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Please, a question: Nicknames?

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Please, can anyone tell of any Italian coins (after, say, 1850) that have been loved enough, hated enough, or were distinctive enough to have acquired widely-known nicknames?


☺️ v.


Molto grazie, giulira. I'm sorry for the delay replying...squirrels chewed through a cable and caused major problems with our Internet. We now have a new service line, and the squirrels have something fresh to chew on.


;) v.

  • Haha 1


Austrian 20 (zwanzig) kreuzer coin became 'svanzica', informally  used for money, in general

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The name "piotta", in Roman dialect, during Papal State referring to a coin with portrait of a Pope named "Pio", probably Pius IX. Later, was referred to 100 lire coin, then 100.000 lire note, and today 100 piotta :D (one piotta :rolleyes:).

petronius oo)

  • Grazie 1

Inviato (modificato)

Any chance "piotta" was applied to the stainless steel 100L of the Vatican or the Republic? (It sounds like a high-value word, though, so I expect it was confined to gold 100L coins only.)


Grazie, Petronius....


? v.

Modificato da villa66

5 ore fa, villa66 dice:

Any chance "piotta" was applied to the stainless steel 100L of the Vatican or the Republic?

No, as you think, the name was referred to a coin of high value, when 100 lire became a cheap coin, it passed to banknotes.

petronius :)


Dalle mie parti (Sud delle Marche) si usava contare in "Carte" . 

(5 carte, 20 carte, 100 carte,etc fino a 950... Rispettivamente al posto di 5.000 lire, 10.000 lire, 20.000 lire, 100.000 lire fino a massimo 950.000 lire) 

Non si diceva mai 1000 carte (per un milione) e mai sotto a 5 carte. 

Probabilmente derivava dell'importanza di qualche banconota del passato.

Devo dire che con l'Euro si è perso molto questo modo di dire.



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A Bologna un milione di lire era detto 'un palo'


7 ore fa, uzifox dice:

Dalle mie parti (Sud delle Marche) si usava contare in "Carte" .

I'm not south enough :lol: (Non sono abbastanza a sud).

Ehm, in this section you should write in English only :rolleyes: (in questa sezione si dovrebbe scrivere solo in inglese).

petronius :)


Then at Fabriano didn't use "carte"? Funny...  :D 

PS  Sorry...  I didn't know have to use only English



I'm glad for this section where English can be freely used, but I would be very sorry to learn that someone wanted to contribute, but was discouraged by linguistic barriers.


It's always the call of the Forum's administration, of course, but my own hope for this little section of Lamoneta is that it will evolve into a kind of linguistic Wild West. (With some Texas rangers nearby, of course, if things should ever get too crazy!)


"Texas Rangers?! Apparently I've seen the John Wayne movie "The Comancheros" too many times on TV lately....


:D  v.


  • Haha 1


Hello, if I remember well, the 100 lire coin was called "fetta" (slice) and the 1000 lire notes, "sacco" (bag).


Inviato (modificato)

I agree 1000 lire = 1 sacco (bag)

but also 1 000 000 lire = 1 palo (pole), but there were no coins or banknotes for this amount.


Modificato da giulira


Medieval coins of Monza (Latin: Modoetia, my hometown) minted by Estore Visconti as Vicecomes Modoetiae from 1407 to 1412.

Grosso (adjective ‘big’ used as a noun): silver coin, usually with a strength of less than 400/1000.

Sesino: six denier coin made of an alloy at high content of non-precious metal (Italian 'Mistura', synonym of Billion).

Trillina: three denier coin, made as above.

Bissolo: one denier coin, made as above. The name comes from Visconti Biscia (or Bissa), a coiled serpent that swallows a child, the symbol of the Visconti noble house.



Testone (Big Head)

Silver coin worth a quarter of the gold duchy, minted by some states in the first half of the 15th century. The coin showed the prince’s head, much larger in comparison with other coins, hence the name.

Popular term, one million lire (common term when the lira was still legal tender).



Parpagliola (o parpaiola)

Coin composed of an alloy of silver as a precious metal, with a majority base metal content (such as copper), that is named ‘Mistura’ in Italian and Billon in English. Originally from Provence (14th and 15th century), the coin was minted in various states and countries, and also in Milan, during the French domination of the early decades of the 16th century, where it had the value of 2 Soldi and 6 Denari.




Bullion or copper coin, worth four denier in use in Italy from the 13th to the 19th century. In current use as a synonym for ‘centesimo’ or ‘soldo’, generally indicates the smallest coin available.

The square quattrino is an ancient unit of measurement of surface used in Florence before the adoption of the metric decimal system, equivalent to about 0.994 cm2.


  • Grazie 1

  • 2 settimane dopo...
Inviato (modificato)

(Google translator) : (1965/75) The last time I heard him say in my part were the timing of these notes:


Un rossino 2139929744_10000michelangelo.jpg.bb10894c4482f9bd2e6ace4594341b20.jpg____ little red :D


Una pelle 665159393_1000verdi1.jpg.7d792541acb8b3b88d777fe6469ca651.jpg ____1557445634_1000verdi2.jpg.7c4d7d06f47d5d52febe169449929d2f.jpg____ one skin


Mezza pelle 885861829_500aretusa.jpg.9e9c2bbb036253b251dddcee4310181b.jpg ___ 280793252_500mercurio.jpg.2182e73b56bacdbadcc3715dcb3685e4.jpg____ half skin


Pezzettone pezzettone.jpg.d48bb2dcb552c30186c971f6a90c4c69.jpg___ big piece

Modificato da nikita_
  • Grazie 1

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