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Ade e Kore sul diritto di un bronzo di Nysa, in Lidia (Münzen & Medaillen 30).


Griechische Münzen 
NYSA. Bronze, 2.-1. Jh. Kopf des bärtigen Hades mit Lorbeerkranz und Kopf der Kore mit Ährenkranz nebeneinander n. r. Rv. NUSAEWN Der jugendliche Dionysos im kurzen Chiton n. l. stehend, mit der Linken Thyrsos haltend, in der Rechten Kantharos; im Felde l. Datum ETOUS / E(?) (= Jahr 5?). BMC 9. SNG München 354. Selten. Dunkle, olivgrüne Patina.
Gutes sehr schön
Aus Auktion Münzhandlung G. Hirsch Nachf., München 178 (1993), 409.



Ade sul diritto e Kore sul rovescio di un bronzo di Nysa, in Lidia (Numismatik Naumann 52).


LYDIA. Nysa. Ae (1st century BC). Patrokles, magistrate.
Obv: Laureate head of Hades right. Rev: NV
ΣAEΩN / ΠATPOKΛHΣ.  Kore standing right.
SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 5-6 var. (magistrate); SNG München 352 var. (same).
Very rare. Condition: Near very fine.
Weight: 2.79 g. Diameter: 16 mm.



Ade e papavero con spiga di grano sul rovescio di un bronzo di Nysa, in Lidia (Numismatik Naumann 52).


LYDIA. Nysa. Ae (1st century BC). Euphanor, magistrate. Obv: Laureate head of Hades right. Rev: NVΣA / EVΦΡ.  Grain ear and poppy. SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Regling 24.
Ex Aufhäuser 15 (21 March 2000), lot 229.
Extremely rare. Condition: Near very fine.
Weight: 0.72 g. Diameter: 8 mm.



Ade e spiga di grano su un bronzo di Nysa, in Lidia (CNG 341).


LYDIA, Nysa. 1st century BC. Æ (10mm, 1.52 g, 12h). Laureate(?) head of Hades right / Grain ear. Regling, Überblick 24 var. (poppy and grain on rev.); SNG München 358 var. (same); otherwise unpublished. Fine, dark green-black patina, light deposits. Extremely rare, possibly unique with grain ear alone on reverse.



Ade e grappolo d’uva su un bronzo di Nysa, in Lidia (Numismatik Naumann 52).


LYDIA. Nysa. Ae (1st century BC). Simon, magistrate. Obv: Laureate head of Hades right. Rev: NVΣAEΩN / ΣΙΜΩΝ.  Grape bunch.
SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Imhoof-Blumer, GM, p. 123, 1.
Condition: Near very fine.
Weight: 1.71 g. Diameter: 11 mm.




Poseidone su una dramma di Adriano della zecca d’Alessandria d’Egitto (Solidus Numismatik, Premium-Auktion 37).


Roman Provincial. 
Ägypten. Alexandria. Hadrianus (117 - 138 n. Chr.).
Drachme. 131 - 132 n. Chr. (Jahr 16).
Vs: Büste mit Lorbeerkranz, Paludament und Panzer rechts.
Rs: Poseidon mit Delphin auf der Rechten und Dreizack in der Rechten nach links stehend, den rechten Fuß auf Felsen gesetzt.

34 mm. 22,01 g. 

RPC 5794; Dattari 1812.
Selten. Fast vorzüglich




Poseidone su un bronzo di Ainos, in Tracia (Numismatik Naumann 73).


THRACE Ainos. Ae (2nd-1st centuries BC). 

Obv: Diademed head of Poseidon right; monogram to lower left.
Hermes standing left, holding kerykeion and purse over lighted altar to left.

SNG Copenhagen 423; BMC 45; HGC 3.2, -. 

Condition: Very fine.

Weight: 7.94 g.
Diameter: 23 mm.



Poseidone su un bronzo di Geta, zecca di Tabae, in Caria (Numismatik Naumann 73).


CARIA. Tabae. Geta (209-211). Ae. Sta- Apollonios, strategos. 

Laureate head right.
Rev: CTA A
Poseidon, with foot upon dolphin, standing left, holding statue and trident.

SNG von Aulock 2725.

Very rare 

Condition: Good very fine.

Weight: 19.46 g.
Diameter: 34 mm



Poseidone su un tetradramma di Antigono III Dosone (Triton XXI).


KINGS of MACEDON. Antigonos III Doson. 229-221 BC. AR Tetradrachm (33.5mm, 17.09 g, 11h). Amphipolis mint(?). Struck circa 227-225 BC. Head of Poseidon right, wearing wreath of marine plants / Apollo, testing bow in extended right hand, seated left on prow left inscribed BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIΓONOY; monogram below. Panagopoulou 157 (O27/R154 [erroneously listed as no. 158 on the plates]); EHC 436; Touratsoglou 52–3; HGC 3, 1051; SNG Fitzwilliam 2309 (same obv. die); SNG Newham Davis 97 (same dies); Boston MFA 715 (same obv. die). Superb EF, wonderful light cabinet tone, a little die rust on obverse. Well centered on a broad flan. 

Ex Leu 86 (5 May 2003), lot 367; Numismatica Ars Classica 8 (3 April 1995), lot 229




Poseidone su un bronzo di Soloi, in Sicilia (Bertolami 64).


Sicily, Soloi, after 241 BC. Æ (14mm, 2.60g, 9h). Head of Poseidon r.; trident behind. R/ Helmeted, nude warrior, carrying shield and spear. CNS I, 23; SNG ANS 746; HGC 2, 1267. Tooled, Good VF. Lot sold as is, no return.


Inviato (modificato)

Raro Thouria Hexachalkon di Messania con Zeus (Auctiones GmbH, eAuction #63).


Thouria Hexachalkon, c. 60s-40s BC, very rare

Messenia, Thouria. AE Hemiobol or Hexachalkon (21 mm, 6.76 g), c. 60s-40s BC.
Obv. Diademed head of Zeus to right.
ΘOY, Athena standing left, holding spear right and resting left on shield at her side; to right, grain wreath; to left, NIKΩNYMOΣ.
Grandjean Series III, pl. XXVI, 11 var.; BCD Peloponnesos 825; Agora 765; BMC 2.

Very rare. Very fine


Modificato da apollonia


Zeus su un bronzo siracusano (Savoca Numismatik 28th online auction).


Sicily. Syracuse. Hieron II in association with Ptolemy II Philadelphos circa 264-260 BC. In the style of contemporary standard Ptolemaic coinage from Alexandreia
Diobol-Litra Æ

27mm, 17,88g.

Laureate head of Zeus right / [
ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛ]ΕΩΣ, eagle, with spread wings, standing left on thunderbolt, in field to left, oval shield, no controls (?).

very fine

Cf. Svoronos 610.




Zeus su un bronzo di Herakleia Lynkestis (Savoca Numismatik 28th online auction).


Macedon. Herakleia Lynkestis. Under Roman Protectorate 167-149 BC. Republican period. Fourth Meris
Bronze Æ

22mm , 11,27g.

Laureate head of Zeus right / Club, monogram and MAKE
ΔONΩN above, TETAPTHΣ and monogram below, all within oak wreath, [thunderbolt to left].

nearly very fine

, Silver, pl. 74, 3; MacKay 12; HGC 3.1, 1109




Zeus su un bronzo di Olbia (Savoca Numismatik 28th online auction).


Sarmatia. Olbia circa 120-75 BC. Bronze Æ

21mm , 5,68g.

Laureate head of Zeus right, c/m: eight-rayed star / ΟΛΒΙ-[Ο]ΠΟ-ΛΙΤ-[E]ΩΝ, sceptre.

nearly very fine

SNG BM 678; Zograph Tf. 34, 1




Zeus su un bronzo di Elis (Savoca Numismatik 28th online auction).


Elis. Olympia circa 150 BC. Bronze Æ

20mm, 6,09g.

Laureate head of Zeus right, H below neck / FA-ΛΕΙ-ΩΝ (ethnic) within wreath.

very fine

BCD Olympia 301; BCD Peloponnesos 672




Zeus su un Nomos di Metaponto (Triton XXII).



LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 340-330 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 7.85 g, 7h). Head of Zeus right, wearing laurel wreath; EΛEYΘEPIOΣ to right, Δ to left / Barley ear with leaf to left; to left, crouching Silenos above leaf, [A]Δ below; META to right. Johnston Class A, 2.1 (same dies); HN Italy 1557; SNG ANS 451 (same dies); SNG Lloyd 373 (same obv. die); SNG München 988 (same obv. die); SNG Manchester 202 (same dies); Gillet 193 (same dies). EF, even gray toning with iridescent hues around the devices. Excellent metal. Very rare, and probably the finest known of this issue.

From the Gasvoda Collection. Ex Roma VIII (28 September 2014), lot 9; Numismatica Ars Classica 4 (27 February 1991), lot 15 (enlarged on pl. 1, and in color on pl. D).



Zeus su un tetradramma di Diamaston o Astibo (Solidus Numismatik, Premium-Auktion 37).


Königreich Paionien. Lykkeios (356 - 335 v. Chr.).

Tetradrachme (Silber). Damastion oder Astibos.
Vs: Kopf des Zeus mit Lorbeerkranz rechts.
Rs: Herakles nach links stehend und mit dem nemeischen Löwen kämpfend, mit Keule in seiner Rechten zum Schlag ausholen; im Feld rechts Köcher.

23 mm. 12,67 g. 

HGC 3, 142; SNG ANS 1019.




Zeus su un’emidramma della Lega achea (Solidus Numismatik, Premium-Auktion 37).


Achaia. Achaischer Bund.
Hemidrachme (Silber). Um 86 v. Chr. Patrai.
Vs: Kopf des bärtigen Zeus mit Lorbeerkranz rechts.
Rs: Großes A-X-Monogramm zwischen Alpha und Pi Alpha, darüber Epsylon Ypsilon, darunter Delphin nach rechts schwimmend; das Ganze in Lorbeerkranz.

17 mm. 2,39 g. 

Benner S. 92, 39 (dieses Stück abgebildet); HGC 5, 55 (dieses Stück abgebildet); Slg. BCD Peloponnesos 507 (dieses Exemplar).
Fein getönt, vorzüglich.




Zeus su un bronzo di Tolomeo IV Filopatore (BAC Numismatics 13).


Griechische Münzen, AEGYPTUS. Königreich der Ptolemäer, Ptolemaios IV. Philopator 221-205 v. Chr, Bronze, Alexandria. Kopf des Zeus Ammon nach rechts // Adler steht nach links, den Kopf nach rechts gewandt, zwischen den Beinen E. Noeske 155, Svoronos 974, SNG Cop. 224, BMC 37, 41.96 g. Sehr schön.





Zeus su un bronzo tolemaico (Cayón Subasta electrónica 55).


EGIPTO. Cabeza de Zeus Amón y águila con las alas abiertas sobre rayos y cabeza vuelta a derecha. Resellada con ?E? entre las garras. Diámetro 37,35 mm. 45,18 g. Sear 7842. MBC.



Zeus di fronte su un bronzo di Autokane, in Eolide (Numismatik Naumann 73).


AEOLIS. Autokane. Ae (4th century BC). 
Obv: Head of Zeus facing slightly right.
Rev: Barley grain within wreath.
SNG Copenhagen 27.
Condition: Near very fine.
Weight: 1.66 g.
Diameter: 12 mm




Zeus su un tetradramma di Antiochia sul Meandro, in Caria (Triton XXII).


CARIA, Antioch ad Maeandrum. Mid 2nd century BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 13.33 g, 12h). Stephanophoric type. Eunikos, magistrate. Bearded head of Zeus right, wearing laurel wreath / Zebu bull standing left, head facing; to left, small female figure, wearing long chiton, standing right; ANTIOXEΩN/TΩN ΠPOΣ TΩ in two lines above, MAIANΔPΩΣ to right, EVNIKOΣ in exergue; all within laurel wreath. HN Online 2069.1 (this coin); Leu Numismatik AG 2, lot 107 (same obv. die); Leu Numismatik AG 3, lot 99 var. (same obv. die, name and ethnic reversed); Roma XVI, lot 296 (same obv. die); otherwise unpublished. VF, toned, light porosity, areas of weak strike. Extremely rare. 

The Carian city of Antioch, located near the eastern end of the Maeander valley, was founded on the south bank of the river Maeander, where the river is joined by a major tributary, the Morsynos River, flowing north from Aphrodisias. It was a Hellenistic settlement that was founded by Antiochos I Soter (though some argument has been advanced in favor of Antiochos III), and likely through a synoecism of two villages, Symmaithos and Kranaos (Pliny, NH 5.108). The location was a significant crossing point of the Common Road over the Maeander, between the important cities of Tralles, to the west, and Laodikeia on the Lykon, to the east. Given its important location, surprisingly little is known today about Antioch in the Hellenistic period; there is little mention of the city in contemporary literature and epigraphy, and the site remains unexcavated. In contrast, the city took on a much more important role in the Roman period, when it was fortified, and figured significantly in many emperors' eastern campaigns.

Its strategic location along a major trade route certainly must have enriched the city, which grew to a considerable size by the first century AD, spanning both sides of the Maeander (cf. Strabo 13.4.15). While the Roman provincial coinage at Antioch is quite sizable, the Hellenistic civic coinage is quite rare. All the civic issues date from the 2nd-1st centuries BC, and primarily consists of bronze coins, with very rare issues of silver tetradrachms and drachms. The types are fairly consistent across all denominations, with the obverse featuring the portrait of either Zeus or Apollo, with the reverse featuring a zebu bull or (very rarely) an eagle standing on a thunderbolt. Interestingly, some of the coins bear the name of a magistrate, while others do not.

The silver is all traditionally dated to the 2nd century BC, and may have begun with a couple rare issues of Alexander type tetradrachms that M.J. Price (following H. Seyrig) tentatively placed there, circa 190-180 BC, but it is more likely that they are issues of Tabai (cf. Price p. 311). No Seleukid issues are currently attributed to Antioch, but there are many western issues that are unattributed from the reigns of Antiochos I through Antiochos III, so it is possible that some of these issues may actually belong to this city. The present piece is a stephanophoric type tetradrachm – a type known in only four examples for this city. If it was struck alongside the other stephanophoroi in western Asia Minor in the mid-2nd century BC, this tetradrachm may be the earliest of the city’s silver; it notably bears the longer legend "Of the people of Antioch by the Maeander," rather than the usual "Of the people of Antioch" that is canonical on the all other Hellenistic issues of Antioch. 




Zeus su un didramma di Oinoanda, in Licia (Triton XXII).


LYCIA, Oinoanda. Circa 200 BC. AR Didrachm (19mm, 7.92 g, 12h). Head of Zeus right, wearing laurel wreath; A and lotus-tipped scepter to left / Eagle standing right on winged thunderbolt; OI-NO/AN in two lines across field. Ashton, Oinoanda 1 (A1/P1), otherwise unpublished. EF, dark iridescent toning. Well centered and sharply struck from the first die pairing of the series. Extremely rare and the finest of the four known from these dies. 

Ex Classical Numismatic Group 93 (22 May 2013), lot 425.



Zeus su un bronzo di Tolomeo IV Filipatore (Triton XXII).


PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy IV Philopator. 222-205/4 BC. Æ Drachm (40.5mm, 63.29 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Series 5E. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOY, Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; filleted cornucopia to left, Σ between legs. CPE B508; Svoronos 992; SNG Copenhagen 205; Noeske 148–9; Laffaille 611 (this coin); Weiser 61 (Ptolemy III). EF, dark brown patina. Well centered and struck. 

From the Gasvoda Collection. Ex Nomos FPL (Winter-Spring 2010), no. 91; Maurice Laffaille Collection (Münzen und Medaillen 76, 19 September 1991), lot 611 (as Ptolemy III).




Zeus su uno statere di Cirene (Triton XXII).


KYRENAICA, Kyrene. temp. Ophellas. Ptolemaic governor, first reign, circa 322-313 BC. AV Stater (19mm, 8.60 g, 11h). Polianthes, magistrate. Nike, holding kentron in right hand, reins in both, driving slow quadriga half-right; KYPANAION above / Zeus Ammon standing half-left, holding phiale in extended right hand, lotus-tipped scepter in left; thymiaterion to left, ΠOΛIANΘEYΣ to right. Naville 91 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 1210; BMC 120 (same dies); Bement 1871 (same rev. die); Boston MFA 1325 = Warren 1346; Jameson 1353; de Luynes 3660; Nanteuil 437 = Pozzi 3271 (same rev. die); Rhousopoulos 4601 (same rev. die). VF, slight die wear on reverse. Well centered. 

Ex Gorny & Mosch 228 (9 March 2015), lot 189; Lanz 102 (28 May 2001), lot 346; Lanz 80 (26 May 1997), lot 217; Classical Numismatic Group 38 (6 June 1996), lot 580; Hess-Leu [15] (7 April 1960), lot 271.



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