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Bronzo di Gallo Treboniano (Antiochia, Siria), che raffigura al dritto il busto laureato, drappeggiato e corazzato di Gallo, a destra, visto da dietro, e al rovescio un’edicola portatile con quattro colonne che racchiudono la statua di Tyche seduta, di fronte, con il dio del fiume (Oronte) rivolto verso i suoi piedi; sopra, ariete che corre a destra; di solito, alla base dell'edicola, sono presenti delle barre di trasporto (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)).

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Province              Syria Coele

City        Antioch 

Region  Syria

Reign    Trebonianus Gallus

Obverse inscription        ΑΥΤΟΚ Κ Γ ΟΥΙΒ ΤΡΕΒ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ϹΕΒ

Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallus, right, seen from rear

Reverse inscription         ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΟΛΩΝ, Δ Ε (in l. and r. field), S C

Reverse design portable shrine with four columns enclosing statue of Tyche seated, facing, with river god (Orontes) facing, at her feet; above, ram running right; usually, carry-bars at the base of the shrine


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Bronzo di Tranquillina (Tessalonica, Macedonia) che raffigura al rovescio un tempio a quattro colonne su un basamento in prospettiva a sinistra (P. Murphy coll.).

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Province              Macedonia

City        Thessalonica 

Region  Macedonia

Reign    Gordian III

Obverse inscription        ϹΑΒΙΝΙΑ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛΙΝΑ ΑΓΟ

Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina, right

Reverse inscription         ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ, ΠΥΘΙΑ

Reverse design temple with four columns on podium seen in perspective from left


Bronzo di Tessalonica (Macedonia) che raffigura al dritto il busto drappeggiato e diademato di Tranquillina, e al rovescio un tempio con quattro colonne su un basamento, visto in prospettiva da destra (Fischer 161, 6 Mar. 2018, lot 123 = Naumann 46, 11 Sept. 2016, lot 321).

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Province              Macedonia

City        Thessalonica 

Region  Macedonia

Reign    Gordian III

Obverse inscription        ϹΑΒΙΝΙΑ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛΙΝΑ ΑΓΟ

Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina, right

Reverse inscription         ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ ΝΕΩ, ΠΥΘΙΑ

Reverse design temple with four columns on podium seen in perspective from right



Bronzo (Tessalonica, Macedonia) che raffigura al dritto il busto drappeggiato e diademato di Tranquillina a destra, e al rovescio un tempio a due colonne con al suo interno la figura di Cabiro in piedi, di fronte, testa rivolta a sinistra, con rhytòn e martello in mano, e ai suoi piedi, a sinistra e a destra, zanne di elefante (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (UK)).

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Province              Macedonia

City        Thessalonica 

Region  Macedonia

Reign    Gordian III

Obverse inscription        ϹΑΒΙΝΙΑ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛΙΝΑ ΑΓΟ

Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina, right

Reverse inscription         ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ

Reverse design temple with two columns enclosing figure of Kabeiros standing facing, head left, holding rhyton and hammer; at his feet, left and right, elephant tusk



Bronzo di Gordiano III (


Lot 665
Estimate: 50 GBP. Price realized: 55 GBP.

Gordian III Æ 35mm of Tarsus, Cilicia. AD 238-244. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ ϹЄΒ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, holding shield decorated with gorgoneion and spear; Π-Π across fields; c/m: eagle standing to right / ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛ, Tyche of Tarsus seated to left, holding temples; Α Μ Κ Β Γ across fields. RPC VII.2 3111; SNG Levante 1144 (same dies); Howgego 339i for countermark. 23.31g, 35mm, 12h.
Near Very Fine.
From the Roman Provincial Images Collection.



Bronzo di Damasco (Siria) che raffigura al dritto il busto diademato e drappeggiato di Otacilia Severa con un crescent (mezzaluna) alle spalle, e, al rovescio, nel registro superiore un tempio a quattro colonne con figura stante a sinistra, mano alzata, oggetto incerto sulla spalla; in basso, grotta con dio fluviale Chrysoroas sdraiato a sinistra, con canna in mano e appoggiato a un'urna, con acqua che scorre sotto; a sinistra, stella; a destra, mezzaluna; in basso a sinistra, altare acceso (British Museum, London (UK)).

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City        Damascus 

Region  Syria

Reign    Philip I

Obverse inscription        M OTAC SEVERA AVG

Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right, crescent at shoulders

Reverse inscription         COL DAMAS METRO ΠΗΓΑΙ

Reverse design in upper register, temple with four columns containing figure standing left, hand raised, uncertain object over shoulder; below, grotto containing river god Chrysoroas reclining left, holding reed and resting on urn, water flowing beneath; to left, star; to right, crescent; bottom left, lit altar



Bronzo di Otacilia Severa (Damasco, Siria) che raffigura al dritto il busto diademato e drappeggiato dell’imperatrice e al rovescio un’edicola con quattro colonne e sbarre sporgenti; all'interno, busto drappeggiato di Fortuna turrita a destra; tra le sbarre, ariete che salta a destra, testa a sinistra; ai lati, figura della Vittoria che sostiene una piccola edicola da cui emerge la testa di un uccello (British Museum, London (UK)).

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Province              Syria Phoenice

City        Damascus 

Region  Syria

Reign    Philip I

Obverse inscription        M OTAC SEVERA AVG

Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right, crescent at shoulders

Reverse inscription         COL ΔAMAS METROP

Reverse design shrine with four columns and projecting carry bars; within, draped bust of Fortuna right, turreted; between bars, ram leaping right, head left; either side, figure of Victory supporting small shrine from which the head of a bird emerges


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Bronzo di Commodo (Aspendo, Panfilia) che raffigura al rovescio la veduta frontale di un tempio a due colonne che racchiude due statue di Afrodite Castnietide (Private coll. CGT = Pecunem Auction 27, 4 Jan. 2015, lot 456).

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Province              Lycia-Pamphylia

City        Aspendus 

Region  Pamphylia

Reign    Commodus

Obverse inscription        ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΜ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟΣ

Obverse design laureate head of Commodus (short beard) with traces of drapery, right

Reverse inscription         ΑϹΠΕΝΔ[ΙΩΝ?]

Reverse design front view of double-pediment temple enclosing statues of Aphroditai Kastnietides


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Bronzo di Alessandro Severo (Aspendo, Panfilia) che raffigura al dritto il busto dell’imperatore raggiato, drappeggiato e corazzato visto di fronte, e al rovescio il dio fluviale Eurimedone sdraiato, che tiene in mano un tempietto a doppio frontone con statue di Afrodite Castnietide, e si appoggia su un vaso da cui sgorga l'acqua (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)).

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Province              Lycia-Pamphylia

City        Aspendus 

Region  Pamphylia

Reign    Severus Alexander

Obverse inscription        ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ

Obverse design radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from front

Reverse inscription         ΑϹΠΕΝΔΙΩΝ

Reverse design river god Eurymedon reclining, left, holding small double-pediment temple with statues of Aphroditai Kastnietides, and resting on vase from which water flows



Bronzo di Gordiano III (Aspendo, Panfilia) che raffigura al dritto busto di Gordiano laureato, drappeggiato e corazzato, e al rovescio un tempio a quattro colonne che racchiudono due statue di culto di Afrodite Castnietide; sul frontone, due serpenti (British Museum, London (UK)).

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Province              Lycia-Pamphylia

City        Aspendus 

Region  Pamphylia

Reign    Gordian III

Obverse inscription        ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ

Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from front

Reverse inscription         ΑϹΠΕΝΔΙωΝ

Reverse design temple with four columns enclosing cult statues of the Aphroditai Kastnietides; in pediment, two serpents



Gorny & Mosch, Auction 237


Lot 1638
Estimate: 750 EUR
Price realized: 750 EUR

Caracalla, 198 - 217 n.Chr. AE (16,15g). 202 - 203 n. Chr., unter dem Gouverneur Sicinnius Clarus Vs.: ΑΥ ??K M AUR - ANTWNINOS, drapierte Büste mit Lorbeerkranz n. r. Rs.: ΗΓ ΣΙΚΙΝΝΙΟ−Υ ΚΛΑΡ ΟΥ/ΛΠΙΑΣ / ??PAUTALIAS, Asklepios mit Schlangenstab in einem tetrastylen Tempel stehend, im Giebel Schlange, l. im Feld ein Baum. Ruzicka, Pautalia ; Varbanov, GIC II, 4958. R! Seltene Legendenvariante! Grüne Patina, gutes ss



Gorny & Mosch, Auction 237.


Lot 1662

Estimate: 250 EUR
Price realized: 500 EUR

Gordian III., 238 - 244 n. Chr. AE Großbronze (21,45g). Vs.: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΜΑΡ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟΣ ΣΕ, gepanzerte Büste mit Strahlenkrone n. r. Rs.: ΠΕΡΓΑΙΑΣ ??A-R-TEMIDOU / ASULOU, Naiskos, von zwei ionischen Säulen getragen, darin Kultbild der Artemis von Perge, von zwei Feueraltärchen flankiert, oben r. und l. Stern und Mondsichel, im Giebel Adler. SNG BN ; SNG von Aulock ; SNG PfPSlg. . RR! Grüne Patina, fast vz



Leu Numismatik AG Web Auction 2; 3 Dec 2017.


Lot 371
Starting price: 500 CHF. Price realized: 800 CHF.

THRACE. Philippopolis. Elagabalus, 218-222. Medallion (Bronze, 38 mm, 33.20 g, 4 h). AΥT K M AΥΡHΛIOC ANTΩNEINOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed half-length bust of Elagabalus to left. Rev. [...] ΦIΛIΠΠOΠOΛE/ΩC NEΩKOΡ/OΥ Octastyle temple of Apollo Kendrisos, in the back, containing a statue of Apollo; before, to right, Elagabalus standing left, holding spear; behind him, a priest; to left, two priests (or flute players?) behind a victimarius slaying a bull; in the middle, a burning altar. BMC -. SNG Copenhagen -. Varbanov -. Apparently unpublished save for its previous auction appearance. A most impressive medallion with a most interesting reverse. Minor smoothing and some roughness, otherwise, very fine.

Ex Gorny & Mosch 233, 6 October 2015, 1883 (sold for 2000 EUR, and moderately cleaned since) and from a European collection, formed before 2005.



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Il 23/4/2024 alle 17:40, apollonia dice:

Gorny & Mosch, Auction 237.


Lot 1662

Estimate: 250 EUR
Price realized: 500 EUR

Gordian III., 238 - 244 n. Chr. AE Großbronze (21,45g). Vs.: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΜΑΡ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟΣ ΣΕ, gepanzerte Büste mit Strahlenkrone n. r. Rs.: ΠΕΡΓΑΙΑΣ ??A-R-TEMIDOU / ASULOU, Naiskos, von zwei ionischen Säulen getragen, darin Kultbild der Artemis von Perge, von zwei Feueraltärchen flankiert, oben r. und l. Stern und Mondsichel, im Giebel Adler. SNG BN ; SNG von Aulock ; SNG PfPSlg. . RR! Grüne Patina, fast vz



Il naiskos (in greco antico: ναΐσκος?, naiskos; dall'etimologia greca: ναός, italiano: "tempio") è un piccolo tempio in ordine architettonico con colonne o pilastri e timpano. Spesso utilizzato come motivo artificiale, non è raro nell'arte antica. Si trova anche nell'architettura greca, soprattutto nelle necropoli dell'Attica come rilievo funerario o reliquario con statua, come nel caso di Ceramico ad Atene e nella ceramica a figure nere e a figure rosse del loutrophoros e del lekythos. Esistono anche figurine simili ai naiskoi o ad altri templi realizzati in terracotta; alcuni sono esposti al Museo del Louvre di Parigi. Il naiskos è sempre prodotto in ambito religioso, facendo riferimento in particolare al culto funerario greco. Un tipo simile, chiamato edicola, è comune nell'arte romana.



Bronzo di Gallieno (Apollonia Mordiaion, Pisidia) che raffigura al dritto il busto corazzato dell’imperatore con corona d’alloro e al rovescio un tempio a otto colonne in vista frontale, con la statua dell'imperatore in abito militare e lancia al suo interno (Gorny & Mosch 237, 7-8 March 2016).


Lot 1667. Estimate: 600 EUR. Unsold.

Gallienus, 253 - 268 n. Chr. AE Großbronze (28,68g). Vs.: ΑΥΤ Κ Π ΛΙ − ??GALLIHN, gepanzerte Büste mit Lorbeerkranz n. r. Rs.: ΑΠΟΛ−ΛΩ−ΝΙ−ΑΤΩΝ / ΛΥ ΘΡ ΚΟ, achtsäuliger Tempel in Vorderansicht, darin die Statue des Kaisers in Militärtracht mit Speer. SNG von Aulock 4999; SNG BN 1365; von Aulock, Pisidien 162. Schwarze Patina, gutes ss

Le sigle ΛΥ - ΘΡ - ΚΟ menzionate nell’esergo del rovescio si riferiscono a un insediamento di coloni lici e traci nel territorio di Apollonia.





Base d’asta: 150 USD. Valutazione: 250 USD

Lotto 463. CYPRUS, Koinon of Cyprus. Vespasian. AD 69-79. Æ (26.5mm, 13.02 g, 6h). Dated “New Holy Year” 8 of Vespasian (AD 75/6). Laureate head right / Temple of Aphrodite at Paphos, with conical xoanon between stars; candelabrum on each side of building; paved semicircular courtyard in foreground; H (date) in legend. Parks 13a; RPC II 1821; BMC 20. Rough brown patina, pitting. Good Fine.

Ex Errett Bishop Collection (FORVM Ancient Coins inventory RP93143).


  • Mi piace 1


CNG ELECTRONIC AUCTION 561, LOTTO 451, 1 mag 2024.


Base d’asta: 60 USD. Valutazione: 100 USD.

Lotto 451. CILICIA, Isaura. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ (25mm, 8.47 g, 6h). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front, cuirass decorated with gorgoneion, baeltus on cuirass / Tetrastyle temple containing male bust (of Zeus?) right on column. SNG BN 497 (same dies); SNG Levante 263 (same dies). Green patina, light roughness, scratches, slight reverse double strike and area of weakness. Good VF.

Ex Classical Numismatic Group 41 (19 March 1997), lot 1433.



CNG ELECTRONIC AUCTION 561, LOTTO 464, 1 mag 2024.


Base d’asta: 90 USD. Valutazione: 150 USD. Risultato: 850 USD.

Lotto 464. CYPRUS, Koinon of Cyprus. Trajan. AD 98-117. Æ (27mm, 12.86 g, 6h). Struck AD 114-6. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Temple of Aphrodite at Paphos, with conical xoanon between stars; candelabrum on each side of building; paved semicircular courtyard in foreground. Parks 20a; RPC III 3409; BMC 38. Dark green patina, roughness, light smoothing. VF.



CNG ELECTRONIC AUCTION 561, LOTTO 498, 1 mag 2024.


Base d’asta: 120 USD. Valutazione: 200 USD. Risultato: 425 USD.

Lotto 498. EGYPT, Alexandria. Domitian. AD 81-96. Æ Drachm (33mm, 22.50 g, 11h). Dated RY 15 (AD 95/6). Laureate head right / Triumphal arch with three bays between columns, two windows above; roof surmounted by statuary group of Domitian driving horses between trophies; L IE (date) across field. Köln 415-6; Dattari (Savio) 544; K&G 24.238; RPC II 2728; Emmett 257.15. Brown patina, roughness, some pitting and delamination flaws. Good Fine. Very rare.

Purchased from Malter Galleries.

While often assumed to depict a local Egyptian monument, Fred Kleiner (“An arch of Domitian in Rome on coins of Alexandria,” NC 1989, pp. 69-81) has convincingly argued that the arch was erected elsewhere, almost certainly in the capital, to commemorate Domitian’s victories in Germany. Indeed, Suetonius (Dom. 13.2) records that the emperor erected so many arci – Latin for arches – in Rome that a Greek punster wrote on one of them ἀρκεῖ (enough).

It is also interesting to note that the production of Aes denominations finally started to increase at the Alexandrian mint during the reign of Domitian, and at the expense of the billon production. .



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  • 2 settimane dopo...

CNG ELECTRONIC AUCTION 561, LOTTO 516, 1 mag 2024.


Base d’asta: 60 USD. Valutazione: 100 USD. Risultato: 250 USD.

Lotto 516. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. Æ Drachm (32mm, 26.21 g, 12h). Dated RY 5 (AD 141/2). Laureate head right / Distyle temple with two papyriform columns; in which statue of Isis is seated right, suckling Harpokrates; Uraeus crown in pediment; L E (date) in across field. Köln 1419; Dattari (Savio) 3040; K&G 35.167; RPC IV.4 563; Emmett 1587.5. Brown surfaces, some find patina, edge flan flaws. Good Fine. Very rare.



Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 84, 16 Jun 2021.


Lot 1110. Estimate: 50 GBP. Price realized: 90 GBP.
Divus Augustus Æ Dupondius of Emerita, Spain. AD 14-37. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head to left / AVGVSTA EMERITA inscribed in two lines within camp gateway. RPC I 23; ACIP 3388. 25.17g, 35mm, 7h.
Near Very Fine. Rare.
From the Antonio Carmona Collection.


  • Mi piace 1


Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 84, 16 Jun 1111.


Lot 1111. Estimate: 50 GBP. Price realized: 35 GBP

Divus Augustus Æ Dupondius of Emerita, Spain. AD 14-37. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head to left / AVGVSTA EMERITA inscribed in two lines within camp gateway. RPC I 23; ACIP 3388. 28.04g, 37mm, 7h.
Good Fine; spots of active corrosion. Rare.
From the Antonio Carmona Collection.



Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 84, 16 Jun 1198.


Lot 1198. Estimate: 50 GBP. Price realized: 110 GBP.

Macrinus Æ 26mm of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. AD 217-218. AV K OΠΠEΛ [CEVH MAKPINOC], laureate head to right / VΠ AΓPIΠA NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠPOC ICTPΩ, city gate flanked by two battlement towers; third tower rising from centre. Varbanov 3345. 11.81g, 26mm, 7h.
Near Very Fine. Rare.
From the Antonio Carmona Collection.


Inviato (modificato)

CNG, Electronic Auction 428, 5 Sep 2018.

Roman bronze coin of Geta showing the Petra temple with statue of Tyche (26 mm, 13.41 g).


CNG 428, Lot 300. Estimate $150. Sold for $320.

DECAPOLIS, Petra. Geta. AD 209-211. Æ (26mm, 13.41 g, 6h). Laureate head right / Tyche, holding stele and trophy, seated left within distyle temple. Spijkerman 53; Sofaer 41. VF, earthen black patina.


Modificato da apollonia


Roman Provincial Arabia, Esbus. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. AE 23 mm (MA Shop).


Materiale: bronzo. Obverse: Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right Reverse: Tyche standing left, with right foot on bull’s head, holding small conical object and scepter, within tetrastyle temple with central arch.


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