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Dear Friends

Sorry for posting in English, but it has to be until I learn some basic Italian. Since I a member here now I am sure Gionata and Yafet Rasnal will start to teach me soon.

I have for Venetian Ducats up for identification which I assume will be very easy for you all but not for me.

Here is the link:

Please refer to them as 1 to 4 from top to bottom.

Best wishes and thanks in advance,

Burak Cebeci

PS: Please keep the Islamic coins as I want to repay you all for your help.


#1. Andrea Contarini (1368-1382)

#2. Tommaso Mocenigo (1414-1423)

#3. Tommaso Mocenigo (1414-1423)

#4. imitation (India?)

Ciao :)



I agree with rob.



I confirm #4 being of Indian origin. According to Gamberini di Scarfea it should be in electrum (gold/silver alloy), diameter 22 mm and weigh 3,52-1,32 gr.

The weight is lowerd by the hole, but it would be interesting to know it, along with the weight of the other ducats.

Ciao :)


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