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Maybe a mistake (?) on a 1984 1-pound coin that is commonly found in circulation.  The writing instead of being NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT is NEMO ME IMPUNE LACFSSIT that is instead of the E there is the F. Furthermore it turns out to be overturned with respect to the normal coins.

 have you ever seen it?  Is a mistake ?  A fake?  Can it have value?

 thanks a lot

Modificato da Tomino72

  • 2 settimane dopo...
Guest adbe!!!


Who can say without photos, weight, size, thickness? Usually Pound coins with apparent errors such as the wrong reverse or edge inscription for the year, and/or poor quality edge inscriptions are forgeries.

  • 1 mese dopo...

Maybe, I'm wrong, but I can see an "E" died, probably by an old die tha dind't strucked the letter correctly.

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