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Hello everybody,

I would appreciate it if anyone could provide more info about this coin.

I suppose it's minted by a Germanic tribe, probably Gepids, in late 5 th or 6 th century AD. Some kind of pseudo-imperial coinage, 1.67g, 16mm, 6h, I believe it came from Timok valley (east Serbia, close to the Serbian-Bulgarian border). This area was near Gepid territory. The coin reminded me of the one posted here:

 Thank you.



  • Mi piace 1


La legenda mi pare molto strana e senza senso. Anche il bordo così incurvato mi lascia dei dubbi...

Inviato (modificato)


@mjovicaNella sezione "Identificazioni" è già stato risposto, confermando trattarsi di coniazione pseudo-imperiale. Immagini rozze e semplificate, e al posto della normale legenda, la ripetizione della lettera Y sia al diritto che al rovescio; in esergo una serie di O.  Queste ripetizioni, per le monete costantiniane, sono tipiche dell'Europa Centrale ed Orientale  (Pannonia, ecc.); credo però sia impossibile identificare la localitàdi emissione. Difficile per me anche collocarla nel tempo (IV, improbabile, o V secolo? o addirittura VI?) La moneta sembra scodellata, il che è strano per le imitative. Mi sorge anche un dubbio sul metallo: penso sia rame, ma il colore può far pensare all'oro, vista anche la citazione ed il link.

Modificato da gpittini


Dear friends @gpittini, @isaia_67 thank you for the time and effort. In the past few days I found more information about the coin. Here are my assumptions:

Whoever engraved the coin was illiterate, however, judging by the number of symbols on the obverse and reverse, we can assume that the prototype for manufacture was a tremissis of Zeno, RIC X 914, which has 13 symbols on the obverse (D N ZENO – PERP AVG). The letters are also distributed in the same way (6+7).

A less probable prototype is RIC X 611 Leo I. The number of letters on the obverse is 14 (DN LEO PE-RPT AVG). The layout is 7+7, except for the imitation found here:  DN LEO P-ERPT AVC, 13 letters, 6+7, same as my coin.
In the lot with the tremissis was also a coin of Leo I (RIC X 694), and a couple pieces of cut coinage (all from the same location). This leads me to believe that there wasn’t enough money in circulation, which may be the reason for a local ruler to start minting his own money, or accept an obvious imitation in a trade (which seems more probable). The tremissis is almost certainly pure gold, the color is different on the photographs, but might be closer to the original in the attachments.

trem leo.jpg

  • Mi piace 2


La moneta è un tremisse in oro. E' sicuramente barbarica e non è stata coniata in Italia e non è Visigota. Queste sono le mie certezze. Credo che imiti il tremisse di Giustino e non di Zeno. Somiglia alle Merovinge del tipo MEC 1, 362-372. E' sicuramente una moneta interessante da studiare.


Diligite iustitiam

  • Mi piace 1

On 7/30/2019 at 5:24 PM, Arka said:

The coin is a tremisse in gold. It is certainly barbaric and was not minted in Italy and is not Visigoth. These are my certainties. I believe he mimics Giustino's and not Zeno's tremisse. It resembles the Merovingians of the type MEC 1, 362-372. It is certainly an interesting currency to study.


Diligite iustitiam


I looked at MEC 1 362-372, and I see what you mean.
It will certainly be interesting to learn more about my coin.

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