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Bronzo di Settimio Severo (Peltae, Frigia), Metrobios stratego, che raffigura al rovescio un tempio esastilo con all’interno la statua di un serpente eretto a destra, clippeo sul frontone (CNG, Electronic Auction 541, 28 Jun 2023).


Lot 337. Estimate: 100 USD. Price realized: 800 USD.

PHRYGIA, Peltae. Septimius Severus. AD 193-211. Æ (29mm, 15.88 g, 6h). Metrobios, strategos. Λ CЄΠ CЄYOHPOC Π AYΓ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / CTP MHTPOBIOY, ΠЄΛTHNΩN MAK, hexastyle temple enclosing statue of erect serpent right, clippeus in pediment. Unpublished in the standard references. Yellow-brown surfaces, slight doubling on reverse. Near VF. Extremely rare.


CLIPEO (lat. clipeus)

Era uno scudo metallico che i Romani adottarono, fin dai tempi più antichi, per la difesa dei soldati della prima classe, mentre quelli delle altre tre classi portavano lo scudo quadrilatero sannitico (scutum). Più tardi il clipeo cedette il posto allo scudo leggiero di pelle, detto parma (v. scudo).

Nei templi greci si solevano sospendere scudi trasformati in ex-voto, con iscrizioni che ricordavano una vittoria. Questo uso passò dai Greci ai Romani, che dicevano clipeus un disco di metallo o di marmo sul quale erano rappresentate immagini di divinità, di eroi e di grandi personaggi, o anche quelle degli antenati (imagines clipeatae). Col tempo, oltre ai ritratti vi si posero figure e disegni di carattere decorativo. Tali clipei finirono così per aver parte nell'architettura dei templi romani.


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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: an Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage


Lot 1153
Estimate: 750 CHF. Price realized: 6500 CHF.

Sardinia, Turris Libisonis. Marcus Lurius. As circa 46-40 BC, Æ 20.26 g. M L S C P Bareheaded male head r. (M. Lurius ?). Rev. Q V A M P C II V Hexastyle temple. Sear Imperators 511. FITA 205 and pl. VI, 19. RPC 622.
Rare and in exceptional condition for the issue. Green patina and gently
smoothed, otherwise good very fine

Ex Santamaria 4 June 1952, Signorelli, 1011 and Italo Vecchi 3, 1996, 625 sales.



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1190
Estimate: 250 CHF. Price realized: 325 CHF.
Comana. Septimius Severus, 193-211. Bronze circa 205-206, Æ 16.38 g. AY K Λ CEΠ CEYOYHPOC Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust r. Rev. IEPOKAICA KOMANEΩN Nike, holding palm branch and wreath, standing r. atop column; all within tetrastyle temple with Doric columns and patera in pediment; in exergue, ET BOP (date). Recueil Général 11. BMC 3. SNG von Aulock 6774. SNG Copenhagen –.
Brown patina and good very fine

Ex CNG mail bid sale XIV, 1991, 370.



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1191
Estimate: 150 CHF. Price realized: 200 CHF.

Neocaesarea. Geta caesar, 198-209. Bronze dated CY 146 (209/210), Æ 14.76 g. Π[.] CEΠTI – ΓETAC KAI Draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. KOIV ΠO NEOKAIMH TPO Tetrastyle temple; in exergue, ET PMR. Recueil Général 28. BMC 11. SNG von Aulock 102-103 var. (spacing of ethnic). SNG Copenhagen 216.
Reddish-green patina and good very fine



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1194
Estimate: 250 CHF. Price realized: 475 CHF.
Zela. Septimius Severus, 193-211. Bronze circa 193-211, Æ 15.24 g. [AVK] AIΛ CEΠT – CEOVHPO[CAVΓ] Laureate head r. Rev. ZHΛI TW NTO V ΠON Tetrastyle temple; flaming altar within; in exergue, ET PMB. Recueil Général 1. BMC 2. SNG von Aulock –. SNG Copenhagen –.
Very rare. Brown-green patina and extremely fine

Ex Glendining's sale 23 February 1961, Lockett, 2859.



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1195
Estimate: 300 CHF. Price realized: 300 CHF.
Zela. Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus. Bronze circa 206-207, Æ 12.95 g. [ΙΟ]VΛΙΑ ΔΟΜΝΑ ΑVΓΟVC[ΤΑ] Draped bust r. Rev. ZHΛIT – W – N – TO – V – ΠON Hexastyle temple; in exergue, ET RMΓ. Recueil Général 6; pl. XVI,15 (this reverse die). BMC –. SNG von Aulock –. SNG Copenhagen –. M. J. Price-B. L. Trell, Coins and their Cities (1977), p. 199, Fig. 384.
Rare. Brown-green patina and good very fine / about extremely fine



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1201
Estimate: 1000 CHF
Price realized: 1500 CHF
Nicomedia. Valerian I, with Gallienus and Valerian II Caesar, 253-260. Tetrassarion (?), circa 256-258, Æ 11.75 g. AVT OVALERIANOC / ΓAΛHNOC OVA / ΛERIANOC KAIC / CEBBB Confronted radiate busts of Valerian and Gallienus, small bareheaded bust of Valerian II between. Rev. NIKO – MHDEΩN / TPIC NEΩKO / PΩN The three neocorate temples of Nicomedia situated around central altar with serpent. Recueil Général –. BMC –. SNG von Aulock 860. SNG Copenhagen –.
Very rare. Brown patina and good very fine



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1202
Estimate: 1000 CHF. Price realized: 1800 CHF.
Nicomedia. Tetrassarion (?), circa 256-258, Æ 11.23 g. AVT OVALERIANOC ΓAΛΛHNOC OVAΛERIANOC KAICA / BB – B Confronted radiate busts of Valerian and Gallienus, small bareheaded bust of Valerian II between them. Rev. NIKOM – HDEΩN / TPIC NEΩKO / PΩN The three neocorate temples of Nicomedia situated around central altar with serpent. Recueil Général –. BMC –. SNG von Aulock 7141 var. (different legend on obverse and laureate busts). SNG Copenhagen 582 var. (different legend on obverse and laureate busts).
Very rare. Brown patina and good very fine



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1203
Estimate: 1000 CHF. Price realized: 1400 CHF.

Nicomedia. Tetrassarion (?), circa 256-258, Æ 8.79 g. [AVT OVALE]RIANOC ΓAΛΛHNOC OVAΛERIAN[OC] KAICA Confronted laureate busts of Valerian and Gallienus, small bareheaded bust of Valerian II between them. Rev. NIKOM – HDEΩN / TPIC NEΩKO / PΩN The three neocorate temples of Nicomedia situated around central altar with serpent. Recueil Général 407. BMC 68. SNG von Aulock 859 var. (different legend on obverse). SNG Copenhagen 581.
Very rare. Brown patina and very fine



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1336
Estimate: 500 CHF. Price realized: 850 CHF.

Phoenicia, Berytus. Elagabalus, 218-222. Bronze circa 218-222, Æ 19.89 g. IMP CAES M AVR AN – TONINVS AVG Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust r. Rev. COL IVL – AVG FEL / BER Astarte standing facing, l. foot on prow of galley, holding trident in r. hand, crowned by Nike standing l. on cippus; two genii flanking; all within tetrastyle temple with shield in pediment and acroteria along roofline; below, two genii on dolphins facing central stairway above two cups or altars. BMC 175. Sawaya 1661. Rouvier 573.
Rare. Brown tone and good very fine



Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, 29-30 May 2017: An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage.


Lot 1337
Estimate: 400 CHF. Price realized: 1300 CHF.
Byblos. Diadumenian, 217-218. Bronze circa 217-218, Æ 9.68 g. M OΠ ΔIAΔOYMENIANOC KAI Bareheaded and cuirassed bust r. Rev. BYB – ΛOY / IEPAC Astarte standing r., holding a sceptre in r. hand and resting hear l. foot on prow; in r. field, crowned by a Nike standing l. on column. All within distyle temple. Mionnet VIII, 77-78. BMC 40. Rouvier 699. SNG Copenhagen –.
Rare. Green patina, beautiful portrait and extremely fine
Ex Leu-M&M sale 21-22 October 1966, Niggeler, 675.



Bronzo di Elagabalo (Neapolis, Giudea) da CNG, EA 56.


Lot 354. Estimate: 100 USD. Lot unsold

JUDAEA, Neapolis. Elagabalus. 218-222 CE. Æ (19.5mm, 9.47 g, 1h). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Mt. Gerizim with stairway leading to temple and altar at summit; colonnaded portico at foot of mountain; three pellets in exergue. RPC VI Online 8940; Sofaer 96. Earthen dark green patina, light porosity, flan crack. Near VF.

Purchased by the consignor from Amphora Coins.



Bronzo di Volusiano (Neapolis, Giudea) da CNG, EA 56.


Lot 355. Estimate: 100 USD. Price realized: 70 USD.

JUDAEA, Neapolis. Volusian. 251-253 CE. Æ (24.5mm, 11.56 g, 6h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Eagle standing with wings displayed, supporting Mount Gerizim surmounted by temple and altar; stairway to temple and colonnade below mountain. Harl 147 (A34/P141); RPC IX 2160; Rosenberger 123; Sofaer 237-8 var. (obv. legend, star and crescent flanking Mount Gerizim). Earthen green patina, porosity. Near VF.



Bronzo di Volusiano (Neapolis, Giudea) da CNG, EA 56.


Lot 356. Estimate: 100 USD. Price realized: 60 USD.

JUDAEA, Neapolis. Volusian. 251-253 CE. Æ (23.5mm, 14.32 g, 12h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Eagle standing with wings displayed, supporting Mount Gerizim surmounted by temple and altar; stairway to temple and colonnade below mountain; star and crescent flanking temple. Harl 147 (A34/P– [rev. die unrecorded]); RPC IX 2160; Rosenberger 123; Sofaer 237-8. Earthen brown patina, some porosity, cleaning scratches. Good Fine.



Jesus Vico S.A. > Auction 157      Auction date: 26 November 2020

Lot number: 161              

Lot description:


GADES. Sestercio. Augusto. A/ Templo tetrástilo, alrededor corona cívica. R/ Haz de rayos; AVGVSTVS/ DIVI F. AE 36. RPC-94. APRH-94. ACIP-3324. CC-4130, mismo ejemplar. Acuñación floja en parte del anv. Golpe de cizalla en rev. Pátina oscura. MBC-. Rarísima.

Starting Price: 500 EUR



Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany) (

15.146927dtemple.jpg.00693b9c65a4e105a89c4786713011f4.jpg  15.146927rtemple.jpg.a559ae5e85a1f7c1ed5e0b7c9f84a59e.jpg

Province              Tarraconensis

City        Carthago Nova 

Region  Hispania

Reign    Augustus

Obverse inscription        P TVRVLL V I N K IIVIR [QVI]NQ[VEN]

Obverse design quadriga, left; in front, vexillum

Reverse inscription         V I N K M POSTV ALBINV(S) IIVIR QVIN[Q ITER], AVGVSTO (on facade)

Reverse design temple with four columns


  • Mi piace 1


Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France) (

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Province              Tarraconensis

City        Ilici 

Region  Hispania

Reign    Augustus

Obverse inscription        IMP CAESARI DIVI F AVGVSTO

Obverse design laureate head of Augustus, right

Reverse inscription         C I IL A Q PAPIR CAR Q TERE MONT IIVIR Q, IVNONI (on architrave)

Reverse design temple with four columns


  • 3 settimane dopo...

British Museum, London (UK) (

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Province              Tarraconensis

City        Caesaraugusta 

Region  Hispania

Reign    Tiberius

Obverse inscription        PIETATIS AVGVSTAE C C A

Obverse design bust of Pietas, veiled and diademed, right

Reverse inscription         IVNIANO LVPO PR G CAESAR G POMPON PARRA II V

Reverse design temple with four columns


  • Mi piace 1


CNG Feature Auction 127, Sep 17, 2024 (


Est. $500. Current $500.


DECAPOLIS, Abila. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ (33mm, 15.88 g, 12h). Dated CY 281 (AD 218). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Flaming altar within hexastyle temple with central arch, pediment surmounted by Nike, and two flanking towers with arched doors and window; ΑΠ-C (date) above. Spijkerman 21; RPC VI Online 9239; Rosenberger 21 var. (date); Sofaer 22. Green patina with orange earthen highlights. VF. Rare.


  • Mi piace 1


CNG Feature Auction 127, Sep 17, 2024 (


Est. $750. Current $650.


DECAPOLIS, Nysa-Scythopolis. Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. Æ (29mm, 17.73 g, 12h). AYTOKP ANTωNINOC ЄBЄV CЄB HC, laureate head right / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and long scepter, at feet left, eagle; all within tetrastyle temple with central bay, pellet in pediment. Barkay 14 var. (obv legend); Spijkerman 13 (text and plates don’t match); RPC IV.3 6471 corr. (L. Verus, legends); Rosenberger 13 var. (same); Sofaer 14 var. (same). Earthen green patina. Good VF. Very rare variety.



CNG Feature Auction 127, Sep 17, 2024 (


Est. $500. Current $325.


PHOENICIA, Tripolis. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ (30mm, 17.05 g, 12h). Dated CY 523 (AD 211/2). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Tetrastyle temple with statue of Zeus Hagios with central altar flanked by statues of Sol and Luna; to right, taller tetrastyle temple with two reclining figures in pediment; Γ above, ΓKΦ (date) in exergue. BMC 79. Earthen red-brown patina, small scrape on obverse. VF. Rare.



Bronzo di Volusiano, Tiro, Fenicia (


Lot 379
Estimate: 750 USD. Current bid: 450 USD.

PHOENICIA, Tyre. Volusian. AD 251-253. Æ (27.5mm, 16.27 g, 12h). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Cadmus standing left, holding patera in right hand, transverse spear and drapery in left; at feet left, recumbent heifer; to right, murex shell; to upper left, city gate of Thebes; ΘH/BЄ in left field. RPC IX 2018; Rouvier 2482. Earthen green patina, light roughness. Near VF.

Sul rovescio Cadmo e il mito della fondazione di Tebe.

While traveling through Greece in search of his abducted sister Europa, the Phoenician prince Cadmus consulted the Delphic oracle, where he was instructed to follow a sacred cow and found a city on the spot where it should finally take rest. Cadmus followed the instructions, and the spot where the cow stopped became the great city of Thebes in Boeotia.

Mentre viaggiava attraverso la Grecia alla ricerca della sorella Europa rapita, il principe fenicio Cadmo consultò l'oracolo delfico, dove gli fu chiesto di seguire una vacca sacra e di trovare una città nel punto in cui essa avrebbe dovuto riposare. Cadmo seguì le istruzioni e il punto in cui la mucca si fermò divenne la grande città di Tebe, in Beozia.


  • Mi piace 1


Tetradramma bilione di Domiziano (


Lot 387. Estimate: 750 USD. Current bid: 450 USD.

EGYPT, Alexandria. Domitian. AD 81-96. BI Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 13.21 g, 12h). Dated RY 6 (AD 86/87). Laureate head right / Triumphal arch with three bays between columns surmounted by statues; on the triangular pediment, two Nikai supporting a disc; roof surmounted by statuary group of Domitian driving quadriga between trophies and captives; L ς (date) across field. Köln 349; Dattari (Savio) 449; K&G 24.53; RPC II 2524; Emmett 220.6 (R3). Lightly toned, minor deposits, a few light surface cracks. VF. Very rare


  • Mi piace 1


Bronzo di Thaena, Africa, regno di Augusto (National Numismatic Collection, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam (Netherlands)).

24d.149557templi.jpg.ef99ae626f85fe0bf57c9a0daaf98882.jpg  24r.149557templi.jpg.7598dd230b4eff86aba2a8a0661d77f9.jpg

Province              Africa Proconsularis

City        Thaena 

Region  Africa

Reign    Augustus

Obverse inscription       

Obverse design bare head of Augustus, right; in front, lituus

Reverse inscription         𐤕𐤏𐤉𐤍𐤕

Reverse design temple with four columns



Bronzo di Thaena, Africa, regno di Augusto (Economy Museum – Royal Coin Cabinet, Stockholm (Sweden)).

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Province              Africa Proconsularis

City        Thaena 

Region  Africa

Reign    Augustus

Obverse inscription        CAESAR 𐤕𐤏𐤉𐤍𐤕

Obverse design bare head of Augustus, right

Reverse inscription        

Reverse design temple with four columns



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