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Moneta greca AE (diametro mm. 16,88 - peso gr. 2,6)

D/ testa di Zeus (?) a destra;

R/ nessuna legenda.

Grazie a chi mi aiuterà ad identificarla.

Zeus D.jpg

Zeus R.jpg



Dicalcon Tolemaico coniato a Cipro probabilmente a Paphos da  Cleopatra VII.

Cyprus - The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt - Cleopatra VII Thea Neotera (51-30 BC) - AE17 (Cyprus, 4.12 gm.) - Head of Zeus right / Zeus Salaminios standing left, star above (NIC II 474) - VF+ / rare
Note: The description was read by OCR software and, thus, may contain errors. In case of doubt only rely on the catalogue respectively its scan: Image of description, Text page, Plate, Catalogue (PDF). Source of the catalogue:
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