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Le monete più attraenti di Alessandro Magno

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Dramma di Alessandro Magno (Pella, Price 564A) coniata sotto Antigono Gonata (CNG, Electronic Auction 196, lot 8, 01.10.2008).


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (19mm, 4.26 g, 12h). Pella mint. Struck under Antigonos II Gonatas, circa 279-277/6 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; torch below throne. Price 564A. Good VF, attractively toned. Well centered and struck.

Un'analisi di questa interessante emissione è stata condotta nell'articolo di M. Thompson sull'hoard di Armenak. L'hoard comprendeva sia una tetradracma (moneta 96) che una dracma (moneta 611) di questa emissione (sebbene Thompson non abbia identificato la dracma come tale). Mentre le prove precedenti del ritrovamento collocavano l'emissione in una zecca macedone del 280-270 a. C. circa, Thompson ha riconosciuto una stretta associazione nell'incisione del dado di questa emissione (e di alcune altre) con quella delle rarissime emissioni alessandrine a nome di Antigonos II Gonatas. Sebbene R. Mathisen abbia collocato l'emissione di Antogono intorno al 272 a. C., praticamente tutta la monetazione dell'Armenak hoard risaliva a prima del 280 a. C., per cui Thompson ha suggerito che queste emissioni potrebbero essere precedenti al 272 a. C. - le emissioni a nome di Alessandro furono battute durante l'anarchia in Macedonia tra la morte di Tolomeo Keraunos nel 279 a.C. e la conquista finale del Paese da parte di Antigonos nel 277/6 a.C. L'emissione di Antigone sarebbe quindi seguita come emissione iniziale per celebrare la messa in sicurezza del Paese sotto il suo dominio (con il simbolismo della continuazione della dinastia di Alessandro). Se la datazione di Mathisen è corretta, tuttavia, queste emissioni alessandrine sarebbero state probabilmente battute dopo la riconquista del paese da parte di Pirro, nel 273/2 a. C. circa. In ogni caso, questa emissione deve essere stata battuta sotto Antigono. Un'emissione civica (non reale) battuta a Pella durante il periodo anarchico è improbabile, e lo stretto legame tra le emissioni a nome di Alessandro e Antigono fa dubitare che si tratti di un'emissione sotto Pirro durante il suo periodo in Macedonia (circa 274-272 a. C.).



Altro esemplare

Dramma di Alessandro Magno (Pella, Price 564A) coniata sotto Antigono Gonata (CNG, Electronic Auction 440, lot 82, 20.03.2019).


Estimate: 150 USD. Price realized: 180 USD.

KINGS of MACEDON. Antigonos II Gonatas. 277/6-239 BC. AR Drachm (19mm, 4.30 g, 6h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Pella mint. Struck circa 276-274 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; torch below throne. Price 564A; HGC 3, –. Near EF, toned, slight die shift on obverse.




Tetradramma di zecca incerta del Peloponneso (Megalopoli?) in nome e nei tipi di Alessandro Magno, coniata al tempo di Demetrio I Poliorcete – Antigono II Gonata (CNG, Electronic Auction 401, lot 24, 2.07.2017).


Estimate: 300 USD. Price realized: 320 USD.

KINGS of MACEDON. temp. Demetrios I Poliorketes – Antigonos II Gonatas. Circa 300-250 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24.5mm, 16.43 g, 2h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Uncertain mint in the Peloponnese (Megalopolis?). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; monogram in wreath in left field. Price 772; Troxell, Peloponnesian, Group II, Issue 1, unlisted dies. Good VF, toned, light scuff and field marks on reverse. Rare.
From the J. Cohen Collection. Ex Group SGF (Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 348, 8 April 2015), lot 250.

Sebbene Martin Price non abbia assegnato questa emissione a una zecca in particolare, Hyla Troxell ha suggerito che tutte le monete del suo Gruppo II siano state battute nella zecca di Megalopoli, mentre la città era sotto il controllo di un tiranno insediato da Antigono II Gonata. Tuttavia, lo stile e il tessuto di alcune matrici sono quasi identici alle emissioni di Demetrio I Poliorcete che Troxell e Price collocano a Corinto intorno al 300 a. C.



Altro esemplare del tetradramma precedente (Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 43, lot 108, 03.02.2018).


Estimate: 250 GBP. Lot unsold.

Kingdom of Macedon, Demetrios I Poliorketes - Antigonos II Gonatas AR Tetradrachm. In the name and types of Alexander III. Uncertain mint in the Pelopponese (Megalopolis?), circa 300-250 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding sceptre; monogram in wreath in left field. Price 772; Troxell, Peloponnesian, Group II, Issue 1. 17.20g, 25mm, 7h.
Very Fine. Very Rare, only one other example on CoinArchives.
From the collection of K.M., Germany.

Descrizione dal Price





ti aggiungo una degli ultimi acquisti di Alessandro, moneta non bellissima ( ho dovuto ripatinarla in quanto era stata passata in acido) ma di zecca non comune.


ALEX 086 D.jpg

ALEX 086 R.jpg


Ciao Silvio, conosco la moneta che rappresenta per me ancora un obiettivo di acquisto.

Siamo a Menfi: al rovescio Zeus è seduto su un trono basso; nel campo a sinistra c’è una testa d’ariete rivolta a destra con corona di Iside. Sotto il trono non c’è una A come sembra ma un monogramma a forma di Delta.

Così la descrive il Price:


ed è l’unico argento di Alessandro ad avere per simbolo la testa d’ariete con corona di Iside. Simbolo che ritroviamo solo sullo statere AU 3963 della stessa zecca.

I tetradrammi di Alessandro provenienti dalla zecca di Menfi, l'antica capitale dell'Egitto, sono sicuramente i più belli di tutte le monete battute a suo nome durante la sua vita. In precedenza erano stati attribuiti alla nuova città del re, Alessandria, ma sembra che il governatore della satrapia abbia preferito mantenere la vecchia zecca utilizzata in epoca persiana, dal momento che Menfi rimaneva ancora il centro amministrativo dell'Egitto.

Buon 2025,




buon 2025 anche a voi.

é una moneta che cercavo da tempo ( a me piace molto l'Egitto) ma quelle viste erano irraggiungibili, questa arriva da Leu Numismatik ma era stata passata in acido, con un po' di pazienza sono riuscito a renderla accettabile, ora cerchiamo l'altra di Menphis quella con la rosa.



Nell’asta Künker di fine ottobre dell’anno trascorso questo esemplare "roseo" ha realizzato a un prezzo di hammer tondo tondo.


Estimate: 1500 EUR. Price realized: 10 000 EUR.

Lot description:
KÖNIGREICH. Alexander III. 336-323 v. Chr.
AR-Tetradrachme, posthum, 322/321 v. Chr. Memphis; 17.20 g. Herakleskopf im Löwenfell r.//Zeus Aetophoros sitzt l. davor Rose, unten ΔΙ-O.
Price 3971; CPE 19; Hoover 910 r; Lathe Biosas -.
Prachtexemplar. Gutes vorzüglich
Exemplar der Auktion Leu Numismatik AG 81, Zürich 2001, Nr. 180.




Uno dei migliori esemplari passati nelle aste è questo della Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 134, lot 251, 21.11.2022.


Estimate: 10 000 CHF. Price realized: 18 000 CHF.

Greek Coins. Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt, Ptolemy I as satrap, 323 – 305/4.
Tetradrachm in the name and type of Alexander III, Memphis 322-321, AR 17.22 g. Head of Heracles r., wearing lion's skin headdress. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus seated l. on throne, holding eagle and sceptre; in inner l. field, rose and below throne, ΔΙ – Ο. Müller 124. SNG Copenhagen 7. Zervos, ANSMN 13, issue 2c. Price 3971. CPE 19.
Rare and in exceptional condition for the issue, undoubtedly one of the finest specimens known. A portrait of excellent style struck on fresh metal and a lovely old cabinet tone, virtually as struck and almost Fdc
Ex Hess-Leu 7 April 1960, 148 and Gemini V, 2009, 390 sales. Ex ANS inventory no. 1997.9.182 and from the Estate of John D. Leggett, Jr., 1997. From the collection of an aesthete.
Graded AU* Strike 5/5 Surface 5/5 Fine Style, NGC certification number 6556705-030.




un pelino fuori dalla mia portata 🤣. Dovrò aspettare un'occasione come l'altra.



Siamo in tema per presentare le tre tipologie di tetradrammi di Menfi con la rosa come simbolo riportate dal Price.





Tra gli esemplari Price 3970 in, veramente notevole per lo stile raffinato quello del Münzkabinett Wien

vs_org3970.thumb.jpg.6ea77193bc51faaaa69ea45404a8280d.jpg  rs_org.thumb.jpg.6a7f61417ef1b7a6f83a6b9071516c06.jpg


  • Mi piace 1


Rara moneta dagli ottimi dettagli e con un'attraente tonalità di Antigono I Monoftalmo, il nonno di Antigono II Gonata.

Tetradramma di Antigono I Monoftalmo coniato sotto Seleuco I a Susa, in nome e nei tipi di Alessandro Magno (Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 109, lot 293, 11.05.2023).


Estimate: 400 GBP. Price realized: 440 GBP.

Kingdom of Macedon, Antigonos I Monophthalmos AR Tetradrachm. Struck under Seleukos I, in the name and types of Alexander III. Susa, circa 311-308 BC. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / Zeus Aëtophoros seated to left, holding sceptre; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ below, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ to right, wreath in left field, AI above strut, monogram below throne. Price 3857 (struck under Aspesias); Taylor, Wreath Group, Group 5.6, 86 (this coin, A8/P37); Müller -. 16.81g, 25mm, 9h.
Good Extremely Fine; wonderfully detailed and featuring an attractive old cabinet tone. Scarce.
This coin published in L.W.H. Taylor, The Susa Wreath Group Alexanders: The First Step in the Transformation of an Anchor Seal to a Dynastic Emblem in KOINON II (2019);
Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 76, 12 September 2007, lot 772.

Descrizione dal Price



  • Mi piace 1


Tetradramma al tempo di Demetrio I Poliorcete e Antigono II Gonata, in nome e nei tipi di Alessandro Magno, coniata da una zecca incerta del Peloponneso, forse Argo, catalogata Price 759 (CNG, Auction 106, lot 226, 13.09.2017).


Estimate: 750 USD. Price realized: 750 USD.

KINGS of MACEDON. temp. Demetrios I Poliorketes – Antigonos II Gonatas. Circa 300-250 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 17.22 g, 3h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Uncertain mint in the Peloponnese (Argos?). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left on throne with Nikai on back; in left field, Athena Promachos advancing left; EY below throne. Price 759; Troxell, Peloponnesian Group I, Issue 3, dies A6/P– (unlisted rev. die). EF.
From the WN Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 82 (16 September 2009), lot 435.

Si notano al rovescio le Nike sulla spalliera del trono di Zeus e Atena Promachos che avanza a sinistra come simbolo nel campo a sinistra.

Martin Price non ha assegnato questa emissione a una zecca in particolare, ma Hyla Troxell ha suggerito che tutte le monete del suo Gruppo I fossero state battute nella zecca di Argo, mentre quella città era sotto il controllo di un tiranno insediato da Antigono Gonata. Tuttavia, lo stile e il materiale delle monete del Gruppo I sono quasi identici alle emissioni del padre di Antigono, Demetrio I Poliorcete, che Troxell e Price collocano a Corinto intorno al 300 a. C.


  • Mi piace 1


Descrizione del tetradramma Price 759 nel testo del Price.








Il simbolo di controllo sul rovescio del tetradramma Price 759 è l’immagine di Atena Promachos, appellativo dal significato “che combatte in prima linea” come si vede dalla lancia che brandisce e dallo scudo. Questa rappresentazione della dea Atena su modello della colossale statua fusa in bronzo da Fidia intoruno al 460 a. C., che sorgeva fra i Propilei e il Partenone nell’Acropoli di Atene per commemorare la vittoria di Maratona, campeggia sul rovescio di varie monete coniate nei tre metalli.


Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 66, lot 77, 17.10.2012.


Price realizad 190'000 CHF

Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt, Ptolemy I Satrap, circa 323-305
Stater, Alexandria 312/311, AV 8.53 g. Diademed head of Alexander r., wearing elephant skin headdress. Rev. ALEXANDROU Athena Promachos advancing r., brandishing spear and holding shield; in r. field, eagle / DI.
Apparently unique and unpublished, a coin of exceptional interest and historical
importance. A portrait of superb style struck on a full flan. Extremely fine This seemingly unpublished gold stater is a missing gold component of Ptolemy I's first substantial issue of the Athena Promachus coinage. In silver, the type was struck in large quantities as tetradrachms, and rarely as smaller denominations (Svoronos 33-35). It belongs to an early phase of Zervos’ issue XIII, usually thought to have commenced in c.314 B.C., though Lorber has made a case for its introduction in c.312/1 B.C.



If Lorber’s re-assessment is correct, this stater would be contemporary with the combined effort of Ptolemy I and Seleucus I to eject Demetrius Poliorcetes from Gaza. Though their victory paved the road for Seleucus to recapture his former satrapy of Babylon, the results were fleeting for Ptolemy, who by the spring of 311 had been forced out of the region by Demetrius.
The head of Alexander on the obverse of this type lies at the core of Ptolemy’s claim to Alexander’s legacy, for in 322/1 he took possession of Alexander’s embalmed body by intercepting it in Syria while it was in transit from Babylon to Macedon. The presentation is complex, and layered in symbolism: the elephant scalp refers to the conquest of India and perhaps also alludes to Alexander’s connection to Heracles, the ram’s horn is an attribute of Zeus-Ammon and must allude to Alexander’s fateful visit to the oracle of Ammon in Siwa, and the scaly aegis is a clear reference to Zeus. The band at his forehead is usually described as a diadem to signify kingship, but may be a tainia intended to symbolize victory, perhaps specifically in association with young Dionysus.
Ptolemy initially brought Alexander’s corpse to Memphis, but some time later it was relocated to a grand tomb in Alexandria. In the same way that Alexander’s body became an object of cult worship, Ptolemy’s coinage with the head of Alexander wearing an elephant scalp helped to promote the idea that the conqueror’s legacy resided within the realm of the Ptolemies.
Interest in Alexander’s corpse survived well into Roman times, and many emperors visited his tomb. Suetonius (Augustus 18) tells us that when Augustus landed in Alexandria after his victory at Actium, he gazed upon Alexander’s mummified body, placed a golden diadem on his head and sprinkled flowers on his body. When the attendant asked him if he wished to see the Mausoleum of the Ptolemies, Augustus responded “I came to see a king, not a row of corpses.”
The source of the battle-ready Athena, which replaced the seated figure of Zeus as the reverse type for silver coins of Ptolemy I, cannot be confirmed. It is generally agreed that it copies an archaistic statue. It is often described as Athena Promachos (“Athena who leads in battle” or “fighter in front”). Sometime between about 465 and 450 B.C., Phidias created a renowned statue of Athena Promachos which was installed to face the entrance of the Acropolis. She was known to the Athenians as the “bronze Athena” and was dedicated from the victory over the Persians; her spear and helmet could be seen at a great distance by sailors entering the Piraeus harbour.
Some scholars, however, see her as a different Athena. Zervos suggested she was a striding variety of the Palladian Athena, which had fallen from the heavens to Troy. Others, including Brett and Hazzard, make a strong case for it being Athena Alkidemos (the “defender/protector of the people”) since her temple was located in Pella, home of the ancient palace of the Macedonians, and the birthplace of Alexander.



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 110, lot 73, 24.09.2018.


Estimate: 1000 CHF. Price realized: 1500 CHF.

Greek coins
Ptolemies Kings of Egypt, Ptolemy I as satrap, 323 – 305. Tetradrachm in the name of Alexander III, Alexandria circa 310-305, AR 15.61 g. Diademed head of Alexander r., wearing elephant skin headdress. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟY Athena Promachos advancing r., brandishing spear and holding shield; in r. field, monogram, helmet and eagle. Svoronos 162. SNG Copenhagen 29. Lovely iridescent tone, a graffito on reverse, otherwise about extremely fine Privately purchased from Creusy in 2005. This coin is sold with a French export licence.


The New York Sale, Auction 30, lot 70, 09.01.2013


Estimate: 500 USD. Price realized: 750 USD.

ANCIENT COINS. GREEK. Sicily, Syracuse, Pyrrhos (278-276 B.C.), AE 22mm, 9.50g, 10h. Head of youthful Herakles facing left, wearing a lion’s skin. Rev. Athena Promachos advancing left, brandishing a spear in her raised right hand, and holding a shield in her left, a wreath in left field (Calciati II, 177). Sharp, high-relief strike, superb glossy dark brown patina, extremely fine. Ex M&M, Basel, private treaty c.1994 $500



Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 52, lot 415, 10.01.2019.


Estimate: 40 GBP. Lot unsold.

Seleukid Empire, Seleukos I Nikator Æ21. Antioch on the Orontes, circa 300 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣEΛEYKOY, Athena Promachos standing right, brandishing spear and shield. SC 16; WSM 913. 6.59g, 20mm, 9h.
Near Very Fine.
From the inventory of a North American dealer.

3b Savoca Numismatik, 203rd Monthly Silver Auction, lot 176, 24.03.2024.


Starting price: 50 EUR. Price realized: 70 EUR.

Pamphylia. Side circa 200-100 BC.
Bronze Æ
18 mm, 3,53 g
Head of Athena facing three-quarters right, wearing triple crested helmet / Athena Promachos walking right, holding shield and spear; pomegranate in right field.
Very Fine
SNG France 756-757; SNG Copenhagen 380.



Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 1, lot 331, 25.06.2017.


Estimate: 50 CHF. Price realized: 85 CHF.

KINGS OF MACEDON. Demetrios I Poliorketes, 306-283 BC. Unit (Bronze, 20 mm, 4.48 g, 11 h), uncertain mint in Cilicia. Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ Athena Promachos standing right, preparing to cast lance; monogram of AP to left, labrys to right. Newell 166. SNG München -. Attractive multicolored patina. Very fine.

3d Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 7, lot 91, 02.10.2012.


Bronze,Syracuse, Pyrrhos (278-276), AE, (g 11,39, mm 24, h 11). ΣYPAKOΣIΩN, head of Herakles l., wearing leontè, Rv. Athena Promachos standing r. CNS II, 175. About extremely fine.



Sul rovescio delle monete dei post precedenti è raffigurata Athena Promachos, la protettrice dell’Attica e dea eponima della città di Atene, che brandisce una lancia in accordo con l’appellativo di combattente in prima linea.

Si è detto che questa rappresentazione della dea Atena ha come modello la colossale statua fusa in bronzo da Fidia intorno al 460 a. C., che sorgeva fra i Propilei e il Partenone nell’Acropoli di Atene per commemorare la vittoria di Maratona.

Anche la scultura in marmo rinvenuta nel 1752 nella Villa dei Papiri di Ercolano raffigura la dea in questo atteggiamento, purtroppo mancante della lancia (

Athena Promachos


Autore: Sconosciuto.

Descrizione: Atena, dea della sapienza, delle arti e della guerra, incede, con il piede sinistro avanzato rispetto al destro; il braccio destro presenta l’avambraccio sollevato nell’atto di impugnare una lancia (probabilmente in bronzo ed oggi perduta), mentre il sinistro è teso in avanti e ricoperto dall’egida, l’indistruttibile mantello protettivo simile ad un’armatura regalatogli da Zeus, fatta di squame piumate, che dal collo ricade ad arco sul retro fino all’altezza del fianco. La testa della divinità, rivolta in direzione del braccio sinistro, è protetta da un elmo attico, decorato con grifi a rilievo sui lati e un piccolo gorgoneion (testa di Gorgone) sulla visiera. Al di sotto dell’egida, la dea indossa un lungo chitone (tunica) a maniche corte ed un himation (mantello), il cui orlo forma delle pieghe “a coda di rondine” e in cui ricorrono piccoli serpenti (attributo sacro alla dea); anche tra la spalla e il braccio sinistro vi è la testa di una Gorgone. I capelli, pettinati a formare una riga al centro, si avvolgono ai lati del volto in corti riccioli, mentre folte chiome ricadono lungo la schiena.

Periodo: Arte romana

Secolo: I secolo a.C.

Tipologia: Scultura

Collocazione: Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli



Sul rovescio di altre monete Atena è raffigurata in una posizione simile, con la differenza che l’oggetto impugnato nella mano destra non è la lancia ma un fulmine, cosa che attribuisce alla dea l’epiteto di Alkidemos”, cioè “Salvatrice del popolo” (

Sul sito alkidemos si legge:

Alkidemos or Alcidemos (defender of the people, demos) is a divine epithet, attested only by the Roman historian Livy (42.51), for the goddess Athena worshiped at PellaMacedonia. A similar Macedonian epithet of Athena was Alcis. Athena Alkidemos with thunderbolt and shield (aegis) was a usual depiction in Hellenistic tetradrachms.

Atena che impugna il fulmine si trova sul rovescio dei tetradrammi “Scudo macedone con il volto del dio Pan al centro/Atena” di Antigono II Gonata come quello descritto al post # 6553, e anche sui tetradrammi del re macedone Filippo V.

Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XVII, lot 177, 07.01.2014.


Estimate: 5000 USD. Price realized: 3250 USD.

KINGS of MACEDON. Philip V. 221-179 BC. AR Tetradrachm (32mm, 16.82 g, 11h). Pella or Amphipolis mint. Struck circa 220-211 BC. Diademed head right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΦIΛIΠΠOY, Athena Alkidemos, seen from behind, advancing left, shield decorated with star on left arm, preparing to cast thunderbolt held aloft in right hand; ΣP monogram to inner left, EP monogram to inner right. Mamroth, Philip 1; SNG Alpha Bank 1050; SNG München 1124 (same obv. die); SNG Saroglos 934; Rhousopoulos 1188 = Jameson 1011 (same dies). VF, lightly toned, small scratch in field on reverse. Rare.
From the RAJ Collection, purchased in 1999 from F. Shore.

This tetradrachm is from Philip’s first series of silver coinage, and features the first Macedonian royal portrait since the issues of his great-grandfather Demetrios I Poliorketes in the 290s BC. While the style of portraiture in Macedonian coinage was traditionally sub-par in comparison with those of Asia Minor, these portraits of Philip are among the most beautiful Hellenistic portraits, obviously engraved by master celators. The reverse features Athena Alkidemos, which was the traditional reverse type used on the tetradrachms of his grandfather, Antigonos II Gonatas. This first series of tetradrachms was struck on the Attic standard, and was replaced by a new coinage in 211 BC, with completely novel types, struck on the Macedonian standard. Although this first series is traditionally dated to a period of nine years, it most likely was a very short issue struck during the Social War (220-217 BC) (see EHC, p. 135).
INTRO TO PHILIP V: Philip V was the son of the Macedonian king Demetrios II Aitolikos. He was only nine at the time of his father's death in 239 BC, so the kingdom passed to his cousin, Antigonos III Doson, who ruled until 221 BC. The entirety of Philip’s reign was devoted to maintaining the supremacy of Macedon in Greece, which inevitably brought the kingdom into conflict with Rome, whose power in Greece was ascendant. Two major wars ensued, the First and Second Macedonian Wars, the latter culminating in the overwhelming defeat of the Macedonians at the Battle of Cynocephalae in 197 BC. Although Philip retained his kingdom, the influence of Macedon was considerably decreased, and Greece passed into the sphere of Rome.



Altro esemplare (Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XI, lot 131, 08.01.2008).


Exceptional Hellenistic Portrait

Estimate $10000. Sold For $15000.

KINGS of MACEDON. Philip V. 221-179 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 g, 11h). Pella or Amphipolis mint. Struck circa 220-211 BC. Diademed head right / BASILEWS FILIPPOU, Athena Alkidemos advancing left, preparing to cast thunderbolt held in her right hand; monograms to inner left and right. Mamroth, Philip 1, pl. 5, 1 (same obv. die); SNG Alpha Bank 1049; SNG München 1124; SNG Saroglos 934 (same obv. die); McClean 3628 (same obv. die). EF, light gray tone, with slight golden hues around the devices. Rare first issue of Philip.
From the Semon Lipcer Collection.
Philip V was the son of the Macedonian king Demetrios II Aitolikos. He was only nine at the time of his father's death in 239 BC, so the kingdom passed to his cousin, Antigonos III Doson, who ruled until 221 BC. The entirety of Philip’s reign was devoted to maintaining the supremacy of Macedon in Greece, which inevitably brought the kingdom into conflict with Rome, whose power in Greece was ascendant. Two major wars ensued, the First and Second Macedonian Wars, the latter culminating in the overwhelming defeat of the Macedonians at the Battle of Cynocephalae in 197 BC. Although Philip retained his kingdom, the influence of Macedon was considerably decreased, and Greece passed into the sphere of Rome.This tetradrachm is from Philip’s first series of silver coinage, and features the first Macedonian royal portrait since the issues of his great-grandfather Demetrios I Poliorketes in the 290s BC. While the style of portraiture in Macedonian coinage was traditionally sub-par in comparison with those of Asia Minor, these portraits of Philip are among the most beautiful Hellenistic portraits, obviously engraved by master celators. The reverse features Athena Alkidemos, which was the traditional reverse type used on the tetradrachms of his grandfather, Antigonos II Gonatas. This first series of tetradrachms was struck on the Attic standard, and was replaced by a new coinage in 211 BC, with completely novel types, struck on the Macedonian standard. Although this first series is dated to a period of nine years, it most likely was a very short issue (only three obverse dies are known) struck during the Social War (220-217 BC) (see EHC, p. 135).



Altri tetradrammi con Atena che impugna il fulmine sono quelli della Battria.

Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 553, lot 216, 03.01.2024.


Estimate: 500 USD. Price realized: 450 USD.

Oriental Greek
BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Strato I Soter. Circa 105-85/0 BC. AR Tetradrachm (28.5mm, 7.74 g, 13h). Diademed and draped bust right / Athena Alkidemos advancing left, brandishing aegis and thunderbolt; monogram to inner left. Bopearachchi 26A; SNG ANS 999; HGC 12, 334. Find patina, some roughness and pitting, cleaning marks, smoothing. Good VF.


Astarte, Web Auction 8, lot 91, 16.12.2024.


Starting price: 100 CHF. Price realized: 220 CHF.

BAKTRIA. Indo-Greek Kingdom. Menander I, 165/55-130 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24.24 mm, 9.56 g) Indian standard, uncertain mint in Paropamisadai or Gandhara, circa 155-130 BC. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ around, ΜΕΝΑΝΔΡΟΥ in exergue. Draped bust of Menander right, wearing crested helmet decorated with pelt and wing. Rev. “Maharajasa tratarasa Menamdrasa” around in Karoshti (“Of the Great King Menander the Savior”) Athena Alkidemos draped, advancing left, holding shield and drapery on the left arm, brandishing thunderbolt in the right hand and holding drapery on the same arm, Σ to left, monogram to right. Bopearachchi 15B. Mitchiner 2, 217f. SNG ANS 850-3. HGC 12, 182. Toned. Cleaning traces, otherwise, Very Fine.



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 126, lot 267, 17.11.2021.


Estimate: 5000 CHF. Price realized: 8000 CHF.

Ancient Greek Coins
Indo-Greek Kingdom. Strato I, circa 105 – 85/80
Tetradrachm circa 105-85/80, AR 9.06 g. Diademed and draped bust r. Rev. Athena Alkidemos standing l., brandishing thunderbolt and aegis; in l. field, monogram. Bopearachchi 17A. Bopearachchi & Rahman –. SNG ANS 995 var. (different monogram). MIG Type 328.
Extremely rare, apparently only four specimens known. Dark tone and very fine
Ex CNG sale 87, 2011, 742.
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