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Suberati di denari repubblicani romani

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Apro la serie con il famoso denario di Bruto (CNG 355, lot 465)


Fourrée EID MAR Denarius

The Republicans. Brutus. Late summer-autumn 42 BC. Fourrée Denarius (18mm, 3.00 g, 4h). Mint moving with Brutus in northern Greece; L. Plaetorius Cestianus, magistrate. Bare head of Brutus right; BRVT above, [IMP] to right, L • PLAE[T • CEST] around to left / Pileus between two daggers pointing downward; EID • MAR below. Cf. Crawford 508/3; cf. CRI 216; cf. Sydenham 1301; cf. RSC 15. Fair, toned, plating broken in a number of places, scrape on obverse, some scratches and marks, flan slightly bent, active corrosion on exposed sections of bronze core. Very rare.


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Altro esemplare del denario di Bruto plated (NAC 83, lot 498)

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The Collection of Roman Republican Coins of a Student and his Mentor Part III 
M. Junius Brutus with L. Plaetorius Cestianus. Plated Denarius, Northern Greece circa 43-42, AR 3.42 g. BRVT IMP L·PLAET·CEST Head of Brutus r. Rev. EID·MAR Pileus between two daggers. Babelon Junia 52 and Plaetoria 13. C 15. Sydenham 1301. Sear Imperators 216. Kent-Hirmer pl. 27, 98. Cahn, EIDibus MARtiis, Q. Tic. 18, 1989, 29a (this coin). Crawford 508/3. 
Very rare and an issue of great historical importance and fascination. 
Old cabinet tone and about extremely fine / good very fine
Ex Sternberg sale XV, 1985, 297.

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Altro fourrée del denario di Bruto (Stack, lot 2311, 2008)

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Marcus Junius Brutus, the Tyrannicide, d.42 B.C.
Fourrée Denarius, Summer-Autumn, 42 B.C. Military mint travelling with Brutus and Cassius in western Asia Minor or Macedonia. Struck by Lucius Plaetorius Cestianus. Bare head of Brutus r., BRVT above, IMP. before, L. PLAET. CEST. behind. Rv. Pileus (Cap of Liberty) flanked by dagger on each sidde, points downward, EID. MAR. below. 3.18 grams. Craw.508/3, Cahn 22 (same dies), Syd.1301 (R9). Light surface scratches, largely obscured by a medium gray patination. Clear designs and well struck with no core visible. Well centered. Close to Extremely Fine. A unique opportunity to acquire a choice, yet affordable, Ides of March Denarius.


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Denario fourrée della Cornuficia

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Q. Cornuficius; Denarius Fourre, African Mint, 42 BC, 4.15g. Amandry-27 (D6/R11) Cr-509/5, Syd-1354 (R9); Sear, Imperators-231. Obv: Head of Ceres-Tanit r. Rx: Q. Cornuficius standing l. wearing veil and holding lituus in right hand; Juno Sospita stands on r. with crow perching on shoulder holding spear and shield in l. hand and crowning Q. Cornuficius with r.; Q CORNVFICI AVGVR IMP around.


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Denario di Marco Antonio plated (NAC 78, lot 2043)

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Roman Republican Coins 
Marcus Antonius . Plated denarius, mint moving with M. Antony 32-31, AR 2.94 g. ANT AVG – III·VIR·R·P·C Galley r., with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Rev. LEG – III Aquila between two standards. Babelon Antonia 106. C 28. Sydenham 1217. Sear Imperators 350. Russo RBW 1839. Crawford 544/15. Plated and good very fine / about extremely fine.


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Denario plated di Bruto col simpulum (Baldwin's 42, lot 120)

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ROMAN COINS. Roman Republican No.: 120
Brutus died 42 BC, plated Denarius, simpulum between axe and knife, rev LETVLVS SPINT, jug and lituus (Cr 500/7). Fine. £150-180.

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Giulio Cesare (NAC 92, lot 1618)

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L. Julius L. f. Caesar. Plated denarius 103, AR 3.29 g. Helmeted head of Mars l.; above visor, · Q and behind, CAESAR. Rev. Venus in biga of Cupids l.; above, · R· and below, lyre. In exergue, L·IVLI·L·F. Babelon Julia 4. Sydenham 593. RBW 1175. Crawford 320/1. About extremely fine.


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Servio Sulpicio (NAC 92, lot 1686)

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Servius Sulpicius . Plated denarius 51, AR 3.32 g. SER – SVLP Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. Naval trophy between a clothed figure on l. and a Macedonian captive on r.

Babelon Sulpicia 8. Sydenham 931. RBW 1553. Crawford 438/1.
Very rare. Minor areas of corrosion, otherwise good very fine.


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Bruto e Casca (NAC 92, lot 1716)

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M. Iunius Brutus and P. Servilius Casca Longus . Plated denarius, mint moving with Brutus 43-42, AR 2.83 g. CASCA – LONGVS Wreathed head of Neptune r.; below, trident. Rev. BRVTVS IMP Victory walking r. on broken sceptre and holding palm branch over l. shoulder and broken diadem with both hands. Babelon Junia 44 and Servilia 37. C 3. Sydenham 1298. Sear Imperators 212. RBW 1780. Crawford 507/2.
Rare. Minor areas of corrosion, otherwise very fine.


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Denario Lucrezio Trio (Agora 41, lot 177)

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ROMAN REPUBLIC. L. Lucretius Trio, 76 BC. AR fourrée Denarius (3.14 gm). Laureate head of Neptune right / Cupid riding dolphin right. Lucretia.3. Cr.390/2. Toned VF+, planchet defects.

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Denario Furio Brocco (Agora 41, lot 180)

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ROMAN REPUBLIC. L. Furius Cn. f. Brocchus, 63 BC. AR fourrée Denarius (3.78 gm). Bust of Ceres with wheat ear and barleycorn / Curule chair between fasces. Furia.23a. Cr.414/1. Toned Fine+.

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Roma (Stack’s lot 141, 2007)

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Roman Republic. Anonymous Issue.
Denarius, 115-114 B.C. Fourrée. Roma head r. Rv. Roma seated r. on shields, She-wolf and Twins before. Craw.287/1. Well struck on a full flan. A few very minor breaks in the plating reveal the core, most noticeably in the center of the reverse.


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Denario Baebio (Sincona 1, lot 66)

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M. Baebius Tampilus. Denarius 137. Helmeted head of Roma to l., mark of value X below chin. Rev. Apollo with bow and arrow in quadriga galloping to r. 3,97 g. Cr. 236/1c.
Syd. 489. Plated. About uncirculated.

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Denario Baebio bis (Sincona 1, lot 67)

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M. Baebius Tampilus. Denarius 137. Helmeted head of Roma to l., mark of value X below chin. Rev. Apollo with bow and arrow in quadriga galloping to r. 3,95 g. Cr. 236/1c.
Syd. 489. Plated. About uncirculated.


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Denario Cesare e Mussidio (NAC 51, lot 779)

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Auction 51 Part II 
The Roman Republic
Julius Caesar and L. Mussidius Longus. Denarius circa 42, AR 2.87 g. Laureate head of Caesar r. Rev. L·MVSSIDIVS·LONGVS Rudder, cornucopiae on globe, caduceus and apex. B. Julia 58 and Mussidia 8. C 29. Sydenham 1096a. Sear Imperators 116. Crawford 494/39.

Plated. Several scratches and fine.
Estimate: 300 CHF

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Denario Marte forse suberato (UBS Gold 78, lot 1089)

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D. Iunius Brutus Albinus.
No.: 1089
Schätzwert/Estimate: CHF 150
Denarius 48, Rome. Helmeted head of Mars to r. Rev. ALBINVS – BRVTI F Two carnyces crossed,, oval shield above, round shield below. 3,80 g. Cr. 450/1b. Syd. 941a. Sear 25. Plated? Almost extremely fine-good very fine.
Ex Auction Signorelli, 4. June 1952, lot 775.


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Denario Hosidia (NAC Q, lot 1522)

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The Roman Republic
No.: 1522
Estimate: CHF 200
d=21 mm
Denarius c. 68, AR 2.72 g. B. Hosidia 1.
Syd. 903. FFC 748. Cr 407/2.
Plated (?). Toned, EF / about EF.

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Denario Roma (NAC P, lot 1636)

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The Roman Republic
No.: 1636
Schätzwert/Estimate: CHF 200.-
d=19 mm
Denarius c. 207, AR 2.79 g. Syd. 216.
Cr. 58/2.
Plated. Toned and good VF.

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Denario Fonteia (NAC N, lot 1505)

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The Roman Republic
The mint is Rome unless otherwise stated
No.: 1505
Schätzpreis - Estimate CHF 150
d=21 mm
Denarius c. 108 or 107, AR 3.14 g. Cr. 307/1d.
Syd. 566a. B. Fonteia 7. FFC 714.
Plated, good VF.


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Denario Ottaviano (NAC 72, lot 1285)

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The JD collection of Roman Republican Coins part II – session II
Octavianus. Denarius (plated), mint moving with Octavian 37, AR 3.12 g. IMP·CAESAR·DIVI·F·III·VIR·ITER·R·P·C Bearded head of Octavian r. Rev. COS·ITER·ET·TER· DESIG Simpulum, aspergillum, jug and lituus. Babelon 140. C 91. Sydenham 1334. Sear Imperators 312. Crawford 538/1. Old cabinet tone and about very fine.

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ci sono die matches con le emissioni ufficiali in buon argento?



Possibile prototipo (Triton XX, lot 580) del suberato al post # 9. Il denario autentico pesa esattamente 1 g in più del suberato.

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The Republicans. Brutus. Late summer-autumn 42 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.83 g, 12h). Military mint traveling with Brutus and Cassius in western Asia Minor or northern Greece. P. Servilius Casca Longus, moneyer. Laureate and bearded head of Neptune right; trident below; CASCA upward to left, LONGVS upward to right / Victory advancing right on broken scepter, holding palm frond in left hand over left shoulder and broken diadem bound with fillet in both hands; BRVTVS upward to left, IMP upward to right. Crawford 507/2; CRI 212; RSC 3; Sydenham 1298; Kestner 3779; BMCRR East 63-65; RBW 1780. Superb EF, attractively toned, minor spot of deposit below wreath tie on reverse. Rare.

Triton XX, Lot: 580. Estimate $10000.

Ex JD Collection (Part II, Numismatica Ars Classica 72, 16 May 2013), lot 512; Kricheldorf 22 (11 February 1971), lot 179 (listed as Prachtstück); August Voirol Collection (Münzen und Medaillen AG 38, 6-7 December 1968), lot 273 (listed as Prachtexemplar).

After his assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cassius occupied Rome, but had to flee when a funeral oration delivered by Caesar’s protege, Mark Antony, turned public opinion against them. Brutus and Cassius went their separate ways, but met again in early 42 BC in Smyrna, Ionia, where they began preparations for the inevitable conflict that would ensue between them and Mark Antony and Octavian, Caesar’s grandnephew. They began using their armies to conquer cities, for which this issue was undoubtedly struck. The title IMP on the reverse shows that Brutus still styled himself the savior of the Republic, as that was a title only the Senate can award, and the Victory breaking the royal symbols of diadem and scepter is a clear allusion to their anticipated victory over the forces of tyranny.

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1 ora fa, apollonia dice:

The title IMP on the reverse shows that Brutus still styled himself the savior of the Republic, as that was a title only the Senate can award



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Strana osservazione. Il titolo notoriamente discendeva da un'acclamazione "sul campo" da parte delle truppe.

Sulla scia del Mommsen alcuni studiosi ritengono  che Cesare volesse modificare il significato del termine, facendone il nome della nuova magistratura monocratica ... ma non mi consta che sia stata adottata alcuna lex nel senso 


Se ho capito bene, il titolo IMP che P. Servilio Casca aveva messo sul rovescio del denario come monetiere significava che Bruto si era autoproclamato salvatore della repubblica in quanto quel titolo, secondo l’estensore della descrizione, poteva essere conferito solo dal senato. Invece quel titolo, fino a prova contraria, era assegnato sul campo dalle truppe per acclamazione, come anche ai tempi di Alessandro Magno.

Quanto alla Vittoria che avanza su uno scettro spezzato con un diadema rotto in mano, questa è una chiara allusione all’anticipata vittoria di Casca e di Bruto sulle forze della tirannia. Ho visto poi che Publio Servilio Casca è stato il primo a pugnalare Cesare nella congiura del 14 marzo del 44 a. C.

Molto interessante.

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I discorso dei suberati è sempre molto complesso. Non sempre vale il principio di Crawford per il quale il suberato è praticamente sempre un falso d'epoca. Dipende molto dal contesto storico e dal tipo di monetazione.

La maggior parte dei suberati si discosta, come conii, dall'emissione ufficiale, per cui in questo caso è facile parlare di falsi d'epoca. Ma talvolta possono essere falsi più moderni.... Ad esempio il suberato di Bruto con EID MAR, che figura per primo post, è noto in unico esemplare e potrebbe anche essere antico. Ma esiste anche un gruppo di suberati tratti da una stessa coppia di conii che mi è noto con ben 7 esemplari, che sono un pò tantini e tutti rigorosamente suberati, con perdita di parte dell'argento superficiale soprattutto sui rilievi come la testa di Bruto e il berretto della libertà... Questi suberati sono noti fin dal XIX secolo, ma non ho elementi per sospettare una produzione ottocentesca. 

Nel caso del suberato di Cornuficio, nel post # 4, debbo dire che nella sua breve produzione, procedendo nella sequenza dei conii, ho notato che a un certo momento aumentano i suberati, che in questo caso sembrano essere prodotti dalla zecca ufficiale, a Utica (in Africa Vetus), a seguito forse delle crescenti difficoltà economiche di Cornuficio, che era governatore dell'Africa Vetus. Il conio del diritto, che corrisponde al mio O9 in uno studio di prossima pubblicazione, è l'ultimo ad essere usato nella sequenza e ha sempre prodotto suberati. Il conio del rovescio, R12, è stato usato sia in denari suberati (sempre con O9, come ad esempio in un esemplare di Torino), ma anche in denari di buon argento coniati poco prima (abbinati con diritto O7), come si può vedere dal seguente confronto:

45 - Cornuficia 033 Cr 509_5 da Davies 4,15 D.jpg(O9  -  coll. privata USA)

47 - Cornuficia 034G - Torino 2264 3,48 3h D.jpg(O9  -  Torino)


45 - Cornuficia 033 Cr 509_5 da Davies 4,15 R.jpg(R12  -  coll. privata USA)

47 - Cornuficia 034G - Torino 2264 3,48 3h R.jpg(R12  -  Torino)

41 - Cornuficia 031 Cr 509_5 NAC 84_2015_861 3,83 R.jpg(R12  -  NAC 93, 432)



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