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Alla prossima Leu Numismatik AG, Auction 7 un bronzo di Caracalla della zecca di Isaura con Apollo come Leto/Latona l’ha fatto.


Lot 1474. Estimate: 2500 CHF - Minimum bid: 2000 CHF

CILICIA. Isaura. Caracalla, 198-217. Diassarion (Bronze, 25 mm, 7.82 g, 7 h), 205-209. AY K M AY ANTΩNЄINOC Laureate and cuirassed bust of Caracalla to right, breastplate decorated with gorgoneion. Rev. MHTPOΠOΛЄΩC ICAYPΩN Caracalla, laureate and on the left, standing right in military attire, holding long scepter in his left hand and receiving a tablet from Apollo, on the right, standing left, nude, holding laurel branch in his left hand; between them, an animal reclining left, head to right, holding branch (?) in mouth; in exergue, altar. SNG Levante 262 (same dies). SNG Paris 494-495 var. (differing reverse legend arrangement and animal reclining right). SNG von Aulock 5410-5411 var. (differing reverse legend arrangement and animal reclining right). Rare and undoubtedly the finest known example. A magnificent coin of wonderful style, very sharply struck from fresh dies and with a beautiful brown patina. Small flan fault on the reverse edge, otherwise, good extremely fine.

Situated at an altitude of 1400 m above sea-level on a mountain-crest, Isaura developed from a fortress built by the Galatian King Amyntas (39-25 BC) in the Isaurian mountains. The city struck Roman Provincial coins on three occasions: first under Antoninus Pius for Diva Faustina I and Galerius Antoninus (RPC IV.3 5730, but note that the reading ΙϹΑΥΡΙΩΝ is not secured), once again under Septimius Severus, and a third and last time under Severus Alexander for Julia Mamaea (RPC VI online 6854). Both the earliest and the last issue are attested in a single example of crude style only, whereas the emission of Septimius Severus is not only more abundant, but also far more elaborate. For reasons unknown to us, Isaura was able to hire a very skilled die cutter on this occasion, who produced a series of highly artistic dies. The issue includes coins of Septimius Severus, Julia Domna, Caracalla Augustus and Geta Caesar, but none of Plautilla, and can thus be dated to 205-209.

It is worth noting that the style of the portraits is very similar to some of the contemporary output by the mint of Seleucia ad Calycadnum (for example Prieur 747A). Perhaps the issue was financed by a wealthy local citizen, who took pride in hiring one of the most experienced artists from Seleucia, or even had the coins produced in the larger coastal city. This would make perfect sense, as the mountainous region of Isaura, albeit being close to the Pamphylian plain in linear distance, was much more easily accessible through the valley of the Calycadnus river, which rises nearby the city and runs to Seleucia, before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. It is also worth noting that while the animal between the emperor and Apollo on this particular issue is usually described as a hind, this pristine example clearly shows that the animal is reclining to the left with its head turned back to the right and holding an uncertain object in its mouth, perhaps a laurel branch, which was hitherto mistaken as the animal's antlers on less fine examples. Unfortunately, what animal we are looking at is difficult to say due to the small size: the head is reminiscent of a goat, but the body looks like that of a carnivore, perhaps a wolf or a panther.


  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Guarda se non coprono anche lo vengono a sapere certe "persone".......?:agree:


PS: il capretto (?) sotto sembra avere la faccia di Homar dei Simpson.......

Modificato da favaldar
  • Haha 1



@favaldarSecondo loro, non è un capretto ma un lupo; e fra l'altro ha chiaramente in bocca qualcosa. Anche in quest'altro esemplare, preso da Wildwinds, c'è un quadrupede (ma verso destra) con qualcosa in bocca. Che sarà mai?



Si è vero ha il muso volto all'indietro rispetto al corpo.......ed allora si ha qualcosa in bocca ma se pensi di vedere il muso nel verso del corpo sembra uno dei Simpson con un ciuffo sulla testa all'indietro....Bé!...Stavamo pure all'inizio della coniazione delle monete.......?????


Per quello che può valere, sembra che l'animale abbia lo zoccolo "fesso". Magari è solo la mia impressione. 

Ciao da Stilicho 


Si legge nella didascalia Leu che l'animale tra l'imperatore e Apollo è solitamente descritto come una cerva, ma su questa moneta si vede bene che ha la testa è girata all’indietro a destra e tiene in bocca un oggetto non identificato, forse un ramo d'alloro, che finora era scambiato per le corna della cerva su esemplari di qualità più bassa.


L’animale è sempre difficilmente identificabile per le piccole dimensioni: la testa ricorda una capra ma il corpo sembra quello di un carnivoro, forse un lupo o una pantera.



Qui Apollo mostra il suo “Lato B” (The New York Sale, Auction 4).


No.: 301
Estimation: $ 150
ATHENS. AUTONOMOUS, about 264-267. Bronze. AE 4.26 g. Draped bust of Athena r. with crested Corinthian helmet. Rev. AQHNA-IW-N Apollo, nude, standing r., holding large bow in his l. hand, laurel branch in his outstretched r. hand. Svoronos pl. 93, 15. Kroll-Walker 157, 362. Rare. Dark, olive patina. Extremely fine.


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