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Di nuovo buon pomeriggio a tutti

Ecco la quarta moneta delle cinque delle dinastie cinesi nel cofanetto Bolaffi.

Peso: 2,69 grammi

Diametro: 2,3 cm



Schermata 2022-03-26 alle 15.48.03.png

Schermata 2022-03-26 alle 15.48.09.png

Schermata 2022-03-26 alle 15.40.39.png



After 88 years of rule by the Mongols of the Yuan dynasty, the Chinese people finally regained control in AD 1368. The Ming dynasty is noted for a high degree of culture with a strong literature, and for the fine porcelain they produced.

There were a total of 17 emperors during the Ming dynasty. Most of them cast coins, but some of them are very rare. In spite of this being one of the more recent dynasties, the exact attribution of some of the rarer Ming coins is still in question.


Emperor T'AI TSU
AD 1368-1398

As discussed above, T'ai Tsu began his rise to power as Chu Yuan-chang Prince of Wu, one of the Yuan Rebels. Most references include issues of that period as Ming Coins, although that is not technically correct andwe have chosen to incude them under the heading of Yuan Rebels.

reign title: HUNG-WU, AD 1368-1398


The Hung-wu reign title was adopted after the fall of the Yuan and the defeat of the other Yuan Rebels, thus this is the first true reign title of the Ming Dynasty.


S-1137. Bronze 1 cash. Obverse: "HUNG-WU T'UNG-PAO". Reverse: blank. Average (18 specimens) 23.8 mm, 3.50 grams (the weight vary considerable and we have records of specimens from 2.2 to 4.1 grams)

F   $2.50     VF   $4.50     XF   $7.50


The Hung-Wu 1 cash also is found with a number of different reverse symbols and mint marks

  • Grazie 1


Segue tutta una scheda con i simboli e segni di zecca al rovescio che non ti riguarda essendo la tua moneta quella del primo tipo, piatta al rovescio.

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