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Le monete più attraenti di Alessandro Magno

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Altro esemplare della dramma Price 1995 con Zeus a ‘crossed legs’ (CNG 173).


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 4.15 g). Magnesia mint. Struck circa 305-297 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion’s skin headdress / Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; N/E in left field, A below throne. Price 1995. VF, toned.
From the Christopher Morcom Collection. 


Inviato (modificato)

La dramma Price 1996 della stessa zecca e data di coniazione della precedente è caratterizzata dal monogramma AN invece della lettera N sul rovescio, sopra la E (Roma Numismatics 57).


Kings of Thrace, Lysimachos AR Drachm. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Magnesia ad Maeandrum, circa 305-297 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding sceptre; ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ to right, NA monogram above E in left field, monogram below throne. Price 1996; Müller -. 4.25g, 20mm, 7h. 
Good Very Fine, lustrous.


Modificato da apollonia


Altro esemplare della dramma Price 1996 (CNG 354).


KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 4.21 g, 12h). In the name of Alexander III of Macedon. Magnesia mint. Struck circa 301/0-300/299 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, NA monogram above E; monogram below throne. Thompson –; Müller –; Price 1996. Good VF, darkly toned.



Esemplare della dramma Price 1996 con Zeus a gambe aperte 'open legs' (Agora Auctions 50).


Macedonian Kingdom. Alexander III the Great. 336-323 B.C. AR drachm (17.4 mm, 4.12 g, 1 h). Magnesia mint, struck ca. 301-299 B.C. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus seated left on throne, holding eagle and scepter; NA monogram over E to left, monogram below throne. Price 1996; Müller -. aVF. Scarce.



Dramma con monogramma particolare sopra la E non pubblicata dal Price (collezione ANS).


Dritto: Beardless head of Heracles r. wearing lion skin headdress

Rovescio: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ - Zeus seated on stool-throne l., holding eagle on outstretched right hand and sceptre in left


Per la descrizione v.





Altro esemplare della dramma precedente (CNG 372).


KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. As Satrap, 323-305 BC. AR Drachm (19.5mm, 4.23 g, 6h). In the name of Alexander III. Magnesia on the Maeander mint. Struck circa 301/0-300/299 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; to left, monogram above E; monogram below throne. Thompson –; Price 1996. EF, lightly toned.



Tetradramma di Magnesia al Meandro sovraconiato su un tetradramma di Rodi (CNG 108).


IONIA, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Circa 225-200 BC. AR Tetradrachm (30mm, 16.94 g, 1h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; monogram in left field; maeander pattern in exergue. Price 2046 var. = BM 1910,1104.51 var. (two monograms, but same obv. die); O. Hoover, "Commerce ("Pamphylia or Cilicia" Hoard), 2000 (CH 10, 292)" in Coin Hoards X (2010), 123 (same dies). Good VF, lightly toned, overstruck on a tetradrachm of Rhodes (Ashton 212). Extremely rare, one of two recorded with this retrograde monogram.

From the Colin E. Pitchfork Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 57 (4 April 2001), lot 209.

This is a remarkable coin in that it was overstruck on an unlikely undertype, and it also necessitates a total reevaluation of the 3rd century BC civic Alexander coinage at Magnesia. It is clear that this coin was overstruck on a tetradrachm of Rhodes signed by the magistrate Ameinias (Ashton 212); the left portion of the name that is split by the stem of the rose is visible on the reverse, as are portions of the rose and its floral base, above and below the name. What is perplexing is how the Rhodian issue was struck on an Attic weight flan, which is roughly 3-4 grams heavier than the Rhodian standard at that time. Price 2509 is a Rhodian Alexander issue that bears a monogram that R. Ashton thought may resolve to the name Ameinias, and Price thought it possible that the two series, autonomous Rhodian and Alexander type, were struck in parallel. If so, then one could speculate that an Attic standard tetradrachm flan may have been mistakenly struck with dies made for the autonomous Rhodian tetradrachms. However, in his more recent compilation of the Rhodian coinage from 408-190 BC, Ashton placed these coinages in subsequent periods, which would suggest that an unintentional mixing of flans did not occur. In any event, the chronology that Ashton proposes for his series is quite firmly grounded, so his dating of circa 230-205 for the Rhodian civic coinage should be considered for dating the present issue. Price organized the civic Alexanders at Magnesia into logical groups based on hoards as well as a common program of marking. The 3rd century issues are divided into two groups, the earlier characterized by a single monogram in the left field and a maeander pattern in the exergue, while the later group adds a second monogram in the left field. These are dated circa 282-225 BC and circa 225-200 BC, respectively. Having only one monogram, the present coin should fall into the earlier group, especially as there is an issue that has this exact monogram in retrograde (Price 2024). However, this coin is obverse die linked to Price 2046, from the later group. This suggests that the simple arrangement that Price lays out for the 3rd century should be revised, with the present issue being clearly late in the century, since the Rhodian undertype was not struck until circa 230 BC at the earliest.



Il tetradramma precedente è una variante del Price 2046 qui postato (esemplare CNG 94).


IONIA, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Circa 220-200 BC. AR Tetradrachm (30mm, 16.82 g, 12h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; two monograms in left field; maeander pattern in exergue. Price 2046. Good VF, toned, slight die shift, lamination, and tiny deposits on reverse. Rare.



Dramma non pubblicata corrispondente al tetradramma Price 2046 (CNG 398).


IONIA, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Circa 225-200 BC. AR Drachm (18.5mm, 3.93 g, 11h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; two monograms in left field, maeander pattern in exergue. Cf. Price 2046 (tetradrachm). VF, toned. Extremely rare, unpublished as a drachm.



Dramma Price 2045 var. non pubblicata (CNG 247).


Unpublished Late Civic Alexander

IONIA, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Circa 225-200 BC. AR Drachm (20mm, 4.17 g, 12h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; two monograms in left field, maeander pattern in exergue. Price 2045 var. (lower monogram). VF, toned, minor doubling on reverse. Unpublished variety of an extremely rare late civic Alexander type drachm.

This drachm is a new variety for this late series of civic Alexanders from the mint of Magnesia. Price catalogs a tetradrachm and a drachm with this upper monogram, presumably the primary control mark. Interestingly, this coin was struck from the same obverse die as the Burgan piece cited for Price 2043A, which has two different monograms in is field. Although Magnesia served as one of the primary drachm mints for Alexanders in the late 4th-early 3rd century BC, by the late 3rd century, the mint produced Alexander tetradrachms almost exclusively; only two drachm issues are recorded by Price, represented by three coins, in contrast to 17 issues of tetradrachms (note that Price 2037 is actually a tetradrachm, not drachm, issue). As such, this coin represents a new drachm issue, and brings the total drachms known for the period to four.



Il mio tetradramma di Magnesia al Meandro (già presentato) proveniente dalla Gorny & Mosch 220 non è pubblicato dal Price, come si vede dal confronto delle coppie di monogrammi caratteristiche degli esemplari elencati nel testo con la coppia sul rovescio della moneta.




Alexander III. der Große, 336 - 323 v. Chr. Tetradrachme, (16,94 g, 27 mm). 225 - 200 v.Chr. Mzst. Magnesia am Mäander. Vs.: Kopf des Herakles mit Löwenfell n. r. Rs.: AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ, Zeus mit Adler auf der R. nach l. thronend, l. im Feld zwei Monogramme, im Abschnitt Mäander. Price 2036; Müller 1078. R! ss.


L’identificazione del tetradramma come Price 2036 che risulta dalla didascalia è quindi errata.



Notare che la stessa Gorny & Mosch aveva presentato nell’asta 107 del 2001 un effettivo tetradramma Price 2036 come riportato nella didascalia.



Griechen MAKEDONISCHE KÖNIGE No.: 121 -Schätzpreis Stima: DM 800, - Alessandro III. der Große, 336-323 v Chr..Tetradrachm (16.75 g.), 225-200 v.Chr. MZST. Magnesia am Mäander. Vs: Kopf mit di Eracle Löwenfell nr Rs: Alexandrou, Zeus cominciò Adler auf der nach R. l. thronend, l. im Feld zwei monogramma, im Abschnitt Mäander. 2036 Price;. Müller 1078. Guter hellenistischer Stil, ssvz.

Qui non ci sono dubbi sulla corrispondenza dei due monogrammi sul rovescio con quelli del testo.



Volevo segnalare l’articolo di Paul Vadan “The Posthumous Alexander Tetradrachms of Magnesia on the Maeander” in AJN (2018) 30: 45-106, scaricabile da

Non ho trovato nell’articolo un tetradramma con la coppia di monogrammi presenti sulla mia moneta.



Frazioni d’argento di Alessandro Magno di peso inferiore al grammo.

Il più piccolo nominale d’argento di Alessandro Magno è rappresentato dall’1/4 di obolo o tetartemorion (0,15-0,13 g), di cui si trovano due esemplari nel British Museum.


ID:                                                                            AN00653656_001_l

Type:                                                                        Greek

Region:                                                                     MACEDONIAN KINGS

Issuer:                                                                      Alexander III

Date Ruled:                                                               336-323 BC

Metal:                                                                       Silver

Denomination:                                                          1/4 Obol

Struck / Cast:                                                            struck

Date Struck:                                                             325-300 BC

Weight:                                                                     .15 g

Die Axis:                                                                   h

Obverse Description:                                                Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress

Reverse Legend:                                                      ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔ

Reverse Description:                                                Quiver with opening to left set atop bow, both above club with grip to left; no controls

Mint:                                                                         Uncertain East

Primary Reference:                                                   Price 4016 corr. (club above quiver/bow)

Photograph Credit:                                                   © The Trustees of the British Museum


Special Comments:                                                  Registration number 1947,0406.186 ; Acquisition date 1947

Grade:                                                                      Very Good






ID:                                                                            AN00646623_001_l

Type:                                                                        Greek

Region:                                                                     MACEDONIAN KINGS

Issuer:                                                                      Alexander III

Date Ruled:                                                               336-323 BC

Metal:                                                                       Silver

Denomination:                                                          1/4 Obol

Struck / Cast:                                                            struck

Date Struck:                                                             325-300 BC

Weight:                                                                     .13 g

Die Axis:                                                                   7 h

Obverse Description:                                                Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress

Reverse Legend:                                                      ΑΛΕΞ

Reverse Description:                                                Club with grip to right above club with grip to left; no controls

Mint:                                                                         Uncertain East

Primary Reference:                                                   Price 4016A

Photograph Credit:                                                   © The Trustees of the British Museum


Special Comments:                                                  Registration number 2002,0101.993 ; Acquisition date 2002

Grade:                                                                      aVF




Emioboli di Alessandro Magno dal Price




Babilonia Price 3590


ID:                                                                            AN00655973_001_l

Type:                                                                        Greek

Region:                                                                     MACEDONIAN KINGS

Issuer:                                                                      Alexander III

Date Ruled:                                                               336-323 BC

Metal:                                                                       Silver

Denomination:                                                          Hemiobol

Struck / Cast:                                                            struck

Date Struck:                                                             331-325 BC

Weight:                                                                     .30 g

Die Axis:                                                                   12 h

Obverse Description:                                                Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress

Reverse Legend:                                                      ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ

Reverse Description:                                                Club with grip to left above quiver with opening to left set atop bow; ΜΦ in top field

Mint:                                                                         Babylon

Primary Reference:                                                   Price 3590

Photograph Credit:                                                   © The Trustees of the British Museum


Special Comments:                                                  Registration number 1907,0707.17 ; Acquisition date 1907

Grade:                                                                      Fine

Notes:                                                                      Rare. Lifetime issue, circa 331-325 BC



Babilonia Price 3591


ID:                                                                            1283849

Type:                                                                        Greek

Region:                                                                     MACEDONIAN KINGS

Issuer:                                                                      Alexander III

Date Ruled:                                                               336-323 BC

Metal:                                                                       Silver

Denomination:                                                          Hemiobol

Struck / Cast:                                                            struck

Date Struck:                                                             331-325 BC

Diameter:                                                                 7 mm

Weight:                                                                     .32 g

Die Axis:                                                                   8 h

Obverse Description:                                                Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress

Reverse Legend:                                                      ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ

Reverse Description:                                                Club with grip to left above quiver with opening to left set atop bow; ΦΜ in upper field

Mint:                                                                         Babylon

Primary Reference:                                                   Price 3591

Photograph Credit:                                                   Classical Numismatic Group


Grade:                                                                      VF

Notes:                                                                      Rare. Lifetime issue, circa 331-325 BC



Babilonia Price 3591: altro esemplare (Triton IX)


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III 'the Great'. 336-323 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.33 g, 11h). Babylon mint. Lifetime issue, struck circa 331-325 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ALEXANDR[OU], club, quiver, and bow; FM above. Price 3591; SNG München -; SNG Alpha Bank -. Good VF, toned, slight granularity. Rare. ($300)

From the Robert Weimer Collection.



Babilonia Price 3607 (CNG 336)


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Hemiobol (7mm, 0.30 g, 12h). Babylon mint. Struck under Stamenes or Archon, circa 324/3 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Club, bow and quiver; [M and monogram] above. Price 3607. VF, light porosity.



Sono due gli emioboli della zecca di Sidone pubblicati dal Price, il 3478 emesso da Alessandro Magno e il P174 emesso dal suo fratellastro Filippo III Arridèo.




Sidone Price 3478 (CNG 372)


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Hemiobol (9.5mm, 0.32 g, 9h). Sidon mint. Undated issue, struck under Menon or Menes, circa 332/1-324/3 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; ΣI in left field. Price 3478; Newell, Dated –. VF, toned. Very rare.



Altro esemplare Sidone Price 3478 (CNG 280)


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Hemiobol (8mm, 0.33 g, 7h). Sidon mint. Undated issue, struck under Menon or Menes, circa 332/1-324/3 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; ΣI in left field. Price 3478. VF, lightly toned, faint porosity.



Imitazione contemporanea del Price 3478 di Sidone (CNG 372)


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Hemiobol (8.5mm, 0.33 g, 9h). Contemporary imitation of Sidon mint issue. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; “ΣI” in left field. For prototype, cf. Price 3478. VF, toned, ragged edge.

From the Nicholas Sicurella Collection.

Domanda: come si può dimostrare che l’imitazione del prototipo è contemporanea?



Sidone Price P174


Price P174

Descrizione del tipo

Tipo d'oggetto: Moneta

Tecnica di produzione: Coniato

Materiale: Argento

Nominale: Hemiobol

Arco cronologico

A partire dall'anno: 320 B.C.

Fino all'anno: 319 B.C.

Autorità emittente

Autorità emittente: Filippo III Arrideo

Stated Authority: Filippo III Arrideo


Zecca: Sidon

Regione: Asia--Asia--Syria--Phoenicia


Type: Head of beardless Heracles right wearing lion skin headdress

Divinità: Heracles


Type: Zeus seated on stool-throne left, eagle on outstretched right hand, sceptre in left hand

Divinità: Zeus


Simbolo: Ξ (LeftField)

Simbolo: ΣΙ (BeneathThrone)



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