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Here are some of my coins from Alexandria.

Constantius II:-

Obv:- D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:- FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, Helmeted soldier left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield at ground to right. Horseman falls forward clutching his horse. He is bare headed
Minted in Alexandria (* | _ // ALEA). A.D. 348-350
References:- RIC VIII Alexandria 46 (R)
A scarcer early issue.

5.77 gms. 23.72 mm. 180 degrees


Obv:- D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:- FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, Helmeted soldier left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield at ground to right. Horseman turns to face the soldier, and reaches his left arm up towards him. He is bare headed and has a beard
Minted in Alexandria (G | _ // ALEA).
References:- RIC VIII Alexandria 72


Minted in Alexandria (G | _ // ALEG).
References:- RIC VIII Alexandria 72


Minted in Alexandria (G | _ // ALED).
References:- RIC VIII Alexandria 72


This one is of the same type but in the reverse legend "FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO" the Rs seem to be made from Retrograde Ns


Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right (Delta behind bust)
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield at ground to right. Horseman turns to face the soldier, and reaches his left arm up towards him. He is bare headed
Minted in Alexandria (//ALED).
Reference:– RIC VIII Alexandria 75


Obv:- D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:- FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, Helmeted soldier left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield at ground to right. Horseman turns to face the soldier, and reaches his left arm up towards him. He wears a Phrygian hemlet and is beardless
Minted in Alexandria (_ | _ // ALEA).
References:- RIC VIII Alexandria 80


Obv:– D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right;
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground at right. Horseman is bare headed and reaches back towards the emperor
Minted in Alexandria (M | _ // ALEA).
Reference:- RIC VIII Alexandria 84 var (84 wears cap)

2.74 gms. 16.63 mm. 180 degrees.


Alexanadria - Constantius Gallus:-

Obv:– DN CONSTANTI-VS NOB CAES, Bare, bust draped and cuirassed right
Rev:– FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, Soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is bare headed, reaching back towards the emperor
Minted in Alexandria (G|_//ALED),
Reference:– RIC VIII Alexandria 74 corr.


Obv:– DN CONSTANTI-VS NOB CAES, Bare, bust draped and cuirassed right; Delta behind bust
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is wearing a Phrygian cap, reaching back towards soldier
Minted in Alexandria (// ALED),
Reference:– RIC VIII Alexandria 77 (C2)

4.64g. 21.17 mm. 0 degrees


Obv:– DN CONSTANTI-VS NOB CAES, Bare, bust draped and cuirassed right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is bare headed, reaching back towards soldier
Minted in Alexandria (Dot S Dot | _ // ALEA),
Reference:– cf RIC VIII Alexandria 79 (C2) where soldier wears peaked cap


Obv:– DN CONSTANTI-VS NOB CAES, Bare, bust draped and cuirassed right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is bare headed, reaching back towards the emperor (horseman wears Phrygian helmet)
Minted in Alexandria (//ALED),
Reference:– RIC VIII Alexandria 81


  • Mi piace 3

  • 3 mesi dopo...

Buongiorno a tutti, 

posto nuova arrivata in collezione Litra68. 

Descrizione della Casa d'Aste. 

Constantius II (337-361). Æ (23,8mm, 4.15g). Constantinople, AD 351-355. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r. R/ Helmeted soldier l., spearing fallen horseman to lower l.; shield to r., Γ• in l. field; in ex., CONSA. RIC 106.



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  • Mi piace 2


Here is a selection from my collection from Constantinople.

RIC VIII Constantinople 081

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground at right. Horseman is bearded and falls forward (FH4)
Minted in Constantinople (Gamma | _ //CONSA*). A.D. 348-351
Reference:- RIC VIII, Constantinople 81 (Noted as a scarcer reverse legend break R-E rather than RE-P).


Minted in Constantinople (Gamma | _ //CONSA*). A.D. 348-351


Minted in Constantinople (Gamma | _ //CONSS*). A.D. 348-351


Minted in Constantinople (Gamma | _ //CONS Theta *). A.D. 348-351


RIC VIII Constantinople 082

Obv:- D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:- FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, Helmeted soldier left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield at ground to right. Horseman turns to face the soldier, and reaches his left arm up towards him. He wears a Phrygian hemlet and a beard
Minted in Constantinople (G | _ // CONSD*).
References:- RIC VIII Constantinople 82


Rev:- FEL TEMP R-EPARATIO, Helmeted soldier left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield at ground to right. Horseman turns to face the soldier, and reaches his left arm up towards him. He is bare headed and bearded
Minted in Constantinople (G | _ // CONSIA*).
References:- RIC VIII Constantinople 82 (Rare reverse legend break)


RIC VIII Constantinople 106

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground at right. Horseman is bearded and falls forward clutching his horse. his hair is tied in a top-knot.
Minted in Constantinople (G | dot | _ //CONSI).
Reference:- RIC VIII Constantinople 106

Unusual 3 dimensional wave effect created on shield


Minted in Constantinople (G | dot | _ //CONSD).
Reference:- RIC VIII Constantinople 106 var (106 is C3, Phrygian Cap)


RIC VIII Constantinople 109

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right, Delta behind bust
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield at ground to right. Horsemanis falling forward clutching his horse. He is wearing a phrygian cap
Minted in Constantinople (G | . | _ /CONSG).
Reference:- RIC VIII Constantinople 109


RIC VIII Constantinople 117

Obv:– DN FL CL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, Bare, bust draped and cuirassed right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is wearing a cap, clutching his horse
Minted in Constantinople (Dot S Dot | * | _ // CONSZ),
Reference:– RIC VIII Constantinople 117


RIC VIII Constantinople 121

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP R-EPARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground at right. Horseman wears helmet and falls forward reaching towards emperor
Minted in Constantinople (dot //CONSS). 15th March A.D. 351 - Winter A.D. 354
Reference:- RIC VIII Constantinople 121 (Rated rare with R-E reverse legend break)


Minted in Constantinople (Dot //CONSIA).


RIC VIII Constantinople 122 var

Obv:– DN FL CL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, Bare, bust draped and cuirassed right
Rev:– FEL TEMP - REPARATIO, Soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is bare helmeted, reaching back towards emperor
Minted in Constantinople (dot //CONSD),
Reference:– RIC VIII Constantinople 122 var (Solder headwear and legend break are both unlisted)


RIC VIII Constantinople 135

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground at right. Horseman is bare headed and reaches back towards the emperor
Minted in Constantinople (//CONSIA dot).
Reference:- RIC VIII, Constantinople 135



  • Mi piace 5



Una carrellata bellissima, che mostra quasi tutte le varietà conosciute per il guerriero vincitore, il cavallo caduto e il cavaliere ucciso. Diverso e molto più complicato sarebbe il discorso sulle lettere, presenti o assenti al D e al R, rispettivamente per Costanzo 2° e Costanzo Gallo, e relative probabilmente alla tariffazione della moneta ( e quindi anche, in linea di massima, all'anno di emissione).

  • Mi piace 2

Inviato (modificato)

Ho notato che manca ancora una FTR di Giuliano II:

AN 75 fd D.jpg     AN 75 fd R.jpg


Dal mio archivio fotografico un AE 3 per la zecca di Roma classificato RIC VIII, 306.


Diligite iustitiam

Modificato da Arka
  • Mi piace 1

  • 5 mesi dopo...

Buonasera a tutti,
recente aggiunta alla mia Feltemp reparatio.

Flavio Giulio Costanzo, meglio noto come Costanzo II, è stato un imperatore romano della dinastia costantiniana. Salito al trono nel 337 alla morte del padre Costantino I, rimase al potere per 24 anni, difendendo l'Impero dai nemici esterni ed il proprio potere dagli usurpatori e promuovendo il Cristianesimo. Fonte  Wikipedia

Nascita: 7 agosto 317 dopo Cristo, Sirmio

Morte: 3 novembre 361 dopo Cristo, Cilicia

Descrizione della Casa d'Aste.

Constantius II (337-361). Æ (22,3mm, 4.8g). Nicomedia. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r. R/ Soldier left, holding shield and spearing fallen horseman to lower left; in l field, Γ; in ex., SMNB. RIC 84.

Di questa moneta apprezzo molto i dettagli del rovescio, soprattutto copricapo del cavaliere disarcionato e del gonnellino del soldato romano.

Inutile dire che il rovescio si presenta come un fotogramma dell'azione di  guerra.



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  • Mi piace 3


Una bella moneta.

Il cavaliere disarcionato (che tiene il braccio sinistro proteso in avanti, nell'atteggiamento classico della tipologia "reaching") indossa un cappello frigio. Nelle classificazioni l'ho visto descritto come "bearded" (con la barba), ma a me pare che non ce l'abbia (anche visionando altri esemplari).

Quanto all'esergo, guardando la foto più piccola, pare di leggere SMNepsilon (cosa che, comunque, non cambia la classificazione).

Si vede anche un piccolo pallino sulla sinistra dell'esergo, ma non credo sia un "dot" (che cambierebbe la classificazione), in quanto piccolo, piuttosto lontano dalle lettere e diverso da quello classico presente su altri esemplari,



  • Grazie 1


Molto bella, piace molto anche a me, tra l'altro devo ancora aggiungerne una alla collezione, provvederò prima o poi 😆

  • Mi piace 1

3 ore fa, Rufilius dice:

Molto bella, piace molto anche a me, tra l'altro devo ancora aggiungerne una alla collezione, provvederò prima o poi 😆


Buonasera a tutti, grazie. 

Sono d'accordo, devi assolutamente aggiungerne una, ma mi raccomando stai attento, come detto anche in altre occasioni danno dipendenza. 

Sono piacevoli da collezionare, con una grande varietà di conio. 



  • Grazie 1

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