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Dramma della Drangiana: imitazione o emissione ufficiale?

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Nella Hirsch 343 del 26 settembre prossimo si presenta una dramma di Antioco I Sotere della Drangiana, classificata come imitazione.


ANTIOCHOS I. SOTER. 280-261, Imitationen aus der Drangiana. Drachme. Männerkopf r. mit Helm, der mit Pantherfell, Stierohr und Hörnern geschmückt ist. Rs: Nike steht r., bekränzt Tropaeum. Houghton/Lorber, SC 226. 4.23g, Hohes Relief. Schöne Tönung. RRR vz-ss/fast vzAus bayerischem Besitz.
Die Identifizierung des Kopfes auf der Vs. mit Bezügen auf Dionysos, Alexander d. Gr. und Seleukos ist umstritten. In jedem Fall aber werden hier die Erfolge des letzteren im Osten thematisiert


Nella Roma Numismatics XVI che si tiene nella stessa data, si presenta un esemplare della dramma considerata produzione di una zecca ufficiale piuttosto che una mera imitazione.


Seleukid Empire, Antiochos I, with Seleukos I, AR Drachm. Coregency issue. Drangiana, circa 294-281 BC. Head of hero right, assimilating Seleukos, Alexander and Dionysos, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with bull's ears and horns, lion skin tied around neck / Nike standing left, crowning trophy; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ to left, ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ to right, A between Nike and trophy. SC 226b; Houghton, SNR 59, p. 12, 5. 4.18g, 19mm, 11h.
Near Extremely Fine. Excessively Rare. 
From the inventory of a North American dealer.
The silver Nike-trophy type coinage in the name of Antiochos are attributed to the period of coregency with his father Seleukos, and their mint is believed to be in the satrapy of Drangiana. Houghton and Lorber (SC, pp. 88-89) contend that this issue "is evidence that Seleukid authority was still recognised in Drangiana after the treaty with Chandragupta (c. 305)... the controls of this trophy coinage cannot be accounted for as mere imitations, but seem to attest to the operation of an official mint." During the coregency, Antiochos governed the eastern parts of the empire, pursuing a policy of colonisation and the improvement of existing cities. Hence, an issue taking as its prototype the Susa Nike-Trophy type of Seleukos is most plausibly attributed to the coregency period than the years after the death of Seleukos, when Antiochos was occupied in the west.


Stile grossolano e imitazione oppure stile grossolano ma autentica?





Altra dramma Hirsch 343 di Antioco I Sotere della Drangiana, classificata come imitazione.


ANTIOCHOS I. SOTER. 280-261, Imitationen aus der Drangiana. Drachme. Männerkopf r. mit Helm, der mit Pantherfell, Stierohr und Hörnern geschmückt ist. Rs: Nike steht r., bekränzt Tropaeum. Monogramm. Houghton/Lorber, SC 226. 4.15g, Hohes Relief. Schöne Tönung. RRR vzAus bayerischem Besitz.
Die Identifizierung des Kopfes auf der Vs. mit Bezügen auf Dionysos, Alexander d. Gr. und Seleukos ist umstritten. In jedem Fall aber werden hier die Erfolge des letzteren im Osten thematisiert.




Nella Roma Numismatics E-SALE 47 del giugno scorso è stato battuto un esemplare della stessa dramma considerata qui un’emissione ufficiale.


Lot 356.Greek 
Seleukid Empire, Antiochos I Soter, with Seleukos I Nikator, AR Drachm. Coregency issue. Drangiana, circa 294-281 BC. Head of hero right, assimilating Seleukos, Alexander and Dionysos, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with bull's ears and horns, lion skin tied around neck / Nike standing left, crowning trophy;
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ to left, ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ to right, A between Nike and trophy. SC 226b; Houghton, SNR 59, p. 12, 5. 4.37g, 16mm, 11h.
Near Extremely Fine. Excessively Rare.


The silver Nike-trophy type coinage in the name of Antiochos are attributed to the period of coregency with his father Seleukos, and their mint is believed to be in the satrapy of Drangiana. Houghton and Lorber (SC, pp. 88-89) contend that this issue "is evidence that Seleukid authority was still recognised in Drangiana after the treaty with Chandragupta (c. 305)... the controls of this trophy coinage cannot be accounted for as mere imitations, but seem to attest to the operation of an official mint." During the coregency, Antiochos governed the eastern parts of the empire, pursuing a policy of colonisation and the improvement of existing cities. Hence, an issue taking as its prototype the Susa Nike-Trophy type of Seleukos is most plausibly attributed to the coregency period than the years after the death of Seleukos, when Antiochos was occupied in the west.





Sull’Handbook of Syrian Coins, Vol. 9 della serie di libri sulle monete greche della CNG a cura di Oliver D: Hoover, la dramma SC 226 non è considerata un’imitazione nonostante lo stile grossolano.

La sua emissione è attribuita a una zecca incerta della Drangiana, forse Alessandria-Proftasia, nel periodo di co-reggenza di Antioco I Sotere con il padre Seleuco I Nicatore (293-281 a. C.).

La Drangiana è una Satrapia dell’antico impero persiano (corrispondente alla parte occidentale dell’odierno Afghanistan).


Al tempo della conquista di Alessandro Magno, dipendeva insieme con l'Aracosia dal satrapo Barsaente. Alessandro, calando dall'Areia, conquistò la capitale Proftasia, e diede tutta la regione al satrapo dell'Areia, Arsame. Presto però questi fu sostituito da Stanasore di Soli, cui a sua volta, morto Alessandro, succedette, per investitura di Antipatro, Stasandro. Nella divisione dell'impero, la Drangiana seguì per qualche tempo le sorti dell'impero seleucidico (sino circa all'epoca di Antioco III), ma poi venne a far parte del regno greco-battrico di Eutidemo, e infine dell'impero partico.




Esemplare SC 226 battuto alla Triskeles 24 del luglio scorso.


Greek Coins 
Seleukid Kingdom. Antiochos I Soter. 281-261 B.C. AR drachm (18 mm, 4.27 g, 12 h). Uncertain mint in Drangiana, perhapsAlexandria-Prophthasia, coregency issue. Head of hero (Alexander or Seleukos?) right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with the ear and horns of a bull / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩ[Σ] ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ, Nike standing right erecting trophy. SC 226a; HGC 9 -. Exceptionally rare with just a couple of specimens known! Extremely fine. The extremely rare eastern issues in the name of Antiochos I of the Susian tophy types of Seleukos I are not imitations, according to Houghton and Lorber, but rather official issues struck at an eastern mint in Drangiana during the co-regency of Seleukos I and Antiochos I while Antiochos governed the eastern regions of the Seleukid Kingdom.



Inviato (modificato)

Esemplare SC 226 battuto alla Gorny & Mosch 229 nel 2015.


SELEUKIDEN. Seleukos I. Nikator, 312 - 281 v. Chr.
Drachme (3,68g). Mzst. in Drangiana. Vs.: Kopf n. r. mit einem von Panther­fell bedecktem Helm, verziert mit den Hörnern und den Oh­ren eines Stieres. Rs.: AΣ[IΛEΩΣ ΣEΛEΥKOΥ], Ni­ke bekränzt ein Tropaion. SC 226a. R! Korrosionsspuren, Kratzer, ss

 Nella didascalia non si fa cenno alla possibile autenticità della dramma.

Prezzo di aggiudicazione pari alla stima (120 EUR).



Modificato da apollonia

Inviato (modificato)

Esemplare SC 226 battuto alla Triton IX nel 2006.


SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Antiochos I Soter. Joint reign with Seleukos I, 294-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.20 g, 11h). Uncertain mint in Drangiana. Head of hero (Alexander or Seleukos?) right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with the ear and horns of a bull / [BASILEWS] ANTIOCO, Nike standing right erecting trophy; A in low field between Nike and trophy. SC 226; A. Houghton, "Notes on the early Seleucid victory coinage of 'Persepolis'," SNR 59 (1980), 5; ESM -; SNG Spaer -; Houghton -. Good VF, even gray tone, minor roughness. Very rare. ($500)


Nella didascalia non si fa cenno alla possibile autenticità della dramma.

Prezzo di aggiudicazione $850 superiore alla stima ($500).




Modificato da apollonia


Esemplare SC 226 battuto alla Nomos 7 nel 2013.


Seleukid Kings of Syria
Antiochos I Soter. Joint reign with Seleukos I, 294-281 BC. Drachm (Silver, 2.89 g 12), uncertain mint in Drangiana. Head of Seleukos I to right, wearing helmet covered in a panther skin and adorned with a bull’s ear and horn. Rev. barbarized inscription Nike walking to right, placing a wreath on a trophy to right. A. Houghton, Notes on the early Seleucid Victory Coinage of ¨Persepolis¨, SNR 59 (1980), pl. 2, 2-5. SC 226. SNG Spaer 313. A rare and curious coin, struck in one of the outlying districts of the Seleukid Empire. Nicely toned. Extremely fine. From the Spina Collection, ex Leu 83, 6 May 2002, 377.


Nella didascalia si riporta la ‘barbarized inscription’ sul rovescio senza accennare alla possibile autenticità della dramma, considerata una moneta curiosa e rara.

Prezzo di aggiudicazione 1600 CHF, a fronte di una stima di 2000 CHF. Alla faccia della scritta (e aggiungo io dello stile) barbarized!




Dramma di zecca incerta della Drangiana o dell’Aracosia occidentale (CNG 109).


SELEUKID EMPIRE. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 4.11 g, 5h). Uncertain Mint 11 in Drangiana or western Arachosia. Struck circa 294-281 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; monograms in left field and below throne. SC 232 (this coin referenced and illustrated); SCB p. 45 (this coin illustrated); HGC 9, 29j; CSE 1305 (this coin). VF, toned. Apparently unique. 

From the MNL Collection. Ex Heritage 231445 (6 November 2014), lot 61031; Arthur Houghton Collection.




Obolo di zecca incerta della Drangiana, di stile grossolano e barbaro (CNG 109).


SELEUKID EMPIRE. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AR Obol (9mm, 0.41 g, 12h). Uncertain mint in Drangiana. Struck during coregency with Antiochos I, circa 294-281 BC, or later. Crude head of hero (Alexander or Seleukos?) right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with the ear and horns of a bull / Nike standing right, holding in both hands a wreath(?) that she places on trophy to right. SC 228.1; A. Houghton, "Notes on the Early Seleucid Victory Coinage of 'Persepolis'" in SNR 59 (1980), p. 12, 20–5; HGC 9, 60. VF, toned, edge chip, spot of corrosion on the reverse, worn dies. Crude and barbarous style. Rare. 

From the MNL Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 357 (12 August 2015), lot 148.




Aggiungo uno dei rari (se non unico) bronzi emesso in Drangiana o nell’Aracosia occidentale nel periodo di co-reggenza Nicatore I-Sotere I  (CNG 421).


SELEUKID EMPIRE. Seleukos I Nikator & Antiochos I Soter. 294-281 BC. Æ (16.7mm, 2.32 g, 12h). Uncertain Mint 15, probably in Drangiana or Western Arachosia. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Bow in case; monogram to lower inner right. SC 243; HGC 9, 103. VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights/deposits, minor roughness. Rare, listed as unique in SC (WSM 1131).

From the MNL Collection. Ex John Jencek Inventory, no. SX-1507034; W.K. Raymond Collection.


‘Bow in case’ significa che è non è raffigurata una faretra ma un gorytos



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