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Figlio di re Demetrio II Etolico e della sua ultima moglie Criseide, Filippo V salì al trono della Macedonia alla morte del suo tutore e cugino Antigono Dosone, nel 221 a. C., e governò fino alla sua morte, nel 179 a. C.

Uno splendido ritratto del sovrano è raffigurato su questo didramma della Leu Web Auction 18.


Lot 679.

KINGS OF MACEDON. Philip V, 221-179 BC. Didrachm (Silver, 24 mm, 8.47 g, 10 h), Amphipolis. Zoilos, magistrate, circa 184-179. Diademed head of Philip V to right. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΦΙΛΙΠΠOY Club; above, monogram of ZΩ; below, two monograms; all within oak wreath; to outer left, trident. BMFA 718. Mamroth, Philip, 22. A lightly toned and very attractive piece with a splendid portrait. Two light scuffs on the obverse, otherwise, extremely fine.
From the collection of J.B. Haarhuis, ex Hess-Divo 309, 28 April 2008, 47, Künker 133, 11 October 2007, 8035 and Elsen 91, 24 March 2007, 42.

Starting price: 200 CHF. Hammer price: 1203 CHF.


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Tetradramma di Filippo V coniato a Pella o ad Anfipoli: un capolavoro dell’Ellenismo.


KINGS of MACEDON. Philip V. 221-179 BC. AR Tetradrachm (32mm, 16.53 g, 12h). Pella or Amphipolis mint; Zoilos, magistrate. Struck circa 184-179 BC. Helmeted head of Philip as the hero Perseus left, harpa over shoulder, in the center of a Macedonian shield / BASILEWS FILIPPOU, Club; monogram (of Zoilos) above, two monograms below; all within oak-wreath; star to outer left. Cf. Mamroth, Philip 24 (didrachm); SNG München -; cf. SNG Alpha Bank 1053 (didrachm). Superb EF, lightly toned. Unpublished as a tetradrachm.

From the Semon Lipcer Collection.

Philip V was the son of the Macedonian king Demetrios II Aitolikos. He was only nine at the time of his father's death in 239 BC, so the kingdom passed to his cousin, Antigonos III Doson, who ruled until 221 BC. The entirety of his reign was devoted to maintaining the supremacy of Macedon in Greece, which inevitably brought the kingdom into conflict with Rome, whose power in Greece was ascendant. Two major wars ensued, the First and Second Macedonian Wars, the latter culminating in the overwhelming defeat of the Macedonians at the Battle of Cynocephalae in 197 BC. Although Philip retained his kingdom, the influence of Macedon was considerably decreased, and Greece passed into the sphere of Rome.

This tetradrachm is from Philip's fourth, and final, series of silver coinage. The types employed were introduced in his second silver series. The obverse features the head of the hero Perseus in the boss of a Macedonian shield. Perseus was regarded as a common ancestor to both the Macedonian royal house and the Persians, and thus is a symbol of the Macedonian king's aspirations of world domination (see EHC, pp. 135-6). The reverse features the club of Herakles, a traditional ancestor of the Macedonian kings, surrounded by various monograms, within an oak wreath. The upper monogram on these issues belong to the mint master, with that on this particular coin being of Zoilos, who remained in office into the reign of Philip's son, Perseus.

The Coin Shop CNG 782034. Sold For $7250.


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E' vero che e' un capolavoro dell'ellenismo, ma non trovi che abbia qualcosa di troppo? Sia il D che il R sono sovraccarichi: guarda l' elmo, col grifone in alto, e la spada, e tutto il resto. E il rovescio, dove quasi non rimane spazio libero. Insomma, rappresenta bene il gusto dell'epoca.



@gpittini se proprio non ti piace ma vuoi regalarmene una io accetto volentieri.

Non dimentichiamo Perseo


RM 011 D.jpg

RM 011 R.jpg


Qui Filippo è meno bardato e più giovane.


Exceptional Hellenistic Portrait

KINGS of MACEDON. Philip V. 221-179 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 g, 11h). Pella or Amphipolis mint. Struck circa 220-211 BC. Diademed head right / BASILEWS FILIPPOU, Athena Alkidemos advancing left, preparing to cast thunderbolt held in her right hand; monograms to inner left and right. Mamroth, Philip 1, pl. 5, 1 (same obv. die); SNG Alpha Bank 1049; SNG München 1124; SNG Saroglos 934 (same obv. die); McClean 3628 (same obv. die). EF, light gray tone, with slight golden hues around the devices. Rare first issue of Philip.

From the Semon Lipcer Collection.

Philip V was the son of the Macedonian king Demetrios II Aitolikos. He was only nine at the time of his father's death in 239 BC, so the kingdom passed to his cousin, Antigonos III Doson, who ruled until 221 BC. The entirety of Philip’s reign was devoted to maintaining the supremacy of Macedon in Greece, which inevitably brought the kingdom into conflict with Rome, whose power in Greece was ascendant. Two major wars ensued, the First and Second Macedonian Wars, the latter culminating in the overwhelming defeat of the Macedonians at the Battle of Cynocephalae in 197 BC. Although Philip retained his kingdom, the influence of Macedon was considerably decreased, and Greece passed into the sphere of Rome.

This tetradrachm is from Philip’s first series of silver coinage, and features the first Macedonian royal portrait since the issues of his great-grandfather Demetrios I Poliorketes in the 290s BC. While the style of portraiture in Macedonian coinage was traditionally sub-par in comparison with those of Asia Minor, these portraits of Philip are among the most beautiful Hellenistic portraits, obviously engraved by master celators. The reverse features Athena Alkidemos, which was the traditional reverse type used on the tetradrachms of his grandfather, Antigonos II Gonatas. This first series of tetradrachms was struck on the Attic standard, and was replaced by a new coinage in 211 BC, with completely novel types, struck on the Macedonian standard. Although this first series is dated to a period of nine years, it most likely was a very short issue (only three obverse dies are known) struck during the Social War (220-217 BC) (see EHC, p. 135).

Sale: Triton XI, 7 January 2008, Lot: 131. Estimate $10000. Sold For $15000.



Altro tetradramma dalla prima serie di monete d'argento di Filippo, con il primo ritratto reale macedone dalle emissioni del suo bisnonno Demetrio I Poliorcete nel 290 a. C. ( )

Macedonian Royal Coinage - The First Series of Philip V.


This tetradrachm is from Philip’s first series of silver coinage, and features the first Macedonian royal portrait since the issues of his great-grandfather Demetrios I Poliorketes in the 290s BC. While the style of portraiture in Macedonian coinage was traditionally sub-par in comparison with those of Asia Minor, these portraits of Philip are among the most beautiful Hellenistic portraits, obviously engraved by master celators. The reverse features Athena Alkidemos, which was the traditional reverse type used on the tetradrachms of his grandfather, Antigonos II Gonatas. This first series of tetradrachms were struck on the Attic standard, and was replaced by a new coinage in 211 BC, with completely novel types, struck on the Macedonian standard. Although this first series is traditionally dated to a period of nine years, it most likely was a very short issue struck during the Social War (220-217 BC) (see EHC, p. 135).

The present specimen adds a new wrinkle to this early coinage. All previously known specimens have the same two monograms and are struck from only three obverse dies. This coin, however, has a new obverse die and monogram, which is composed of the Greek letters zeta and omega. If this monogram is also of the famous Zoilos, who was previously only known on Philip’s last issues (circa 184-179 BC), this may necessitate a reworking of the chronology of Philip’s coinage.

KINGS of MACEDON. Philip V. 221-179 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 g, 12h). Pella or Amphipolis mint. Struck circa 220-211 BC. Diademed head right / Athena Alkidemos advancing left, preparing to cast thunderbolt; monogram to inner left. Mamroth, Philip 1 var. (monograms); AMNG III/2, 2 var. (same); SNG München -; SNG Alpha Bank -. Rare first issue of Philip, unique with this monogram.



In risposta al richiamo di Silvio, un tetradramma di Perseo firmato da Zoilos (NAC 79).


Lot 9. JDL Collection Part II: Geek Coins
PERSEUS, 179–168. Tetradrachm, Pella 179, Attic standard, AR 16.85 g. Work signed by the engraver Zoilos. Obv. Diademed head of Perseus right; below the edge of neck, signature ZÙIΛOΥ. Rev. BAΣI-ΛEÙΣ / PER-SEÙS Eagle standing right on thunderbolt; in right field, monograms and ; all within oak-wreath. Literature SNG Berry 383 (this obverse die) SNG Copenhagen - AMNG III/2, 195, 1, pl. 35, 23 (these dies) C. Boehringer, ”Zur Chronologie mittelhellenistischer Münz- serien 220-160 v. Chr.”, AMuGS 5, Berlin, 1972, p. 101, group I, pl. 7, 5 and 18, 1 (these dies) F. de Callataÿ, ”Un Tétradrachme de Lysimaque signé au droit et la question des signatures d’artistes à la période hellénistique”, RA 1995/1, 15 and 19 (this obverse die) A. Mamroth, ”Die Silbermünzen des Königs Perseus”, ZfN 38, 1928, pl. I, 1 (this obverse die) de Luynes 1712 (these dies) M.-M. Bendenoun, Coins of the Ancient World, A portrait of the JDL Collection, Tradart, Genève, 2009, 18 (this coin) Condition Extremely rare and among the finest specimens known. A realistic portrait of enchanting beauty, the work of a talented master-engraver. Extremely fine. Provenance The Numismatic Auction Ltd I, New York 1982, lot 70.
The portrait tetradrachms of the Macedonian King Perseus range greatly in their quality of engraving. When Mamroth (ZfN 38, 1928) divided these coins into five groups spanning the eleven years of Perseus’ reign, he identified the initial issue of 179/8 B.C. as having a bust of exceptional style and relief that was accompanied by the signature of an official named Zoilus. Since that signature appears boldly beneath the neck of the king it is possible, if not likely, that Zoilus was more than a mere mint official. Perhaps he was a trusted advisor to Perseus who had a special talent for finances and who controlled the imperial purse. It is not known why his name disappears after the initial issue, though one might presume that it was considered too bold an expression that caused resentment or suspicion. On some later issues of Perseus tetradrachms the name of Zoilus occurs in a less-brazen manner in the form of a monogram on the reverse. Zoilus may had been involved with the imperial Macedonian mint during the previous administration of King Philip V (221-179 B.C.), for an official of that name signed a tetradrachm for Amphaxitis, the region in Macedon that contained Thessalonica. Furthermore, in his study of the Larissa Hoard, Martin Price suggests that the Er- mias who signed Rhodian-style drachms likely struck to pay Perseus’ Cretan mercenaries may have been the son of the Zoilus whose name appears on this tetradrachm. After Zoilus’ initial ‘signed’ issue, the style of engraving on Per- seus’ tetradrachms steadily degrades, most noticeably with the final group, which Mamroth assigns to 171-168 B.C., during the Third Macedonian War. The decline in artistry was accom- panied by a drop of about ten percent in weight, which may signal financial difficulties as Macedon and Rome drew ever closer to a war that would end with a crushing Roman victory at Pydna in June of 168.

Starting price: 28.000 CHF. Estimate: 35.000 CHF. Result: 28.000 CHF.


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