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Moneta proveniente da Nauloco

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Ciao a tutti, sto facendo una tesi sui porti antichi sulle monete di epoca greca e romana,e nel sito coin archives mi dava come moneta anche questa proveniente da Nauloco in cui si alluderebbe al porto di Priene,ma non riesco a sapere niente di più,dal momento che non trovo bibliografia.Qualcuno mi saprebbe aiutare sull'importanza di questo porto...!!!Al diritto presenta ATENA e al rovescio, il delfino con iscrizione NAΨ.



ciao, premesso che non è il mio campo, qui c'è qualche notizia... in inglese

è un piccolo porto vicino a Priene

vedi Naulochus



Grazie mille per la repentina risposta mi metto subito alla ricerca di notizie :P


Only a month afterwards, Agrippa destroyed Sextus' navy on the shores of Naulochus. Sextus escaped to the East and, by abandoning Sicily, lost all of his base of support there. Sextus was eventually caught in Miletus in 35 BC and executed there without trial (technically an illegal act since Sextus was a Roman citizen) by one of Antony's minions. Octavian would later use this execution as ammunition against Antony when their relationship finally became adversarial. Like Sextus, Antony too would later wind up dead at the hands of Rome.

Although Crawford and Mattingly assigned this issue to the period after Actium, Octavian's titles here are consistent with the early 30s BC. The strongly naval theme (the galley, Victory also holding a rudder) suggests preparations for a naval engagement, perhaps against Sextus Pompey, and may commemorate both the battle of Naulochus in 36 BC, and the return of Octavian's legions to Africa.



Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction Mail Bid Sale 67 (22.09.2004)

Lot 690 ( « | » )

Price 425 USD


IONIA, Naulochos. Circa 350-340 BC. Æ 11mm (1.50 gm).

Estimate $300

IONIA, Naulochos. Circa 350-340 BC. Æ 11mm (1.50 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet / NAV, leaping dolphin within circular maeander pattern. BMC Ionia pg. 202, 1; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG von Aulock -. Good VF, dark green patina with encrustation. Very rare. ($300)

Naulochos was the port city of Priene, and had its own limited coinage issue in the mid-4th century BC.


Sono stupita :o per l'efficenza di questo sito, l'ho scoperto per caso ma è davvero molto utile e ben organizzato....Ti ringrazio Rorey36 :)

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