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Inviato (modificato)

Buonasera a tutti , 

What we found here ?  Celtic , Roman Republic,  Greek of something else 

Diam. 25 mm / weight : 17,86 gr. / Bronze 

Coin found in the The Netherlands. 

Saluti , Ajax 


kelt az.jpg


Modificato da Ajax


Buongiorno @Ajax ma non capisco una cosa, queste monete antiche che posta provengono da ritrovamenti fortuiti in ripostigli olandesi, fatti magari con il metal detector?

Sarei curioso di sapere cosa dice la normativa olandese in proposito.

Inviato (modificato)

@torpedo , 

Ciao , 

These are all metal detector finds in The Netherlands.  These finds are posted by members on several Metal detecting forums for determination help. I'am a numismatic specialist helping members with the determinations of this unknown findings .Therefore I posted sometimes this coins abroad ( f.a Germany / Italy)  for ID help. Metal detecting in The Netherlands is allowed up to a depth of 30 centimeters provided you have permission of the landowner.  Metaldetecting is prohibited in nature reservers and areas disignated as archaeological sites. 

Furthermore it is forbidden in areas disignated by the competent municipalities as sites of war aquipment from World Wars 1&2 

Saluti,  Ajax 



Modificato da Ajax

41 minuti fa, Ajax dice:

@torpedo , 

Ciao , 

These are all metal detector finds in The Netherlands.  These finds are posted by members on several Metal detecting forums for determination help. I'am a numismatic specialist helping members with the determinations of this unknown findings .Therefore I posted sometimes this coins abroad ( f.a Germany / Italy)  for ID help. Metal detecting in The Netherlands is allowed up to a depth of 30 centimeters provided you have permission of the landowner.  Metaldetecting is prohibited in nature reservers and areas disignated as archaeological sites. 

Furthermore it is forbidden in areas disignated by the competent municipalities as sites of war aquipment from World Wars 1&2 

Saluti,  Ajax 




All right, OK. I understand.

In Italy, however, it is forbidden to search for ancient coins with a metal detector.



Purtroppo il rovescio risulta indecifrabile, oltre che colpito pesantemente da cancro del bronzo.  Il diritto non mi ricorda alcuna moneta precisa; lo stile, fra celtico e greco, mi sembra piuttosto celtico, ma senza certezze. Viste anche le foto del bordo, propenderei per una moneta originale ma fusa.


Ciao @Ajax,

anche a me sembra « celtizzante » come stile, ma il modulo sarebbe poco comune. Puoi confermare i dati (25 mm/17,86g) per favore?

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