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Bronzo di Giulia Domna (Pisidia, Kremna) che raffigura sul rovescio la dea Cibele seduta a sinistra nel tempio distilo, con patera in mano; a sinistra, forse la stessa Giulia Domna con in mano una patera; leone a destra (London Coin Galleries, Online Auction 3).


Lot 57, Estimate: 100 GBP

Julia Domna (Augusta, 193-217), Pisidia, Kremna, Æ, 16.31g, 33mm. Draped bust right / Cybele seated left in distyle temple, holding patera; to left, Julia Domna (?) holding patera; lion to right. SNG France 1495 var. (obv. legend); SNG Cop. -; SNG von Aulock -; BMC -. Fine, some pitting. Rare.



Altro esemplare del bronzo precedente di Julia Domna (London Coin Galleries, Online Auction 3).


Lot 56, Estimate: 300 GBP

Julia Domna (Augusta, 193-217), Pisidia, Kremna, Æ, 23.21g, 35mm. Draped bust right / Cybele seated left in distyle temple, holding patera; to left, Julia Domna (?) holding patera; lion to right. SNG France 1495; SNG Cop. -; SNG von Aulock -; BMC -. Good Very fine, good style. Rare.


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Bronzo di Julia Domna (Lidia, Saitta) che raffigura sul rovescio un tempio tetrastilo con Afrodite nuda, in piedi in posa timida al suo interno (London Coin Galleries, Online Auction 3).


Lot 55, Estimate: 100 GBP

Julia Domna (Augusta, 193-217), Lydia, Saitta, Æ, Ai. Attalianos, magistrate, 15.56g, 29mm. Draped bust right / Tetrastyle temple with Aphrodite, naked, standing within in bashful pose. SNG Cop. -; SNG von Aulock -; BMC -. Very fine / Near very fine. Very rare.



Bronzo di Marco Aurelio e Lucio Vero con tempio decastilo e una stella sul frontone.


CILICIA, Anazarbus. Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. AD 161-169. Æ 23mm (9.78 g). Dated CY 182 (AD 163/164). Aurelius and Verus standing facing one another, clasping hands; Aurelius on left holds roll in right hand / KAI TWN PPO-C TW ANAZAPB, ET BPP in exergue, dekastyle temple; star on pediment. Zeigler 185 (Vs1/Rs5); SNG Levante 1392 (same obverse die); SNG France 2031 (same obverse die). Near VF, dark brown patina with some light greenish earthen encrustation.

CNG 162, Lot: 226. Estimate $100. Sold for $87. 

From the Garth R. Drewry Collection; Ex Coin Galleris (February 1997), lot 619.



Bronzo di Commodo con tempio decastilo.


CILICIA, Anazarbus. Commodus. 177-192 AD. Æ 30mm (13.67 gm). Dated year 202 (183/184 AD). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Decastyle temple. SNG Levante 1400 = Zeigler 261.1 (Vs 4 / Rs 20a - this coin); SNG France -; SNG von Aulock -. VF, pale green patina, light adjustment marks.

CNG 106, Lot: 135. Estimate $150. Sold for $275. 



Bronzo di Valeriano II con tempio tetrastilo.


CILICIA, Colybrassus. Valerian II. Caesar, AD 256-258. Æ 11 Assaria (30mm, 14.50 g, 6h). Bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right above eagle facing, head right, with wings spread; IA (mark of value) before bust / Three single-handled cups over gymnasiarch’s oil basin; all set within a tetrastyle temple; ΓV-M-N-ACIAPXIA spread throughout temple pediment, interior of temple, and pediment. SNG France 561 (same rev. die); SNG Levante 345 (same rev. die); SNG von Aulock 5665 (same dies). Good VF, brown patina. Scarce.

From Group CEM.

CNG 88, Lot: 957. Estimate $300. Sold for $500.



Bronzo di Valeriano II con Zeus nel tempio tetrastilo.


CILICIA, Colybrassus. Valerian II. 255-260 AD. Æ 11 Assaria - 30mm (13.19 gm). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; eagle below with open wings, IA before / Zeus standing left holding thunderbolt and sceptre, within tetrastyle temple; eagle in pediment. SNG Levante 348 (this coin); SNG France 563 (same dies); SNG von Aulock -. Nice VF, brown patina under light earthen encrustation, obverse slightly double struck.

CNG 106, Lot: 206. Estimate $150. Sold for $240. 



Bronzo di Caracalla con tempio tetrastilo con Tyche all’interno e Nike sulla sommità del tetto.


CILICIA, Isaura. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ 26mm (7.91 g, 7h). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, drapery on far shoulder, gorgoneion on breastplate / Tyche, holding rudder and cornucopia, seated left within tetrastyle temple; pellet in pediment; on peak of roof, Nike, holding wreath and palm, standing left. SNG Levante 264 (this coin); SNG France 496. VF, green and brown patina, some minor scratches and roughness.

From the Mark Staal Collection. Ex Eduardo Levante Collection, 264.

CNG 206, Lot: 320. Estimate $200. Sold for $415.



Bronzo di Traiano che raffigura sul rovescio un’aquila ad ali chiuse, in piedi a destra nel tempio distilo, e sul frontone un’aquila ad ali spiegate, in piedi di fronte (Leu Numismatik AUCTION 4).


Lot 504. A lovely diassarion of Trajan from Philadelhia
CILICIA. Philadelphia. Trajan, 98-117. Diassarion (Bronze, 22 mm, 8.07 g, 6 h). ΑΥΤΟ•KAI•ΤΡΑΙΝΟС•ΓΕΡ•ΔΑΚ•ΠΑΡT• (sic!) Laureate head of Trajan to right. Rev ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦЄωΝ•ΤΗС•ΚΙΗΤ Eagle with closed wings standing right in distyle temple; in pediment, eagle standing facing with wings spread. RPC III 3212.30 (this coin). SNG Paris 757-758. SNG von Aulock 5800. A lovely coin with a beautiful green patina. About extremely fine.
From the collection of Dr. P. Vogl, ex Münzhandlung Athena 1, 8 October 1987, 206 (with original ticket).
The city of Philadelphia was founded by the Graeco-Armenian King Antiochos IV in honor of his sister-wife Iotape Philadelphos.

Starting price: 250 CHF. Result: 380 CHF



Bronzo di Commodo e Annio Vero, che raffigura un tempio decastilo con un’aquila sul frontone.


CILICIA, Tarsus. Commodus and Annius Verus, Caesars. 166-168 AD. Æ 17mm (3.40 gm). Draped bust of Commodus right vis à vis draped bust of Annius left; club and caduceus in saltire between / Decastyle temple with eagle in pediment. SNG Levante 1018 (this coin); SNG France 1457; SNG von Aulock 5993. VF, light brown patina with some green around the devices. Rare. ($500)

CNG 66, 19 May 2004, Lot: 1178. Estimate $500. Sold For $525. 



Bronzo di Claudio che raffigura l'Acrocorinto, tempio esastilo di Afrodite in cima alle rocce.


CORINTHIA, Corinth. Claudius. 41-54 AD. Æ 22mm (5.68 gm). Licinius and Octavius, duoviri. Struck circa 42-46 AD. Laureate head right / The Acrocorinth - hexastyle temple of Aphrodite atop rocks. Amandry XVIII3 (Da/Raa4.11 - this coin); RPC I 1180; BCD 418; SNG Copenhagen 231. VF, brown and green patina. ($300)

Ex BCD Collection (sold privately).

CNG 67, 22 September 2004, Lot: 1093. Estimate $300. Sold For $700.



Bronzo di Nerone con un tempio distilo al diritto (all’interno una donna seduta) e al rovescio un piccolo tempio esastilo rotondo con una donna all’interno (Elsen 145).


PALESTINE, CAESAREA-PANIAS, Néron (54-68), bronze, 64/5. D/ DIVA POPPAEA AVG Petit temple distyle. A l''intérieur, femme assise à g. R/ DIVA CLAVD NER F Petit temple rond hexastyle. A l'intérieur, femme deb. de f. RPC I, 4846; SNG ANS 858; Saulcy, Terre Sainte, pl. XVIII, 3. 6,10g Rare Taches de vert-de-gris. Patine brune.
Beau à Très Beau Fine - Very Fine



Esemplare del bronzo precedente, asta Roma Numismatics 40.


Roman Provincial
Diva Poppaea and Diva Claudia Ӕ20 of Caesarea Paneas, Judaea. Struck under Nero, after AD 65. [DI]VA POPPAEA AVG, distyle temple with female figure seated left / DIVA CLAVD NER F, hexastyle temple with figure standing left. RPC 4846; TJC 354; GBC 1270. 5.59g, 20mm, 12h.
Near Very Fine. Rare.

Claudia was the daughter of Nero and Poppaea Sabina, Nero's second wife, who died during infancy in AD 63. Suetonius claims that Poppaea was expecting another child in AD 65, when she was kicked to death by the emperor (Life of Nero, 35.3). Both Cassius Dio and Tacitus support the claim that Nero killed his wife, though the bias of all three historians against Nero casts doubt over the reliability of their accounts. Poppaea may have died of natural causes, perhaps related to childbirth. Indeed, Nero bestowed divine honours upon Poppaea after her death and she was given a state funeral. This coin proclaims the divine honours bestowed on both women and is part of the only issue struck in the name of Claudia.
The Only Issue in the Name of Claudia.



Esemplare del bronzo precedente, asta Savoca Numismatik 108th Silver.


Roman Provincial
Judaea. Caesarea Panias. Diva Poppaea and Diva Claudia AD 63-65. Struck AD 65-68
Bronze Æ
18 mm, 3,10 g
DIVA POPPAEA AVG, distyle temple set upon high podium, containing statue of Diva Poppaea seated left / DIVA CLAVD NER F, hexastyle temple set upon high podium, containing statue of Diva Claudia left on basis.
good very fine, beautiful green patina
RPC I 4846.
The obverse of this coin honors Poppaea, Nero's (and previously Otho's) wife. In January of 63 she gave birth to Claudia, who survived only four months. This is the only coinage issued in the name of Nero's daughter. According to Suetonius, Nero killed Poppaea, while pregnant with another child, by kicking her in the abdomen. From the Tareq Hani collection.



Bronzo di Giulia Domna che raffigura Apollo nudo in piedi a destra che tende un ramo di alloro; dietro, una stele con iscrizione (London Coin Galleries, Online Auction 3).


Lot 54. Estimate: 100 GBP

Julia Domna (Augusta, 193-217), Lydia, Philadelphia, Æ, 6.64g, 25mm. Draped bust right / Nude Apollo standing to right, tending a laurel tree; behind, a stele inscribed ??? ???????. SNG Cop. -; von Aulock -; BMC -; Imhoof-Blumer, Stadtmünzen p. 125, 40, and pl. V, 15. Good Fine. Very rare.


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Bronzo di Giulia Domna che raffigura forse Artemide in piedi a destra entro un tempio tetrastilo (London Coin Galleries, Online Auction 3).


Lot 53. Estimate: 100 GBP

Julia Domna (Augusta, 193-217), Lydia, Philadelphia, Æ, Dokimos, archon, 13.04g, 28mm. Draped bust right / Artemis (?) standing right within tetrastyle temple. SNG Cop. -; SNG von Aulock -; BMC -. Near Very fine. Very rare.



Bronzo di Giulia Domna che raffigura una statua di culto di Afrodite in pedi all’interno di un tempio tetrastilo; altare inghirlandato in esergo (London Coin Galleries, Online Auction 3).


Lot 52. Estimate: 80 GBP

Julia Domna (Augusta, 193-217), Caria, Heraclea Salbace, Æ, 12.67g, 29mm. Draped bust right / Cult statue of Aphrodite standing within tetrastyle temple; garlanded altar in exergue. SNG Cop. -; SNG von Aulock -; BMC 29. Near Very fine. Rare.



Bronzo di Giulia Domna che raffigura un tempio ottastilo (London Coin Galleries, Online Auction 3).


Lot 51. Estimate: 150 GBP

Julia Domna (Augusta, 193-217), Bithynia, Nicomedia, Æ, 5.78g, 23mm. Draped bust right / Octastyle temple; c/m: B. RG -; SNG Cop. -; SNG von Aulock -; BMC -; Price & Trell 296, fig. 390; for c/m cf. Howgego 758. Very fine, striking flatness on obv. Very rare.



Bronzo di Settimio Severo e Giulia Domna che raffigura Apollo Grynium in piedi di fronte, con patera e ramo, all'interno del tempio esastilo con uno scudo sul frontone (London Coin Galleries, Online Auction 3).


Lot 50. Estimate: 300 GBP

Septimius and Julia Domna (193-211), Aeolis, Myrina, Æ, 24.99g, 37mm. Laureate cuirassed bust right of Severus vis à vis draped bust left of Domna; c/m: Head of Herakles right (?) / Apollo Grynium standing facing, holding patera and branch, within hexastyle temple with shield in pediment. SNG Cop. -; SNG von Aulock 1668; BMC 44. Very fine. Very rare.


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Marcianopoli: Macrino e il figlio Diadumeniano. Al rovescio, arco trionfale a tre porte, sormontato da quattro figure, fra cui due vittorie. Dovrebbe essere la Varbanov 1220, Moushmov 569.


3 ore fa, gpittini dice:


Marcianopoli: Macrino e il figlio Diadumeniano. Al rovescio, arco trionfale a tre porte, sormontato da quattro figure, fra cui due vittorie. Dovrebbe essere la Varbanov 1220, Moushmov 569.


In wildwinds la moneta è catalogata Moushmov 569.




Però la moneta catalogata Varbanov 1220 è quest’altra






Bronzo di Alessandro Severo che raffigura due templi tetrastili, tra cui un'urna con due fronde di palma e sopra un’altra urna agonistica con due fronde di palma.


CNG Electronic Auction 500: Est. $150

PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ (28.5mm, 17.22 g, 12h). Dated CY 171 (AD 234/5). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Two tetrastyle temples; between the temples, an urn with two palm fronds; above, agonistic urn with two palm fronds. Çizmelli 263 (D1/R3); RG 43. Dark green to black surfaces with some light earthen highlights/deposits, traces of light smoothing. VF. Rare variety.



Bronzo di Filippo Erode IV che raffigura l’Augusteo di Panias con la data fra le colonne.


CNG Electronic Auction 500: Est. $150

JUDAEA, Herodians. Herod IV Philip, with Augustus. 4 BCE-34 CE. Æ (19mm, 6.76 g, 12h). Caesarea Panias (Caesarea Philippi) mint. Dated RY 16 of Herod IV (12/13 CE). Laureate head of Augustus right / Tetrastyle Augusteum of Panias; L Iς (date) between columns. Meshorer 99; Hendin 1223; Sofaer 126; RPC I 4942. Dark green and reddish-brown patina, minor roughness. Near VF.

From the Father & Son Collection



Bronzo di Filippo Erode IV che raffigura la facciata di un tempio tetrastilo (Augusteo di Paneas); data fra le colonne.


CNG Electronic Auction 500: Est. $200

JUDAEA, Herodians. Herod IV Philip, with Tiberius. 4 BCE-34 CE. Æ (18.5mm, 6.60 g, 12h). Caesarea Panias (Caesarea Philippi) mint. Dated RY 37 of Herod IV (33/4 CE). Laureate head of Tiberius right; laurel branch to right / Tetrastyle temple façade (Augusteum of Paneas); L Λ Z (date) between columns. Meshorer 109; Hendin 1233; RPC I 4952. Dark green to black patina with some light earthen highlights/deposits, minor smoothing. VF.

From the Father & Son Collection.


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