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Un braccialetto della regina egiziana Hetepheres

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Braccialetto della regina egiziana Hetepheres svela importanti segreti


Lo studio pubblicato sul famoso Journal of Archaeological Science , ha analizzato i manufatti in argento dell’antico Egitto , svelando una rete commerciale con gli antichi greci che non solo era più estesa, ma anche significativamente più antica di quanto si credesse in precedenza.

Sembra che gli antichi egizi fossero attivamente impegnati in una fiorente rete commerciale che si estendeva ben oltre i loro confini. Le rotte commerciali attraversavano le isole Cicladi dell’età del bronzo , le città elleniche annidate in Anatolia (l’odierna Turchia), l’incantevole isola di Creta e la vivace Lavrion sulla Grecia continentale. “L’Egitto non ha fonti interne di minerale d’argento e l’argento si trova raramente nella documentazione archeologica egiziana fino all’età del bronzo medio”, scrivono gli autori, un team di archeologi provenienti da Australia, Francia e Stati Uniti. “Sorprendentemente, i rapporti isotopici del piombo sono coerenti con i minerali delle Cicladi (isole dell’Egeo, Grecia) e, in misura minore, di Lavrion (Attica, Grecia), e non divisi dall’oro o dall’elettro come precedentemente ipotizzato. Le fonti in Anatolia (Asia occidentale) possono essere escluse con un alto grado di fiducia”, scrivono gli autori del rapporto. Questi straordinari manufatti d’argento non erano stati analizzati approfonditamente fino ad ora. L’autrice principale del rapporto, Karin Sowada dello stimato Dipartimento di storia e archeologia della Macquarie University di Sydney, ha guidato questa ricerca e rapporto innovativi. La regina Hetepheres, conosciuta come la “Figlia di Dio”, ricoprì una posizione significativa come linea di sangue reale diretta della IV dinastia in Egitto, durante lo stimato periodo dell’Antico Regno che va dal 2700 a.C. al 2200 a.C. Era sposata con il re Sneferu e diede alla luce un figlio e successore, Khufu , che commissionò una grande tomba e piramide per il suo luogo di riposo eterno. Per secoli, l’ubicazione del luogo di sepoltura della regina Hetepheres è rimasta avvolta nel mistero fino a una scoperta fortuita nel 1925. Gli esploratori si sono imbattuti in un pozzo precedentemente nascosto a Giza, dove hanno scoperto il suo sarcofago vuoto. Mentre inizialmente si presumeva che Hetepheres fosse stata sepolta vicino alla piramide di suo marito a Dahshur , suo figlio, Khufu, ordinò che la sua tomba fosse trasferita a Giza dopo che era stata presa di mira dai ladri di tombe. Per approfondire i segreti custoditi da questi antichi manufatti , gli autori del rapporto hanno esaminato meticolosamente campioni della collezione ospitata nel rinomato Museum of Fine Arts di Boston. Impiegando tecniche all’avanguardia come XRF di massa, micro-XRF, SEM-EDS, diffrattometria a raggi X e MC-ICP-MS, hanno scoperto con successo composizioni elementali e mineralogiche essenziali. Inoltre, il team ha utilizzato i rapporti isotopici del piombo per ottenere preziose informazioni sulla natura, sul trattamento metallurgico e sulla possibile fonte di minerale dell’argento. Con loro grande stupore, le analisi hanno svelato la presenza di argento, cloruro d’argento e persino una possibile traccia di cloruro di rame all’interno dei minerali.


Tuttavia, sono stati i rapporti isotopici del piombo a sorprendere. I rapporti corrispondevano esclusivamente a quelli trovati nell’argento proveniente dall’Egeo, dall’Attica e dall’Anatolia, regioni che fiorirono durante l’età del bronzo, prima del periodo ellenistico. Un ulteriore esame di una sezione trasversale di un frammento di braccialetto di proprietà della regina Hetepheres ha fornito dettagli accattivanti sull’artigianato coinvolto nella creazione di questi antichi tesori. È diventato evidente che il metallo era stato sottoposto a ripetute ricottura e martellatura a freddo durante l’intricato processo di lavorazione. Forse la scoperta più significativa che emerge da questo studio è la prova conclusiva che l’Egitto e la Grecia erano coinvolti nel commercio a lunga distanza molto prima di quanto precedentemente noto. In effetti, questa ricerca fornisce la prima prova scientifica che l’argento provenisse dalle isole dell’Egeo in Grecia, svelando un aspetto precedentemente sconosciuto delle loro antiche reti commerciali. Mentre le informazioni sulle reti commerciali dell’Egitto divennero più documentate durante il Medio Regno (2040 a.C. – 1782 a.C.) e il Nuovo Regno (1550 a.C. – 1069 a.C.), l’applicazione dell’analisi degli isotopi di piombo agli oggetti d’argento del Medio Regno è il più grande risultato da questo studio. “Nel Medio Regno e nel Nuovo Regno molto, molto più tardi, abbiamo molti papiri che contengono documenti amministrativi, documenti commerciali e così via”, ha detto il dottor Gillan Davis dell’Australian Catholic University, uno degli autori . “Ma per l’Antico Regno, è passato troppo tempo, quei documenti per la maggior parte non sono sopravvissuti”, ha concluso.


Silver in ancient Egyptian bracelets provides earliest evidence for long-distance trade between Egypt and Greece

Engraving on a bracelet owned by Queen Hetepheres in ancient Egypt. Queen Hetepheres owned a number of items of jewellery, which help offer an insight into her life.(Supplied: Macquarie University via Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

Surviving tomb robbers and time, jewellery owned by ancient Egyptian royalty in around 2600 BC is helping shed new light on the beginnings of the globalised world.

Key points:

  • Queen Hetepheres' tomb represents the largest and most famous collection of silver artefacts from early Egypt.
  • The study provides the first scientific evidence that silver used in her jewellery was sourced from the Aegean Islands in Greece.
  • The findings offer an insight into the trade networks that existed and the emergence of Egyptian state.

An analysis of bracelets owned by Queen Hetepheres — the mother of King Khufu, who would go on to build the Great Pyramid — has found that Egypt and Greece were involved in long-distance trade earlier than previously known.

Queen Hetepheres' tomb represents the largest and most famous collection of silver artefacts from early Egypt.

While researchers have long-known that the ancient Egyptians traded with other civilisations, the new study provides the first scientific evidence that silver was sourced from the Aegean Islands in Greece, researchers reported on Tuesday in the Journal of Archaeological Science.

The bracelets were among some of the items recovered from Queen Hetepheres's tomb. The bracelets were among some of the items recovered from Queen Hetepheres's tomb.(Supplied: Macquarie University (Photographer: Mustapha Abu el-Hamd, August 25, 1926) )

"This kind of ancient trading network helps us to understand the beginnings of the globalised world," said the study's lead author Karin Sowada, director of the Australian Centre for Egyptology at Macquarie University.

"For me that's a very unexpected finding in this particular discovery."

Bracelets offer an insight into Hetepheres's life

Born into royalty, Queen Hetepheres was somewhat of an enigma.

Bearing the title 'Daughter of God', she represented the direct royal blood line of the Fourth Dynasty in Egypt, in a period of time known as the Old Kingdom (2700 BC – 2200 BC)

Queen Hetepheres was married to King Sneferu. Together, they had a son and successor, Khufu, who is believed to have commissioned a tomb and pyramid for his mother's body to rest in.



For thousands of years, her place of burial remained a mystery, until expeditioners came across a shaft in Giza in 1925 — where they found her empty sarcophagus.

The expeditioners conjectured that Hetepheres had originally been buried near her husband's pyramid in Dahshur, but her son ordered her tomb be moved to Giza after robbers broke in.

The Tomb of Queen Hetepheres in the Giza pyramid complex adjacent to the Pyramid of Khufu. The Tomb of Queen Hetepheres in the Giza pyramid complex adjacent to the Pyramid of Khufu.(Getty Images)

While the whereabouts of her body and gold trappings remain unknown, a number of items were recovered from the tomb, including the bracelets. 

"I like to say that the size of the pyramids are almost inversely proportional to the history of what's recorded about these people," Dr Sowada said.

"These objects themselves give us a window into her life and how she lived."

Origins of silver have always been a mystery

The team, which included researchers from France and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, where the bracelets are stored, scanned fragments to work out what they were made of.

While the bracelets were last examined decades ago, Dr Sowada said they had never been analysed "scientifically to a high degree."

The bracelets represent the largest and most famous collection of silver artefacts from early Egypt. The bracelets represent the largest and most famous collection of silver artefacts from early Egypt.(Supplied: Macquarie University (Photographer: Mohammedani Ibrahim, August 11, 1929))

The new analysis revealed the bracelets consist of silver with traces of copper, gold, lead and other elements. 

They were made by hammering cold-worked metal with frequent annealing — which involves heating it to a certain temperature to prevent breakage. 

The addition of gold would have helped improve the silver bracelets' appearance and ability to be shaped.

While ancient Egypt was known to be rich in gold, it had no local sources of silver, Dr Sowada said. 

"So this period of early Egypt is a little bit terra incognita from the perspective of silver," Dr Sowarda said, noting that the bracelets represented "essentially the only large scale silver that exists for this period of the third millennium BC".

Fragments of an ancient Egyptian bracelet laid out. Samples of the bracelets were analysed by researchers.(Supplied: Macquarie University via Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

"Silver also has the added disadvantage of corroding more easily."

And it wasn't until the early second millennium BC that "large quantities of silver" were preserved, she said.

While ancient Egyptian literature makes mention of materials like silver and lapis lazuli "in the context of imported commodities", their origins were never preserved, Dr Sowada explained.

For a "very long time" researchers assumed the silver was extracted from local gold with a high silver content.

But the new analysis of these bracelets has cast doubt on that theory, with lead isotope ratios in the silver from this time period found to be consistent with ores from the Cyclade Islands in the Aegean, and to a lesser extent, Lavrion (Attica in Greece).

"So these bracelets represent a very, very unique opportunity to understand not just the metalworking techniques at this time, but also the trade networks that were existing, which are very important to understanding the emergence of Egyptian state," Dr Sowada said.

Map of the north-east Mediterranean and western Asia, showing potential silver sources A map of the north-east Mediterranean and western Asia shows potential sources of the silver.(Supplied: Macquarie University via F. Albarède)

'We haven't had that scientific evidence before'

Egypt's historical trade networks have been well noted in scientific literature, with the ancient city of Byblos in Lebanon seen as a "key centre" for materials like wood, particularly Lebanese cedar.

The Egyptians had "active ports all along the Delta region" that were transporting goods to and from Egypt, alongside overland desert routes between the Nile Valley and Red Sea, said Melanie Pitkin, senior curator of the Nicholson collection of antiquities at the University of Sydney's Chau Chak Wing Museum.

The Byblos archaeology site, which is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. The first settlement in Byblos dates back to the 9th century BC, and the city is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.(Getty Images)

"The whole east desert was a place for precious metals, so they were using donkeys to do this, and also by foot," she said.

Lebanese cedar can be found in some Old Kingdom structures, and Egyptian artefacts have been excavated from areas known to have been used as trading emporiums, like Ugarit, in modern day Syria, added Brent Davis, a senior lecturer in archaeology at the University if Melbourne.

But much more information about Egypt's trade networks was documented as time progressed into the Middle Kingdom (2040 BC –1782 BC) and then New Kingdom (1550 BC –1069 BC).

Sites like Ugarit in Syria were used as trading emporiums.(Getty Images)

"In the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom much, much later, we have lots of papyrus that contain administrative records, trade records and so forth," Dr Davis said.

"But for the Old Kingdom, it's just too long ago, those documents for the most part haven't survived."

While lead isotope analysis has been done on other silver objects from the Middle Kingdom — with artefacts stored in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York also believed to have come from mainland Greece — we "just haven't had that scientific evidence before" to show that Egypt was active in the Mediterranean region prior to that, Dr Pitkin, said.

"Egypt having international relations at this time is not surprising, but to be able to use robust scientific evidence to show it with the Aegean or mainland Greece, that is interesting," she said.

So how did Egypt acquire this silver?

Rather than source the silver directly from the Cyclades, Dr Sowada believes the ancient Egyptians leveraged their relationship with Byblos's elite to acquire it.

She says the Egyptians were probably aware the source of the silver was beyond their reach, but that they could use their networks to their advantage.

"[Byblos] mediated the the acquisition of this silver from the Aegean, which was then acquired by the Egyptian state at Byblos," Dr Sowada said.

"I think at this early stage, that's really as much as we can say."

The Tomb of Queen Hetepheres in front of the Pyramid of Khufu in the Giza pyramid complex.(Getty Images)

The ancient Egyptians were known to procure things like lapis lazuli and other goods that were not available locally, but that "doesn't mean the Egyptians travelled to those faraway places," Dr Davis added.

"They went to these emporium cities, I believe, and procured those materials there."

Bracelets a 'window' into emergence of Egyptian state

While the findings help shed light on the beginnings of the globalised world, Dr Sowada says they also underscore how much there is to learn about ancient Egypt and the trade networks that existed.

Khufu, the son of Sneferu and Queen Hetepheres, is famous for building the Great Pyramid at Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world.(Getty Images)

 "This is the start of a line of research that has got a long way to go."

But, she added, the analysis of the bracelets "offered a window" into the emergence of the Egyptian state.

"These networks wouldn't have happened overnight.

"They would have been built over a long period of time and these bracelets are a window into that wider network."

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