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Altro esemplare Price L22 (CNG 409)


From the Gordon and Weimer Collections

KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 16.82 g, 1h). In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, lion forepart left above race torch; pentagram below throne. Thompson 122; Müller 18; Price L22; HGC 3.2, 1749a. VF, toned, light porosity.

From the collection of Dr. Will Gordon. Ex Robert Weimer Collection (Triton IX, 10 January 2006), lot 857; Classical Numismatic Auctions XIV (20 March 1991), lot 84.

CNG 409, Lot: 92. Estimate $750. Sold for $1100. 




Tetradramma Price L23 (Roma E-SALE 67)


Starting price: 450 GBP - Estimate: 750 GBP - Result: 450 GBP

Lot 275. Kings of Thrace, Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon, circa 305-281 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑXΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding sceptre; in left field, forepart of lion right above crescent, pentagram below throne. Price L23; Thompson 123; Müller 19; Pozzi 1159. 17.20g, 29mm, 12h.

Near Extremely Fine; light cabinet tone.

Ex Inventory of a Bavarian Merchant.




Tetradramma L23 (CNG 305)


The 1990s Balkan Area Hoard

KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 17.08 g, 1h). In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, forepart of lion left above crescent; pentagram below throne. Thompson 123; Müller L19; Price L23; U. Wartenberg & J.H. Kagan, “Some comments on a new hoard from the Balkan area,” Travaux Le Rider, p. 399, 78 (this coin, illustrated on pl. 43). VF, toned, test cut and countermark on obverse, scrape across reverse.

Ex 1990s Balkan Area Hoard (CH IX, 196).
CNG 305, Lot: 84. Estimate $300. Sold for $575. 

The 1990s Balkan Area Hoard consisted of 78 official Hellenistic tetradrachms and 20 Celtic imitations, including the following: Philip II (2), Celtic imitations of Philip II (17) and Alexander III (1), various issues in the name of Alexander III (50), Philip III (1), Demetrios Poliorketes (3), Lysimachos (10), Seleukos I (4), Antiochos I (5), Antiochos II (1), Eumenes of Pergmon (3), and the Thracian king Orsoaltios (1). The exact findspot of the hoard is unknown, but a location in Serbia or western Romania seems likely. The latest datable coins would seem to indicate a burial around 240 BC, although this is complicated by the Celtic issues. The composition of the hoard is similar to other hoards from the Balkans (see Wartenberg & Kagan p. 395, note 1), and sheds light on the circulation of Hellenistic coins in the region. It also demonstrates a complex system of applying test cuts and countermarks.

Forty-three of the official Hellenistic coins from the hoard carry a trefoil-shaped countermark combined with one or more test cuts; the cuts typically appearing at the back or top of the head on the obverse and the countermark on the cheek, chin, or neck area. The combination of the two and the fact that the cuts never run over the countermark may suggest a two-step process in testing the coinage. While we may not fully understand the significance of this process, as noted in the publication of the hoard (p. 407): “What we do know is that the cuts and countermarks were part of a sophisticated and controlled process and not just the reduction of these coins into bullion by a barbarian people.”

The hoard may also provide some evidence on the dating of the Celtic issues, normally assigned to the later 3rd century BC. Although the possibility of the Celtic coins being later additions cannot be ruled out, the composition of the remainder of the hoard would seem to suggest an earlier date for their issue than normally given.



Tetradramma L23 (CNG 308)


KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 16.98 g, 12h). Kolophon mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; to left, crescent below forepart of lion left, pentagram below throne. U. Wartenberg & J.H. Kagan, “Some comments on a new hoard from the Balkan area,” Travaux Le Rider, p. 399, 77 (this coin, illustrated on pl. 43); Price L23; Thompson 123. VF, toned, two test cuts and countermark on obverse.

Ex 1990s Balkan Area Hoard (CH IX, 196).

308, Lot: 39. Estimate $200. Sold for $900

V. didascalia esemplare precedente.




Dramma di Lisimaco Price L26 (Vcoins, Pegasi)


Kingdom of THRACE. Lysimachos, 323-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.17 gm) of Kolophon. Head of Herakles in lion-skin headdress / Zeus enthroned. Thom.126. Price.L26. Toned aXF

US$ 365.00



Dramma di Lisimaco Price L26 (Vcoins, Pars coins)


PCW-G6266-KINGS of THRACE. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. Silver Drachm (4.32 gm; 18 mm). Kolophon, circa 301-297 BC. In the types of Alexander III 'the Great'. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, torch below forepart of lion left; pentagram below throne. Müller 20; Price L26. Lovely strike on a nice broad flan. Well centered. Complete dotted circle on obverse. Choice Good EF. Lightly toned. Scarce. 

US$ 495.00



Dramma di Lisimaco Price L26 (CNG Electronic Auction 351)


Lot 51

KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Drachm (17.5mm, 4.29 g, 1h). In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, forepart of lion left above torch; pentagram below throne. Thompson 126; Price L26; cf. Müller 18 (tetradrachm). Good VF, toned, a little off center on reverse.

From the Nicholas Sicurella Collection.

Estimate: 150 USD. Price realized: 170 USD




Dramma di Lisimaco Price L26 (Heritage)


THRACIAN KINGDOM. Lysimachus (305-281 BC). AR drachm (3.95 gm). About VF.  In the types of Alexander III the Great of Macedon, Colophon, ca. 301-297 BC. Head of Heracles right, wearing lion-skin headdress, paws tied before neck / ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ-ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, Zeus seated left on backless throne, right leg drawn back, eagle in right hand, scepter in left; forepart of lion left above torch in left field, pentagram below throne. Price L26.




Dramma di Lisimaco Price L27 (CNG 438171)


KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 4.04 g, 1h). In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, forepart of lion left above Φ; pentagram below throne. Thompson 127; Price L27; Müller 21. VF, toned.

438171. Sold For $225




Dramma di Lisimaco Price L28 (CNG 967655)


KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 4.31 g, 11h). In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, forepart of lion left above crescent; pentagram below throne; ΛYΣIMAXOY downward to right; BAΣIΛEΩΣ below. Thompson 127; Müller 28; Price L28. EF, toned

967655. Sold For $495



Mia dramma di Lisimaco L28 (Asta Tkalec)


KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.28 g, 18 mm, 12 h). In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, forepart of lion left above crescent; pentagram below throne. Thompson 127; Price L28; Müller 20.




Dramma di Lisimaco Price L28 (CNG 440)


Extremely Rare

KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 4.28 g, 1h). In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, forepart of lion left above crescent; pentagram below throne. Thompson 127; Price L28; Müller 20; HGC 3, 1752e; CNG E-413, lot 6 (same dies); Leu Numismatik E-5, lot 98 (same dies); Nomos 15, lot 46 (same dies). Near EF, lightly toned. Extremely rare example with royal title to left and crescent facing right, only the Nomos piece published.

All published examples of the issue Thompson 127, save for the Nomos and CNG coins, have the royal title in the exergue, which was canonical for Alexander types in the name of Lysimachos. In addition, the crescent here faces right, instead of the usual left.

CNG 440, Lot: 27. Estimate $300. Sold for $400. 




Dramma di Lisimaco Price L28 (Roma E-SALE 67)


Lot 276. Kings of Thrace, Lysimachos AR Drachm. In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kolophon, circa 305-281 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding sceptre; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ below, ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ to right, forepart of lion left above crescent in left field, pentagram below throne. Thompson 127; Price L28; Müller 20. 4.27g, 19mm, 12h.
Extremely Fine.
From the inventory of a Swiss dealer.

Starting price: 45 GBP - Estimate: 75 GBP - Result: 140 GBP



Stateri falsi col pentagram pubblicati dal Price: F16*, F17 e F18 con una cornucopia sotto l’ala sinistra della Nike.




Stateri falsi col pentagram pubblicati dal Price: F19* con un serpente sotto l’ala sinistra della Nike




Stateri falsi col pentagram pubblicati dal Price: F45* e F46 con un caratteristico monogramma nel campo a sinistra.




Statere di Filippo III Arrideo non pubblicato dal Price, con una M inclusa nel pentagram (Heritage Auction 3064).


MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Philip III Arrhidaeus (323-317 BC). AV stater (18mm, 8.52 gm, 12h). NGC AU 5/5 - 4/5.  Abydus, ca. 323-317 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, bowl decorated with coiled serpent / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟY, Nike standing left, holding wreath in right hand and cradling stylis in left, large pentagram enclosing M in left field, coiled serpent below left wing. Price --, cf. P38 (monogram over pentagram). Thompson, ADM II, Series XI, 157. Scarce variety. A few light surface marks.

Starting price: 1.000 USD - Estimate: 2.000 USD - Result: 3.360 USD



Statere di Filippo III Arrideo: variante con il serpente sotto il pentagram invece che sotto l’ala destra della Nike (Gorny & Mosch 269).


Starting price: 2.000 EUR - Estimate: 2.500 EUR


Philipp III. Arrhidaios, 323 - 317 v. Chr. Stater (8.60g). 323 - 317 v. Chr. Mzst.Abydos. Vs.: Kopf der Athena mit korinthischem Helm n. r. Rs.: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, Nike mit Stylis u. Kranz n. l. stehend, davor Monogramm, Pentagramm u. Schlange. Price P38 (Var. Schlange unter dem r. Flügel); Müller P64; HGC 3 I, 968. RR! Gold!
ss-vz, Vs. St!



Statere di Alessandro Magno non pubblicato dal Price: monogramma XAP sopra il pentagram (Leu WEBAUKTION 11)


Starting price: 1.000 CHF

Lot 691. Apparently unpublished
KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’, 336-323 BC. Stater (Gold, 19 mm, 8.53 g, 1 h), Abydos (?), struck under Antigonos I Monophthalmos, 323-317. Head of Athena to right, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with a coiled serpent. Rev. AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Nike standing front, head to left, with her wings spread, holding laurel wreath in her right hand and stylis in her left; to left, monogram of XAP above pentagram; to lower left, scallop-shell. Price -. Apparently unpublished. Lustrous and attractive. Scrapes on the obverse, otherwise, good extremely fine.


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