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Please forgive me for writing in English. Can anyone help me with this coin? Believe may be a Grosso agonanto but know little more. Any information greatly received.





This is a grosso agontano the mint of Rimini. The diameter should be about 21 mm and weight 2.35.

D/ +:DEARIMINO:; Croce patente.

R/ PP S GAV DECIVS; Santo benedicente.


The coin is not 21mm but is somewhere between 20 and 21mm. Weight I will need to confirm as do not have accurate scales yet - is somewhere between 2 and 3 grams tho...


well this is an hand made coin so the measures could be not always perfect. It was struck between 1250 and 1385, the coins made in the first years were larger than the last (your one belongs to the second period)

It is'nt a rare coin and the value of your one, very damaged, should be around 30,00/50,00€.

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