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First post on this forum. Excuse me for my english, he's not very good, but my italian is worst. (I can't speak it or write it in fact)

I'm french and I'm recently interested in numismatic. I've recently bought an italian gold coin. I'm quite sure it's a real fiorino but I can't date it. The secret might be in the sign upon the saint's right hand. I read that it depends on the monetary's magistrate.

I know that the response might be in this italian book : "Monete Zecche Medievale Italiane Dal Sec VIII al Sec XV" from Elie Biaggi.



Another strange thing: the weight is only 1,54 g ?

Thanks for your answers




Could you upload also the other side of this coin?

it'll help for the identification.

A bientôt.


Hello Sesino and Tutti,

Here are fresh pics of the coin. The one I've put in my first message was taken on the net because I had'nt any picture of the original coin and this coin had the same sign I've mentionned.

Mine is 20 mm.

Hope you could help me.

Many thanks



Concerning the magistrate's sign you are quite right: it is a privy mark (un "différent") that changed every six months together with the mint officer responsible for gold coinage. We still have the book, called "fiorinaio", where these signs were recorded and to whom they belonged, so it is actually possible to date these coins with great precision.

Concerning your coin, I'm absolutely not an expert in this coinage but the standard weight for a gold fiorino should be 3,54 gr. At 1,54 gr. I have serious doubts yours is a reproduction in base metal (brass?)

Regards, P.


Many thanks for your response Paleologo,

If you have the book you've mentionned could you tell me whose magistrate's sign is this ?

As concern et weight, I'm afraid you'are right. It could explain the price I've paid, but I'm quite sure it's gold not brass. May be an old false coin ?

Still a mystery....

If you have the book you've mentionned could you tell me whose magistrate's sign is this ?

I would love to, but unfortunately the original is unique... it goes back to 1361 and it is preserved in the State Archive of Florence :)

I think the same information is reported in modern books like CORPVS NVMMORVM ITALICORVM VOL.XII - TOSCANA, FIRENZE, 1930 or the more recent LE MONETE DELLA REPUBBLICA FIORENTINA by Mario Bernocchi (Florence 1974-78). Unfortunately this is quite outside my numismatic interests so I don't have either. Maybe someone on this forum can help you.

As concern et weight, I'm afraid you'are right. It could explain the price I've paid, but I'm quite sure it's gold not brass. May be an old false coin ?

Still a mystery....

Or rather a modern reproduction/souvenir. This means you might not be able to find an actual correspondence for the privy mark.

Regards, P.


Thanks for your response Paleologo,

I hope someone will have one of this book.

Kind regards

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