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Tessera di un sovrano della Cirenaica (Leu Numismatik 2).


KYRENAICA. Kyrene. Circa 3rd-2nd century BC. Tessera (Lead, 17 mm, 3.93 g, 12 h), RY 3 of an uncertain king. Diademed head of Libya to right. Rev. L - Γ Silphium plant; to right, large P. BMC -. SNG Copenhagen -. Apparently unpublished, a very interesting issue. Minor stress marks, otherwise, very fine.

La pianta di silfio collega questa interessante tessera a Cirene, ma la mancanza di una legenda oltre alla data regnale e una grande P è alquanto enigmatica. Stilisticamente la testa della Libia ricorda le monete di Tolomeo V Epifane, il che daterebbe la moneta al 202/1 a.C., ma questa è solo una supposizione e certamente richiede ulteriori ricerche.

Starting price: 200 CHF - Estimate: 250 CHF - Result: 550 CHF



Il diritto di un decadramma di Atene dall’articolo di François de Callataÿ (v. post # 24) Les plombs à types monétaires en Grèce ancienne: monnaies (officielles, votives ou contrefaites), jetons, sceaux, poids, épreuves ou fantaisies?

Plaques unifaces - Athènes: rectangle uniface (39 × 45 mm, ? g), droit d’un décadrachme d’Athènes, c. 465 av. J.-C., prétendument trouvé sur l’Acropole d’Athènes (Boston, MFA, Inv. 58.1187; M. Comstock, C. Vermeule, op. cit. n. 69, no 98, p. 28, pl. 9; W. Fischer-Bossert, art. cit. n. 8, p. 6 et id., op. cit., n. 83, p. 50-52).


Ce coin de droit a d’abord été reconnu comme étant identique à Ch. Starr, Athenian Coinage, 480-449 B.C., Oxford, 1970, no 47; W. Fischer-Bossert est récemment revenu sur cette identification pour lui en préférer une autre (op. cit. n. 8, p. 51: « I am sure that it has the same obverse die as the Kunstfreund specimen (5a), that is to say O3 »). Selon moi, l’empreinte ne correspond à aucun coin identifié: le cimier en crin de cheval fait un angle à la hauteur du front et présente deux entailles à hauteur de l’oreille qui ne se trouvent sur aucune monnaie connue. Du reste, il semble que le sillon périphérique soit irréconciliable avec l’hypothèse d’un coin monétaire. Empreinte probablement moulée. Fantaisie?



Dall’articolo citato nel post precedente un quadrato uniface che raffigura il diritto di un tetradramma di Alessandro Magno.


Alexandre le Grand: carré uniface (?), droit d’un tétradrachme d’Alexandre le Grand (pas exactement le type monétaire: taille de la tête trop importante et mâchoire inférieure de la léonté trop longue), iiie siècle av. J.-C. (Munich, Münzkabinett, voir H. Küthmann, Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst, 1981, p. 209, no 10 [mais non repris dans les volumes correspondants de la SNG München]; W. FischerBossert art. cit. n. 8, no 13, p. 7 [«genuine?»], pl. 3). Type iconographique différent de celui attesté sur les monnaies; encastrement du champ de la monnaie irréconciliable avec l’hypothèse d’un coin monétaire. Fantaisie?



Idem per questo sigillo che riproduce i tipi di uno statere di Alessandro Magno.


Sceau en plomb (15 × 19 mm), reproduisant les types d’un statère d’Alexandre le Grand (Berlin, collection Privée, apparu sur le marché en 1996; voir E. Krengel, Cl. Sode, art. cit. n. 55, p. 70).



Peso della Mina che raffigura la testa gianiforme di Ermes impressa in incuso circolare su uno spesso lingotto quadrato (CNG Electronic Auction 367).


EUBOIA, Uncertain. PB Mina Weight (46x44mm, 426.1 g). Attic or Euboian standard(?). Janiform head of Hermes wearing petasos; kerykeion to left; ΛEO upwards to right; all stamped in circular incuse on thick square lead ingot. Cf. Rochesnard p. 32 (for a weight stamped with similar circular incuse of Herakles). VF, chip at back corner.

Estimate $500. Sold For $950

L’Eubea è un’isola della Grecia situata nel Mare Egeo, adiacente a parte della costa sud-orientale della penisola, con capoluogo Calcide. Il nome trae origine dal fatto che un tempo era famosa per i suoi numerosi buoi.



Peso di Efeso che raffigura un’ape in un quadrato incuso (CNG 212).


IONIA, Ephesos. 3rd-1st centuries BC. PB Weight (21mm, 42.19 g). Bee; E to upper left; all within incuse square / Blank. Rochesnard II -. Fine, brown patina, some surface dings.

From the D. Alighieri Collection.

CNG 212, Lot: 141. Estimate $100. Sold for $335.


Efeso fu una delle più grandi città ioniche in Anatolia e un importante e ricco centro commerciale. L’ape, attributo di una divinità cittadina che è stato identificato nel corso del tempo con la dea greca Artemide, è un simbolo specifico della città ricorrente sul rovescio delle sue monete.



Piatto votivo (Leu Numismatik 7).


UNCERTAIN, circa 1st-2nd centuries. Votive Dish (Lead, 60 mm, 55.47 g). Aphrodite (or Venus), half nude, seated left on rock, raising her right hand to her mouth; before her, winged Eros (or Amor) standing right, legs crossed and placing his hands on Aphrodite's right knee; all on central disk within bordure decorated with thunderbolts between teardrop-shaped incuse ornaments; raised rim around. Beautifully engraved and of very fine style. Some minor deposits, otherwise, good very fine.

This beautiful lead dish is not a weight, but most likely a votive offering to the gods, perhaps by someone looking for luck in love.

Starting price: 250 CHF - Result: 800 CHF



Tessera di Smirne (Ionia), sigillo ufficiale per i documenti della città (Obolos Web Auction 14).


IONIA. Smyrna. Circa 2nd-1st century BC. Tessera (Lead, 28 mm, 25.62 g, 11 h), an official seal for documents from the City of Smyrna. ZMYPNAI[..] Turreted and draped bust of the Tyche of Smyrna to right. Rev. Eagle with spread wings to left, turning his head to right. Apparently unknown. Interesting and unusual. Nearly very fine.

Starting price: 50 CHF - Result: 260 CHF



Chersoneso taurico bucranio/Ermes con petaso (Numismatik Naumann 80).


Greek Coins
TAURIC CHERSONESOS. Chersonesos (1st century BC). Lead.
Obv: Bucranium.
Rev: Hermes wearing Petasos right.
SNG Stancomb 501.
Condition: Very fine .
Weight: 3.78 g.
Diameter: 15 mm.

Starting price: 40 EUR - Estimate: 50 EUR - Result: unverkauft



Peso di Berytos, Fenicia (CNG 488).


Starting price: 120 USD. Estimate: 200 USD

Lot 265. PHOENICIA, Berytos. PB Weight (55.62mm, 130.65 g). Dionysios, agoronomos. Dated SE 181 (132/1 BC). L A-ΠP/ Δ/ ΔION-YΣIOY/ AΓOP-ANO, trident / Hatched surface. CPAI –; cf. Rochnesard II, p. 62. Tan patina, a few minor edge bumps. VF.



Numidia: Massinissa o Micipsa (Pegasi 39).


Greek Coins
NUMIDIA. Massinissa or Micipsa, 203-148 BC. Lead 26 (9.49 gm). Laureate head / Horse rearing, pellet. MAA.18a. SNG.Cop.505. VF/F, tan patina.



Tessera o pezzo di prova in bronzo dei re Seleucidi di Siria, primo regno di Demetrio II Nicatore (Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 12).


Greek. Lot 598. An interesting tessera of Demetrios II Nikator
SELEUKID KINGS OF SYRIA. Demetrios II Nikator, first reign, 146-138 BC. Tessera (Lead, 29 mm, 11.11 g). BAΣΙΛΕΩ[Σ] / ΔHMHTPIO[Y] - ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΦOY / NIKATOPOΣ Athena standing front, head to left, holding spear in her right hand; in exergue, H. Rev. Blank. Flan slightly bent and with some stress marks, otherwise, very fine.

What exactly this odd piece was made for is unclear: perhaps it served as a tessera, or it was a trial piece struck in lead. It is worth noting that this type of Athena, with her holding a spear in her right hand, is unknown from Seleukid coinage.

Starting price: 50 CHF - Result: 130 CHF



Peso di ¼ di Mina dei re seleucidi di Siria, periodo di Alessandro I Balas o di Alessandro II Zabinas (Nomos 20).


Seleukid Kings of Syria
Period of Alexander I Balas or Alexander II Zabinas. Weight of 1/4 Mina. (Lead, 58 mm, 127.00 g, 3 h), uncertain city in southern Anatolia or the Levant. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΟΝΤΟΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ / ΤΕΤΑ - ΡΤΟΝ (= during the reign of King Alexander / 1/4 [Mina]) On a central raised boss, anchor with its crown above and stock below; around, on a lower level, inscription. Rev. ΡωΠΙΚΟΝ (= "for minor items") Dolphin swimming to left; around, pattern of hemicircles (waves?). Apparently unpublished. An intriguing and unusual piece. With a creme-colored patina. Minor marks and casting flaws, otherwise, good very fine.

This weight must be Seleukid because its type is the dynastic anchor; additionally, it bears the name of a King Alexander – though which one it does not say! It would be helpful if either of the types – the anchor and the dolphin – appeared specifically on either king's coins, since that might provide a clue to the date of the weight, but neither type does. The nautical flavour of the designs might indicate that this weight was made in a port city. The weight's ancient description, tetarton - ropikon, running from the obverse to the reverse, means "a 1/4 [mina] for minor items", which means that this weight was designed to be used for weighing ordinary, everyday items, rather than for more important or valuable ones (i.e., this weight was accurate enough for simple purchases, but not for serious things like precious metals).

Starting price: 400 CHF - Estimate: 500 CHF - Result: 1.600 CHF



Peso di Cizico, Misia (Numismatik Naumann 62).


Greek Coins
MYSIA. Kyzikos. Lead Weight. Obv: KYZI / ΔICT. Kerykeion. Rev: Blank. Condition: Very fine. Weight: 46.33 g. Diameter: 34 mm.

Starting price: 40 EUR - Estimate: 50 EUR - Result: 180 EUR



Tessera uniface che raffigura il ratto di Europa (Numismatik Naumann 16).


Obv: Europa seated on Zeus / bull walking right.
Rev: Plain.
Condition: Fine.
Weight: 18.22 g.
Diameter: 31 mm.



Tessera uniface che raffigura un atleta somigliante al lottatore a sinistra che si trova sul diritto degli stateri di Aspendos (CNG Electronic Auction 269).


UNCERTAIN. 3rd century BC-1st century AD. PB Tessera (19x15mm, 4.85 g). Nude wrestler or athlete leaning right, bent at the waist with arms dangling down. Rostovtsew & Prou -. VF, yellow patina, double pierced. Attractive style.

Lead coins were issued in several areas of the ancient Greek world. Most prominent among the issuers are Alexander Jannaeus of Judaea and the rulers of the Nabataean kingdom. Yet unique lead objects from other areas are periodically seen as well, sometimes directly copying one or both sides of an official coin, sometimes bearing completely unknown fantasy types (for example, CNG 85, 330 and BCD Thessaly 1305). These enigmatic pieces are frequently identified as distribution tokens or entry tickets, an untenable attribution given the lack of precise provenance. Other possible uses for the objects abound, including: tokens, bullae, weights, contemporary or modern counterfeits, funerary money, test-pieces or strikes, and even circulating coinage. Of these suggestions, a use as a token or test-piece is often most likely. As tokens, the objects may have initially served as proof or guarantee of some sort. As test-pieces, the objects would have served to demonstrate coin designs for approval prior to mass striking, as pattern coins do in the modern world.

The figure on this particular specimen bears a resemblence to the left wrestler on staters of Aspendos.

Estimate $100. Sold For $160 



Tessera della Grecia centrale o settentrionale (CNG 259).


NORTHERN or CENTRAL GREECE, Uncertain. 4th-3rd centuries BC. PB Tessera (17mm, 8.84 g, 3h). Barley grain / Facing head of gorgon. Fine, pierced in antiquity.

CNG 259, Lot: 77. Estimate $100. Sold for $90. 



Sigillo testa di Eracle/granchio (CNG 216).


GREEK. Uncertain. 2nd-1st centuries BC. PB Seal (15mm, 5.60 g, 5h). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Crab. VF, earthen patina. Nice style.

From the D. Alighieri Collection.

CNG 216, Lot: 538. Estimate $100. Sold for $150



Prova di conio (?) uniface con testa di Eracle (CNG 366).


Trial Strike

KINGS of MACEDON. temp. Alexander III – Kassander. Circa 325-310 BC. PB Trial Strike(?) (33.5mm, 75.82 g). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Blank. Apparently unpublished. VF, earthen patina. Very rare.

From the Robert A. Weimer Collection, purchased from Victor England, Ltd., circa 1980s.

This lead piece is likely a trial strike of an obverse die that has a style consistent with dies from Amphipolis in the 320s-310s BC. It is uncertain whether this die was an official product of the mint, or a die made by a forger copying a die of that period.

CNG 366, Lot: 425. Estimate $750. Sold for $800. 



Lead Coin, Mende, 400 BC - 350 BC (collezione ANS)


Dritto: Beardless head of Dionysis r.

Rovescio: amphora, ivy branch l.

Descrizione fisica: Asse: 6 - Dimensioni; Peso: 1.597



Silver stater, Neapolis, 525 BC - 450 BC. 1944.100.10515 (collezione ANS).

Due tappi di piombo nelle orecchie della Gorgone


Dritto: gorgoneion (two lead plugs in ears)

Rovescio: incuse square

Descrizione fisica: Asse: 0 - Dimensioni Peso: 9.685

Descrizione del tipo: Tipo d'oggetto: Moneta - Arco cronologico: 525 BC - 450 BC

Nominale: stater Materiale: Argento

Geografico Zecca: Regione: Macedon - Locality: Pangaea


Il 23/3/2021 alle 17:12, apollonia dice:

Silver stater, Neapolis, 525 BC - 450 BC. 1944.100.10515 (collezione ANS).

Due tappi di piombo nelle orecchie della Gorgone


Dritto: gorgoneion (two lead plugs in ears)

Rovescio: incuse square

Descrizione fisica: Asse: 0 - Dimensioni Peso: 9.685

Descrizione del tipo: Tipo d'oggetto: Moneta - Arco cronologico: 525 BC - 450 BC

Nominale: stater Materiale: Argento

Geografico Zecca: Regione: Macedon - Locality: Pangaea


Esemplare senza tappi alle orecchie presentato alla Gorny & Mosch 276.


Starting price: 7.500 EUR

Stater ø 19mm (9,02g). 500 - 480 v. Chr. Vs.: Gorgonenkopf mit heraushängender Zunge u. zwei Eckzähnen in Vorderansicht. Rs.: In vier Felder geteiltes Quadratum incusum. AMNG III/2 1; HGC 583 (corr.).
Herrliche Tönung, hohes Relief und gut zentriert, vz

Ex Gorny & Mosch, München Auktion 125, 2003, Los 103; ex CGF XVIII 19. Juni 2003, 59; aus einer franzö­sischen Privatsammlung der 1930er Jahre.
Ex Apollo to Apollo collection. This piece is featured in the book "Apollo to Apollo. The hunt for the divine and eternal beauty" by Henrik Bo Andersen. Publiziert auch als Titelstück der französischen Zeitschrift Numismatique et Change de Paris, Heft 339, Juni 2003 (auch auf Seite 53).



Tessera di Antinopolis (Egitto) con i busti affacciati di Antinoo ed Isis sul diritto e il dio Nilo a dorso di un ippopotamo sul rovescio (The New York Sale 40).


Uncertain Emperor. PB Tessera (4.68 g), 2nd-3rd centuries AD. Antinoöpolis in Egypt, RY 2 of an uncertain emperor. Confronted busts of Antinous, on left, and Isis, on right; across field, date (L B). Rev. Nilus reclining left on back of hippopotamus, holding reeds and cornucopiae. (Rostovtsev & Prou 665-6; Milne -; Dattari (Savio) -). Rare. Excellent for type and metal. Choice very fine.


Starting price: 600 USD - Estimate: 750 USD - Result: 600 USD


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