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Di di recente acquisizione sul mercato antiquario la dracma di Corinto con testa di Afrodite (?), simbolo della corazza e lettere AΛ, nota in due pezzi battuti dalla stessa coppia di conii. Entrambi gli esemplari provengono da una collezione privata indicata con la sigla “VCV”.


Roma Numismatics 25, 22.9.2022, 210

Corinthia, Corinth AR Drachm. Circa 345-307 BC. Pegasos flying to left; Ϙ below / Wreathed head of Aphrodite to left; AΛ above, cuirass to right. Unpublished in the standard references: for similar legend and symbol, cf. BMC 246 (Stater); for a similar denomination and symbol, cf. Naumann 46, lot 173; for general type, cf. HGC 4, 1866; Roma E-100, lot 96 (same dies). 2.63g, 18mm, 10h.
Good Extremely Fine; of exquisite classical style. Extremely Rare; the second known example of the type.
From the VCV Collection.



Roma Numismatics, E-sale 100, 28.7.2022, 96


Corinthia, Corinth AR Drachm. Circa 345-307 BC. Pegasos to left, key symbol below / Head of Aphrodite to left, AΛ above. BCD Corinth - cf. 146; McClean -; HGC 4, -. 2.68g, 17mm, 6h.
Very Fine; some areas of flatness. Apparently unpublished with these controls.
From the VCV Collection.



Per la presenza del medesimo simbolo (corazza) a questa serie si aggancia un’ulteriore dracma (unicum) caratterizzata dai medesimi tipi ma diversificata sul piano epigrafico per la presenza delle lettere ΔI.

Numismatik Naumann 46, 11.9.2016, 173 (ex Frühwald 120, 21.5.2016, 719: apparently unpublished. Not found in standard references)

 CORINTHIA. Corinth. Drachm (Circa 345-307 BC). Obv: Pegasos flying left; koppa below. Rev: Head of Aphrodite left; to right, ΔI above cuirass.
BCD Corinth -; HGC 4, 1866. Very rare symbol for drachm. Condition: Good very fine. Weight: 2.66 g. Diameter: 16 mm.



I confronti con gli stateri consentono di inquadrare entrambe le serie di dracme nel periodo V, s. 2 (n. 1000) e 7 (n. 1048) della classificazione Ravel (= Calciati 409-10).


CNG MBS 82, 2009, 523

CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 375-300 BC. AR Stater (8.50 g, 1h). Pegasos flying right; J below / Helmeted head of Athena left; Δ and cuirass behind. Pegasi 387; Ravel 1000; BCD Corinth -. Good VF, attractively toned. Well centered on a broad flan.
Ex Classical Numismatic Group 54 (13 September 2000), lot 384; Münzen und Medaillen 54 (26 October 1978), lot 233.



CNG 121, 2022, 276

CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 350/45-285 BC. AR Stater (21mm, 8.44 g, 6h). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; AΛ and cuirass to right. Ravel Period V, 1048; Pegasi 410; BCD Corinth 120 var. (position of letters on rev.); HGC 4, 1832. Iridescent tone, a touch off center. VF.
From the JTB Collection, purchased from Freeman & Sear, 18 January 2003.



Bertolami 64, 2019, 324

Corinth, c. 375-300 BC. AR Stater (25mm, 8.38g, 2h). Pegasos flying l. R/ Helmeted head of Athena l.; cuirass to r., AΛ below. Pegasi 409. Good VF.


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