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Good Afternoon,

My name is Paulo, Portuguese and don´t speak Italian, excuse me, is possible you send to me the cotation about this coins, FDC, Euro Set, Proof, Busta Numismatic, and CC.

In my collection have any this coins, and is my interest to know the real value, untherstand?

Best Regards


  Il 26/01/2011 alle 18:56, jpmf1 dice:

Good Afternoon,

My name is Paulo, Portuguese and don´t speak Italian, excuse me, is possible you send to me the cotation about this coins, FDC, Euro Set, Proof, Busta Numismatic, and CC.

In my collection have any this coins, and is my interest to know the real value, untherstand?

Best Regards


Hi Paulo! Welcome!!

Your question is not so clear. Of what nation would you like to get the quotation? Italy, Vatican o San Marino?

You can look at some quotation in our numismatic Euro Catalogue. Click here.


Good Morning,

Coatation about Vatican and S.Marino.



  Il 27/01/2011 alle 09:06, jpmf1 dice:

Good Morning,

Coatation about Vatican and S.Marino.



First of all try to read this topic (especially message number two):

I've already answered similar questions about quotations of Vatican and RSM collectors emissions.

For Philatelic/Numismatic Vatican Busta quotations are about 50 € for any year of emission.

For other years of emissions not included in that topic you can ask.

Sorry for my bad scholastic english and welcome on board!

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