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Tremisse ostrogoto #2 slabbato con CCG

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Conservazione: MS62 | Abbreviazioni
Materiale: oro
DN IVSTINI-ANVS PP Aɩ - Diadem bust and draped and cuirassed on the right.
VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM. Victory of face, holding in the right hand a globe crucigere, a crown - in a state of flap - in that of the left.
To the right, In the field, a star. A globule at the foot of the Victory; In the exergue, COͶOB.

The Ostrogoths
Athalaric (526-534 AD)
AV Tremissis
Ravenna mint (Italie)
MEC I, 123; MIB I, 29a
Weight: 1.44 g.
Diameter: 16.00 mm.
Dies alignment: 6 h.
Certification : Classical Coin Gradin (San Marino)
Serial no.: AA124124
Condition: MS62 (Mint State)
Type (Style) extremely Rare

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★CCG-MS62★The Ostrogoths Athalaric (526-534 AD), Gold Tremissis, Ravenna Mint.

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