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Weight ,Diameter and Composition are similar to 6 Bagattini - Francesco Molin

Obverse: Half-length facing Madonna with Child on right, R. C. - L. A. arching from upper left to upper right, value '6' in exergue.

Reverse: Half-length facing figure of St. Mark with lettering  “sanctus marc.VE” which is where the problem arises. I have googled this coin but cant find the same combination of Obverse and Reverse .

Any ideas please. I have pictures but file size is too big and I dont know how to make them smaller.


Buongiorno, se hai fatto le foto con il cellulare, dovresti cercare di rimpicciolire l'immagine ancora un'altro poco.


La tua moneta è simile a questa?




Same as the above coin but reverse has  I think IMG_20241101_113525.jpg.9d07e6b2b5dc6a6e6c68961d1ef39179.jpgSANCTUS MARC.VE


Does anybody have any idea if this is a genuine coin and if so any idea of date.

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