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vedete il foglio allegato ke ho ricevuto


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Dear Collector,

The Stamp and Coin Museum acknowledges receipt of your inquiry for a set of Euro coins issued by the Principality of Monaco.

The « Brilliant uncirculated » issues of 2001 and 2002 and the proof set of 2004, partly distributed by the Museum, are now sold out, the demand being higher than the quantities available. There has been no issue of a complete set for 2005, but a set of the 1, 2 and 5 cents in proof quality, also sold out.

Some limited Euro issues, particularly gold and silver, are preferably (sometimes exclusively) commercialized by the numismatic professionals established in Monaco (*).

The Principality of Monaco has issued a 2 euro 2007 commemorative coin in BU quality (issue 20.000) bearing the effigy of Princess Grace. It was not available in the Stamp and coin Museum, but commercialized by the professional numismatics established in Monaco and distributors of Monaco coins. Please take notice that circulation coins are not available for sale for individual collectors or for dealers.

The Stamp and Coin Museum has taken notice of your inquiry, and may inform you, within the limits of its possibility, of any new product available in the future by correspondence through the Museum, as long as we have received your complete address.

Thanking you for your interest in the philatelic and numismatic issues of the Principality,

Yours sincerely

Dear Collector,

The Stamp and Coin Museum acknowledges receipt of your inquiry for a set of Euro coins issued by the Principality of Monaco.

The « Brilliant uncirculated » issues of  2001 and 2002 and the proof set of 2004, partly distributed by the Museum, are now sold out, the demand being higher than the quantities available.  There has been no issue of a complete set for 2005, but a set of the 1, 2 and 5 cents in proof quality, also sold out. 

Some limited Euro issues, particularly gold and silver, are preferably (sometimes exclusively) commercialized by the numismatic professionals established in Monaco (*).

The Principality of Monaco has issued a 2 euro 2007 commemorative coin in BU quality (issue 20.000) bearing the effigy of Princess Grace. It was not available in the Stamp and coin Museum, but commercialized by the professional numismatics established in Monaco and distributors of Monaco coins. Please take notice that circulation coins are not available for sale for individual collectors or for dealers.

The Stamp and Coin Museum has taken notice of your inquiry, and may inform you, within the limits of its possibility, of any new product available in the future by correspondence through the Museum, as long as we have received your complete address.

Thanking you for your interest in the philatelic and numismatic issues of the Principality,

Yours sincerely


E' la risposta standard automatica.

Non devi nè puoi far nulla :unsure:


Ho ricevuto la stessa risposta io l’ano scorso.

Significa ce il museo non e piu adetto ala distribuzione delle monete, che pero può informarvi delle nuove emissioni ( a me non mi informano di niente – fino ad ora).


Ciao Bostjan

Ho ricevuto la stessa risposta io l’ano scorso.

Significa ce il museo non e piu adetto ala distribuzione delle monete, che pero può informarvi delle nuove emissioni ( a me non mi informano di niente – fino ad ora).


Ciao Bostjan


Neppure a me arriva nulla. Eppure ho pure chiesto al tipo del museo di verificare la presenza del mio nominativo (a destra del bancone c'è una porta che porta in uno sgabuzzino pieno di francobolli et similia e un pc... Fa un po' ridere :D )

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