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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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9 ore fa, King John dice:
Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 100 Auction date: 29 May 2017
Lot number: 598
Price realized: 75,000 CHF   (Approx. 77,018 USD / 68,854 EUR / 60,213 GBP)
Lot description:
The Roman Empire 
Carinus caesar, 282 – 283. Aureus, Siscia ? 282-283, AV 4.30 g. M AVR CARINVS NOB CAES Laureate and cuirassed bust l., r. hand raised; the lorica decorated with aegis. Rev. VICTO –RIA AVG Victory standing l. on globe, holding wreath, palm-branch and trophy (?). C –, cf. 199 for reverse (wreath and trophy). RIC –, cf. 190 for reverse (wreath and trophy). Calicó –.
Apparently unique and unrecorded. A spectacular and unusual portrait, the work of a very
skilled master engraver, wonderful reddish tone. Virtually as struck and almost Fdc

Ex Tkalec sale 9 February 2005, 368 (illustrated on the front cover page).
This aureus was struck in AD 282 to celebrate the elevation of Carinus to the status of Caesar (i.e. junior emperor) by his father, the emperor Carus. As Caesar, Carinus was charged with defending the western provinces while Carus prosecuted a remarkably successful war against the Sasanian Persians. Carinus is known to have inflicted defeats on the Germanic Quadi while serving as Caesar, which may account for the military flavor of the obverse type and the depiction of the victoriola on the reverse.
Carinus is shown wearing a full breastplate adorned with a gorgoneion on the chest, which gives him a much more heroic appearance than the scaled cuirass he normally wears on his coinage. The engraver has done a masterful job of picking out the details of the rivets, the drapery, and the tassels at the ends of the shoulder pteruges. Curiously, he has made a mistake in the treatment of the hand. While Carinus appears to extend his left arm, the hand at the end giving the salute is actually his right hand.
The victoriola was a statue of Victory on a globe that symbolized the power and prestige that devolved upon an emperor following the defeat of the enemy. In later Roman coin iconography deities - most frequently Jupiter - are shown bestowing the victoriola on the emperor.
While the coin presents the auspicious beginning of Carinus' imperial career, things quickly began to fall apart. In AD 283, Carinus celebrated a triumph in Rome and was elevated to the status of Augustus to rule in partnership with his father. Later that year Carus died in the East from either disease or a lightning strike, leaving Carinus and his younger brother Numerian, behind. Numerian had been campaigning alongside his father in the role of Caesar, but became Augustus upon his death. However, Numerian's new title lacked power over the army and the soldiery forced him to give up the Persian campaign, which had already sacked the Sasanian capital at Ctesiphon, and begin the long march home. On the way, Numerian fell ill and died under suspicious circumstances, leaving the cavalry commander Diocletian to take up the imperial purple for himself.
When Carinus learned of these events, he immediately assembled an army and marched against Diocletian. The forces of Carinus and Diocletian met at the Margus River in Moesia to decide the fate of the Empire. According to one account, the forces of Carinus fought well against Diocletian, but were broken when Carinus was suddenly assassinated by a military tribune seeking revenge for the seduction of his wife. Others report that Carinus was deserted by his army, thereby granting Diocletian total victory. The hapless Carinus was killed and his name and image was ordered stricken from all monuments in the proceeding known as damnatio memoriae.



Dopo un'aureo cosi si può anche smettere..

Però io preferisco sempre le monete del popolo..

  • Mi piace 1


Dai mercenari campani in Entella, un piccolo bel bronzo non comune ( 345-330 AC. , 13 mm. , 2,18 g. ) .

Al diritto ancora un elmo  , al rovescio un cavallo in libero galoppo .

Passerà in asta Bertolami  E-live Auc. 61 al n. 112 ad inizio Settembre .

002 Bertolami 61 n. 112 Entella.jpg

  • Mi piace 1


dalla zecca di Antiochia sull'Oronte, una dracma al nome di Trifon ( 142-138 AC. ) .

Al rovescio un elmo macedone di vistosa forma ed ornamenti : forse un oggetto da parata ?

Passerà ad inizio Settembre in asta Num.Naum. 69 al lotto 182 .

102 Num.Naum. 69 n. 182.jpg

22 minuti fa, VALTERI dice:

dalla zecca di Antiochia sull'Oronte, una dracma al nome di Trifon ( 142-138 AC. ) .

Al rovescio un elmo macedone di vistosa forma ed ornamenti : forse un oggetto da parata ?

Passerà ad inizio Settembre in asta Num.Naum. 69 al lotto 182 .

102 Num.Naum. 69 n. 182.jpg

L'elemento centrale che decora l'elmo è un corno di stambecco!!




Antoninus III. Caracalla
No.: 850
Schätzpreis-Estimation: DM 400,-
Æs, Hadrianopolis (Thracia); 10,34 g. Drapierte Büste l. mit Lorbeerkranz, Speer und Schild//Krieger steht r. mit Speer und Schild. BMC -; Mionnet -; SNG Cop. -.
RR Grüne Patina, sehr schön



  • Mi piace 1


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction 290, lot 61, date 7/11/2012, Hammer 360 USD

THESSALY, Peirasia. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Obol (11mm, 0.80 g, 5h). Youthful male head right, wearing tainia / ΠEI-PA-ΣI-EΩN (retrograde), warrior advancing left, seen partly from behind, nude but for helmet, holding shield in left hand and spear in right. Pendleton O1a (O1/R1), pl. 3, 13 (this coin); BCD Thessaly II 504 (same dies; hammer of $3000). Fine, toned, porous. One of only three known with obverse type to right.
From the BCD Collection. 



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Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG

Auction 100, lot 1242, date 29/05/17, Hammer 160 CHF

An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage
Samos. Bronze circa 253-268, Æ 7.15 g. AVT K ΠO ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNOC Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. CAM – I – ΩN Warrior, wearing short chiton, holding round shield and running r., his l. foot on prow r. and head turned back. BMC 384. SNG von Aulock –. SNG Copenhagen 1804 (these dies).
Very rare. Green patina, minor deposits, otherwise very fine



  • Mi piace 1


Il fantastico di questo viaggio e' come si riesca a trovare sempre una raffigurazione abbinata su bassorilievi o altro con le monete, bellissimo l'obolo....

  • Mi piace 1

9 ore fa, VALTERI dice:

dalla zecca di Antiochia sull'Oronte, una dracma al nome di Trifon ( 142-138 AC. ) .

Al rovescio un elmo macedone di vistosa forma ed ornamenti : forse un oggetto da parata ?

Passerà ad inizio Settembre in asta Num.Naum. 69 al lotto 182 .

102 Num.Naum. 69 n. 182.jpg

Ritratto superbo..

  • Mi piace 1

1 ora fa, dabbene dice:

Il fantastico di questo viaggio e' come si riesca a trovare sempre una raffigurazione abbinata su bassorilievi o altro con le monete, bellissimo l'obolo....

Federico è incredibile, qui c'è tanto lavoro, qui c'è tanta passione, Passione vera...

  • Mi piace 1

9 ore fa, King John dice:

Antoninus III. Caracalla
No.: 850
Schätzpreis-Estimation: DM 400,-
Æs, Hadrianopolis (Thracia); 10,34 g. Drapierte Büste l. mit Lorbeerkranz, Speer und Schild//Krieger steht r. mit Speer und Schild. BMC -; Mionnet -; SNG Cop. -.
RR Grüne Patina, sehr schön



Tondello piacevolissimo, ma il basso rilievo da urlo...c'è pure l'effetto prospettico..

Se penso come si è ridotta l'arte oggi..

  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Roma Numismatics Limited

E-Sale 12, lot 1051, date 1/11/2014, Hammer 260 GBP

Maximinus I Æ30 of Side, Pamphylia. AD 235-238. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Phrygian warrior seated right on rocks, holding shield decorated with aegis in his left arm, bird at his feet. Cf. SNG France 848-850 (same obverse die, different reverse types); SNG Copenhagen -; cf. SNG von Aulock 8540 (same). 15.19g, 30mm, 12h.
Good very Fine. Extremely Rare, apparently unrecorded with this reverse type.





Modificato da King John

Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 421 Auction date: 30 May 2018
Lot number: 561

Price realized: 160 USD   (Approx. 138 EUR / 121 GBP / 158 CHF)

Lot description:
M. Volteius M.f. 75 BC. AR Denarius (17mm, 3.83 g, 6h). Rome mint. Laureate, helmeted, and draped bust of Attis right; pentagram to left / Cybele driving biga of lions right; ΛC above. Crawford 385/4; Sydenham 777; Volteia 4; RBW 1417 var. (controls). VF, toned.
From the Jonathan P. Rosen Collection.
Estimate: 150 USD






La dea guerriera Atena in armi ( elmo, scudo, lancia ), stante di fronte al diritto .

Il più grande guerriero degli " umani " Eracle, rappresentato in testa con spoglia leonina al rovescio .

Da una piuttosto rara piccola litra di Himera ( 405-382 AC. , 11 mm. , 0,69 g. che passerà in asta Bertolami E-live AUC. 61 al lotto 132 .

003 Bertolami 61 n. 132 Himera.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)
48 minuti fa, VALTERI dice:

La dea guerriera Atena in armi ( elmo, scudo, lancia ), stante di fronte al diritto .

Il più grande guerriero degli " umani " Eracle, rappresentato in testa con spoglia leonina al rovescio .

Da una piuttosto rara piccola litra di Himera ( 405-382 AC. , 11 mm. , 0,69 g. che passerà in asta Bertolami E-live AUC. 61 al lotto 132 .

003 Bertolami 61 n. 132 Himera.jpg

Moneta straordinaria... Chissà che non sia ispirato a questa moneta il monumento ad Atena Promachos eretto a Messina nel 1932 (progetto di Camillo Autore) nel luogo in cui fino al terremoto del 1908 sorgeva il Molo di Porto Salvo...








Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1


Non conoscevo questo monumento collegato al terremoto del 1908 : vedo che riporta sul più alto traverso dell'architrave il nome REGGIO .


27 minuti fa, VALTERI dice:

Non conoscevo questo monumento collegato al terremoto del 1908 : vedo che riporta sul più alto traverso dell'architrave il nome REGGIO .


Giusto. Mi correggo: il monumento sorge a Reggio Calabria e non a Messina, Si chiama "Arena dello Stretto".


Inviato (modificato)

Roman Provincial 
Gordian III Æ Pentassarion of Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior. AD 238-244. Menophilus, consular legate. AVT M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC AVΓ•, confronted busts of Gordian, laureate and draped facing right, and Serapis, draped and wearing calathus, facing left / VΠ MHNOΦIΛOV MAPKIANOΠOΛITWN, city of Marcianopolis viewed from an aerial perspective: city walls punctuated by thirteen towers, two of which flank an arched gate, and with arched colonnade along the inside back wall, enclosing a temple precinct composed of a tetrastyle temple façade flanked on either side by colonnaded portico, with a lighted altar in front. Hristova & Jekov (same rev. die); AMNG I 1167; Varbanov 1972. 12.23g, 28mm, 12h.
Good Fine / Good Very Fine. An attractive architectural type. Extremely Rare.
From the collection of D.G., United Kingdom.
Depicting the city of Marcianopolis from an aerial perspective, this rare and attractive architectural type emphasises the religious, civic and military aspects of the city by depicting the temple, the porticoes of the forum and the city walls, elements of the city that had helped it achieve status as one of the vital municipal outposts of the empire.




Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Nero. AD 54-68. Æ Sestertius (36mm, 28.73 g, 6h). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck circa AD 65. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR [P I]MP P P, laureate head right / AVGV STI above, S C flanking PORT OST below, Port of Ostia: seven ships within the harbor; at the top is a pharus surmounted by a statue of Neptune; below is a reclining figure of Tiber, holding a rudder and dolphin; to left, crescent-shaped pier with portico, terminating with figure sacrificing at altar and with building; to right, crescent-shaped row of breakwaters or slips. RIC I 440 var. (position of S C on the reverse); Lyon 110 var. (same); WCN 420 var. (same); BMCRE 323 var. (same). Good VF, red and brown patina with traces of dark green, minor smoothing on obverse. Excellent reverse.
Ex Clarence & Helen Zaar Maritime Collection (Classical Numismatic Group 87, 18 May 2011), lot 967.
While Julius Caesar recognized the value of expanding Rome's port facilities at Ostia, it was Claudius who began actual building in AD 42. As part of the construction, one of Caligula's pleasure galleys was scuttled and filled with cement; above it was constructed a lighthouse surmounted by a statue of Neptune. Although the actual date of completion is not certain, it must have occurred shortly before this sestertius was minted. A further expansion of the facilities was required under Trajan and Hadrian. By the fourth century, however, the port's importance began to diminish as a result of silting. Soon the region became a breeding ground for malaria and was abandoned.






Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1

11 ore fa, VALTERI dice:

La dea guerriera Atena in armi ( elmo, scudo, lancia ), stante di fronte al diritto .

Il più grande guerriero degli " umani " Eracle, rappresentato in testa con spoglia leonina al rovescio .

Da una piuttosto rara piccola litra di Himera ( 405-382 AC. , 11 mm. , 0,69 g. che passerà in asta Bertolami E-live AUC. 61 al lotto 132 .

003 Bertolami 61 n. 132 Himera.jpg

Beh visto che mi si cita e mi si rappresenta in modo meno convenzionale, con un ritratto più accattivante dal punto di vista stilistico.. mi piace molto Atena frontale.

6 ore fa, King John dice:

Roman Provincial 
Gordian III Æ Pentassarion of Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior. AD 238-244. Menophilus, consular legate. AVT M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC AVΓ•, confronted busts of Gordian, laureate and draped facing right, and Serapis, draped and wearing calathus, facing left / VΠ MHNOΦIΛOV MAPKIANOΠOΛITWN, city of Marcianopolis viewed from an aerial perspective: city walls punctuated by thirteen towers, two of which flank an arched gate, and with arched colonnade along the inside back wall, enclosing a temple precinct composed of a tetrastyle temple façade flanked on either side by colonnaded portico, with a lighted altar in front. Hristova & Jekov (same rev. die); AMNG I 1167; Varbanov 1972. 12.23g, 28mm, 12h.
Good Fine / Good Very Fine. An attractive architectural type. Extremely Rare.
From the collection of D.G., United Kingdom.
Depicting the city of Marcianopolis from an aerial perspective, this rare and attractive architectural type emphasises the religious, civic and military aspects of the city by depicting the temple, the porticoes of the forum and the city walls, elements of the city that had helped it achieve status as one of the vital municipal outposts of the empire.




Tondello stupendo, il rovescio con l'accampamento secondo me è più bello del solito porto..

  • Mi piace 1


Hadrian, 117 - 138 n. Chr. AE Sesterz (25,30g). 134 - 138 n. Chr. Mzst. Rom Vs.: HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP, Kopf mit Lorbeerkranz n. r. Rs.: DISCIPLIN AVG / S C, Hadrian schreitet mit Schriftrolle n.r. u. wird von einem Beamten und drei Soldaten mit Standarten begleitet. RIC 746d; C. 543. Braungrüne Patina, Felder geglättet, vz


Bas-relief from the Arch of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, now in the Capitoline Museum in Rome.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

The New York Sale
Auction xxvii, lot 23, date 4/01/2012

The Prospero Collection of Ancient Greek Coins. ITALY. Calabria , Tarentum (c.344-338 B.C.), Gold Stater, 8.56g,. Head of Hera facing to right, her curling hair held in a stephane decorated with palmettes, a diaphanous veil is visible on both sides of her neck, small E behind, a small dolphin swimming downwards and TAPA before. Rev. TAPANTINΩN , Taras standing to right, raising his hands in supplication towards Poseidon, seated to left on a stool, wearing a himation over his lower limbs and holding a trident, K beneath stool, a star and ├ on right (E.S.G. Robinson, Ancient Greek Coins in the possession of William Harrison Woodward (privately printed, Oxford, 1928), no. 4 (this coin); Vlasto 1 (these dies); Vlasto, ‘Les monnaies d’or de Tarente’, JIAN II, 1899, p. 306, I; A.J. Evans, ‘The Artistic Engravers of Terina and the Signature of Evaenetos on its later Didrachm Dies’, NC 1912, p. 45; Head, BM Principal Coins, pl. 25, 7 (these dies); HN Italy 901 (these dies); Kraay - Hirmer pl. 109, 315, and colour plate X). Two small insignificant nicks on the obverse and one on the reverse edge, extremely fine and very rare, a superb example and one of the most beautiful designs to appear on an ancient Greek gold coin. This coin published in ‘Ancient Greek Coins in the possession of William Harrison Woodward’, E.S.G. Robinson (1928), p. 2, 4, illustrated on pl. I. Ex Sir Arthur J. Evans Collection Ex William Harrison Woodward Collection Ex Reverend Arnold Mallinson Collection, Spink Auction 39, London, 6 December 1984, lot 36 The obverse of this coin bears a very delicately engraved head of Hera, the wife of Zeus. On the reverse appears ‘K’, probably the initial of the artist responsible for the types of this beautiful coin. It is possible that this is the same artist who engraved beautiful dies, signed ‘Kal’, at Herakleia (see lot 46 for an example). The fascinating reverse type of the above coin has been given various historical interpretations, associating it with an appeal made by Tarentum around this time for aid to help control increasing pressure from the surrounding tribes of Lucanians and Messapians. Taras is shown appealing to his father Poseidon, and the parent city of Tarentum was Sparta, to whom they did appeal for help at this time. An alternative historical association could be the campaign of intervention by Alexander of Epirus, the uncle of Alexander the Great, undertaken after the Spartan one. Whatever the inspiration for the reverse type, the whole scene is a composition of great complexity and detail, and has been beautifully and finely engraved. The arrangement of the figures gives the viewer a genuine sense of realism and movement. Taras appears almost desperate in his appeal and Poseidon, gazing down upon Taras, is rendered with gentle and sympathetic body-language. This superb coin is a very interesting example of a mythological type that perhaps reflects the current historical events at the time of issue. US$ 70,000




  • Mi piace 2


Bell'elmo e vista dall'interno di scudo, da un bronzo di Mesembria di Tracia ( 300-250 AC. , 21 mm. , 5,98 g. ) al lotto 208 di RomaNum. E-live 2 a fine Agosto .

003 RomaNum. E-live 2 n. 208 Mesembria.jpg

  • Mi piace 1


C. Censorinus. 88 BC. Æ As (11.94 g, 2h). Semuncial standard. Rome mint. 
Jugate heads of Numa Pompilius and Ancus Marcius. Rev. Two ships crossing; spiral column surmounted by statue of Victory above. 
Crawford 346/4b (citing 12 specimens of two varieties in Paris); Sydenham 715a. 

Near VF, rough dark brown and green patina.  





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