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1 ora fa, dabbene dice:

Autunno, vorremmo uscire verso fine anno di di massima...

Ok, promesso allora. Scriverò un articolo per il "Gazzettino di Quelli del Cordusio" credo a settembre-ottobre.

Prima finisco una bomba atomica a cui sto lavorando: una dimostrazione spero definitiva della fondatezza dell'interpretazione numerica dei monogrammi riportati su alcune monete greche...

  • Mi piace 1

Nomos AG > Auction 16 Auction date: 10 May 2018
Lot number: 157
Price realized: 8,500 CHF   (Approx. 8,464 USD / 7,125 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Julius Caesar, first half of March, 44 BC. Denarius (Silver, 20 mm, 3.71 g, 6 h), with L. Aemilius Buca, Rome. CAESAR.DICT- PERPETVO Head of Caesar wearing wreath to right. Rev. L.BVCA Fasces and winged caduceus in saltire; above, globe; below, axe; to left, two clasped hands. Alföldi XIII, 78 (same dies). Babelon (Aemilia) 17, (Julia) 37. Crawford 480/6. CRI 103. Sydenham 1063. Nicely toned, well-centered and with a fine portrait. Minor edge break and traces of corrosion, otherwise, nearly extremely fine.
From a European collection. This coin was struck just prior to Caesar's assassination.
Estimate: 6500 CHF

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Giulio Cesare ordina al suo esercito di togliere l'assedio alle truppe di Gneo Pompeo asserragliate in fortificazioni

nei pressi della città di Dyrrachium (17 luglio 48 a.C.) e ripiegare verso la Tessaglia dove conseguì dopo poche settimane la decisiva vittoria di Farsalo.



  • Mi piace 1


Hadrian (AD 117-138). Orichalcum sestertius (35mm, 29.62 gm, 6h). Rome, AD 134-38. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head of Hadrian right / DISCIPLIN AVG S C in exergue, Hadrian, holding roll, advancing right, followed by officer, two soldiers carrying standards and one playing a cornu. RIC II 746 variant (DISCIPLINA). BMCRE 1484 note. Cohen 543. Very rare! Slightly rough green patina. Very Fine.





THESSALY, Kierion. Mid 4th century BC. AR Trihemiobol (14mm, 1.24 g, 3h). Head of the nymph Arne r. wearing triple pendant earring and necklace, border of dots / ΚΙΕΡΙ l. up, ΕΙΩΝ r. down, Arne, her hair done up and tied in a small bun at the top of her head, half-kneeling to her l., playing with knucklebones to her r. See CNG 57 (4 April 2001) 284 for the same dies. Good VF, lightly toned and with slightly rough surfaces.
The dies of this coin are very delicately engraved with an amazing amount of detail and must have been the work of a talented and meticulous die-cutter.



  • Mi piace 2

1 ora fa, King John dice:

THESSALY, Kierion. Mid 4th century BC. AR Trihemiobol (14mm, 1.24 g, 3h). Head of the nymph Arne r. wearing triple pendant earring and necklace, border of dots / ΚΙΕΡΙ l. up, ΕΙΩΝ r. down, Arne, her hair done up and tied in a small bun at the top of her head, half-kneeling to her l., playing with knucklebones to her r. See CNG 57 (4 April 2001) 284 for the same dies. Good VF, lightly toned and with slightly rough surfaces.
The dies of this coin are very delicately engraved with an amazing amount of detail and must have been the work of a talented and meticulous die-cutter.



Quest'obolo e mezzo sembra fatto nel primo decennio del 900, raffigurazione e profilo Liberty..

A parte l'ovvio richiamo e ispiratore per gli artisti che vennero dopo al mondo classico, questo tondello è di una eleganza e raffinatezza incredibile.

  • Mi piace 1


Quanto abbiamo in Italia e non lo sappiamo, questo e' il nostro petrolio che tutti, se ben divulgato, potrebbero ammirare e invidiarci ...

  • Mi piace 1


Ragazzi, ma questa copertina non vi ricorda la presente discussione???? Se dovesse essere così non può che fare piacere....


  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Gli arcieri cretesi sono stati menzionati in questa discussione qui:



Modificato da King John


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction 90, lot 1480, date 23/05/2012, Hammer 750 USD

Galba. AD 68-69. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.30 g, 7h). Rome mint. Struck circa July AD 68-January AD 69. Laureate head right / Hispania advancing left, holding poppy between two stalks of grain and two spears and shield. RIC I 155; RSC 82. VF, toned, slightly granular surfaces, a couple light scratches in field on obverse, traces of deposits.

illustrazione: Personificazione dell'Hispania, rilievo del Tempio di Adriano nel Campo Marzio (Inv. N. MC767).





Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Electronic Auction 404, lot 78, date 23/08/17, Hammer 150 USD

THESSALY, Krannon. 3rd century BC. Æ Trichalkon (19mm, 8.80 g, 5h). Draped bust of Thessalos right, wearing petasos / KPA-N-[N
ΩNIΩN], Thessalian warrior on horse rearing right; monogram below. Rogers 202; BCD Thessaly I 1087; BCD Thessaly II 120.1; HGC 4, 382. VF, dark red-brown patina.
From the BCD Collection.




13 ore fa, King John dice:

Ragazzi, ma questa copertina non vi ricorda la presente discussione???? Se dovesse essere così non può che fare piacere....


Caro Federico, molti sono convinti che siano pochi a seguirci, quando invece mi duole ammettere per loro, che tutto  il mondo numismatico e non solo ci legge, e anche tutti i giorni, molti in anonimo.

La tua, come alcune  "nostre vetrine" sono straordinari esempi fatti di divulgazione pura, e ricchi di spunti.

Tutti ci leggono, tutti ti leggono, mai io scrivo.

A volte basta poco..


  • Mi piace 2


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction Triton XXI, Lot 156, date 9/01/2018, Hammer 9.000 USD

The Staffieri Collection 
EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. Æ Drachm (35mm, 23.67 g, 12h). Labors of Herakles series. Dated RY 5 (AD 141/142). [AVT] K T AIΛ A∆P ANTωNINOC ЄVCЄB, laureate head right / Herakles and Hippolyte's Girdle – Herakles standing right, nude but for lion's skin draped over his left shoulder, holding club with left hand over his left shoulder and with right hand he seizes the "Golden Girdle" from the prostrate Hippolyte on her fallen horse which lies left; to upper right, L Є (date). Köln –; Dattari (Savio) 2616 (this coin); K&G 35.144; Emmett 1540.5 (R4); Staffieri, Alexandria In Nummis 156 (this coin). VF, attractive brown surfaces. Extremely rare, and one of the finest known for the type. Emmett lists this types as being struck for three of Pius' regnal years: 5, 6, and 10.
From the Giovanni Maria Staffieri Collection, purchased from Renzo Canavesi, Sagno, 1996. Ex Renzo Canavesi Collection (Sagno); Dr. Piero Beretta Collection (Milan); Giovanni Dattari Collection, no. 2616.
At the request of Admete, Eurystheus' daughter, Herakles as his Ninth Labor went to seize the golden girdle of Hippolyte, a garment that gave power and supremacy to the wearer. The daughter of Otrera and the god Ares, Hippolyte was the queen of the Amazons, an all female race who lived near the slopes of the Caucasus. To carry off this Labor, Herakles organized an expedition, which included the Athenian hero Theseus. Upon the heroes' arrival, the Amazon women greeted them warmly, while Hippolyte offered the girdle as a gift. Hera, on hearing this, took the form of an Amazon, spreading a rumor that Herakles had come to steal away their queen, and take her back with him to Greece. The female warriors, in protection of their queen, began fighting the heroes. In the melée that followed, Herakles slew Hippolyte, thinking she had betrayed him. Winning the battle, Herakles headed back for Mycenae. On the way, he saved the life of Hesione, daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy. Laomedon, however, refused to reward the hero for his service. In retribution, Herakles slew the king and all his sons, save the youngest, Podarces, who later became known as Priam.



heracles and hippolyte's belt.jpg



  • Mi piace 1

Augustus. 27 BC-AD 14. AV Aureus (8.04 g, 12h). Pergamum mint. Struck 19 BC. AVGVSTVS, bare head right / ARMENIA above, CAPTA in exergue, Victory, draped, wings spread, kneeling right on the back of a bull, recumbent on ground right, grasping the bull’s head and turning its horns. RIC I 514; Calicó 160 (this coin illustrated); BMCRE 671 = BMCRR East 308; BN 977-8; Biaggi 82 (this coin). Good VF, a few minor field marks. Very rare.
Ex Gilbert Steinberg Collection (Numismatica Ars Classica, 16 November 1994), lot 144; Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection (Part III, Sotheby’s New York, 4 December 1990), lot 68; Biaggi Collection, 82.
The eastern part of the Roman empire had long proved a difficult region to control. In 53 BC, Crassus was killed at Carrhae and his legions destroyed, with their prized legionary standards captured by the Parthians. The limits of Roman might were severely tested. Keeping Armenia free from Parthian domination was of great importance to Augustus. When the Armenians asked for Rome’s help in ridding them of Artaxes in favor of Tigranes, Augustus sent Tiberius to deal with the matter. In the event, the Armenians themselves removed Artaxes, Tiberius arriving late to be of little aid. However, the Romans, always ready to use propaganda to their advantage, treated this ‘victory’ as a monumental diplomatic triumph. Tiberius “put on a lordly air, especially after sacrifices had been offered up to commemorate the event, as though he had accomplished something by martial prowess” (Dio, LIV. 9).Prideaux suggests that the reverse iconography and consequent interpretation should be reexamined. The type is generally described as Victory cutting the throat of a recumbent bull, without any explanation of this weird and unusual scene. However, a close inspection reveals that the scene does not depict an act of throat cutting, nor any knife in Victory’s hand. Instead, Victory is mastering the bull by holding and turning its horns, as some famous wrestler is said to have done in an arena. The significance of this would have been obvious to the soldiers, citizens, or anyone else handling or viewing the coin. The scene should be correctly interpreted as the Romans’ mastering of the Taurus mountain range, the natural and formidable barrier beyond which Armenia was thought to have been out of reach and secure.
Estimate: 15000 USD





Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction Triton XVI, lot 375, date 8/01/2013, Hammer  4.000 USD

LOKRIS, Lokri Opuntii. Circa 360-350 BC. AR Stater (22mm, 11.94 g, 6h). Head of Persephone left, wearing wreath of grain ears, triple pendant earring, and pearl necklace / Ajax, nude but for crested Corinthian helmet, holding sword in right hand, shield decorated with serpent on left arm, advancing right on rocks; OΠON-TIΩN around, two spears below. BCD Lokris 42 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 46; SNG Lockett 1694; Boston MFA 955. Good VF, toned, slight die shift.
Ex Peus 401 (3 November 2010), lot 313; Tkalec (24 October 2003), lot 87.




9 ore fa, King John dice:

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction Triton XXI, Lot 156, date 9/01/2018, Hammer 9.000 USD

The Staffieri Collection 
EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. Æ Drachm (35mm, 23.67 g, 12h). Labors of Herakles series. Dated RY 5 (AD 141/142). [AVT] K T AIΛ A∆P ANTωNINOC ЄVCЄB, laureate head right / Herakles and Hippolyte's Girdle – Herakles standing right, nude but for lion's skin draped over his left shoulder, holding club with left hand over his left shoulder and with right hand he seizes the "Golden Girdle" from the prostrate Hippolyte on her fallen horse which lies left; to upper right, L Є (date). Köln –; Dattari (Savio) 2616 (this coin); K&G 35.144; Emmett 1540.5 (R4); Staffieri, Alexandria In Nummis 156 (this coin). VF, attractive brown surfaces. Extremely rare, and one of the finest known for the type. Emmett lists this types as being struck for three of Pius' regnal years: 5, 6, and 10.
From the Giovanni Maria Staffieri Collection, purchased from Renzo Canavesi, Sagno, 1996. Ex Renzo Canavesi Collection (Sagno); Dr. Piero Beretta Collection (Milan); Giovanni Dattari Collection, no. 2616.
At the request of Admete, Eurystheus' daughter, Herakles as his Ninth Labor went to seize the golden girdle of Hippolyte, a garment that gave power and supremacy to the wearer. The daughter of Otrera and the god Ares, Hippolyte was the queen of the Amazons, an all female race who lived near the slopes of the Caucasus. To carry off this Labor, Herakles organized an expedition, which included the Athenian hero Theseus. Upon the heroes' arrival, the Amazon women greeted them warmly, while Hippolyte offered the girdle as a gift. Hera, on hearing this, took the form of an Amazon, spreading a rumor that Herakles had come to steal away their queen, and take her back with him to Greece. The female warriors, in protection of their queen, began fighting the heroes. In the melée that followed, Herakles slew Hippolyte, thinking she had betrayed him. Winning the battle, Herakles headed back for Mycenae. On the way, he saved the life of Hesione, daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy. Laomedon, however, refused to reward the hero for his service. In retribution, Herakles slew the king and all his sons, save the youngest, Podarces, who later became known as Priam.



heracles and hippolyte's belt.jpg



Mi hanno costretto, le amazzoni aizzate da Era, avevano più volte tentato l'assalto alla mia imbarcazione. fui lesto ha sottrarre quella cintura a Ippolita, riuscendo cosi nella mia nona fatica, accontentando Euristeo. 

  • Mi piace 1


Roman Provincial 
EGYPT, Alexandria. Julia Mamaea. Augusta, AD 222-235. Potin Tetradrachm (23mm, 13.11 g, 12h). Dated RY 13 of Severus Alexander (AD 233/234). Draped bust right, wearing stephane / Severus Alexander on horseback left, holding eagle-tipped scepter, right hand raised in salute; palm frond to left, LIΓ (date) to right. Köln 2539; Dattari (Savio) 4454 & 10019: K&G 64.115; Emmett 3204.13 (R3). Good VF, dark gray-brown surfaces. Rare type for this regnal year.
From the Hermanubis Collection.




9 ore fa, eracle62 dice:

Mi hanno costretto, le amazzoni aizzate da Era, avevano più volte tentato l'assalto alla mia imbarcazione. fui lesto ha sottrarre quella cintura a Ippolita, riuscendo cosi nella mia nona fatica, accontentando Euristeo. 

Ammazza che cattivone 'ste Amazzoni...

  • Haha 1

Heritage World Coin Auctions > NYINC Signature Sale 3038 Auction date: 13 January 2015
Lot number: 33106
Price realized: 600 USD   (Approx. 509 EUR / 395 GBP / 612 CHF)
Lot description:
LESBOS. Mytilene. Ca. 377-326 BC. EL hecte (2.59 gm). Head of young Cabeiros right, wearing wreathed pileus helmet; at sides, two stars / Head of Persephone right, wearing earring; all within square frame. Bodenstedt 99. SNG Copenhagen 321. Minor earthen deposits, otherwise Nearly Extremely Fine.
Estimate: 700-1000 USD



  • Mi piace 2


Moneta da sogno questa, di una bellezza incredibile, siamo ai primordi della monetazione , l'elettro, l'incuso al rovescio, questo elmo del giovane soldato e poi quelle due stellette che potrebbero farci riflettere ulteriormente...che bella ...

A volte capisco e non capisco, qui siamo nel massimo della divulgazione, monete da sogno che molti non vedono mai, un inno al collezionare, allo studio, chiunque può interagire, chiedere, domandare, osservare, e' una grande opportunità ...sfruttatela no monologo sia che sempre bello e virtuoso sarà ...

  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 108Auction date: 16 May 2018Lot number: 653
Price realized: 7,500 USD   
(Approx. 6,323 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Geta. As Caesar, AD 198-209. Æ Dupondius or As (25mm, 9.57 g, 12h). Rome mint. Struck under Septimius Severus, circa AD 205. GETA CAES PONTIFEX, bare headed and cuirassed bust right, breastplate adorned with aegis / PRINC IVVENT COS, two horsemen galloping left above three horsemen galloping right; S C in exergue. RIC IV 131; BMCRE p. 337, ‡ = Cohen 169. VF, rough green patina, gently smoothed on cheek and neck. Medallic portrait. Extremely rare, possibly the second known (the other in Paris) and a unique type in all Roman coinage. 
The reverse of this highly interesting issue depicts a military exercise known as the decursio. Although coins of Nero also depicts the drill, these earlier issues render this event from the ground level. The closest surviving artistic parallels for the Geta type are the well-known scenes of a decursio from the base of the Column of Antoninus Pius, which employ a similar bird's-eye view. 




Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1

8 ore fa, King John dice:
Heritage World Coin Auctions > NYINC Signature Sale 3038 Auction date: 13 January 2015
Lot number: 33106
Price realized: 600 USD   (Approx. 509 EUR / 395 GBP / 612 CHF)
Lot description:
LESBOS. Mytilene. Ca. 377-326 BC. EL hecte (2.59 gm). Head of young Cabeiros right, wearing wreathed pileus helmet; at sides, two stars / Head of Persephone right, wearing earring; all within square frame. Bodenstedt 99. SNG Copenhagen 321. Minor earthen deposits, otherwise Nearly Extremely Fine.
Estimate: 700-1000 USD



Doppio ritratto doppia emozione..

Dal punto di vista stilistico, sublime.

Per quello emozionale parlante...odo i sussurri..


  • Mi piace 1

CELTS IN CENTRAL GAUL. The Aedui. Viipotal. Mid-first century BC. Silver quinarius (2.01 gm). Aeduan Warrior series. Laureate head left / [VIIPOTAL], warrior standing facing, holding boar standard and trophy(?) in extended left hand, resting right on shield. CCCBM II 489-496, S391-S395. LT 4484. Dessewffy 592. Possessing a magnificent depiction of a Gaulish warrior. Beautifully toned. Nearly extremely fine 
Estimated Value: $ 1,000



  • Mi piace 1


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction Triton XVII, lot 574, date 7/01/2014, Hammer 1.100 USD

The Caesarians. Julius Caesar. Late 46-early 45 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.73 g, 6h). Military mint traveling with Caesar in Spain. Diademed and draped bust of Venus left, wearing single-drop earring, hair rolled back and collected into a knot behind, which is ornamented with a star; lituus and bust of Cupid to left, scepter to right / Trophy of Gallic arms, composed of horned helmet and cuirass, two shields, one oval, the other oblong, two spears, and two carnyces ; two captives at base, the one on left a bearded male with hands bound behind him kneeling left, head right, the one on right a female seated right, resting left elbow on left knee, left hand to head, in attitude of dejection; CAESAR in exergue. Crawford 468/2; CRI 59; Sydenham 1015; Kestner 3644; BMCRR Spain 86-8; RSC 14. VF, darkly toned.
From the Archer M. Huntington Collection, ANS 1001.1.24864.


roman history 28.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

11 ore fa, King John dice:

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction Triton XVII, lot 574, date 7/01/2014, Hammer 1.100 USD

The Caesarians. Julius Caesar. Late 46-early 45 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.73 g, 6h). Military mint traveling with Caesar in Spain. Diademed and draped bust of Venus left, wearing single-drop earring, hair rolled back and collected into a knot behind, which is ornamented with a star; lituus and bust of Cupid to left, scepter to right / Trophy of Gallic arms, composed of horned helmet and cuirass, two shields, one oval, the other oblong, two spears, and two carnyces ; two captives at base, the one on left a bearded male with hands bound behind him kneeling left, head right, the one on right a female seated right, resting left elbow on left knee, left hand to head, in attitude of dejection; CAESAR in exergue. Crawford 468/2; CRI 59; Sydenham 1015; Kestner 3644; BMCRR Spain 86-8; RSC 14. VF, darkly toned.
From the Archer M. Huntington Collection, ANS 1001.1.24864.


roman history 28.jpg

Denarino di categoria..

Ritratto di Venere con profilo Greco stupendo.

Poi quella scena dei prigionieri, e quel trofeo d'armi Gallico un racconto..

  • Mi piace 1

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