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Some words I don't know, please help

Hello everyone,
I just learned the gigante catalog, but because I don't know Italian, I don't know some words in the book.

For example: in rilievo su 5 filetti orizzontali DIO PROTEGGE L'ITLIA
What does '5 filetti orizzontali' mean?

And: in rilievo 5 filetti circolari
What does ‘5 filetti circolari’ mean?

Also: contomo leggermente rigato
What does ‘leggermente rigato’ mean?

Please explain the specific meaning of these words for me.



Modificato da mty1805



the words :  in rilievo su 5 filetti orizzontali DIO PROTEGGE L'ITALIA,

 have the meaning that the legend is on 5 small raised lines in the contour of the coin. (see the images)

contorno 1.JPG

contorno 2.JPG

  • Mi piace 1


What does ‘leggermente rigato’ mean?

The words meaning :  contour of the coin is slighty reeded.

1 ora fa, Saturno dice:

What does ‘leggermente rigato’ mean?

The words meaning :  contour of the coin is slighty reeded.

Thank you very much!

There is another question: Is 5 filetti circolari and 5 filetti orizzontali the same meaning?

Also I saw: 'doppia serpentina in rillievo', but I don't know what it means.


There is another question: Is 5 filetti circolari and 5 filetti orizzontali the same meaning?     I think so...

Also I saw: 'doppia serpentina in rillievo', but I don't know what it means. :   double serpentine in relief on the contour of the coin


2 ore fa, Saturno dice:

What does ‘leggermente rigato’ mean?

The words meaning :  contour of the coin is slighty reeded.



I saw it here, my understanding is that there are two raised lines on the edge.



It is really difficult to distinguish the characteristics of these coins without photos. I have found that there are 300 editions of Napoleon's Italian kingdom coins.


The above four coins are: leggermente rigato.

I feel that their reed edges are just very shallow lines.

Instead of the reed edge in the image below:


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