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I tre fratelli olimpici ritratti sulle monete

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Mi riferisco a Zeus, Poseidone e Ade, rispettivamente il dio della terra, il dio del mare e il dio dell’oltretomba.


Zeus è senza dubbio quello dei tre raffigurato con maggior frequenza e uno dei ritratti più suggestivi si trova su questo rarissimo statere di Alessandro il Molosso, lo zio materno di Alessandro Magno.

Triton XIX, Lot: 110. Estimate $100000. Sold for $95000.


KINGS of EPEIROS. Alexander. 350-330 BC. AV Stater (17mm, 8.53 g, 2h). Tarentum mint. Struck circa 334-332 BC. Bearded head of Zeus Dodonaios right, wearing wreath of oak leaves / AΛEΞANΔPO[Y] [T]OY NEOΠTOΛEMO[Y], horizontal thunderbolt; above, spearhead right. Vlasto, Alexander, Group C, Type 4; R. R. Holloway, “Alexander the Molossian and the Attic Standard in Magna Graecia,” in La circulazione della moneta ateniese in sicilia e in magna grecia. Atti del I convegno del centro internazionale di studi numismatici, Napoli 5-8 Aprile 1967 (Rome, 1969), pl. XI, 7 = Vlasto, Or, pl. IE, 16 = ACGC 686 = Traité IV 329 = BMC 1; Hunterian 1. Good VF, light marks in fields, a few edge bumps. Extremely rare, one of four known, and the only piece not in a public collection.

Ex J. William Middendorf II Collection (Christie’s New York, 30 November 1990), lot 42; Classical Numismatic Auctions 1 (1 May 1987), lot 46.

This coin is the only genuine stater of Alexander the Molossian to have been offered for sale over the past 75 years; the Leu 52 piece was withdrawn as a modern forgery.

Alexander the Molossian, in 334 BC, was invited by Tarentum to defend the city against the Samnites, Brettii, and Lucani of central Italy. While Alexander accepted their appeal, the true purpose for his intervention was to extend his dominion in the West just as his namesake, the king of Macedon, was establishing a great empire in the East. After initial successes, his career was abruptly terminated in 330 BC beneath the walls of Pandosia where he perished in battle against the Bruttians, much to the relief of the Tarentine Republic. Alexander honored Zeus of Dodona, the central deity of the Molossians, on his coins. The sanctuary of Zeus Naïos at Dodona was reputed to be the oldest Greek oracle, and was known to Homer.



  • Mi piace 1


Restando sull’oro, questa dramma della Triton VII ci offre una bella immagine del volto del dio del mare.


BRUTTIUM, The Brettii. Time of the Second Punic War. Circa 221-201 BC. AV Drachm (4.25 gm). Attic standard. Struck circa 213-205 BC. Bearded head of Poseidon left, wearing taenia, trident behind; dolphin below / BRETTIWN, hippocamp right on which Amphitrite is seated left, holding Eros in extended right hand, who stands left drawing a bow; star to right, tiny G (engraver's signature) at feet of Eros. Scheu II G.7; SNG ANS 14 var. (murex; signature on obverse); SNG Lloyd 539 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen -; Jameson 403 var. (symbols; no signature); Gulbenkian 118 var. (cornucopiae on reverse); Pozzi -; Weber 952 var. (symbols; no signature); HN Italy 1951. EF. Extremely rare. [See color enlargement on plate 1] ($20,000)

From the James A. Ferrendelli Collection. Ex George & Robert Stevenson Collection (Classical Numismatic Group XXVI, 11 June 1993), lot 19; Jean Vinchon (Monte Carlo, 13 April 1985) lot 55.

Artistically, this coin is one of the loveliest of all Greek coinage. Inspired by the Pyrrhic silver prototype depicting the sea-nymph Thetis on a hippocamp as she contemplates the shield of her son Achilles, this Bruttian creation pairs Poseidon on the obverse with his consort Amphitrite and substitutes an Eros for the shield. In early literature this piece was dated to around 282 BC since it copied the main theme of a Pyrrhic type, but later study has placed this issue in the Second Punic War as it shares the engraver's mark G with certain Carthaginian silver issues.



Una raffigurazione sull’oro di Ade è presente sul rovescio di questo aureo di Caracalla (Triton VI), dove naturalmente ha l’appellativo romano di Pluto.


CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AV Aureus (7.07 gm). Struck 214 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / P M TR P XVII IMP III COS IIII P P, Pluto, wearing polos, seated left, extending left hand and holding sceptre; at his feet, Cerebus standing front. RIC IV 242; BMCRE 96; Cohen 253. EF. ($5000)

From the Marc Melcher Collection. Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 18 (29 March 2000), lot 606; Leu 38 (13 May 1986), lot 309; Hess-Leu 24 (16 April 1964), lot 324.




Altra bella rappresentazione di Ade/Pluto

Denar, 74, Rom. Kopf des Herkules nach rechts, hinter dem Kopf Q·S·C. Rs: P·LENT [P F] - L·N. Pluto mit Zepter und Füllhorn frontal sitzend, er wird von einer nach links fliegenden Victoria bekränzt. Cr. 397/1; Syd. 791. 3,74g. Sehr selten. Getönt, vorzüglich.


  • Mi piace 1


Ade sul piombo


10367. BITHYNIA, NIKAIA. EXTREMELY RARE GREEK MEDALLION OF PERSEPHONE IN HADES, Asia Minor, c. 2nd century BC. Pb27, 12.52 g. Obverse: Hades seated three quarter facing on his throne in the underworld holding his scepter, the abducted Persephone standing to his right facing left; traces of an unknown legend around. Reverse: NIKAIΩN; Triptolemos naked driving a chariot pulled by two giant winged serpents left. Good F. Extremely rare, possibly unique. Remnants of gold plating. A wonderful depiction of one of the major Greek myths.




Ade sul bronzo


27.8 mm diameter, 12.39 g, bronze
Obverse: confronted busts of Gordian III and Sabinia Tranquillina, cuirassed and draped Gordian III to the right, draped Sabinia Tranquillina to the left, wearing "stephane" crown, legend AVTKMANT
ΓOPΔIANO[CAVΓ · CE] TPANKV[Λ] ΛEINA, outer pearl circle.

Reverse: Hades or Serapis sitting on a throne without back, to the left, wearing chiton and himation, right extended over Cerberus, his three-headed dog, with scepter in left hand, value D< (Δ<) into the field, legend [MHTPO]ΠO N TOVTO MEΩC, outer pearl circle.





Bellissimo ritratto di Poseidone.

Antigonos II Doson, King of Macedon, 229-221
Estimate: CHF 7'500.00
Tetradrachm (Silver, 17.02 g 4), Amphipolis, 228 (or, perhaps, Corinth, c. 224-223). Head of Poseidon to right, wearing wreath of seaweed. Rev. Apollo seated to left on prow, holding bow in his right hand; below, ornamental trident and . Du Chastel 209 (same obverse die). I. L. Merker, The Silver Coinage of Antigonos Gonatas and Antigonos Doson, ANSMN 9 (1960), p. 49. Weber 2190 (same dies). A spectacular and very rare example with a wonderful, high relief head of Poseidon of the very finest Hellenistic style. Extremely fine.
This bears one of the most impressively florid heads of Poseidon to appear on Greek coinage. The normal issues of Doson, as the following lot, have a very strong and stern head of the sea god, but the head on this coin seems much more emotional and approachable. Merker points out that the style of the trident issues (known with either a or IE accompanying the trident) clearly marks them off from the main issues produced at Amphipolis and suggests they were produced in Corinth during the Macedonian king’s expedition there in the later 220s. Touratsoglou, however, in his publication of the ‘confiscated hoard of Thesprotia/1992,’ first tells us that all of the Poseidon issues belong to Doson (Disjecta Membra p. 77, note 2), but then not only makes the suggestion that Doson’s issues were, in fact, originally begun by Gonatas (and that the trident issues were the prototypes issued in c. 250), but that they continued down until around 210 (Disjecta Membra pp. 80-81, notes 4a, 4b and 5)! In fact, they probably can be associated with the king’s expedition to Caria in 227; and, given their style and general rarity, the few known trident issues must have been the prototype, with the more common monogram issues, as the following lot, being the main series. H. Gaebler, AMNG III, 2, p. 216, 85 and pl. XXXIII, 27 suggests that virtually all the trident/a tetradrachms are forgeries (!), but there seems no possible reason to agree with him: François de Callataÿ, in his catalogue of the Du Chastel collection clearly ignored the suspicion for his piece (expressly condemned by Gaebler). In fact, Gaebler seems to have been influenced by the cataloguers of two 19th century English auctions (both Sotheby’s, the Thomas collection of 1844 and the Northwick collection of 1859) who doubted the specimens they presented. Obviously, however, many contemporary experts disagreed: the Northwick piece, lot 686, went for what was then the huge price of £21 (an archaic Naxos tetradrachm in perfect condition, lot 311, only sold for £12) to the famous French dealer H. Hoffmann who certainly would not have paid such a massive price for a forgery (this coin is, in fact, the Brussels piece). Given the fact that, among other things, Gaebler also condemned the Mende/Kaliandra hoard in its entirety (!) we can discount his opinion here, especially since the coin shows no signs of falsity whatsoever.




Poseidone a figura intera in tutta la sua potenza.

KINGS of MACEDON. Demetrios I Poliorketes. 306-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.21 g, 1h). Ephesos mint. Struck circa 301-295 BC. Nike alighting atop prow of galley left, blowing trumpet in her right hand, and cradling stylis in her left arm / BA-SILEW-S DHMHTRIOU, Poseidon Pelagaios, nude, standing left, throwing trident held in his right hand, mantle draped over his left arm; monogram to left, star to right. Newell 51 (obv. die XLIII); SNG München -; SNG Alpha Bank 346; Hunterian 1 (same obv. die). Good VF. Struck from artistic dies.
Demetrios I Poliorketes was the son of one of Alexander's greatest generals, Antigonos I Monophthalmos. Antigonos was arguably the strongest of Alexander’s followers, the diadochs, at one time ruling over all of Alexander's eastern territories from Asia Minor to Baktria, except for Egypt. Antigonos’ success led him to be the first diadoch to crown himself king, in 306 BC. By that time, Demetrios was an active participant in his father's wars, and was also crowned king along with his father. Fearing Antigonos’ growing power, other diadochs allied themselves against him, and finally defeated and killed him at the battle of Ipsos in 301 BC. Following Ipsos, Demetrios continued to battle the other diadochs, and although he won numerous victories, he was usually unable to maintain his control over his conquests afterward. His epithet, Poliorketes ('besieger of cities') was earned following his siege of Rhodes. While that siege ultimately failed, it featured a number of elaborate siege engines which had become a hallmark of Demetrios' style of warfare. Demetrios was eventually abandoned by his army, and he subsequently surrendered to Seleukos I of Syria in 288 BC. Demetrios died in captivity five years later.
Estimate: $1500




Ade che rapisce Persefone (CNG 115)


MACEDON, Stobi. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. Æ 25mm (6.00 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / "The Rape of Persephone," Hades in galloping quadriga right, carrying off struggling Persephone. Boric-Breskovic Type 17; AMNG III 12; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, green patina, fields lightly smoothed.



Ade seduto sul trono con lo scettro nella mano sinistra e la mano destra rivolta verso Cerbero, il suo cane a tre teste.


4 assaria - Caracalla / Hades - Serapis – Tomis. 26 mm diameter, 12.1 grams, AE
Obverse: laureate Caracalla to the right, draped and cuirassed bust, legend AVTKMAVP ANT
ΩNEINOC, outer pearl circle.

Reverse: Hades or Serapis sitting on a throne without back, to the left, wearing chiton and himation, right extended over Cerberus, his three-headed dog, with scepter in left hand, value D (Δ) into the field, legend MHTPOΠ ΠNTOV TOMEΩC (last word in exergue), outer pearl circle.




Dopo che Ade rapì Persefone, la madre di lei, Demetra, si mise alla sua ricerca girando dappertutto con una biga trainata da serpenti, come dalla raffigurazione sul rovescio di questo bronzo di Celenderis in Cilica (CNG 181).


CILICIA, Celenderis. Commodus. AD 177-192. Æ 20mm (4.43 g, 5h). Laureate head right / Demeter, holding torch in each hand, in biga drawn by two serpents right. SNG France -; SNG Levante -; SNG von Aulock -; cf. Triton V, lot 1747. VF, green patina.




Pure di Celenderis questo bronzo che raffigura sul rovescio il dio del mare con un tridente e un delfino.


CILICIA, Celenderis. Macrinus. 217-218 AD Æ 28mm (10.75 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Neptune standing left, holding trident and dolphin. Cf. SNG Levante Supp. 136 (obv.)/133(rev.); SNG Levante -; SNG France -; Mionnet -. EF, wonderful dark green patina with earthen highlights. Extremely Rare. $495.

Unpublished reverse type for Macrinus at Celenderis, which is a rare provincial mint.




Testa diademata di Poseidone su questa moneta di elettro coniata a Cizico, nella Misia, nel 380 circa a. C. (NAC 84).


Greek Coins 
Mysia, Cyzicus 
 Hecte circa 380, EL 2.65 g. Diademed head of Poseidon l., with trident over l. shoulder; below, tunny.
Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Traité II 2605. von Fritze –, cf. 185 (stater). Boston –, cf. 1565 (stater). SNG France –. 
Of the highest rarity, apparently only the second specimen known. A wonderful portrait of excellent style perfectly struck on a full flan.
Extremely fine. Ex Leu sale 54, 1992, 119.



Statere coniato al tempo delle campagne in Italia di Pirro, re dell’Epiro, che raffigura Zeus sul diritto e sul rovescio, accanto all’aquila sul fulmine, la sua figlia prediletta Atena (Triton XIV).


Tarentum Allies with Pyrrhos Against Rome

CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 276-272 BC. AV Stater (18mm, 8.57 g, 1h). Head of Zeus right, wearing laurel wreath; ligate NK behind / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; to left, Athena Alkidemos advancing left; [T]APANTINΩ[N] to right. Fischer-Bossert G39 (V35/R39); Vlasto 37; HN Italy 983; Gulbenkian 40 = Jameson 2393; Dewing 181; Hunterian 22 (all from the same dies). Near EF, toned, well centered and struck. Extremely rare, only eight coins listed by Fischer-Bossert, four of which are in museums, making this the ninth known example and the fifth in private hands.




Zeus sull’oro in questa emidramma – 30 litre di Siracusa al tempo di Timoleone.


SICILY, Syracuse. Timoleon and the Third Democracy. 344-317 BC. AV Hemidrachm – 30 Litrai (12mm, 2.15 g, 9h). Struck circa 344-339/8 BC. Laureate head of Zeus left / Pegasos flying left; monogram to left, three pellets below. Garraffo pl. 1, 8 (same rev. die); SNG ANS 493 corr. (same dies); SNG Lloyd 1440 (same dies); Rizzo pl. 58, 1 (same dies); Jameson 851 (same dies). Good VF.





Bronzo Zeus-Atena


Kings of Macedonia. Philip V. Ca 211-197 BC. AE17. Head of Zeus right in oak-wreath / B-A / F to left and right of Athena advancing right, holding shield and hurling thunderbolt. Club (?) in lower right field. Mamroth B11d; SNG Alpha Bank 1071-1072.

Note: Known symbols in the field of this type are e.g. thunderbolt, a club, a harpa, a wing-like object and a dolphin.


Figlia prediletta di Zeus, Atena nacque già adulta dalla testa del dio, armata di uno scudo ornato con la spaventosa testa della gorgone Medusa, che pietrificava chiunque la guardasse, della sua lancia, dell'egida (una corazza di pelle caprina) e dell'elmo.

La madre di Atena era Meti o Metide, secondo il mito la prima amante (e forse la prima moglie) di Zeus, al quale non si consegnò facilmente, trasformandosi in mille modi e cercando di sfuggirgli prima di arrendersi. Dopo la previsione di un oracolo che Zeus sarebbe stato detronizzato da un figlio avuto da Meti, quando seppe che lei era incinta, il padre degli dei pensò bene di inghiottirla allo scopo di evitare che partorisse. Dato che Meti era in grado di assumere qualsiasi forma desiderasse, secondo una versione Zeus la indusse a trasformarsi in una goccia d'acqua e la inglobò bevendola, mentre secondo un’altra versione fu trasformata in una cicala o in una mosca e poi inghiottita. Al momento del parto venne al dio un fortissimo mal di testa e, grazie all'aiuto di Efesto o di Prometeo, si riuscì a spaccare con un'ascia il cranio immortale di Zeus in modo che Atena potè uscire dalla ferita.




Secondo Esiodo, la seconda sposa di Zeus fu Temi (la legge), che gli diede le Moire e secondo alcuni anche le Ore, e la terza, Eurinome, fu la madre delle Grazie. In seguito Zeus si unì a sua sorella Demetra, divinità del grano, che mise al mondo Persefone.

Demetra e Zeus sono raffigurati sul diritto e sul rovescio di alcuni bronzi di Messene, in Messenia.


MESSENIA, Messene. Circa 50-30 BC. Æ Hemiobol – Hexachalkon (20mm, 5.84 g, 11h). Nikarchos, magistrate. Diademed head of Demeter right / Zeus Soter standing right; NIKAPXO(C) to right, ME monogram above tripod to left. Grandjean 515c = BCD Peloponnesos 749 (this coin); SNG Copenhagen 518. Good VF, dark green-brown patina.

From the BCD Collection (LHS 96, 8 May 2006), lot 749.




La stessa ‘coppia’ su un bronzo di Petelia, antica città del Bruzio nella parte meridionale dell’attuale Calabria.


BRUTTIUM, Petelia. Late 3rd century BC. Æ (20.5mm, 8.21 g, 12h). Veiled and wreathed head of Demeter right / Zeus standing rijght, preparing to throw thunderbolt, holding spear; legend in two lines to left. HN Italy 2454; SNG ANS (vol. 5) 1283. Good VF, dark green patina, area of flat strike.

Ex Roma E-Sale 1 (31 August 2013), 6; Noble 89A (25 November 2008), lot 3795.





Ancora questa coppia su un bronzo di Adana, anticamente Antiochia di Cilicia, in Turchia.


CILICIA, Adana. 164-27 BC. Æ (20mm, 6.52 g, 1h). Veiled head of Demeter right / Zeus Nikephoros seated left; to left, Φ above N. Levante, Adana 46; SNG France 1844 var. (control letters); SNG Levante 1206. Good VF, dark green patina.

From the Collection of Kelly Krizan, MD. Ex John Bergman Collection (Classical Numismatic Group 57, 4 April 2001), lot 555 (part of).




Un bronzo della Tessaglia che raffigura la stessa coppia ma con Zeus sul diritto e Demetra sul rovescio.


Dia (Dion)

Triton XV, Lot: 64. Estimate $200. Sold for $2500. 

Dia (Dion) (IACP p. 687)

Other than its location and the small number of mid 4th century BC coins that have been found and published since the 1990s, virtually nothing is known about Dia. It was apparently not a polis in either political or urban terms.

THESSALY, Dia. Mid 4th century BC. Æ Chalkous (14mm, 2.39 g, 6h). Head of Zeus r., hair bound with tainia in the form of a wreath, vertical thunderbolt behind / [ΔΙ]Α-ΩИ retrograde from top l. downwards, Demeter in long chiton seated l. on throne with a back, feet on footstool, phiale in outstretched r. hand, sceptre held diagonally in l., below throne, small Δ. Studies Price, p. 115, Issue I, 1 (but as Dion in Macedonia) corr. [there actually is a small Δ below the throne on this die and on the above article’s pl. 28, 1d one can see the horizontal line behind the neck of Demeter that is part of the top of the throne]. Hatzopoulos/Psoma, p. 11, 1 (as Dia in Thessaly). Good VF, dark green patina. 



Zeus al diritto e Demetra al rovescio anche su questo bronzo di Sesamo, antica città greca di Paflagonia, antica regione costiera dell'Anatolia centro-settentrionale, bagnata a nord dal Mar Nero e situata tra la Bitinia a ovest, il Ponto a est e la Galazia a sud.


PAPHLAGONIA, Sesamos . Late 4th Century BC. Æ 16mm (3.20 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / SH-SA, wreathed head of Demeter left, wearing looped earring and necklace. SNG BMC Black Sea 1356; SNG Stancomb 747; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG von Aulock 194; Laffaille -; Waddington Recueil, pg. 177, 3. EF, dark green patina. ($250)

Sale: Triton V, 16 January 2002, Lot: 414. Estimate $250. Sold For $475.



Analoga raffigurazione su una dramma d’argento.


PAPHLAGONIA, Sesamos. Circa 340-300 BC. AR Drachm (3.49 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / SHSAMH, wreathed head of Demeter left, wearing earring and necklace; A before. SNG BMC Black Sea 1328 var. (N on reverse); Waddington, Recueil, pg. 158, 4 var. (same); Hunterian 234 (same reverse die). Toned, good VF. ($750)

From the Robert Schonwalter Collection.

Sale: Triton V, 16 January 2002, Lot: 1402. Estimate $750. Sold For $600. 



Dall’unione di Zeus e Demetra nacque Persefone. La sua raffigurazione su questo statere ne riflette la bellezza.


A Coin of Artistic Merit
Pedigreed to two early Leu Sales

CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 333-331/0 BC. AV Stater (18mm, 8.60 g, 4h). Head of Persephone right, wearing a stephanos ornamented with palmettes, a slight veil, and triple-pendant earring; TAPA to right, NK monogram below / Nude warrior, shield on left arm, holding two spears in left hand, preparing to cast a third held aloft in his right hand, on horse rearing right; |- to left, Θ to right, AΠ below, TAPANTINΩN to outer right. Fischer-Bossert G2f (V2/R2 – this coin); Vlasto, Or Type C; Vlasto 4 (same dies); HN Italy 905; BMC 6 (same dies); De Luynes 238 (same dies). Good VF, some light scratches and scuffs. A superb early die from a series of exceptional artistic merit. Very rare – ten example noted by Fisher-Bossert, five of which are in museums.

From the JP Collection. Ex Leu 45 (26 May 1988), lot 9; Leu 15 (4 May 1976), lot 12.

CNG 410387. Sold For $79500




Su questa litra (Triton XVI) Persefone è raffigurata con papà Zeus.


Finest of Six Known

SICILY, Syracuse. Fifth Democracy. 214-212 BC. AR 10 Litrai (8.42 g, 11h). Head of Persephone left, wearing wreath of grain, single-pendant earring, and necklace; long torch to right / SURAKOSIWN, Zeus Strategos standing facing, head right, holding scepter in right hand; to left, XAP above eagle flying right. Carroccio, basileus, type 85; Burnett, Enna, obv. die 38 (same dies as illustration); SNG ANS -; BMC 661 (same dies); De Luynes 1394 (same dies). Superb EF, lightly toned, hairline flan crack. Overstruck on a 10 Litrai of Hieronymos. Extremely rare, and among the finest of six known examples.




Su questo statere troviamo Persefone al diritto e al rovescio suo zio Poseidone con il piccolo Taras.


Fine Style

CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 320 BC. AV Stater (15mm, 8.51 g, 10h). Head of Persephone right, wearing a stephanos ornamented with palmettes, a slight veil, and triple-pendant earring; [E to left]; to right, T[APA] and small dolphin swimming downward / Poseidon, seated left on diphros, bow laying in his lap, cradling trident in his left arm and resting his right hand on his knee, looking down upon the child Taras, who stands right, raising both arms toward him; TAPANTINΩN to left; to right, star above |-; [K below diphros]. Fischer-Bossert G5 (V4’/R5); Vlasto 1 = Jameson 137; HN Italy 901; SNG France 1777–8; ACGC 685; Basel 89; Holloway, Art 8; Kraay & Hirmer 315 = Berlin 1 (all from the same dies). VF, minor die rust. Fine style. Very rare, only twelve examples noted by Fisher-Bossert, at least five of which are in museums (Berlin, Florence, London, Paris [2]); only one other than this in CoinArchives (Prospero).

Ex Nomos 6 (8 May 2012), lot 3; Numismatica Ars Classica 48 (21 October 2008), lot 3.

CNG 97, Lot: 6. Estimate $30000. Sold for $40000. 


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