated in a nationalist revolt in Persis in 295 BC, which became the first province to secede from the empire. It was likely this event that led Seleukos to elevate his son, whose new remit was to govern the eastern territories as his father's viceroy. Over the next fifteen years, Antiochos reestablished Seleukid authority in Persis, and extended to the Upper Satrapies the policy of consolidation that his father implemented in the west.

During the coregency, many of the mints of the east began to strike coins in the name of Antiochos for at least some issues, while Seleukos's name was retained on others. However, at Aï Khanoum there is a multi-denominational series of silver coins struck on the lighter Indian standard that exceptionally depict the names of both kings (SC 279–282). The present stater, also struck on the Indian standard, is the first, and only known, gold stater for this series, and from the mint of Aï Khanoum during the reign of Seleukos I. This Indian weight standard series is still shrouded in mystery. Its specific purpose has been long debated, but likely has to do with the intended area of circulation and recipient of this coinage; it was probably intended for use in trade that was flowing toward India. However, one question that has not been addressed well is: Why was this the only instance of a coinage with the names of both kings? Certainly, Seleukos's name would be instantly recognizable to an Indian recipient, but his name was already on the issues of Aï Khanoum; it is Antiochos's that was added. Perhaps it was necessary from a diplomatic perspective for promoting Antiochos's position, given that this was apparently a coinage specifically intended for trade outside the Empire? In any case, this is the only instance during Antiochos's viceroyalty where this occurred, and it also is an irrefutable statement confirming the relationship of the two kings, not as senior and junior partners, but as co-rulers.



Statere di Seleuco I Nicatore di una zecca incerta della Battria (Triton X).


First Gold Coin of Seleukid Baktria // One of Two in Private Hands

SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AV Stater (8.51 g, 10h). Uncertain mint 19 in Baktria (Baktra?). Struck circa 290/86-281 BC. Head of Apollo right, wearing laurel wreath / BASILEWS SELEUKOU, Artemis driving biga of elephants right, holding reins in both hands while arming bow with arrow; monogram above [and to right]. SC 257 (this coin mentioned); SCB 1.1, 4 (A1/P1; this coin); ESM 331; Houghton 1034 = NFA XVIII, 279; Treasures of Ancient Bactria (Miho Museum, 2002), 44 i and j (both ex Mir Zakah II deposit) (all from the same dies). EF, reverse slightly off center. Extremely rare, one of six known (all from one pair of dies), of which four are in museums (London, Berlin, and two in Miho).

Sale: Triton X, Lot: 389. Estimate $50000. Sold For $40000

The extraordinary types on this inaugural gold coinage for Seleukid Baktria have particular dynastic and historical importance to the Seleukids. Apollo, who appears on the obverse of this issue, was the patron god of the royal house, and the official ancestor of Seleukos. His representation in the form of Apollo Delphios became the primary reverse type for the Seleukid precious metal coinage over the next century. The elephant chariot reverse type was introduced in the Seleukid coinage at Seleukeia on the Tigris and Susa around the tenth anniversary of the conclusion of Seleukos’ Indian campaign in 305 BC, and the type was assimilated at most mints thereafter. In the settlement with Chandragupta, Seleukos was given 500 war elephants which directly contributed to his success over the Antigonids at the battle of Ipsos in 301 BC. The elephant biga type was therefore an important representation of Seleukid power, but it was also a link to Seleukos’ predecessor in the east, Alexander the Great, whose exploits in India were often commemorated in coinage by elephant biga types.



Darico di Seleuco I Nicatore (CNG 91)


Third Known Seleukos Daric

SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AV Daric (14mm, 8.08 g, 1h). Uncertain mint in Babylonia. Struck circa 300-298 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right, wearing elephant skin / Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand and cradling stylis in left arm; in left field horned horse head right [above monogram]. Cf. SC 101; HGC 9, 8; O. Bopearachchi, “Two unreported coins from the second Mir Zakah deposit” in ONS Newsletter 165 (Autumn 2000), p. 15 (this coin). Good VF, struck from worn obverse die, flan flaw on obverse (but see below). Extremely rare, the third known daric of Seleukos I.

Ex 1992 Mir Zakah Hoard.

CNG 91, Lot: 351. Estimate $10000. Sold for $6000.

Bopearachchi incorrectly describes the coin as having an obverse of Herakles wearing lion skin, and notes the weight as being equivalent to an Attic stater. At the same time, he thinks that the coin was overstruck on an Achaemenid daric, with the incuse of the original coin causing the “flan flaw” on the obverse. Accepting this as correct, the coin would not be equivalent to the Attic stater, which was around 8.5-8.6 grams at the time, but to the standard of the daric, which was around 8.2-8.3 grams. Even after the conquest of Alexander III, the Achaemenid daric was the primary local gold coin in the east (see G. Le Rider, Alexander the Great: Coinage, Finances, and Policy [Philadelphia, 2007], pp. 242–6), and coinage for local use was struck on this standard at Babylon, a practice that was continued under Seleukos I (Babylon II mint in SC). The authors of SC attribute this particular series of darics to a mint in Babylonia (possibly even a workshop in the old Babylon mint), while Bopearachchi prefers a mint further to the east, perhaps in Baktria.



Inviato (modificato)

La differenza tra gli stateri Price 3735 e 3736 sta nella presenza sul secondo di un globetto fra la testa del satiro e l’ala destra della Nike.

Mio statere dalla Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Stuttgarter Münzauktionen, Auktion 1, Lot 170, 22. Nov. 2010 (ho rettificato l’errata classificazione Price 3736 nella didascalia originale).



GRIECHEN. MAKEDONISCHE KÖNIGE. Alexander III. der Große, 336 - 323 v. Chr. Stater (8,53 g.), 317 - 311 v. Chr. Mzst. 'Babylon' Vs.: Kopf der Athena mit korinthischem Helm n. r. Rs.: ALEXANDROU - BASILEWS, Nike mit Stylis und Kranz n. l., darunter links nach oben blickender Silenskopf n. l., rechts Kranz mit Monogramm. Price 3735. Gold! vz.


Modificato da apollonia


Statere Price 3736 (globetto sopra la testa del satiro) della Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 199, Lot 201, 10. Oct. 2011.


Alexander III. der Große, 336 - 323 v. Chr. Stater (8,56g) 317 - 311 v. Chr. Mzst. 'Babylon' Vs.: Kopf der Athena mit korinthischem Helm n. r. Rs.: ALEXANDROU - BASILEWS, Nike mit Stylis und Kranz n. l., Kügelchen, darunter nach oben blickender Silenskopf n. l., rechts Kranz mit Monogramm. Price 3736. Müller 730. Gold! Vz.



Il Price colloca i due precedenti stateri Price 3735 e 3736 con il monogramma MP in ghirlanda sotto l’ala sinistra della Nike nel gruppo delle emissioni babilonesi tra il 317 e il 311 a. C., al tempo del regno di Antigono I Monoftalmo in Mesopotamia, mentre assegna a Seleuco I Nicatore le emissioni successive (gruppo col simbolo MI) da ca. 311 a. C. a ca. 305 a. C., quando questo sovrano riacquistò il potere (es. lo statere Price 3745).






Statere Price 3745 della Nomos 3 & 4, 9 May 2011, Lot: 67. 


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. Stater (Gold, 8.54 g 11), Babylon, c. 311-305 BC. Head of Athena to right, wearing triple-crested Corinthian helmet adorned with serpent on the bowl, pendant earring and pearl necklace. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Nike standing left with her wings spread, holding laurel wreath in her right hand and stylis in her left; to left, monogram within wreath; to right, ΜΙ. Price 3745. A superb coin, perfectly centered on a broad flan. Good extremely fine.

From the SF Collection, USA.

This coin, and the following two lots, were struck under the aegis of Seleukos I, the companion of Alexander who took control of all the eastern provinces and founded a dynasty that was to rule Syria until the 1st century BC.

Estimate CHF 4250. Sold For CHF 6500.



Asta recente di un esemplare Price 3735, a ribadire che si tratta di un’emissione babilonese di Antigono I Monoftalmo stratega d’Asia (315-311 a. C.) e non di Seleuco I Nicatore (Triton XXIII LIVE AUCTION Jan 14, 2020).


CATEGORY: Gold, Greek

KINGS of MACEDON. Antigonos I Monophthalmos. As Strategos of Asia, 320-306/5 BC. AV Stater (17.5mm, 8.59 g, 6h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Babylon mint. Struck under Peithon, circa 315-311 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with serpent, single-pendant earring, and necklace / AΛEΞANΔP[OY] BA-ΣIΛEΩΣ, Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand and cradling stylis in left arm; below left wing, head of satyr left; monogram in wreath below right wing. Price 3735; SNG München 758; SNG Alpha Bank –; SNG Saroglos 163. Underlying luster, some die rust on obverse, slight die shift on reverse. EF. From the Jonathan P. Rosen Collection.

Est. $3,000, Starting Bid: $1,800, SOLD $3,500



Imitazione contemporanea dello statere ufficiale Price 3735 (Heritage, Weekly Auction 231930, Lotto 64002).


MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). Imitative AV stater (19mm, 8.50 gm, 7h). NGC Choice XF 4/5 - 4/5. Contemporary imitation of a posthumous issue of Babylon, under Seleucus I Nicator, ca. 311-300 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, the bowl adorned with coiled serpent / AΛEΞANΔPO[Y] / B-VΣIVE[ΩΣ], Nike standing facing, head left, wreath in outstretched right hand, stylis cradled on left arm; head of Silenus left in lower left field, HYP monogram within wreath in lower right field. cf. Price 3735 for official issue.


Stima 1'000 USD - Prezzo iniziale 500 USD - Risultato 1'600 USD

Anche questa imitazione dello statere Price 3735, tra l’altro erroneamente attribuito a Seleuco I Nicatore come è stato sottolineato in precedenza, ha destato l’interesse dei collezionisti.


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