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Deeping St. James (Market Deeping), Lincolnshire, Hoard

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Oggi va di ripostigli monetali del III secolo... e in particolare vi presento un ritrovamento inglese meno famoso di altri, ma comunque studiato e pubblicato (in Coin hoards from Roman Britain vol IV):


Roman Coin Hoard, Frognall, Deeping St James

A hoard of 3rd century Roman coins and other artefacts, found in 1980 on land at Frognall, Deeping St James.


A hoard of 3000 Roman coins was found in 1980, by metal detector users investigating land at Frognall. Other artefacts found on the site included 2 Roman urns, earthenware pottery, pieces of harness, chain, and other fragments of metal and ironwork. Some of the material was thought to date to the mid 3rd century. {1}{2}{3} 

'In March 1980 a hoard of 3rd century radiate antoniniani was found in a paddock at Frognall. The hoard, consisting of 2-3000 coins, was found at a depth of 25-30cm and was contained in two small pots. The coins were taken to Peterborough Museum for examination and are now being cleaned and identified in the Department of Coins and Medals at the British Museum. Soon after the discovery the writer, in company with John Smith of Stamford Museum, visited the site and re-excavated the findspot to determine the exact depth and circumstances of burial of the hoard. The two pots had lain in a shallow depression cut into a layer of stiff clay on and in which were a number of other small and abraded Roman sherds. The pots had been tipped on their sides and the coins had been scattered for approximately 1m in a southerly direction, perhaps as a result of medieval ploughing.' 
A total of 2908, 3rd century coins were recorded, almost all of which were regular antoniniani, although 11 denarius and 39 irregular antoniniani were included. The coins ranged from issues of the emperors Elagabalus to Aurelian (218 - 275 AD). {4}

1 Index: SMR. Sites and Monuments Record Card Index. TF 11 SE: N, 1980, White, A.J.
2 Article in Serial: White, A. J.. 1981. 'Archaeology in Lincolnshire and South Humberside, 1980' in Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. vol.16, pp.80-1
3 Bibliographic Reference: Hayes, P. P. and Lane, T. W.. 1992. The Fenland Project No.5: Lincolnshire Survey, the South-West Fens. UA7
4 Bibliographic Reference: Robertson, Anne S.. 2000. An Inventory of Romano-British Coin Hoards. no.699, pp.153, 155


Si tratta quindi di un ripostiglio di medie dimensioni che rientra nel tipico panorama dell'hoarding britannico del periodo.

Questo il pezzo che ho acquistato con questa provenienza:


Antoninianus (19.5mm, 2.61 g, 12h).
Zecca di Roma - 7a emissione (262 d.C.)
R\ LIBERT AVG, Liberalitas stante a sinistra con tessera e conrnucopia
MIR 36, 457–8 var. (rev. legend); RIC V (sole reign) 227–8 var. (rev. legend of 231–2); Cunetio –; I. A. Carradice, “The Market Deeping, Lincs., hoard” in Coin Hoards in Roman Britiain IV (1984), p. 46 and 62 (this coin).

Ex N. M. McQ. Holmes collection (CNG eAuction 442/2019) - Ex Glendining’s (30 September 1998), lot 139 (part of) - Ex Deeping St. James (Market Deeping), Lincolnshire, Hoard (1980) [IRBCH 699].

La particolarità di questo pezzo è la legenda del rovescio LIBERT AVG che è riferita alla Libertà, ma che qui viene invece abbinata alla personificazione della Liberalitas! Si tratterebbe apparentemente di un unicum di Gallieno... da capire se volontario oppure frutto involontario dell'incisore che ha approntato il conio scolpendo LIBERT al posto di LIBERALIT o perché illetterato o perché... aveva preso male le misure dello spazio a disposizione rimediando quindi questa abbreviazione! :) 

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