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Imitazioni ‘barbare’ e falsi moderni della monetazione imperiale macedone

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Solidus WINTER-AUKTION 53 MIT PREMIUM-TEIL (LIVE) LOT 104: imitazione di un bronzo di Alessandro Magno


Lot 104. Imitationen griechischer Münzen.

Nachahmung einer Prägung von Alexander III. der Große (Königreich Makedonien).

Bronze, ca. 4. - 3. Jhdt. v. Chr.
Vs: Kopf des jugendlichen Herakles mit Löwenfell rechts.
Rs: Keule über Bogen mit Köcher.

16 mm. 5,69 g.

Zum Vorbild vgl. HGC 3, 925.
Sehr schön



Solidus WINTER-AUKTION 53 MIT PREMIUM-TEIL (LIVE) LOT 103: imitazione di un bronzo di Alessandro Magno


Lot 103. Imitationen griechischer Münzen.

Nachahmung einer Prägung von Alexander III. der Große (Königreich Makedonien).

Bronze, ca. 4. - 3. Jhdt. v. Chr.
Vs: Kopf des jugendlichen Herakles mit Löwenfell rechts.
Rs: Bogen mit Köcher über Keule.

18 mm. 4,16 g.

Zum Vorbild vgl. HGC 3, 925.
Sehr schön



Numismatik Naumann AUKTION 87 LOT 56: imitazione contemporanea di un tetradramma di Alessandro Magno


Starting price: 80 EUR Estimate: 100 EUR

Lot 56. KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III 'the Great' (336-323 BC). Tetradrachm. Contemporary imitation of Macedon.

Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin.
Zeus seated left on throne, holding eagle and sceptre. Controls: Wreath within M in left field, X below throne.

Price B4 var. (cornucopia).

Condition: Very fine.

Weight: 16.11 g.
Diameter: 26 mm.



La notazione Price B4 var. (cornucopia) nella didascalia sta a indicare che l’imitazione barbarica B4 pubblicata dal Price ha una cornucopia nel campo a sinistra (come il tetradramma prototipo autentico della Macedonia Price 104), mentre in questa imitazione il simbolo è una M all’interno di un serto.




Felzmann AUKTION 168 LOT 4 Imitazione celtica di un tetradramma di Filippo II


Starting price: 50 EUR

Lot 4. Kelten Ostkelten
Donaukelten AR Tetradrachme Imitation einer Tetradrachme Philipps II., Av.: Belorbeerter Zeuskopf nach rechts, Rv.: Reiter nach links 14.32 g. ss.




Tetradramma suberato di Demetrio II Nicatore


Lot 1076.
SELEUKID KINGS OF SYRIA. Demetrios II Nikator, second reign, 129-126/5 BC. Tetradrachm (Subaeratus, 27 mm, 16.12 g, 12 h), a contemporary imitation from an irregular mint, imitating Tarsos. Diademed, bearded head of Demetrios II to right. Rev. AΣIΛEΩ[Σ] / ΔHMHTPIOY - ΘEOY / NIKATOPOΣ Zeus seated left, holding Nike in his right hand and long scepter in his left; to outer left, two monograms. Cf. SC 2156.3 (for prototype). Some breaks in plating, otherwise, very fine.

Starting price: 50 CHF




Dramma suberata di Seleuco I Nicatore, imitazione contemporanea


Lot 1047.
SELEUKID KINGS OF SYRIA. Seleukos I Nikator, 312-281 BC. Drachm (Subaeratus, 17 mm, 3.62 g, 2 h), a contemporary imitation from an irregular mint, after circa 296/5-281. Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. [ΒΑΣ]EΛIΕΩΣ (sic!) - [ΣΕΛ]ΕΥΚΟ[Υ] Athena, brandishing spear overhead in her right hand and holding shield in her left, standing right in quadriga of elephants moving to right; above elephant; monogram and Θ; above to right, anchor right. Cf. SC 130.43 (for prototype). Breaks in plating, otherwise, very fine.

Starting price: 50 CHF


  • 2 mesi dopo...

Numismatik Naumann AUKTION 89, LOT 52, 3 May 2020


Starting price: 40 EUR - Estimate: 50 EUR

Lot 52. KINGS OF MACEDON. Philip II (359-336 BC). Ae. Contemporary Imitation.
KINGS OF MACEDON. Philip II (359-336 BC). Ae. Contemporary Imitation.
Obv: Head of Apollo left, wearing Taenia.
Rev: Club and bow in bow case; legend between.

Interesting Imitation composed of an obverse of Philip II and a reverse of Alexander III.
Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 5.42 g.
Diameter: 18 mm.




Obolo di Lisimaco più di fantasia che imitativo (Stephen Album Rare Coins, Auction 36).


Ancient - Greek and Roman
PADUAN & LATER IMITATIONS: THRACIAN KINGDOM: Lysimachus, 306-281 BC, AR obol (0.79g), likely 19th century fantasy; head of Alexander right // Athena seated left with shield, holding Nike in outstretched right arm and spear in left, ΛYΣMAΧ / AZEΛ...; the novel weight, simplified legend and distinct style indicate a fantasy rather than forgery, VF to EF.

Starting price: 50 USD - Estimate: 80 USD - Result: unverkauft



Imitazione tetradramma Alessandro Magno (Numismatik Naumann AUKTION 89, 3 May 2020)


Starting price: 80 EUR - Estimate: 100 EUR

Lot 3. EASTERN EUROPE. Imitation of Alexander III 'the Great' of Macedon (3rd-2nd centuries BC). Tetradrachm.
Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin.
Rev: Zeus seated left on throne, holding eagle and sceptre.

Cf. Lanz 875ff.
Condition: Fine.
Weight: 15.18 g.
Diameter: 26 mm.



Tetradramma imitativo di Alessandro Magno (Heritage Auction 231937)


Ancients Greek
MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). AR imitative tetradrachm (24mm, 16.27 gm, 9h). Choice XF, porosity. Phoenician (?) imitation of late lifetime or early posthumous issue of Tyre, by Laomedon, struck under Menes, dated Regnal Year 25 of Azemilkos (322/1 BC). Head of Heracles right, wearing lion-skin headdress, paws tied before neck / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus seated left on backless throne, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left; C|O (Phoenician for Azemilkos) above /////// (date) in left field. cf. Price 3262 (Ake) for official issue. Note - there are some anomalies on this coin which lead one to conclude it might be a product of an unofficial mint. The civic date, if this is Year 25, should be written as ЧO above || ||| // and the legend is partially retrograde. Also, although the style is quite similar to the official products of the Ake mint, it is still different enough to be remarkable.HID05401242017

Starting price: 1 USD - Result: 138 USD


  • 1 anno dopo...

Imitazione del Basso Danubio di un tetradramma di Alessandro Magno (Savoca Coins, 38th Online Auction).


Starting price: 150 EUR - Result: 320 EUR

Lot 1. Lower Danube. Imitations of Alexander III The Great circa 300-200 BC. Tetradrachm AR 27 mm., 17,96 g. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / [Α]ΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left on low-backed throne, right leg drawn back, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings, in left field, sistrum above A, beneath throne, monogram.
Good very fine. Price 840 (for prototype).



Prototipo (CNG, Triton XII)


KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.17 g, 12h). Uncertain mint in Greece or Macedon. Struck circa 310-275 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; seistron and A in left field, monogram below throne. Price 840; SNG München -; SNG Alpha Bank -; SNG Saroglos -; Meydancikkale 500 (same dies). Near EF. Rare symbol.
Estimate: 500 USD



Imitazione di un tetradramma di Filippo II suberato (MÜNZEN & MEDAILLEN GMBH, E-AUCTION 2).


Estimate: 100 EUR - Starting price: 80 EUR

Lot 87. Ostkelten.
Imitationen Philipp II. Tetradrachmon. Zeuskopf n. r. Rv. FILI-PPOU Siegesreiter n. r., r. Monogramm. 10,77 g. Göbl OTA Tf. 4,10/1 vgl. Subaerat. Metallfehler, sonst guter Stil..

Sehr schön .


  • 1 mese dopo...

CNG ELECTRONIC AUCTION 506, LOT 200, 15 Dec 2021.


Starting price: 60 USD. Estimate: 100 USD

Lot 200. EASTERN EUROPE, Imitations of Philip II of Macedon. 3rd century BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 13.01 g, 9h). Zweigarm Type. Mint in the Carpathian region. Laureate head of Zeus right / Rider on horseback left, raising arm ending in branch; pellet within annulet below horse. OTA 291; Lanz 584. Toned, porosity, a couple of scratches. Near VF.



Falso moderno di una dracma non pubblicata di Filippo V di Macedonia (lotto 836 ritirato dalla Triton IX del 10.01.2006).


WITHDRAWN - Modern forgery
KINGS of MACEDON. Philip V. 221-179 BC. AR Drachm (3.78 g, 10h). Pella or Amphipolis mint. Second series, circa 211-197 BC. Helmeted and beardless head of the hero Perseus left, harpa over shoulder, in boss of a Macedonian shield decorated with seven eight-pointed stars within double crescents / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, club within oak wreath, M to left. Unpublished denomination, but for the tetradrachm: Boehringer, Chron. pl. 8, 7; AMNG III p. 197, 1 (Philip VI). Fine, toned. Unique. ($500)
Estimate: $500.



Imitazione di un tetradramma Filippo II NAC, Celti orientali nella regione del Danubio e Balcani (NAC 78).


Celtic Coins
Eastern Celts in the Danube region and Balkans
The Odrisay (?). Tetradrachm imitating late Philip II issue, early 3rd century BC, AR 14.00 g. Laureate head of Zeus r., in upper r. field, labrys. Rev. ΦIΛIΠΠ - OΥ Boy riding on horse at pace r., holding long palm branch and reins; below, caduceus and Λ / torch. Le Rider –, cf. pl. 48, 2. OTA –, cf. pl. 4, type 14. Kostial, Lanz –, cf. 365. Dambski –, cf. for reverse 954-957. An apparently unrecorded variety. Struck on a very broad flan and good very fine The style and fabric of this tetradrachm place it among a great variety of ‘Celtic’ issues from the Danube basin. The earliest imitative coins of the region copy the tetradrachms of the Macedonian King Philip II, especially the variety that was struck in large quantities after his death. They are found in a broad swath of land that includes the ring of the Carpathian mountains in western Romania to central Wallachia and Moldavia, to south of the Danube into the Bulgarian plain. The earliest examples of this type date to the late 4th through the early 3rd Century B.C. This coin is of extraordinary interest due to the labrys (bipennis) before the head of Zeus. This distinctive weapon sometimes was associated with Zeus, and, seemingly, also with Zalmoxis, the supreme (or only) deity of the Getae, a people of the lower Danube. However, its most common use on coinage in northern Greece was by rulers of a Thracian tribe, the Odrysai. The peculiar and prominent location of the labrys on this coin may indicate that it was issued by an Odrysian chieftain whose authority was subject to the oversight of the reigning Macedonian king. One other specimen has been noted in the market; its style and fabric are compatible with the present coin, though it is struck from different dies, with its reverse having a thunderbolt under the horse rather than the torch, lambda and caduceus that mark the reverse of this coin. As a dynastic symbol of the Odrysians, the labrys was a main coin type for the rulers Metokos, Amatokos, and Teres II. One relatively common bronze of Amatokos that uses the labrys as its principal type has above it a caduceus, a symbol that is shown prominently on the reverse of this tetradrachm. Topalov notes that the labrys was an Odrysian royal badge, replete with connotations of political and religious authority. Specifically, the labrys was used by one of the two branches of Odrysian royalty descended from Teres I that issued coins in the period c.444 to c.342/0 B.C. Topalov suggests the labrys was the royal badge of the line comprised of Sitalkes, Satokos(?), Metokos, Amatokos and Teres II. Three other royal Odrysian lines were founded by sons of Teres I, one of which simultaneously issued coins in this period. That line, comprised of Seuthes I, Hebryzelmis, Kotys I and Kersebleptes, used as their royal badge a two-handle vessel, which is the principal design of their coinages. The find-sites for coins produced by the chieftains who identified themselves with the labrys suggest that they ruled part of the upper reaches of the Maritsa and Toundja rivers, principally in the regions of the Bulgarian city of Pazardjik and western part of Plovdiv. Though inland, this area had easy access to the Aegean through Abdera and Maroneia. If this tetradrachm was struck by an Odrysain chief, we might suggest it emanated from the same region in which his ancestors had issued their plentiful coinage.

Starting price: 4.000 CHF. Estimate: 5.000 CHF. Result: unverkauft


  • 3 mesi dopo...

Imitazioni dell’Europa dell’Est da Filippo II a Filippo III di Macedonia (Numismatik Naumann, Auction 57).


Celtic Coins
EASTERN EUROPE. Imitations of Philip II to Philip III of Macedon (2nd-1st centuries BC). Ae.
Obv: Stylized head of Herakles right.
Rev: Warrior riding horse right; spearhead or shield below.
Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 3.98 g.
Diameter: 16 mm.


Starting price: 64 EUR. Estimate: 80 EUR. Result: 260 EUR.



Imitazioni dell’Europa dell’Est di Filippo II di Macedonia (CNG Mail Bid Sale 82).


CELTIC, Eastern Europe. Imitations of Philip II of Macedon. Æ Tetradrachm (8.47 g, 1h). Bartkranzavers type. Struck in Transylvania. Celticized head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Celticized horse advancing left; rosette above, pellet-in-annulet below. OTA 269/6; Lanz 576; CCCBM I -; KMW 1193. Good VF, dark brown patina.
From the Dr. William F. Blank Collection.

Sale: CNG 82, 16 September 2009, Lot: 11. Estimate $500. Sold For $700.



Imitazione di un bronzo di Antigono Gonata (Künker 318).


IMITATIONEN THRAKISCHER UND MAKEDONISCHER KÖNIGE. Imitation Antigonos Gonatas v. Makedonien. Æ-Bronze, 2. Hälfte 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr.; 2,73 g. Herakleskopf mit Löwenfell r.//Reiter n. r., Monogramme B und AV. Zum Prototyp: SNG Cop. vergl. 1220. Fehlt in allen Sammlungen und Zitierwerken.
Von größter Seltenheit. Dunkelbraune Patina, fast prägefrisch
Exemplar der Auktion Hirsch Nachf. 303, München 2014, Nr. 2683.
Stil und unvollständiges Monogramm sprechen eine eindeutig keltische Sprache.
Anm.: In der Literatur findet sich nur eine einzige keltische Imitation dieses Herrschers (Auktion Obolos 10, Zürich 2018, Nr. 84.)


Starting price: 60 EUR. Estimate: 75 EUR. Result: 180 EUR.


  • 1 mese dopo...

Davissons Ltd., Auction 41, lot 73, 16.03.2022.


SELEUKID EMPIRE. Antiochos III 'the Great.' 222-187 B.C. Æ. 4.91 gm. 17 mm. Military mint in Coele-Syria. Struck 202-187 B.C. Macedonian shield with facing gorgoneion in central boss / Elephant walking right; anchor above, BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY in exergue. SC 1089.1. HGC 9, 490. Near Very Fine; attractive dusky gray-green patina with earthen highlights.
Ex Z.P. Collection (Austria), collector's ticket included, identifying this piece as an extremely rare barbarous "orientali" imitation of Antiochos I.





The Gasvoda Collection of Coin Dies and Counterfeiting Implements

CNG 109, Lot: 746. Estimate $2500.
Sold for $2200. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

CELTIC, Eastern Europe. Imitations of Philip II of Macedon. 3rd century BC. Iron Die for AR Tetradrachm. Dimensions: overall length, 20mm; diameter, 52 mm at face, tapering to approximately 50mm at base. Of cylindrical form. Weight: 94.05 grams. Iron face with intaglio of the obverse of a Dachreiter type tetradrachm from a mint in the Pannonian region. Cf. KMW 1106 (for obv. type). Intact, some corrosion, but in an overall excellent state of preservation. Special mint-association marking in outer margin of die face.

Ex Gorny & Mosch 224 (13 October 2014), lot 811.


well as more common unofficial (i.e. forger’s) dies, covers a broad period of time, from the Celts to the modern era.

From the collector: For as long as there has been money there have been counterfeiters. Generally, we know this from the numerous examples of counterfeit coins that have survived. Less frequently, we have the opportunity to examine the tools of the counterfeiter – his dies. It has been estimated that there are around 100 surviving counterfeiter’s dies from ancient times. Many of these are locked away in museums and longtime collections. Rarely do any appear at auction.

The collection includes: an iron faced Celtic die; two Roman Republican dies, both with exceptional die faces; a pair of imperatorial legionary denarii dies under Marc Antony, with one again having an exceptional die face; a set of dies for an Augustan as or dupondius; a Tiberius die which may be an official Roman mint die; two hubs for Domitian denarii; a unique mold pair for a siliqua of Valens; and an exceptional die for a histamenon nomisma of Romanus II Agyros. [Note: a reverse die of a Demetrios I tetradrachm from this collection will be offered in Triton XXII in January 2019.]

Individually, the dies are all fantastic. As a group, they offer a rare look into the work of the counterfeiter during ancient times. Here can be found examples of many of the ways a forger created his counterfeits. To add to our understanding, the collection also includes a cast forgery of a Claudius As after casting, but before being refined and trimmed to be passed as currency. To complete the collection, there is a nice set of dies and obverse hub from the Karl Goetz medal “bank fraud.” Here are found both the obverse hub as well as the obverse and a pair of reverse dies created from the hubs. This set also includes a silver medal of the type struck from the dies as well as an oversized bronze medal of the same design.



Imitazione contemporanea di un tetradramma di Odessos Price 1192 (CNG 423)


THRACE, Odessos. Circa 80-72/1 BC. AR Tetradrachm (30mm, 15.32 g, 12h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Contemporary imitation. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; ΛΑΚ to inner left, ΟΔΗ in exergue. For prototype, cf. Topalov, Odesos, Series 31, Issue 81; cf. AMNG I 2173; cf. Price 1192. VF, lightly toned.

From the Colin E. Pitchfork Collection. Ex G. Hirsch 214 (14 February 2001), lot 1294.

CNG 423, Lot: 20. Estimate $150. Sold for $90. 



Imitazione di un bronzo dal tempo di Filippo V a Perseo (Savoca Numismatik, 92nd Blue Auction).


Eastern Europe. Imitations of issues from the time of Philip V to Perseus of Macedon circa 200-100 BC.
Bronze Æ
22 mm., 6,86 g.
very fine

Base d’asta: 10 EUR. Risultato: 18 EUR.



Bronzo imitazione macedone (Hess Divo AG, 13th eLive Auction).


Macedonian imitations.
Bronze. 8.72 g. Very fine
Provenance: Auction Gerhard Hirsch Nachf. 267, Munich 2010, lot n°10.


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