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Jerome Verde Development Company

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Per una volta mi addentro in una sezione a me totalmente sconosciuta; vi prego quindi di scusarmi se le mie domande vi risultano banali ed ingenue.

Un amico mi ha regalato l'allegato certificato della Jerome Verde Development Company (in pessimo stato come vedete) e vorrei capire alcune cose.

Di cosa si tratta esattamente?

Perchè sono presenti tutti quei fori? Ossia sono legati alla funzione del certificato o qualcuno si è voluto semplicemente divertire?

Quale il significato del timbro "CANCELLED"?

Potreste spiegarmi il perchè di due date: 25 ottobre 1921 e 21 dicembre 1921.

Mi sembra di aver capito che la Jerome Verde Development Company fosse una compagnia mineraria. E' così?

Grazie per qualsisi informazione.



ciao luigi, benvenuto da queste parti :D

Si tratta di un certificato da 220 azioni di capitale da 50 cent l'una (non credo fosse un gran valore, neanche nel 1921).

I fori, così come la scritta CANCELLED stanno a significare che il certificato è stato annullato, ovvero presentato all'incasso, a quanto pare solo due mesi dopo la sottoscrizione (ottobre-dicembre 1921); o forse nel retro ci sono altre date?

La Jerome Verde era effettivamente una compagnia mineraria, nata per sfruttare la minera di rame di Jerome, di cui ti allego alcune informazioni storiche (in inglese) riprese da un sito di vendita di titoli, che non mi sembra il caso di segnalare ;)

Jerome was built on Cleopatra Hill above a vast deposit of copper. Prehistoric Native Americans were the first miners, seeking colored stones. The Spanish followed, seeking gold but finding copper. Anglos staked the first claims in the area in 1876, and United Verde mining operations, began in 1883, followed by the Little Daisy claim. Jerome grew rapidly from tent city to prosperous company town as it followed the swing of the mines' fortunes. The mines, the workers, and those who sought its wealth, formed Jerome's colorful history. Americans, Mexicans, Croatians, Irish, Spaniards, Italians and Chinese made the mining camp a cosmopolitan mix that added to its rich life and filled its streets with excitement.

The Ghost City

Jerome was the talk of the Territory... boom town of its time... darling of promoters and investors. The mines were nourished and exploited by financiers who brought billions of dollars of copper, gold and silver, from its depths. Changing times in the Territory saw pack burros, mule drawn freight wagons, and horses replaced by steam engines, autos and trucks. Fires ravaged the clapboard town again and again. Landslides ravaged whole sections of the town. Jerome was always rebuilt. Dependent on the ups and downs of copper prices, labor unrest, depressions and wars, Jerome's mines finally closed in 1953.

Today's Jerome

After the mines closed in 1953 and "King Copper" left town, the population went from a peak of 15,000 in the 20s to some 50 persons. A few hardy souls remained: The Jerome Historical Society guarded the buildings against vandalism and the elements, the Douglas Mansion was made a State Park in 1965 and Jerome became a National Historic Landmark in 1976. During the 60s and 70s, the time of the counter culture, Jerome offered a haven for artists. Soon newcomers and Jerome old timers were working together to bring Jerome back to life. Today, Jerome is very much alive with writers, artists, artisans, musicians, historians, and families. They form a peaceful, colorful, thriving community built on a rich foundation of history and lore.


petronius B)


Ciao Petronius,

grazie dell'accoglienza e della dettagliata risposta.

Riguardo al retro del certificato, ti confermo che non riporta alcuna data.

Grazie ancora


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