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primo pesa 3.5 grammi 26mm

il secondo 4.9 grammi 23mm


With apologies for English only, but to make it quick...

These are the common cash coins, but let me check the mint for you. I can say the obverse type of #2 (which image is upside down) is the A-1 variety. Give me a minute and I'll check a catalog.

;) v.


#1 is the province of Yunnan, C-26, G = .25, VG = .50

But I see the problem, maybe...the coin did not appear in the Krause 5th edition, that I could see--I had to check an older Krause. Found it in the 1993, before they split the catalog by century.

Now I'll check out #2.

;) v.

  • Mi piace 1


#2 is a general issue of the Empire, from the "Board of Public Works" mint, tyoe C2-1 according to the Krause 1701-1800 1st edition, F = .25, VF = .35

;) v.

  • Mi piace 1

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