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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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12 ore fa, King John dice:
Tyre, pseudo-autonomous AE20
Phoenicia, Tyre. Pseudo-autonomous. AE20 (10.02 g), dated year 238 (=112/113 AD).
Obv. Turreted and veiled bust of Tyche right; palm behind, murex before.
Rev. IEPAΣ / MHTPOΠO / Λ EWΣ, Phoenician galley sailing left; date HΛΣ and Tyre monogram above, Phoenician "of Tyre" below.
SNG Cop. -; BMC Phoenicia p. 262, 315.
Extremely fine.
ILLUSTRAZIONE: Veduta della città di Tiro, principale città fenicia, anticamente su un'isoletta rocciosa prospiciente la costa cui fu unita con istmo sabbioso durante l'assedio di Alessandro Magno. Dipendente dalla terraferma per cibo, acqua, combustibile, si rivolse soprattutto alle attività artigianali e commerciali, alla navigazione e alla colonizzazione. Nota già nei testi egiziani di esecrazione (sec. XIX a. C.), poi nelle lettere di Tell El Amârna (sec. XIV a. C.) come regno vassallo dell'Egitto e rivale di Sidone, si affermò come il maggiore porto siro-palestinese verso il 1000. Il re Ḥīrām I costruì il tempio di Melqart e si alleò con Israele per spedizioni commerciali nel Mar Rosso (verso Ofir). Alla stessa epoca iniziò anche il commercio tirio nel Mediterraneo, che si sviluppò nei secoli successivi: la principale colonia, Cartagine, fu fondata nell'814 a. C. Con il sec. VIII gli Assiri (che già prima avevano riscosso tributo) si fecero più minacciosi, conquistando quasi tutta la Fenicia; Tiro (grazie alla posizione insulare e all'appoggio egiziano) resistette agli assedi di Esarhaddon e di Assurbanipal e mantenne la sua autonomia, alla quale tuttavia pose fine il re babilonese Nabucodonosor (573 a. C.). Città importante sotto l'impero persiano, si oppose ad Alessandro Magno che la espugnò e distrusse (332 a. C.). Restò il principale centro della zona sotto Tolomei e Seleucidi. Nel 64 a. C. fu annessa alla provincia romana di Siria, conservando statuto di città libera; divenne coloniaa con Settimio Severo. Ancora all'epoca delle Crociate (fu presa agli Arabi nel 1124 e perduta nel 1291) era porto strategicamente importante. § Sono stati identificati i due porti di Tiro (sidonio ed egiziano), e gli scavi nel settore meridionale hanno messo in luce una via porticata con colonne e mosaici, un edificio con bacini e canalizzazioni e tre gruppi di costruzioni, tra le quali un edificio a peristilio, tutti di età romana. Intorno alla città si sono rinvenute tombe in roccia del periodo fenicio (sec. VIII-VII a. C.), necropoli romane e bizantine e un ipogeo romano del sec. II d. C., con pitture raffiguranti scene mitologiche e d'oltretomba.



Quando vedo certi tondelli con ritratti come questo vado in estasi..

Un profilo di Tyche sublime e beneaugurante visto la sua personificazione...




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M. Sergius Silus. 116-115 BC. AR Denarius (17mm, 3.95 g, 10h). Rome mint. Helmeted head of Roma right; mark of value behind / Soldier on horseback rearing left, holding sword and severed head of barbarian; Q below. Crawford 286/1; Sydenham 534; Sergia 1. EF, toned, reverse slightly off center.



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Inviato (modificato)

Roman Imperial 
Elagabalus AV Aureus. Rome, AD 218-219. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, laureate figure of Elagabalus standing right, dressed in military attire and holding transverse spear, flanked by a soldier carrying standard and shield to right and a second soldier holding a standard topped by a hand behind; a third standard in the background. RIC 76d; BMCRE 16 note; C. 42; Calicó 2994. 7.26g, 21mm, 12h.
Good Extremely Fine. Extremely Rare.
Ex Numismatik Lanz 58, 21 November 1991, lot 743.
An incredibly unlikely emperor of no proven ability or wisdom, Elagabalus' rise to power was due to the persistence of his vengeful grandmother, Julia Maesa, sister to Julia Domna and sister in law to Septimius Severus. Having been exiled to Syria with her children and grandchildren by Macrinus in order that they not cause trouble at his accession, she plotted to have him assassinated and promote Elagabalus to the throne in revenge for the murder of Caracalla and the usurpation of the Severan line.
Using her wealth and influence, and in combination with a public statement that Elagabalus was Caracalla's illegitimate child, she gained the backing of various Senators and soldiers who were loyal to the deceased emperor. Having achieved the allegiance of the Third Legion at Raphana, it took but little encouragement for Elagabalus to be declared emperor by the army in AD 218. Accepting the purple at the tender age of fourteen, Elagabalus took the formal name of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, reaffirming the fabricated story that he was the illegitimate son of Caracalla and thus the true heir.
This reverse type was used to further secure Elagabalus' position as Emperor, calling as it does for 'the loyalty of the soldiers', but the strong military type seen here was struck before the young emperor had shown his real character traits of religious fanaticism and sexual perversion, interests which only surfaced after his arrival in Rome. The ancient sources spare no detail in their descriptions of life in the Imperial palace of Elagabalus, aspects of which become evident on his later coinage.






Modificato da King John
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UBS Gold & Numismatics
Auction 57, lot 350, date 15/09/2003

No.: 350
Schätzwert/Estimate: CHF 2500.-
L. Aemilius Buca. Denarius 44, Rome. In memory of the death of C. Iulius Caesar. CAESAR IM - P - M Laureate head of Julius Caesar to r., crescent in back. Rev. L AEMILIVS - BVCA Venus standing to l. in attitude of mourning, holding Victory and long sceptre. 3,97 g. Cr. 480/4. Syd. 1060. Graffito on rev. Good very fine.





Inviato (modificato)

Da un sito di vendita visto casualmente, un piccolo bronzo testualmente descritto " area etnea - Sicilia , 344/336 AC " , g. 1,69 , dia. mm. 12,28 : Calciati 2 .

Al diritto un particolare elmo a calotta con stretti para guance e puntale .  


Modificato da VALTERI
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Roma Numismatics Limited

Auction 5, lot 596, date 23/03/2013, Hammer 800 GBP

A. Licinius Nerva AR Denarius.
A. Licinius Nerva AR Denarius.
Rome, 47 BC. Laureate head of Fides right; FIDES downwards before, NERVA downwards after / Horseman galloping right, with right hand dragging naked warrior, who holds shield in left hand and sword in right hand; below, A·LICINIVS; on left, III; on right, VIR. Crawford 454/1; Sydenham 954a; Sear 30; Licinia 24. 4.04g, 19mm, 3h. Extremely Fine. Ex Gorny & Mosch 164, 17 March 2008, lot 347.



  • Mi piace 1

2 ore fa, King John dice:

Roma Numismatics Limited

Auction 5, lot 596, date 23/03/2013, Hammer 800 GBP

A. Licinius Nerva AR Denarius.
A. Licinius Nerva AR Denarius.
Rome, 47 BC. Laureate head of Fides right; FIDES downwards before, NERVA downwards after / Horseman galloping right, with right hand dragging naked warrior, who holds shield in left hand and sword in right hand; below, A·LICINIVS; on left, III; on right, VIR. Crawford 454/1; Sydenham 954a; Sear 30; Licinia 24. 4.04g, 19mm, 3h. Extremely Fine. Ex Gorny & Mosch 164, 17 March 2008, lot 347.



Questo tondello si muove più delle tue illustrazioni questa la dice tutta.

Un denario con  la superba incisione di un guerriero al galoppo che con una mano trascina l'avversario è spettacolare per dinamismo e messaggio.

Continuo a pensare ad i mezzi che avevano a disposizione e all'alta qualità incisoria raggiunta, il cavallo quasi Leonardesco..

  • Mi piace 1


Roma Numismatics Limited

Auction 6, lot 796, date 29/09/2013, Hammer 2.500 GBP

Pompey Magnus and M. Poblicius AR Denarius. Spanish mint, 46-45 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right; M POBLICI LEG PRO PR around / Hispania standing right, with shield slung on back, holding two spears in left hand and presenting long palm branch to soldier standing left on prow of ship; CN MAGNVS IMP around. Pompeia 9 and Poblicia 10; Sydenham 1035a; Sear 48a; RSC 1a; Crawford 469/1e. 3.85g, 20mm, 2h. Extremely Fine. Attractively toned, with areas of weak strike. Ex Goldman Roman Imperatorial Collection; Ex Triton V, 15 January 2002, lot 1832.



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Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG > Auction 295 Auction date: 25 September 2017
Lot number: 117

Price realized: 850 EUR   (Approx. 1,009 USD / 748 GBP / 978 CHF)

Lot description:
ETRURIA. POPULONIA. AR-20 Asses, 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr.; 8,27 g. Kopf der Metus (Gorgoneion), unten Wertangabe//Glatt. Rutter, Historia Numorum 152; Vecchi, Etruscan Coinage 59.45 (dies Exemplar); Vecchi, The coinage of the Rasna II, 59.
Feine Patina, sehr schön
Exemplar der Auktion Giessener Münzhandlung 141, München 2005, Nr. 26; der Auktion Fritz Rudolf Künker 97, Osnabrück 2005, Nr. 87; der Auktion Auctiones 29, Basel 2003, Nr. 463; der Auktion Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland GmbH 4, Stuttgart 1999, Nr. 1 und der Auktion Ahlström 51, Stockholm 1995, Nr. 1534.
Estimate: 750 EUR





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Eppur si muovono..

Questi rovesci..

Ti seguo sempre con interesse e gioia..

  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)
Herennius Etruscus AR Antoninianus
Herennius Etruscus Caesar (250-251 AD). AR Antoninianus (22 mm, 3.64 g), Roma (Rome).
Obv. Q HER ETR MES DECIBVS NOB C, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. 
Rev. PIETAS AVGVSTORVM, sacrifical implements. 
RIC 143.
An unusually well struck example. Good extremely fine.





Modificato da King John


Roma Numismatics Limited

Auction 8, Lot 138, date 28/09/2014, Hammer 80 GPB

Thessaly, Kierion AR Obol. Circa 350-325 BC. Horse trotting right, with far foreleg raised / Warrior, holding sword and wearing shield, advancing right. BCD Thessaly II 104.3. 0.84g, 13mm, 4h. Very Fine. Very Rare.



The Greeks storm the Persian encampment at the Battle of Mycale. Along with Plataea, this battle put the nail in the coffin of the great se.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

Kaiserliche Prägungen
Aurelianus, 270-275. Bronze-Tetradrachme Jahr 4(?) (= 272/273), Alexandria, auf den Sieg über Palmyra. Büste / Kaiser mit Speer zu Pferd über lagernder Gestalt. Dattari -; Geissen 3080. 12.05 g.; Dunkelgrüne Patina - medaillonartiger Schrötling - prächtige Darstellung in hohem Relief Äußerst selten Fast vorzüglich Leichte Auflagen
Erworben 1965.
Der medaillonartige Charakter des vorliegenden Stücks wird durch das Fehlen der Jahreszahl (im Unterschied zu dem Kölner Stück) unterstrichen. Vogt und Geissen beschreiben die im Revers dargestellte Gestalt als "Feind", der vom Kaiser niedergeritten wird, was zweifellos in den historischen Kontext passen würde, doch erinnert sie eher an einen lagernden Flussgott.


Aureliano y su guardia pretoriana durante la Campaña de Palmira.jpg


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.
Auction Triton XI, lot 477, date 8/01/2008

TROAS, Abydus. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ 38mm (26.29 g, 6h). Struck AD 215-217. AV K M AVPH ANTWNEINO C, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ABVDHNW N above, HPW downward to right, LAIANDPOC in exergue, Leander swimming right across Hellespont toward tower containing Hero standing left, who holds a lighted lamp in extended right hand; to left, sheathed sword set on rock outcropping; above, Eros flying right, holding wedding torch. M. Price, “Greek Imperial Coins,” NC (1971), p. 129 and note 4; BMC p. 7 note; SNG München -; SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; Mionnet II 58. EF, black-brown patina with some green and lighter brown overones, hairline flan crack. Extremely rare.
The tragic love-story of Hero and Leander was a popular theme with Classical and Renaissance poets and playwrights. Leander was a young man from Abydus, located on the Asian side of the Hellespont. Across the water in Sestus lived Hero, a virgin and priestess of Aphrodite. Enamored of Hero, Leander would swim each night two miles across the strait to woo her and would swim back to Abydus in the early morning. To guide him in this dangerous journey, Hero would climb a tower on the shore near Sestus with a lamp. One stormy night, however, Leander, drowned when the storm put out the light. When Hero became aware of his death, she cast herself in despair from the tower into the waters below, and she too drowned.
Estimate: 7500 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE: ERO E LEANDRO, DIPINTO DI WILLIAM ETTYN (1828). Durante una festa in onore di Adone il giovane Leandro si innamorò della vergine Ero, sacerdotessa di Afrodite. I giovani risiedevano sulle rive opposte dell’ Ellesponto, Leandro ad Abido ed Ero a Sesto. Pur di incontrare l’amata Leandro attraversava a nuoto ogni notte lo stretto dei Dardanelli, guidato dalla luce di una lucerna accesa da Ero sulla cima della torre in cui ella viveva.  Quando giungeva l’inverno, Leandro continuava ostinatamente le sue traversate finchè, in una notte tempestosa, il  vento  spense il lume: il giovane in balia dei flutti e privo di orientamento, annegò. Nelle prime luci dell’alba Ero, che aveva atteso l’arrivo dell’amato invano tutta la notte, scorse dalla sua torre il corpo esanime di Leandro sulla spiaggia. In un impeto di dolore Ero si gettò dalla torre, unendosi a colui che aveva amato.



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BUONE VACANZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XI Auction date: 8 January 2008
Lot number: 283

Price realized: 1,800 USD   (Approx. 1,223 EUR / 912 GBP / 2,007 CHF)

Lot description:
CILICIA, Tarsos. 164-27 BC. Æ 26mm (14.93 g, 12h). San- and Phili-, magistrates. Tyche, turreted and veiled, holding grain ears in extended right hand, seated right on throne, right foot on the shoulder of the river god Orontes, who swims right below / TARSEWN, Zeus Nikephoros seated left; SAN/FILI in two lines to left. Cf. SNG France 1374; SNG Levante 979-80 var. (magistrates); SNG Copenhagen -; SNG von Aulock -; BMC -. Near EF, exceptional olive green patina, light adjustment marks on obverse, a couple spots of encrustation on reverse. 
Estimate: 500 USD






11 ore fa, King John dice:
Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.
Auction Triton XI, lot 477, date 8/01/2008

TROAS, Abydus. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ 38mm (26.29 g, 6h). Struck AD 215-217. AV K M AVPH ANTWNEINO C, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ABVDHNW N above, HPW downward to right, LAIANDPOC in exergue, Leander swimming right across Hellespont toward tower containing Hero standing left, who holds a lighted lamp in extended right hand; to left, sheathed sword set on rock outcropping; above, Eros flying right, holding wedding torch. M. Price, “Greek Imperial Coins,” NC (1971), p. 129 and note 4; BMC p. 7 note; SNG München -; SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; Mionnet II 58. EF, black-brown patina with some green and lighter brown overones, hairline flan crack. Extremely rare.
The tragic love-story of Hero and Leander was a popular theme with Classical and Renaissance poets and playwrights. Leander was a young man from Abydus, located on the Asian side of the Hellespont. Across the water in Sestus lived Hero, a virgin and priestess of Aphrodite. Enamored of Hero, Leander would swim each night two miles across the strait to woo her and would swim back to Abydus in the early morning. To guide him in this dangerous journey, Hero would climb a tower on the shore near Sestus with a lamp. One stormy night, however, Leander, drowned when the storm put out the light. When Hero became aware of his death, she cast herself in despair from the tower into the waters below, and she too drowned.
Estimate: 7500 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE: ERO E LEANDRO, DIPINTO DI WILLIAM ETTYN (1828). Durante una festa in onore di Adone il giovane Leandro si innamorò della vergine Ero, sacerdotessa di Afrodite. I giovani risiedevano sulle rive opposte dell’ Ellesponto, Leandro ad Abido ed Ero a Sesto. Pur di incontrare l’amata Leandro attraversava a nuoto ogni notte lo stretto dei Dardanelli, guidato dalla luce di una lucerna accesa da Ero sulla cima della torre in cui ella viveva.  Quando giungeva l’inverno, Leandro continuava ostinatamente le sue traversate finchè, in una notte tempestosa, il  vento  spense il lume: il giovane in balia dei flutti e privo di orientamento, annegò. Nelle prime luci dell’alba Ero, che aveva atteso l’arrivo dell’amato invano tutta la notte, scorse dalla sua torre il corpo esanime di Leandro sulla spiaggia. In un impeto di dolore Ero si gettò dalla torre, unendosi a colui che aveva amato.



L'amore l'unica panacea a tutto..

  • Mi piace 1

Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 424 Auction date: 11 July 2018
Lot number: 476
Price realized: 300 USD   (Approx. 256 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Hadrian. AD 117-138. Æ Sestertius (32mm, 23.76 g, 6h). Rome mint. Struck AD 118. Laureate bust right, slight drapery / Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and cornucopia. RIC II 551a; Banti 414. Good VF, dark green patina. Attractive portrait.
Purchased from Palladium Coins, 1996.
Estimate: 500 USD



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Dalla scitica Olbia ( 400-300 AC ), un raro grande bronzo ( 119,04 g. ) con al diritto la testa elmata della dea guerriera Atena .

Al rovescio, ben centrata, ruota di carro probabilmente da guerra a 4 raggi .

Passerà in asta Stack's  ANA Auction al lotto 20077 il prossimo 21-08 -2018 -

001 Stack's ANA Auction N. 20077.jpg

  • Mi piace 1


The New York Sale

Auction XLII, LOT 35, DATE 9/01/2018, Hammer 475 USD

Sicily, Messana. The Mamertinoi. Æ Quincunx (14.30 g), 264-241 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right. rev. MAME[PTINΩN], warrior advancing left, holding forth shield on arm, and spear; in upper left field, four pellets. Särström series XVIII A; BAR 14; CNS 45. Attractive dark greenish-brown patina. Some minor porosity on reverse. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $300
From the Dionysus Collection.



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The Roman Republic 
Marcus Antonius. Denarius, mint moving with M. Antonius 32-31, AR 3.59 g. ANT AVG – III·VIR·R·P·C Galley r., with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Rev. LEG – X Aquila between two standards. Babelon Antonia 117. C 38. Sydenham 1228. Sear Imperators 361. Crawford 544/24.
Struck on an exceptionally large flan and with a superb old cabinet tone. Minor area
of weakness on obverse due to the size of the flan, otherwise extremely fine Exceptionally nice example of the famous legionary denarii, struck before the battle of Actium on 2nd September 31. Legions I-XXIII, as well as special units, were honoured with these issues. Legio X specifically was Caesar's own legion. AMP.



roman republican legionary from the tenth legion.jpg

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5 ore fa, King John dice:

The New York Sale

Auction XLII, LOT 35, DATE 9/01/2018, Hammer 475 USD

Sicily, Messana. The Mamertinoi. Æ Quincunx (14.30 g), 264-241 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right. rev. MAME[PTINΩN], warrior advancing left, holding forth shield on arm, and spear; in upper left field, four pellets. Särström series XVIII A; BAR 14; CNS 45. Attractive dark greenish-brown patina. Some minor porosity on reverse. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $300
From the Dionysus Collection.



Queste cinque once la dicono tutta sulla mano felice dell'incisore..

  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Magnesia, Ionia c. 400 BC Obv. Laureate head of Apollo left. Rev. Cuirass, M - A in fields. SNG Kayhan 393. 7 mm, 0.5g (Cited from:





Modificato da King John


Domani in asta CNG El.Auc. 426 al lotto 3, un bronzo dei Brettii ( 211-208 AC , 27 mm. , 17,13 g.) .

Rappresentati i due dei guerrieri  : al diritto testa elmata di Ares , al rovescio Atena con elmo, scudo, lancia, indossante lunga veste .


001 CNG El.Auc. 426.jpg

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Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 100 Auction date: 29 May 2017
Lot number: 598
Price realized: 75,000 CHF   (Approx. 77,018 USD / 68,854 EUR / 60,213 GBP)
Lot description:
The Roman Empire 
Carinus caesar, 282 – 283. Aureus, Siscia ? 282-283, AV 4.30 g. M AVR CARINVS NOB CAES Laureate and cuirassed bust l., r. hand raised; the lorica decorated with aegis. Rev. VICTO –RIA AVG Victory standing l. on globe, holding wreath, palm-branch and trophy (?). C –, cf. 199 for reverse (wreath and trophy). RIC –, cf. 190 for reverse (wreath and trophy). Calicó –.
Apparently unique and unrecorded. A spectacular and unusual portrait, the work of a very
skilled master engraver, wonderful reddish tone. Virtually as struck and almost Fdc

Ex Tkalec sale 9 February 2005, 368 (illustrated on the front cover page).
This aureus was struck in AD 282 to celebrate the elevation of Carinus to the status of Caesar (i.e. junior emperor) by his father, the emperor Carus. As Caesar, Carinus was charged with defending the western provinces while Carus prosecuted a remarkably successful war against the Sasanian Persians. Carinus is known to have inflicted defeats on the Germanic Quadi while serving as Caesar, which may account for the military flavor of the obverse type and the depiction of the victoriola on the reverse.
Carinus is shown wearing a full breastplate adorned with a gorgoneion on the chest, which gives him a much more heroic appearance than the scaled cuirass he normally wears on his coinage. The engraver has done a masterful job of picking out the details of the rivets, the drapery, and the tassels at the ends of the shoulder pteruges. Curiously, he has made a mistake in the treatment of the hand. While Carinus appears to extend his left arm, the hand at the end giving the salute is actually his right hand.
The victoriola was a statue of Victory on a globe that symbolized the power and prestige that devolved upon an emperor following the defeat of the enemy. In later Roman coin iconography deities - most frequently Jupiter - are shown bestowing the victoriola on the emperor.
While the coin presents the auspicious beginning of Carinus' imperial career, things quickly began to fall apart. In AD 283, Carinus celebrated a triumph in Rome and was elevated to the status of Augustus to rule in partnership with his father. Later that year Carus died in the East from either disease or a lightning strike, leaving Carinus and his younger brother Numerian, behind. Numerian had been campaigning alongside his father in the role of Caesar, but became Augustus upon his death. However, Numerian's new title lacked power over the army and the soldiery forced him to give up the Persian campaign, which had already sacked the Sasanian capital at Ctesiphon, and begin the long march home. On the way, Numerian fell ill and died under suspicious circumstances, leaving the cavalry commander Diocletian to take up the imperial purple for himself.
When Carinus learned of these events, he immediately assembled an army and marched against Diocletian. The forces of Carinus and Diocletian met at the Margus River in Moesia to decide the fate of the Empire. According to one account, the forces of Carinus fought well against Diocletian, but were broken when Carinus was suddenly assassinated by a military tribune seeking revenge for the seduction of his wife. Others report that Carinus was deserted by his army, thereby granting Diocletian total victory. The hapless Carinus was killed and his name and image was ordered stricken from all monuments in the proceeding known as damnatio memoriae.



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