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Atena sul rovescio di questo tetradramma (NAC 84): che fisico!


Greek Coins 
Antigonus II Gonatas, 277-239 
Tetradrachm Amphipolis 277-239, AR 17.01g. Macedonian shield decorated in centre with head of Pan l., with pedum over shoulder. Rev. Athena standing l., hurling thunderbolt and holding shield decorated with gorgoneion; at her sides, in lower field, Macedonian helmet – TI. SNG Copenhagen 1202. SNG Alpha Bank 983.
Old cabinet tone and extremely fine
Ex Hirsch XXV, 1909, Philpsen, 546 and Lanz 125, 2011, 49 sales.Thraco-Macedonian Tribes. Uncertain mint, possibly Aegae




Afrodite su un tridramma di Kinidos dalla GERHARD HIRSCH Nachfolger   |   Auction 275  


KNIDOS. Tridrachme. 405-394. _YN; der kindliche Herakles erwürgt Schlangen. Rs: KNI_I_N; Aphroditekopf mit Ohr- und Halsschmuck r., das Haar in Sphendone. Davor Prora. Alles in Quadratum incusum. SNG COP. -. SNG v. A -. SNG Keckmann 164. 10,87g. Rs. hohes Relief. RR  ss/ss-vz



Era su uno statere di Argos dalla Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG 48


A remarkable selection of Greek Coins 
Argolis, Argos
Stater circa 370-350, AR 11.83 g. Head of Hera r., wearing stephane ornamented with palmettes, earring and pearl necklace. Rev. ΑΡΓ − ΕΙΩΝ ??Two dolphins swimming counter-clockwise; between them, crab. BMC 40. SNG Lockett 2495 (this coin). BCD Peloponnesos 1061 (these dies). 
Extremely rare. Nicely toned and surface somewhat porous, otherwise good very fine
Ex Ars Classica 14, 1929, 281; Glendining 27 May 1959, Lockett, 1989 and Vinchon 1995, 102 sales. Among Greek cities, Argos claimed to be one of the oldest. Indeed, Homer calls the Greeks ‘Argives’ in the Iliad, and we may consider this name the root for Argonaut. During the Bronze Age the territory of Argos included other famous and powerful cities such as Mycenae and Tiryns, and this city was still renowned when in the 490s B.C. its coinage commenced with silver drachms and fractions that showed a wolf, symbolic of Apollo Lykios, who was worshipped in the city. Interestingly, on the largest Argive coin of this early period, the drachm, a wolf is shown in full, on triobols only its forepart is shown, and on obols only its head – thus we have a shrinking of design coordinating with a decrease in denomination. Two denominations smaller than the aforementioned were also easy to identify: hemiobols bore the archaic letter heta, and tetartemoria the letter tau. With some modernizations to the designs, and an occasional different type, this system remained intact for about 120 years. Then, in about 370 B.C., soon after the defeat of Sparta at Leuctra, Argos began to strike larger denomination coins with fresh designs of high artistry. Without question the period c. 370-350 was the peak for the mint at Argos, and we have more than a few numismatic masterpieces to show for that effort. Argos was particularly famous for its sculptors (including Myron, Polycleitus and Phidias’ master Ageladas), so we can presume that the mint could easily draw upon a thriving arts community. The two main issues from this period are staters and drachms. Both show on their obverse the head of Zeus’ wife Hera, who wears a stephane decorated with palmettes. About six miles outside the city was the Heraeum, where this goddess is said to have been worshipped since thirteen generations before King Agamemnon ruled over Bronze Age Mycenae. Her original temple burned down in 423 B.C., so the Hera reproduced on these coins must be based upon the renowned 26-foot statue by Polycleitus. The Hera stater shows on its reverse two dolphins swimming in opposite directions, creating a circular pattern, whereas the Hera drachm shows Diomedes, the Argive king of Homer’s Iliad, advancing with drawn sword and the Palladium. The dolphins must relate to the worship of Poseidon, and to two mythological episodes that were etched into the Argive consciousness. In one instance the local river-god Inachus was among those forced by Hera and Poseidon to choose between them for possession of the land; when they chose Hera, Poseidon withdrew their waters. Consequently, it was explained, the rivers only carried water after a heavy rain. In another episode, Poseidon is said to have created the Springs of Lerna, a few miles south of Argos. Apparently Hera convinced Poseidon to send back the sea, and the grateful Argives made a sanctuary to Poseidon Prosclystius (‘the flooder’) at the point where the tide ebbed. The Diomedes type is derived from a local tradition that this Argive king and Trojan War hero brought to Argos the Palladium, the sacred statue of Athena that had fallen to Troy from the heavens. Pausanius indicates there were two temples to Athena in Argos – one on the summit and another on the slope of the acropolis, which is said to have been dedicated to Diomedes. The composition of this advancing Diomedes type is a marvel, as related by Percy Gardner: “The hero’s attitude well expresses the mixture of caution in movement and readiness to meet the foe...which so well suited the character of Diomede.”
Estimate: 15000 CHF



Era su una semioncia di Capua dalla Numismatica Ars Classica, Zurich   |   Auction 59


Greek Coins 
Campania, Capua
Semuncia circa 215-212, Æ 5.16 g. Diademed and draped bust of Juno r., with sceptre over l. shoulder. Rev. KAPV in Oscan characters Two xoana draped; to l., triple knot. Sambon 1038. Giard 17. SNG ANS 215. Historia Numorum Italy 495.
Rare. A very attractive enamel-like dark green patina and extremely fine
Ex NAC sale 8, 1995, 316. From the A.D.M. collection.



Afrodite su un tetradramma di Cnido, nella Caria (Triton XVI)


CARIA, Knidos. Circa 395-380 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 14.22 g, 11h). Kleosthenes, magistrate. Head of Aphrodite left, hair in ampyx and sphendone, wearing single-pendant earring and pearl necklace; K-NI flanking neck; behind neck, prow left / Forepart of lion left; [K]ΛEOΣΘENH[Σ] below; all within incuse square. Hecatomnus 34 (A13/P32); cf. SNG Keckman 166; Karl 227–8 var. (magistrate); SNG von Aulock –; SNG Copenhagen –; Gulbenkian 761 (same obv. die); Waddington 2311 (same dies). EF, wonderful cabinet toning, light cleaning marks.

Ex Peter Guber Collection (Manhattan Sale II, 4 January 2011), lot 63; Morton & Eden (13 December 2005), lot 335.


  • Mi piace 1


Eukleidas’ Revolutionary Facing Athena Tetradrachm
A Triumph of Art and a Failure of Technology (CNG Coin Shop)


SICILY, Syracuse. Struck circa 405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 16.98 g, 11h). Reverse die signed by Eukleidas. Fast quadriga driven left by female charioteer, holding reins in her left hand and raising a flaming torch in her right; above, Nike flying right to crown her; in exergue, ear of barley with stalk. / ΣΥ –Ρ – ΑΚ – ΟΣΙΩΝ. Head of Athena, inclined slightly to the left, wearing crested helmet, the cheek pieces raised on the sides, the visor and front of the helmet ornamented with vine and palmettes, the hair flowing back from the temples and down the neck, iris and pupil shown, double-hook earrings and necklace of pendant acorns with central medallion; across the bowl of the helmet the signature ΕV-Κ–ΛΕΙΔ-Α; around, two pairs of dolphins, the left pair swimming downwards (and partly missing due to the die break), the right pair snout to snout, the lower one emerging from behind a mass of hair. 

Per ulteriori notizie sulla moneta e su Eukleidas vedi



  • Mi piace 1


Afrodite su un obolo di Nagidos (CNG Coin Shop).


Cilicia, Nagidos. Circa 400-380 BC. AR Obol (0.67 gm). Head of Aphrodite right, hair in sphendone / Wreathed head of Dionysos right; NA. SNG Levante 3 var. (legend). Toned EF. An artististic example with nice metal.



Afrodite sul diritto e Atena sul rovescio di 1/12 di statere di Salamina, Cipro (Triton XXI)-


Pedigreed to 1934

Triton XXI, Lot: 517. Estimate $5000.
Sold for $5500. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

CYPRUS, Salamis. Evagoras II. Circa 361-351 BC. AV Twelfth Stater (8.5mm, 0.69 g, 1h). Draped bust of Aphrodite right, wearing turreted crown, earring, and necklace / Head of Athena left, wearing crested and wreathed Corinthian helmet; EVA to right. Markou, L'or 380 (D4/R1 – this coin, illustrated); Zapiti & Michaelidou 18; Tziambazis –; SNG Copenhagen 52 (same obv. die); Consul Weber 3949 (same obv. die). In NGC encapsulation, graded Ch AU, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 4/5. Rare.

Ex Dr. Lawrence A. Adams Collection (Classical Numismatic Group 100, 7 October 2015), lot 106, purchased from Classical Numismatic Group, January 2004. Ex Numismatic Fine Arts IV (24 March 1977), lot 347; Russell Burrage Collection (Morgenthau, 10 October 1934), lot 230.




Una deliziosa Afrodite su un tetradramma di Cnido, nella Caria (CNG 105). E quel piccolo elmo frigio dietro al collo!


Artistic Merit

CNG 105, Lot: 371. Estimate $7500.
Sold for $16000. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

CARIA, Knidos. Circa 350-330/20 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27.5mm, 15.00 g, 12h). Theumelon, magistrate. Head of Aphrodite right, hair tied at back, wearing stephanos, triple-pendant earring, and pearl necklace; behind neck, Phrygian helmet right / Forepart of lion right; ΘEYMEΛΩN to upper right, KNI below. Ashton, Late 14 (A8/P14); SNG Copenhagen –; SNG Keckman –; BMC 39A (same obv. die); Gulbenkian 1004 = Jameson 1537a (same dies). EF, lightly toned. Well centered and struck on a broad flan. Very rare.


Inviato (modificato)

Busto di Afrodite sul diritto e testa di Atena sul rovescio di questo 1/3 di statere di Salamina, Cipro (CNG 103).


Brand, and Pozzi Collections

CNG 103, Lot: 349. Estimate $5000.
Sold for $11000. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

CYPRUS, Salamis. Nikokles. Circa 374-361 BC. AV Third Stater (11mm, 2.75 g, 1h). Persian standard. Draped bust of Aphrodite left, wearing ornamented stephanos, earring, and necklace; Cypriot a to right / Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with wreath, round earring, and necklace; Cypriot Ba Ni across field. Markou, L'or 299 (D2/R3) = Pozzi 2869 (this coin); Zapiti & Michaelidou 16 (same obv. die); Tziambazis 120; Traité II 1160 = Waddington 4811 (same obv. die); BMC 61 var. (no letter on obv.); ACGC 1085 var. (same). Near EF, toned, small scrape and die rust on reverse. Extremely rare, one of only seven third staters of Nikokles, and the only one in private hands.

Ex Lawrence A. Adams Collection (Triton XIX, 5 January 2016), lot 2060; Virgil M. Brand Collection (Part 3, Sotheby's, 9 June 1983), lot 137; Prof. Samuel-Jean Pozzi Collection (Naville I, 14 March 1921), lot 2896.



PS. Posso anticipare il commento di YV_ laMoneta: This is a rough fake → the coin minting process is missing.

Modificato da apollonia


Testa di Afrodite su 1/6 di statere di elettro (CNG 96)

IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 387-326 BC. EL Hekte – Sixth Stater (10mm, 2.53 g). Head of Aphrodite left, hair in veil; below, seal left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt Em. 98; Boston MFA 1926; SNG von Aulock 7954. Good VF. Rare, only seven coins recorded by Bodenstedt, six of which are in museums.



Afrodite su 1/24 di statere in elettro di Cizico (Triton VIII).


Unrecorded as a Myshemihekte
MYSIA, Kyzikos. 5th-4th centuries BC. EL Myshemihekte – Twenty-fourth Stater (6.5mm, 0.66 g). Aphrodite standing half-left, leaning on column to right, before column Eros stands half-right; below, tunny left / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. Hurter & Liewald II 203 (only stater and hekte noted); cf. Von Fritze I 203 (only stater listed); cf. Greenwell 34 (same); cf. SNG France 338 (stater); SNG von Aulock –; cf. Boston MFA 1566 (stater); cf. Dewing 2186 (stater); Jameson –; Rosen –; cf. CNG 34, lot 120 (hekte). Good VF. Apparently unique as a myshemihekte.




Testa di Atena elmata su una dramma di Eraclea in Lucania (CNG 73).


LUCANIA, Herakleia. Circa 281-278 BC. AR Drachm (3.73 g, 5h). Sosi-, magistrate. Helmeted head of Athena facing slightly right, helmet decorated with Skylla hurling a stone; FI under left helmet crest / Owl standing right, head facing, on olive branch; SWSI to left, club to right. Van Keuren 114; HN Italy 1411. VF, toned, minor porosity.

From the David Herman Collection. Ex Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland 11 (7 November 2002), lot 398.



Teasta elmata di Atena su un bronzo dell'Asia Minore (Nunismatic Naumann 77)


Lot 113. ASIA MINOR. Uncertain (Priene or Naulochos?). Ae (Circa 4th century BC).
ASIA MINOR. Uncertain (Priene or Naulochos?). Ae (Circa 4th century BC). 
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right.
Rev: Circular maeander pattern.

Though similar to the maeander pattern reverses of Priene and Naulochos, their issues tend to be of a smaller module. Additionally, the wear pattern on the present piece does not allow for a more certain reading of a potential ethnic. 

Condition: Near very fine.
Weight: 5.68 g.
Diameter: 19 mm



Statere di Tarso con Atena sul diritto e Afrodite sul rovescio (NAC 74).


Starting price: 16.000,00 CHF - Estimate: 20.000,00 CHF - Result: 60.000,00 CHF

Lot 293. ASIA 
TARSUS. Stater c. 370 BC Lydian standard, AR 10.49 g. Obv. Helmeted Athena seated left and wearing chiton, leaning right hand on spear, left arm resting on shield on the ground; in right field, olive tree; border of dots. Rev. TEPΣIKON Aphrodite, wearing long chiton and peplos around her legs, kneeling left on a double ground line, playing at knucklebones with right hand; in right field, anemone with stalk. Literature Traité II/2, 1374, pl. CXXXVII, 3 BMC Cilicia p. LXXX, pl. XL, 11 SNG von Aulock 5915 SNG France 237–238 SNG Levante 64 Baumann 4 M.-M. Bendenoun, Coins of the Ancient World, A Portrait of the JDL Collection, Tradart, Genève, 2009, 32 (this coin). Condition Very rare and possibly the finest specimen known. Of superb style and finely detailed, light iridescent tone. Virtually as struck and almost Fdc. Provenance Giessener Münzhandlung Dieter Gorny GmbH, 44, München, April 3, 1989, lot 441. Note This scene of a young woman throwing knucklebones (astragali) is one of the more intriguing images on Greek coins. The game of knucklebones was associated with the goddess Aphrodite, with the highest throw normally being called “Aphrodite.” Archaeological evidence suggests that knucklebones were thrown by the devotees of the Cnidian Aphrodite to determine if they would enjoy the goddess’ favours. Lucian mentions the game of knucklebones in a passage in Amores (15-16), where he recounts the suffering of a young nobleman of Cnidus who was love-struck by the city’s most prized possession, the statue of Aphrodite by Praxiteles. The Cnidians are said to have acquired the statue after it was rejected by the people of Cos, who took exception to the fully nude figure of the goddess. This ground-breaking work of art soon became a major tourist attraction, as it was placed in an open-air temple so it could be viewed from all angles. Lucian states: “ the morning he would leave his bed long before dawn, go to the temple and only return home reluctantly after sunset. All day long he would sit facing the goddess with his eyes fixed uninterruptedly upon her, whispering indistinctly and carrying on a lover’s complaints in secret conversation. But when he wished to give himself some little comfort from his suffering, after first addressing the goddess, he would count out on the table four knuckle-bones of a Libyan gazelle and take a gamble on his expectations. If he made a successful throw and particularly if ever he was blessed with the throw named after the goddess herself, and no dice showed the same face, he would prostrate himself before the goddess, thinking he would gain his desire. But, if as usually happens he made an indifferent throw on to his table, and the dice revealed an unpropitious result, he would curse all Cnidus and show utter dejection as if at an irremediable disaster; but a minute later he would snatch up the dice and try to cure by another throw his earlier lack of success.” The anemone behind Aphrodite is also of interest, for it alludes to another aspect of this goddess – her infatuation with the young shepherd Adonis. She and Persephone quarrelled over their right to be with Adonis, and were forced to share him. Upon maturing, Adonis took an interest in hunting, and on one outing he was gored to death by a wild boar. In most accounts it is described as accidental, but in others a vengeful act by Ares or Artemis. Aphrodite was grief-stricken, and there are a number of accounts of subsequent events that explain the significance of the anemone. One suggests Adonis was transformed into the rose, another that the anemone, previously white, was stained red by the blood of Adonis, and yet another indicates that the rose became red when Aphrodite was pricked by a thorn as she wandered barefooted in a state of grief. In another account the blood of Adonis caused the first rose to spring up and the anemone arose from his tears. Finally, Ovid’s account states that a blood-red anemone sprang up when Aphrodite sprinkled Adonis’ blood with nectar.



Afrodite sul rovescio di uno statere di Nagidos (NAC 52).


Part I 
Greek coins 
Cilicia, Nagidos
Stater circa 400-380, AR 10.52 g. Head of Dionysos r., wearing ivy wreath. Rev. Head of Aphrodite r., hair bound in sphendone. BMC 3. SNG France –. SNG Levante 2.
Rare. Two magnificent portraits of superb late Classical style, minor porosity and areas of
weakness on reverse, otherwise extremely fine
Ex CNG sale 67, 2004, 803.



Atena su un rarissimo tetradramma di Ilio, nella Troade.



12943. TROAS, ILION (the Greek name of Troy after which Homer's Iliad was named), 188-133 BC. Silver Tetradrachm (39mm, 16.95 gm.) Reference: BMC -; A. R. Bellinger, The First Civic Tetradrachms of Ilium, ANSMN VIII (1958) -; SNG Aul. ; Bellinger, Troy; SNG Cop. Munsterberg; Davis 202. Head of Athena wearing Attic helmet right. Athena Ilias standing right, holding distaff and filleted spear; at her feet, owl standing to right, winged caduceus to left; across field AΘHNAΣ IΛIAΔOΣ, AKKOY in exergue. EF. Choice example with a huge flan. A beautiful and very rare coin from the city of the Trojan war. Provenance: Gorny and Mosch, Auction 224, 10/13/2014 lot 229.


  • 2 settimane dopo...

Afrodite sul rovescio di una dramma di Cnido (Obolos WEBAUCTION 13)


Lot 338. CARIA. Knidos. Circa 490-465 BC. Drachm (Silver, 16 mm, 6.26 g, 6 h). Forepart of lion to right, with open jaws and outstretched right paw. Rev. Diademed head of Aphrodite to right. Cahn 66 (V30/R47). SNG Copenhagen 224 (same dies). A rare early variety; toned and struck on the usual tight flan. Good very fine.



  • 2 settimane dopo...

Afrodite su un triemiobolo di Metropolis (Busso 368).


No: 131 Schätzpreis/Estimation DM 4500.-
Trihemiobol 400/344 v. Chr. Kopf der Aphrodite von vorn / Apollon Musagetes mit Lyra. SNG Ashmolean 3896. 1,29 g. Das wohl beste erhaltene Exemplar dieser ausserordentlich attraktiven Emission.
Von grosser Seltenheit Sehr schön



Afrodite su 1/12 di statere (NAC 106).


Lot 321. Soloi, King Eunostos, circa 310. 1/12 Stater circa 310, AV 0.69 g. Draped head of Aphrodite r., wearing earring and necklace; in l. field, Cypriot pa. Rev. Laureate head of Apollo l.; in r. field, Cypriot pa. BMC p. cxvii, 5, pl. XXV, 4-5. Tziambazis 144. Markou 459 (this coin).
Very rare. Two finely engraved portraits of fine style perfectly
centred on a large flan. Extremely fine

Ex M&M 19, 1969, 515 and Leu 22, 1979, 153 sales.



Afrodite su un emistatere di Paphos (Triton XX).

Estimate: 30 000 USD

LOT WITHDRAWN (la colomba ha fatto l'uovo!)


CYPRUS, Paphos. Timarchos. Circa 350-325 BC. AV Hemistater (14mm, 4.15 g, 12h). Head of Aphrodite left, wearing stephanos ornamented with three palmettes separated by annulets, triple-pendant earring, and pearl necklace / Dove standing right, wings folded; timarako (in Cypriot) above, basi (in Cypriot) to right, small pellet below, ΠAΦI in exergue. Unpublished, but for the unique 1/10th stater of this same issue, cf. Markou, L'or 191 = McClean 9158 = Traité II 1317 = Tziambazis 85. EF, a couple trivial marks, light die rust on obverse. Unique. 

The city-kingdom of Paphos, located on the western coast of Cyprus, was in existence since at least the late Bronze Age, and was particularly prosperous through trade conducted with the Minoans, Mycenaeans, and cities along the Levantine coast. The earliest coins date to the late sixth century BC, and production, almost exclusively in silver, continued through most of the successive kings, until the abolition of the Cypriot kingdoms under Ptolemy I. Timarchos was the son of Timocharis, and succeeded to the throne circa 350 BC. He was the first king of Paphos to strike coins in gold, and was the first to use the Greek alphabet on his coinage. The appearance of Aphrodite and her dove on the gold coins of Timarchos refer to the cult of Aphrodite for which Paphos was an important center; its sanctuary was one of the most significant shrines of the ancient world, and remained active through the Roman period. The king of Paphos also served as the cult's chief priest. During the time of Alexander, Timarchos was one of the Cypriot kings who joined with the Macedonian during the great siege of Tyre, and was allowed to retain his kingdom in exchange. Timarchos died in 325 BC, and was succeed by his son, Nikokles.



Era su 1/3 di statere di Metaponto (Triton XX).


LUCANIA, Metapontion. temp. Alexander the Molossian. Circa 334-322 BC. AV Third Stater – Tetrobol (13.5mm, 2.63 g, 11h). Achaian standard. Head of Hera right, wearing stephanos ornamented with palmettes, and single-pendant earring / Barley ear with six grains and leaf to right; bird standing right on leaf, METAΠON to left. Johnston G1 (same dies as illustration); HN Italy 1578; SNG ANS 395; SNG Lloyd –; SNG Lockett 406; Dewing 377 (same dies); Gillet 203 (same dies); Hunt Sale II 197 (this coin). Good VF, tiny nick in field on obverse. 

From the collection of a Northern California Gentleman. Ex Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection (Part II, Sotheby's New York, 21 June 1990), lot 197.

As with many of the cities of Magna Graecia, the gold issues of Metapontion are typically associated with periods of abnormal military expenditure. The similarity of the head of Hera here to that on the issues of Tarentum during the time of Alexander the Molossian, and the exceptional appearance of Hera on an issue of Metapontion, suggest that this issue was struck when the city was allied with the Epirote king.



Atena su una dramma di Itanos, Creta (Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. 72)


Crete, Itanos. AR Drachm (5.5g) struck ca. 330-270 BC. Head left of Athena, in crested Attic helmet adorned with palmettes. Reverse : ITANIΩN. Eagle standing left, head right, its wings folded; to right, Triton holding trident; all within circular incuse. SNG Lockett 2574 var; Svoronos 41 (pl. XIX, 24). Light reverse scratch behind eagle. Rare. Lustrous surfaces and well struck. Superb Extremely Fine. .
Situated in a remote location in the extreme northeast of the island of Crete, the town of Itanos dates from Minoan times, though the archaeological evidence for this period is slight. In the third century BC, an Egyptian garrison was established here, and this led to increasing Ptolemaic influence over the politics of the island. However, the issue represented by this attractive silver drachm appears to precede the Egyptian occupation. The types combine the head of Athena with the eagle of Zeus, while the interesting symbol in the reverse field represents the marine deity Triton, son of Poseidon and his consort Amphitrite.
Estimated Value $4,000 - 6,000.
Provenance: The Hunter Collection.


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