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Tombe cinesi della dinastia Yuan

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Scoperto antico gruppo di tombe nella Cina orientale

Il più grande tra le strutture in mattoni della dinastia Yuan

Gli archeologi hanno scoperto 12 antiche tombe risalenti alla dinastia Yuan (1271-1368) nella provincia cinese dello Shandong, secondo quanto dichiarato ieri dall'istituto archeologico locale.
    Il complesso, che include 11 tombe con decorazioni murali in mattoni squisitamente intagliati, si trova nella periferia orientale del capoluogo provinciale di Jinan, dichiara Li Ming, direttore dell'istituto archeologico della città.
    Le prove scritte trovate sul luogo suggeriscono che le tombe appartenevano a una famiglia chiamata Guo nella tarda dinastia Yuan, afferma Li, aggiungendo che la dimensione del complesso funerario è la più grande tra le tombe murali in mattoni della dinastia Yuan riportate alla luce nella provincia.
    Durante lo scavo sono stati rinvenuti oltre 60 oggetti di ceramica e porcellana, specchi di bronzo, monete di rame e altri reperti storici che aiuteranno lo studio della porcellana durante il regno della dinastia Yuan nella regione e nelle zone circostanti. (ANSA-XINHUA


Incredibile scoperta archeologica, tombe di oltre 700 anni con mattoni decorati e scolpiti trovate in Cina

Affascinante scoperta in Cina, nella provincia di Shandong, dove un team di archeologi dell’Istituto della città di Jinan ha portato alla luce ben 12 tombe risalenti a circa 700 anni fa. Si tratta di uno dei ritrovamenti più importanti di sempre avvenuti nella provincia orientale cinese.

Il complesso appena rinvenuto comprende 11 sepolcri decorati con splendide decorazioni murali, mattoni intagliati e una camera costruita in pietra. Secondo gli esperti, le tombe risalgono agli ultimi anni della dinastia Yuan (1271-1368), fondata da Kublai Khan, nipote del conquistatore Gengis Khan, e appartengono ad una famiglia chiamata Guo. A rivelarlo sono alcune scritte riportanti il cognome della famiglia. 

All’interno delle tombe sono stati ritrovati anche oltre 60 frammenti di ceramica e porcellana, specchi di bronzo, monete in rame e altri importanti reperti che adesso aiuteranno gli archeologi a svelare nuovi misteri sul regno della dinastia Yuan. 

"Le tombe sono disposte in modo ordinato e apparentemente pianificato, alcuni dei proprietari erano parenti, il che fornisce nuovo materiale per studiare la disposizione dei cimiteri familiari nella dinastia Yuan” spiega il direttore dell’istituto Li Ming.




Inviato (modificato)

Major archaeological discovery!12 tombs of the Guo family in the Yuan Dynasty discovered in Jinan

In order to cooperate with the construction of the Jinan Eastern Suburbs Project, the Jinan Archaeological Research Institute will conduct archaeological excavations on the ancient ruins occupied by the project from April 23, 2021. A total of 1 pottery kiln and 35 tombs were discovered in this excavation. Among them, the pottery kiln was a brick and tile kiln of the Han Dynasty. The tombs mainly included the Han Dynasty (1), Yuan Dynasty (12), and Qing Dynasty (12). Pottery and porcelain were unearthed There are more than 60 sets of cultural relics such as, bronze mirrors and bronze coins. The archaeological excavation work has basically ended.

Major archaeological discovery!12 tombs of the Guo family in the Yuan Dynasty discovered in Jinan


The number of tombs excavated this time includes the Han, Yuan, and Qing dynasties, indicating the existence of a large and long-lasting cemetery in this area, which has enriched the ancient tomb materials in the eastern Jinan area.

Major archaeological discovery!12 tombs of the Guo family in the Yuan Dynasty discovered in Jinan

The staff of the Jinan Archaeological Research Institute stated that after the excavation work is completed, the corresponding cultural relic protection plan will be formulated according to the preservation of the tombs and the local actual conditions. While protecting the historical and cultural heritage, it will ensure economic construction and achieve a win-win situation.

Major archaeological discovery!12 tombs of the Guo family in the Yuan Dynasty discovered in Jinan

A total of 12 tombs in the Yuan Dynasty were discovered in this excavation, 11 of which were brick-carved mural tombs and 1 stone-chambered tomb. Most of the tombs were stolen, but 7 tombs were found to have clear dates and owner information, which is very important in Shandong. Rare. The unearthed written evidence confirms that the cemetery is the cemetery of the Guo family in the late Yuan Dynasty.

This batch of Yuan dynasty tombs are arranged in an orderly manner. It is obvious that after planning, some tomb owners have blood relations, which provides new materials for studying the arrangement of family cemeteries in late Yuan Dynasty.


Major archaeological discovery!12 tombs of the Guo family in the Yuan Dynasty discovered in Jinan


Major archaeological discovery!12 tombs of the Guo family in the Yuan Dynasty discovered in Jinan


According to the available materials, the owner of the tomb should be a landlord of the Han nationality and a wealthy merchant class. The age of the tombs is relatively concentrated, but the shape of the tombs is quite different. There are differences between brick and stone chambers, single and double chambers, square and round. The funeral customs include Burial, cremation, relocation, joint burial, etc. The tomb brick carvings and murals are rich in content, including opening feasts, opening doors, and scenes of daily life. These are for studying the daily life of a specific class of landlords or wealthy merchants in Jinan in the late Yuan Dynasty. Customs and funerals provide representative materials.


Major archaeological discovery!12 tombs of the Guo family in the Yuan Dynasty discovered in Jinan

The various types of porcelain unearthed in the tombs can be used as standard utensils in the late Yuan Dynasty, providing help for the dating of the porcelain unearthed from the tombs or ruins of the Yuan Dynasty in the surrounding areas, and have the role of a ruler.

Modificato da ARES III

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