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Imitazioni ‘barbare’ e falsi moderni della monetazione imperiale macedone

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Altro esemplare dell’imitazione del tetradramma seleucide SC 156 (Solidus Numismatik 18).


Imitations of ancient Coins 
Imitationen griechischer Münzen.
Nachahmung einer Prägung des Seleukos I. Nikator (312 - 281 v. Chr.)

Tetradrachme, nach 296 v. Chr.
Vs: Kopf des Zeus mit Lorbeerkranz rechts.
Rs: Athena mit Schild und erhobenem Speer auf Elefantenquadriga nach rechts stehend, darüber Anker.
27 mm. 16,83 g.
SC 156.
Sehr schön.




La notevole somiglianza di stile con il tetradramma al post # 199, unitamente al tondello grezzo, suggeriscono che anche in questo caso siamo di fronte a un’imitazione (CNG 72).


SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Seleukos I Nikator. 312-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.10 g, 1h). Possibly uncertain mint 9. Struck circa 296/5 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / Athena in quadriga of horned elephants right, brandishing spear and shield; anchor above. Cf. SC 156. Good VF.




Gabinet Numizmatyczny D. Marciniak   |   Auction 6 | Part 2   |   8 October 2018 



Celts in Eastern Europe, Imitation of Philip II macedonian tetradrachm

Celts in Eastern Europe, Imitation of Philip II macedonian tetradrachm
Celtowie wschodni, Naśladownictwo tetradrachmy Filipa II


Bardzo ładnie zachowane, dobre stylistycznie, celtyckie naśladownictwo macedońskiej tetradrachmy Filipa II.

Datowane na III / II wiek przed naszą erą.

Egzemplarz z 37. aukcji WCN (2007 r.).

Awers: głowa Zeusa w prawo.

Rewers: jeździec z uniesioną palemką, trzymający konia za grzywę, w lewo.

Srebro, średnica 23-23.5 mm, waga 12.40 g, oś 12 h.

Literature: Sammlung Lanz 589
Grade: XF




Sincona 50: un'imitazione da circa 22.000 € di base.


RUSSIA. Ancient Russia. The Caucasus Area. Caucasian Imitations of Alexander and Lysimachos Staters. Gold-Stater 1st century BC / 1st-2nd century AD. Stylized beardless head to right, wearing a helmet with a high crest and ornaments; on the top of the crest four birds. Rv. Crude figure seated to left, holding a small figure on its right arm and a transverse spear in its left; to left and right, vertical line of oblong pellets; below, trident to left. 5.37 g. N. Frolova, Caucasian Imitations of Alexander and Lysimachus’ Golden Stater, Studies Touratsoglou, pp. 127-133, pl. II, 13 var. Of the highest rarity. Good extremely fine.
Кавказские имитации статеров Александра и Лисимаха. Золотой статер 1 век до н.э./1-2 век н.э. Стилизованная голова без бороды в шлеме с высоким гребнем и орнаментом вправо. На вершине гребня четыре птицы. Рев. Сидящая грубая фигура влево, держит маленькую фигурку на своей правой руке. Копье по диагонали. Слева и справа вертикальные линии из продолговатых окатышей, внизу трезубец влево. 5.37 г. рр. 127-133, pl. II, 13 var. Наивысшей степени редкости. Состояние лучше чем отличное.
(~€ 21930/USD 25255)
Ex „Cernunnos“ Collection, auction Goldberg 65, 6.11.2011, lot 4030.Из коллекции „Кернунн“, с аукциона Голдберг 65, 6.11.2011, лот 4030.




Imitazione locale di uno statere in nome e nei tipi di Lisimaco della zecca di Tomis (CNG 418).


KINGS of PONTOS. Mithradates VI Eupator. Circa 120-63 BC. AV Stater (20mm, 8.28 g, 1h). Local imitation of First Mithradatic War issue in the name and types of Lysimachos of Thrace from Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena Nikephoros seated left; ∆IO and pellet to inner left, TO on throne; in exergue, ornate trident left. For prototype, cf. Callataÿ p. 141 and AMNG I 2476. In NGC encapsulation, 4190550-001, graded Ch AU, Strike: 4/5, Surface: 4/5.




Tarda imitazione caucasica di uno statere di Alessandro Magno (Nomos 15).


Kolchis. The Caucusus Area. 1st century BC/1st - 2nd century AD. Stater (Gold, 16 mm, 3.67 g, 12 h), imitating staters of Alexander III. Stylized head with huge eye, helmet crest and pellet under the neck; around, four large pellets and a bucranium. Rev. Facing winged figure (Nike); to left and right, two pellets. N. Frolova, Caucasian Imitations of Alexander and Lysimachus' Golden Stater, Studies Touratsoglou, pp. 127-133, pl. II, 3 var. Very rare. Struck from a rusty obverse die. Bold and with high rims. Good very fine.
Ex Triton XV, 3 January 2012, 1189.

This is one of the late Caucasian imitations of Alexander staters, which still has vaguely recognizable types.






Imitazione caucasica di uno statere Atena/Nike di Alessandro Magno (Nomos 11).


KOLCHIS, The Caucusus Area. 1st century BC/1st - 2nd century AD. Stater (Gold, 15mm, 3.52 g 7). Stylized head with huge eye and crest; around, four pellets. Rev. Facing figure with large ‘wings’ and a bucranium head; above to left and right, three pellets. Lang 4 var. DLT 9377. N. Frolova, Caucasian Imitations of Alexander and Lysimachus’ Golden Stater, Studies Touratsoglou, pp. 127-133, pl. II, 10 var. Very rare. A bold and distinctive example with high rims. Toned. Extremely fine.
Ex Triton XV, 3 January 2012, 1188.
A highly stylized imitation derived from the Athena/Nike staters of Alexander III. Note how distant this piece is from the original prototype.




L’imitazione caucasica ‘ibrida’ di uno statere di Alessandro Magno come diritto e di uno statere di Lisimaco come rovescio della prossima Sincona 50 (v. post # 204) ha una storia in aste precedenti. Infatti lo stesso esemplare è stato presentato alla Nomos 13 nel 2016, alla Hess Divo 328 nel 2015 e alla Tkalec di Zurigo del 28.2.2013.

Una caratteristica della (molto probabile) Atena sul diritto è che indossa un elmo attico anziché corinzio.




Imitazione di uno statere di Filippo II di Macedonia (Nomos 15).


Switzerland. Helvetii (?). Late 4th or early 3rd century BC. Stater (Gold, 20 mm, 8.37 g, 1 h), imitating Philip II of Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. [Φ]IΛIΠΠOY Charioteer, holding kentron in right hand, reins in left, driving biga to right; below horses, Nike flying right with wreath. Castelin -. De la Tour -. D&T -. Cf. Le Rider (Pella) 370 ff. Apparently unpublished and unknown. An intriguing piece of good style struck on a broad flan. Two small nicks on the reverse, otherwise, very fine.
Ex Nomos 12, 22 May 2016, 8 (unpaid).

This is a puzzling coin: the style marks it as an early imitation of a posthumous issue of Philip II from Pella (as Le Rider 370; see below, lot 61), but its exact origin remains a mystery. There are, however, faint stylistic similarities to staters that have been ascribed to the Helvetii; thus, while our attribution must remain tentative, it is quite reasonable. It must not be forgotten that mercenaries were vital parts of many ancient armies, and that those from the Balkans and from Celtic areas were famous for their prowess. When they returned home they brought their pay in the form of gold staters (usually of the type of Philip II) and silver tetradrachms (primarily of the type of Philip II). Those original coins were then copied for locally produced high denomination issues; those copies were, in turn, copied and modified again and again.




Prototipo dell’imitazione precedente (Nomos 15).


Kings of Macedon. Philip II, 359-336 BC. Stater (Gold, 17 mm, 8.60 g, 6 h), Pella, circa 340/336-328 BC. Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Charioteer driving chariot drawn by two rearing horses to right, holding reins in his left hand and goad in his right; below horses, Nike flying to right holding wreath in both hands. Le Rider 363 (D159/R 273). SNG ANS 157 (same obverse die). Clear, well-centered and attractive, with some luster. Extremely fine.
From a European collection.


 Il prototipo stimato 4'500 CHF ha realizzato 5'500 CHF.

L’imitazione celtica stimata 5'500 CHF (1'000 CHF in più!) è rimasta invenduta. Resta comunque il fatto di un'imitazione stimata dalla casa d'aste ben più dello statere autentico fino a prova contraria.




Imitazione non ufficiale di un tetradramma di Demetrio I Sotere (CNG 72).


SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Demetrios I Soter. 162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.59 g, 11h). Unofficial imitation of Antioch mint issues. Diademed head right / Tyche seated left, holding sceptre and cornucopiae, on throne with winged tritoness. SNG Spaer -; Houghton 554 (this coin). VF, toned, areas of light encrustation.

From the Arthur Houghton Collection, 554.





Imitazione barbara di un tetradramma di Alessandro Magno non riportato dal Price (Hirsch 338).


ALEXANDROS III. DER GROSSE 336-323, Barbarische Imitation.Tetradrachme. Postum. Herakleskopf mit Löwenfell r. Rs: Zeus thront. l. mit Adler und Langzepter. Monogramm. Price -, vgl. zur Vs. B30 ff. 16.81g, Schöne Tönung. RR gutes ss
Ex Sammlung R.P. Ex Hirsch 187, 1995, Los Nr. 262. Der Stil der Vs. kopiert östliche Vorbilder, z.B. aus Babylon. Die Rs. mit der gebogenen Schrift orientiert sich dagegen an frühen makedonischen Prägungen.

Lo stile del diritto ricalca i modelli orientali, ad esempio di Babilonia. Invece il rovescio, con la scritta curva, è orientato verso le prime monete macedoni.





Imitazione di una dramma di Demetrio I Sotere coniata in Cappadocia (CNG 109).


SELEUKID EMPIRE. Demetrios I Soter. 162-150 BC. AR Drachm (16.5mm, 2.51 g, 12h). Imitation struck in Cappadocia, temp. Samos II to Mithradates I, circa 140-70 BC. Diademed head right / Cornucopia; (pellet-in-Π)I to low inner right. SC 1768.3i; O. Hoover, “Notes on Some Imitation Drachms of Demetrius I Soter from Commagene” in AJN10 (1998), dies a24/p27, first example = CSE 555 (this coin); HGC 9, 807. VF, toned, area of flat strike.

From the MNL Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 379 (27 July 2016), lot 164; Arthur Houghton Collection.




Possibile imitazione di un obolo di Demetrio I Sotere (CNG 82).


COMMAGENE, Uncertain. 1st century BC. AR Obol(?) (0.74 g, 12h). Imitating Seleukid king Demetrios I Soter. Diademed head right / Cornucopia; pseudo-legend around. Hoover, Notes, series IVA; SC 1774. VF, toned, minor porosity.

From the Dr. William F. Blank Collection.






Imitazione di un obolo di Demetrio I Sotere (Numismatik Naumann 56).


Greek Coins
COMMAGENE. Uncertain. Obol (1st century BC). Imitating Seleukid king Demetrios I Soter. Obv: Diademed head right. Rev: Filleted cornucopia; pseudo-legend around. SC 1774 ('drachm'); Hoover, Notes, series IVa; Gitbud Numismatik 2, lot 78; CNG 82, lot 701. Rare Condition: Near extremely fine. Weight: 1.53 g. Diameter: 16 mm.




Altro obolo imitativo di Demetrio I Sotere battuto nell’asta precedente.


Greek Coins
COMMAGENE. Uncertain. Obol (1st century BC). Imitating Seleukid king Demetrios I Soter. Obv: Diademed head right. Rev: Filleted cornucopia; pseudo-legend around. SC 1774 ('drachm'); Hoover, Notes, series IVa; Gitbud Numismatik 2, lot 78; CNG 82, lot 701. Rare Condition: Near extremely fine. Weight: 1.05 g. Diameter: 16 mm.




Imitazione di un tetradramma di Alessandro Magno (Numismatik Naumann 71).


EASTERN EUROPE. Imitations of Alexander III 'the Great' of Macedon (3rd-2nd centuries BC). Tetradrachm. 
Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin.
Zeus seated left on throne, holding eagle and sceptre. Control: KI in left field.
Cf. Lanz 875-80; cf. OTA 568-70. 

Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 17.06 g.
Diameter: 27 mm.




Prototipo del tetradramma precedente.

Le lettere KI nel campo a sinistra del rovescio indicano la zecca di Lampsaco e sono comuni ai tetradrammi che presentano sotto il trono di Zeus la lettera o il simbolo indicati in tabella, con i rispettivi numeri del Price.


Questo particolare è stato oscurato nell’imitazione e quindi non è possibile riconoscerla in una delle cinque tipologie elencate.




Un’altra imitazione di un obolo Demetrio I Sotere battuta alla Numismatik Naumann 68.


Greek Coins
COMMAGENE. Uncertain. Obol (1st century BC). Imitating Seleukid king Demetrios I Soter. Obv: Diademed head right. Rev: Filleted cornucopia; pseudo-legend around. SC 1774 ('drachm'); Hoover, Notes, series IVa; Numismatik Naumann 56, lot 275; Gitbud Numismatik 2, lot 78; CNG 82, lot 701. Condition: Extremely fine. Weight: 1.8 g. Diameter: 14 mm.




Imitazione di un tetradramma di Alessandro Magno (Rauch 107).


OSTKELTEN. Imitationen griechischer Münzen. Tetradrachme (17,23 g), Imitationstypus "Alexandros III.". Av.: Stilisierter Kopf des Herakles mit Löwenhaube n.r. Rv.: Stilisierter Zeus Aëtophoros mit Szepter auf Thron n.l., im l. Feld stilisierter Löwe (?). Dembski 1447ff.var, vgl. OTA 568-570.s.sch.-vzgl.(D)



Imitazione contemporanea di un tetradramma di Seleuco I Nicatore, zecca di Babilonia I (Numismatic Naumann 71).


SELEUKID KINGDOM. Seleukos I Nikator (312-281 BC). Fourrée Tetradrachm. Contemporary imitation of Babylon I. In the name and types of Alexander III 'the Great' of Macedon.
SELEUKID KINGDOM. Seleukos I Nikator (312-281 BC). Fourrée Tetradrachm. Contemporary imitation of Babylon I. In the name and types of Alexander III 'the Great' of Macedon. 
Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin.
Rev: A
Zeus seated left on throne, holding eagle and sceptre. Controls: M in left field; below throne, monogram within wreath.

Cf. HGC 9, 10f (for prototype). 
Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 16.36 g.
Diameter: 27 mm.




Tetradramma di tipo ‘Audoleone’ imitazione di Filippo II di Macedonia (Numismatik Naumann 68).


EASTERN EUROPE. Imitations of Philip II of Macedon (2nd-1st centuries BC). Tetradrachm. "Audoleon" type.
EASTERN EUROPE. Imitations of Philip II of Macedon (2nd-1st centuries BC). Tetradrachm. "Audoleon" type. 

Obv: Stylized laureate head of Zeus left.
Stylized warrior on horse advancing right; pellet below raised foreleg.
Lanz 704-6; OTA 402/1; cf. HGC 3.1, 152 (for prototype). 
Condition: Good very fine.
Weight: 13.3 g.
Diameter: 22 mm.




Imitazione di un tetradramma di Alessandro Magno (Numismatik Naumann 68).


EASTERN EUROPE. Imitations of Alexander III 'the Great' of Macedon (3rd-2nd centuries BC). Tetradrachm.
EASTERN EUROPE. Imitations of Alexander III 'the Great' of Macedon (3rd-2nd centuries BC). Tetradrachm. 
Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin.
Rev: Zeus seated left on throne, holding eagle and sceptre; barbarous legend to right.

Cf. Lanz 880; cf. OTA 570/1. 
Condition: Good fine.
Weight: 17.0 g.




Bronzo di Antigono Gonata (Numismatik Naumann 68).

EASTERN EUROPE. Imitations of Antigonos II Gonatas of Macedon (2nd-1st centuries BC). Ae. 
Obv: Stylized helmeted head of Athena right.
Rev: Stylized Pan standing right, erecting trophy to right.
Cf. HGC 3.1, 1049 (for prototype). 
Condition: Good very fine.
Weight: 3.8 g.
Diameter: 15 mm.



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