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The Staffieri Collection 
EGYPT, Alexandria. Domitian. AD 81-96. Æ Diobol (25mm, 10.86 g, 12h). Dated RY 10 (AD 90/91). AVT KAICAP ΔΟ ΜΙΤ CEB ΓΕΡΜ, laureate head right / Agathodaimon serpent, wearing the skhent crown, on horseback galloping left; L I (date) below. Köln –; Dattari (Savio) –; K&G 24.109; RPC II 2585; SNG Copenhagen 214; Emmett 277.10 (R5); Staffieri, Alexandria In Nummis 39 (this coin). Good VF, attractive light brown patina. Extremely rare variety. Exceptional portrait.
From the Giovanni Maria Staffieri Collection. Ex West Coast/Lloyd Beauchaine Collection (Classical Numismatic Group 41, 19 March 1997), lot 1110; Classical Numismatic Review Vol. XVI, No. 1 (January 1991), lot 316; Numismatic Fine Arts Fall Mail Bid Sale (18 October 1990), lot 2365.
This is a rare type in general, but with Agathodaimon riding the horse to the left, instead of the usual horse to the right, it is extremely rare. The authors of RPC cite only three specimens, all in museum collections: American Numismatic Society, Berlin, and Copenhagen. As to the meaning of the reverse type, the horse represents the changing of the seasons, whereas the serpent represents regeneration or the rebirth of the crops. All of Egyptian life was dependent on this cycle.
Shai (Psais in greco) è una divinità egizia correlata al destino.
M8 A i i A40


Divinità primordiale e protettore della città di Esna era la personificazione del destino.
Nel tempio di Karnak Amon-Ra è detto lo shai di tutti gli dei. Come dio del fato, e quindi responsabile del destino di tutti gli uomini, Shay era presente al giudizio dell'anima dopo la morte e la discesa nella duat. In conseguenza di ciò talvolta era identificato come sposo di Meskhenet, divinità protettrice delle nascite. In epoca più tarda anche come sposo di Renenet divinità delle messi, della prosperità ma anche colei che assegna l'anima (ren) ai nascituri.
Durante il periodo di Amarna Shai divenne un attributo di Aton e il suo legame con la divinità protettrice permase anche in seguito tanto che Ramses II si attribuì l'epiteto di Signore di Shai (Signore del fato).

Durante il periodo tolemaico Shai, in qualità di dio del fato, fu identificato con la divinità greca Agathos, dio della fortuna.
Essendo Agathodaemon rappresentato da un serpente e le lettere š3y indicano, in antico egizio, anche il maiale, nel periodo ellenistico Shai fu anche rappresentato come un serpente con la testa suina.



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Agora Auctions > Numismatic Auction 36 Auction date: 14 July 2015
Lot number: 148
Price realized: 75 USD   (Approx. 68 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
ROMAN REPUBLIC. M. Sergius Silus, 116-115 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Horseman riding, holding sword and severed head. Cr 286/1. Sergia.1a. Toned aVF. 
Estimate: 125 USD




Inviato (modificato)

Savoca Numismatik GmbH & Co. KG > Blue Auction 6    Auction date: 7 April 2018
Lot number: 891

Price realized: 75 EUR   (Approx. 92 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.    Show similar lots on CoinArchives

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Lot description:

Trajan AD 98-117. Rome
Denarius AR   18mm., 3,18g.  IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Dacian standing with bound hands before pile of captured arms, DAC CAP in exergue. 

very fine

RIC 99; RSC 121a




Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Oggi in asta Naumann 67 al lotto 21, una piccola litra di argento  arcaica da Imera, con al diritto una bella testa barbuta, forse il guerriero che indosserà ( dal rovescio ) l' elmo corinzio con apparente decorazione floreale sulla calotta .

001 Num.Naumann 67 n. 21.jpg

002 Num.Naumann 67 n. 21.jpg

Modificato da VALTERI
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Saluti a tutti gli amici della sezione da Atene la sera l'acropoli è un sogno..  :rolleyes:


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9 ore fa, eracle62 dice:

Saluti a tutti gli amici della sezione da Atene la sera l'acropoli è un sogno..  :rolleyes:




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Cleopatra VII (51-30 BC). Æ 80 drachmae (27mm, 18.14 gm, 11h). Alexandria, ca. 50-40 BC. Diademed, draped bust of Cleopatra VII right, hair pulled back in parallel plaits and tied in bun at nape of neck / ΚΛΕOΠΑΤΡΑΣ  ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ, eagle standing left on thunderbolt, cornucopia before; in right field, Π (80). Svoronos 1872λ. Copenhagen 419-21. With a remarkably youthful and attractive portrait of Cleopatra. Dark gray-green patina with light earthen fields, accentuating details. One of the most pleasing Cleopatra portraits we have encountered! Nearly Extremely Fine. Most numismatic portraits of Cleopatra VII Thea Notera ("New Goddess"), last Egyptian ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty and perhaps the most famous woman in all history aside from the Virgin Mary, have a tendency to make one wonder what the fuss was all about. How could any woman with so ferocious a nose and chin have so utterly captivated two of the most powerful Roman men of her age, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, and have gone down in history as a legendary beauty and seductress? While some Classical historians are at pains to note that Cleopatra's looks were, in Plutarch's words, "not altogether incomparable," nowhere does anyone suggest that she was anything less than pleasing to gaze upon. Cassios Dio even states, "she was a woman of surpassing beauty, and at that time, when she was in the prime of her youth, she was most striking." The few surviving portrait busts that can definitely be attributed to Cleopatra are rather noncommittal on the matter of her beauty, since all but a few are bereft of that key feature, the nose, and perhaps the most famous one, the "Berlin Cleopatra" in the Altes Museum, has, according to some experts, been so extensively reworked in Renaissance times as to be untrustworthy. But the coin offered here, a bronze 80 drachm coin probably struck close to the outset of her reign in 50-48 BC, bears a soft, attractive profile that closely matches the Berlin bust, confirming its reliability. 



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The Triumvirs. Octavian. Autumn 32-summer 31 BC. AR Denarius (20mm, 3.81 g, 12h). Italian (Rome?) mint. Diademed head of Pax right; cornucopia behind, olive branch before / Octavian standing right, raising hand in adlocutio and holding spear over shoulder. RIC I 253; CRI 400; RSC 72. VF, attractively toned. From the Goldman Roman Imperatorial Collection.




Naville Numismatics Ltd. > Auction 32 Auction date: 18 June 2017
Lot number: 431
Price realized: 95 GBP   (Approx. 122 USD / 109 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Octavian as Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD Hybrid plated Denarius circa 19 -12 BC, AR 18.5mm., 3.16g. P. Petronius Turpilianus / L. Caninius Gallus. Diademed and draped bust of Feronia r. Rev. Bearded barbarian, with cloak over shoulder, kneeling r. and offering vexillum. RIC –. For obverse: C 484. RIC 288 and for reverse: C 383. RIC 416.
Very interesting issue; Old cabinet tone, Very Fine.
From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli collection. From the Haeberlin, Ryan and Lawrence collections.
In addition, winning bids of EEC clients for this coin are subject to a 5% fee on hammer price as a reimbursement for import duty paid to HMRC.
Starting Price: 80 GBP




Auction 46 Part II 
Greek Coins 
Uncertain Mint
Bronze 3rd century BC, 5.69 g. Head of negro r. Rev. Elephant r. SNG France 141. Baglione, AIIN suppl. 22, pl. 27, 5. Historia Numorum Italy 69.Dark tone somewhat smoothed, otherwise very fine
Estimate: 500 CHF





MYSIA. Cyzicus. Ca. 500-450 BC. EL stater (19mm, 15.97 gm). NGC Choice XF 5/5 - 5/5. Nude youth kneeling left, holding in his right hand a tunny fish by the tail / Quadripartite incuse square. Von Fritze I 112. Boston MFA 1487. SNG France 253. A stunning specimen, sharply struck and well centered on a broad, round flan, with lovely surfaces.
Cyzicus was an important city on the northwestern coast of Anatolia, well positioned to take advantage of trade across and through the Sea of Marmara. Its coinage was in more or less continuous production from about 550 BC to circa AD 630, a nearly 1,200 year span unmatched by any other ancient mint. The tunny (tuna) fish was the symbol of Cyzicus from mid-6th century BC, when the city began striking electrum staters and fractions that circulated so widely the generic term for a stater became a cyzicenus.  The fishing trade was critical to the economy of Cyzicus and it is likely the tunny fish became a form of pre-coinage currency, which carried over to become a mint symbol after the invention of coinage in nearby Lydia.


Le origini della pesca -8.jpg


ANCIENT COINS. GREEK. Lucania, Thurium (c.443-400 B.C.), Silver Nomos, 7.92g, 1h. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Attic helmet, decorated with an olive-wreath, neck guard formed by four rows of overlapping chain armour, Ξ in field behind neck. Rev. Θ OYPIΩN , bull walking left, a Macedonian helmet below, a fish swimming left in exergue (SNG ANS 936 (these dies); SNG Oxford 1044 (these dies)). A magnificent coin of high-classical style, light and insignificant die-break on obverse, cabinet tone, well-struck and excellent metal quality, extremely fine. From exceptionally rare dies. Ex M&M, Basel, private treaty, c.1983 $7,500



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Inviato (modificato)
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. > Buy or Bid Sale 204 Auction date: 18 July 2018
Lot number: 144
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
Julius Caesar. Denarius; Julius Caesar; Died 44 BC. 42 BC, moneyer L. Livineius Regulus, Denarius, 3.97g. Cr-494/24, Syd-1106 (R5), C-27 (12 Fr.), Sear Imperators-115. Obv: Wreathed portrait of Caesar r. between laurel branch with berries and winged caduceus. Rx: Bull charging r., moneyer's name above and below.. VF
Buy Price: $6500
Starting Price: 4225 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Cesare nella  battaglia che si svolse il 17 marzo 45 a.C. nelle pianure di Munda, nel sud della Spagna, l'ultima battaglia della guerra civile tra Giulio Cesare ed i repubblicani conservatori.



Modificato da King John

Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions > E-Auction 60 Auction date: 9 July 2018
Lot number: 263
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Troas, Dardanos, 4th century BC. Æ (10mm, 1.22g, 11h). Horseman riding r. R/ Cock standing r.; corn grain to r. SNG Copenhagen 292. Dark patina, VF
Estimate: 20 GBP





Syria, Seleukid Kingdom. Alexander I Balas, 150-145 BC. AR Drachm (4.32 g) struck at Antioch. EF
Syria, Seleukid Kingdom. Alexander I Balas, 150-145 BC. AR Drachm (4.32 g) struck at Antioch. Diademed head right of Alexander. Reverse: Apollo seated left on omphalos. Newell SMA 178; Houghton 188. Excellent portrait. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $225 - 275.

ILLUSTRAZIONE: La battaglia di Antiochia, anche nota come battaglia dell'Enoparo, che fu combattuta nel 145 a.C. nei pressi di Antiochia di Siria tra l'esercito del sovrano dell'impero seleucide Alessandro I Bala e il faraone egiziano Tolomeo VI Filometore; Tolomeo fu vittorioso, ma morì per le ferite riportate nello scontro.


Battle of Antioch (Battle of the Oenoparus), 145 BC.png



Justinian I the Great (AD 527-565). AV solidus (21mm, 4.48 gm, 6h).  Constantinople, 10th officina, AD 527-537. D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG, pearl-diademed, helmet and cuirassed bust facing, head slightly right, holding spear over right shoulder and, on left arm, shield decorated with motif of horseman spearing fallen enemy / VICTORI-A AVGGG, angel standing facing, holding long cross in right hand and globus cruciger in left, star in right field, I//CONOB. Sear 137. DOC 3i. MIB 5. Crisply struck devices, lustrous fields. NGC (photo-certificate) MS 4/5 - 3/5, scuff. From The Andre Constantine Dimitriadis Collection. Justinian I is deservedly called "the Great" for his expansive ambition and his many accomplishments. Blessed with a keen intellect, a unique ability to spot talent, a tireless capacity for hard work, and unflinching belief in his vision, he quite nearly reconstituted the Roman Empire in its entirety and might have given it a long-term second lease on life, if not for a few twists of fate. His great generals Belisarius, Germanus and Narses carried East Roman arms from the Euphrates to southern Spain, restoring Africa and Italy to imperial control and turning the Mediterranean once more into a Roman lake, albeit at tremendous cost in coin and blood. In stone and concrete he built Hagia Sophia, the most spectacular church to survive antiquity; in parchment and ink he built the Code of Justinian, a towering work of jurisprudence that is still forms the foundation of European law. An early supporter of women's rights, he insisted that his beautiful and canny wife, Theodora, be granted co-equal powers to his own and often sought her counsel; indeed she saved the regime during the Nika Riots of AD 532. Like many great men, he evoked wildly differing views of his merits: His biographer Procopius both hailed him as a godlike being and attacked him as a demonic tyrant. The disasters of the AD 550s, including earthquakes, a horrific plague that killed a quarter of the Empire's population, and military reverses that undid many early conquests, seemed to show God's displeasure with his rule. Nevertheless Justinian and his picked men strove mightily to overcome these setbacks and, by AD 560, had seemingly done just that. The overall brilliance of his 38-year reign was reflected in the magnificent artistic, architectural, legal, and literary achievements of the age, which cast a long shadow in the centuries to come. This coin from the Dimitriadis Collection has been issued a photo-certificate by NGC. It may be sent in for encapsulation after the auction at the request of the buyer, free of charge. E-mail [email protected] if you would like to utilize this option.



The Battle of Callinicum, April 19 531.jpg


Inviato (modificato)
Areus I, King of Lakedaimon (Sparta), AR Obol, 0.93 g. 309-265 BC. 
Head of bearded Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. 
Club, with handle upwards, between two stars with five rays. 
BMC 2-3; BCD 839 (this coin). 
Extremely rare. 

ILLUSTRAZIONE: ARCIERE SPARTANO. A Sparta nel 424 a.C. si creò un corpo di 400 cavalieri e arcieri per proteggere le coste dagli sbarchi nemici.



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Grandi gli Spartani...

La tua tenacia me li ricorda molto.. :good:

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PTOLEMAIC EGYPT. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246 BC). AV mnaieion or octadrachm (27.79 gm). Alexandria, ca. 270-261 BC. AΔEΛΦΩN, conjoined diademed busts of Ptolemy II and Arsinöe II right; Ptolemy draped, Arsinöe veiled; Gallic shield behind / ΘEΩN, conjoined diademed busts of Ptolemy I and Berenike I, Ptolemy draped, Berenike veiled. Svoronos 603. SNG Copenhagen 132. A pleasing example of this impressive coinage, with four portraits struck in high relief on a broad flan. Extremely fine. These pieces were first struck under Ptolemy II (282-246 BC), a brilliant ruler who built the famous Library of Alexandria and towering Pharos lighthouse. In 279 BC he married his sister, the beautiful and ambitious Arsinöe, in the manner of the old Egyptian pharaohs. To mark the occasion, he introduced the largest gold denomination yet seen in the Greek world, the mnaieion, so called because it was worth one mina (100 drachms) of silver, an enormous sum in ancient times. The typology of this dynastic gold issue celebrates the divine status of the deceased Ptolemy I and his wife, Berenike I, and by allusion, the divine status of the living sibling gods, Ptolemy II and his sister-wife Arsinöe II, as well.






Domitian, 81 - 96 n. Chr. As 81 n. Chr. Rom. 11.40 g. Vs.: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XI CENS PERP P P, Kopf mit Lorbeerkranz u. Ägis n. r. Rs.: Im Feld S - C, Mars schreitet mit Viktoria u. Tropaeum n. l. RIC 420; BMC 365a; BN 388. R! Grüne Patina, ss-vz

ILLUSTRAZIONE La Battaglia del Monte Graupio (83-84 d.C.), nell'attuale Scozia, nella quale i Caledoni furono sconfitti dalle legioni romane guidate da Gneo Giulio Agricola. Le notizie sulla battaglia provengono dal De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae (Vita di Agricola) di Tacito, in cui lo storico romano narra la biografia del proprio suocero, Gneo Giulio Agricola; nel cursus honorum figura anche il governatorato della Britannia, che durò sei anni e durante il quale Agricola diede una maggiore stabilità al dominio romano dell'isola, tanto da suscitare l'invidia dell'imperatore Domiziano, che lo richiamò con la scusa di onorarlo per poi arrestarne la carriera. Durante tale mandato Agricola dovette fronteggiare e sconfiggere gli insorti Caledoni.


84 d.C. Mons Graupius.jpg


Inviato (modificato)

Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 100

Lot number: 1167
Price realized: 325 CHF   (Approx. 334 USD / 298 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
An Interesting Selection of Roman Provincial Coinage 

Attica, Athens. Pseudo-autonomous issues. Bronze circa 120-140, Æ 9.27 g. Bust of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet. Rev. A
ΘH Themistocles standing l. on galley, holding trophy and wreath; on prow, owl and on ram, serpent. Svoronos pl. 97, 5. BMC 785, pl. XIX, 1. SNG Copenhagen 318. Kroll 181.
Rare. Brown patina, minor areas of corrosion, otherwise about very fine


Temistocle fu un uomo politico e generale ateniese (nato ad Atene tra il 530 e il 520 - morto a Magnesia al Meandro verso il 460 aC). Figlio di Neocle della nobile stirpe dei Licomidi, del demo di Phrearrioi, eletto arconte nel 493, trasformò il Pireo nel porto militare di Atene. Messo in secondo piano dall'azione vittoriosa di Milziade a Maratona (490), tornò a dirigere la politica ateniese dopo il fallimento della spedizione di Paro.

Espulsi gli Alcmeonidi suoi oppositori, propose e ottenne, adducendo a pretesto la ripresa della guerra contro Egina, ma pensando a una ripresa della guerra persiana, che i proventi delle miniere del Laurion venissero impiegati nella costruzione di navi; così la flotta ateniese crebbe di 100 triremi. Allo scoppio della II guerra persiana Temistocle fu posto come stratego alla testa delle forze ateniesi; partecipò, sebbene ciò non rientrasse nei suoi piani, alla difesa delle Termopili; crollata tale linea di difesa, diede ordine alla flotta di ritirarsi nel golfo Saronico e fece evacuare Atene, trasferendo la popolazione a Salamina, dove la flotta panellenica pose la sua base. Di contro al parere degli Spartani di impegnare battaglia ai limiti del Peloponneso, Temistocle indusse gli alleati, ricorrendo anche all'inganno, a combattere nelle acque di Salamina.

La vittoria del 480 fu un trionfo per i Greci e per Temistocle; nonostante nel 479 fosse stato sostituito nel comando da Aristide e da Santippo, la popolarità di Temistocle rimase inalterata; nel 476 fu celebrato da Frinico con le Fenicie e applaudito ai Giochi Olimpici. Avversato nel suo programma di avvicinamento ad Argo e sospettato di atteggiamenti tirannici, fu ostracizzato tra il 476 e il 471.

Prese allora dimora ad Argo da dove cercò di sollevare nel Peloponneso un moto democratico contro Sparta e di procurare ad Atene il dominio dell'Ellade. Dagli Spartani fu denunziato agli Ateniesi per aver cospirato con Pausania. Condannato a morte in contumacia, fuggì a Corcira e di lì a Efeso. Più tardi accolto da Artaserse I andò a vivere a Magnesia al Meandro, in Caria, intorno al 465-464, che gli assegnò il dominio della città beneficiando delle rendite di Magnesia, di Miunte e di Lampsaco. Della sua morte, avvenuta alcuni anni dopo, forse nel 460, non si conosce né la data né il modo; secondo la maggior parte delle fonti si sarebbe suicidato, ma secondo lo storico Tucidide, che era a conoscenza di quanto tramandato circa il suicidio, morì di malattia.

Il ritrovamento di un'epigrafe contenente il famoso “decreto di Temistocle” ha riproposto, con il problema della autenticità del testo, anche quello della sua politica prima di Salamina.




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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. > Buy or Bid Sale 204 Auction date: 18 July 2018
Lot number: 32

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction - 
Lot description:
Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine. Solidus; Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; 610-641 AD. Constantinople, 616-25 AD, Solidus, 4.38g. Berk-121, MIB-14, Sear-739. Obv: ddNN hERACLIUS ET hERA CONST PP AVG Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, each wearing simple crown with cross on circlet; in field above, cross. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGU E (officina 5) Cross potent on three steps, I in r. field, CONOB in exergue.. MS

Buy Price: $650

Starting Price: 423 USD





LAKONIA, Lakedaimon (Sparta). Areus I. 309-265 BC. AR Obol (0.79 g, 2h). Stuck circa 265 BC. Bearded head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Upright club with four knot pairs; flanked by stars of five rays. Grunauer group II, series 1, 3 (V1/R2); BCD Peloponnesos 839. Fine, find patina, ragged edge. Extremely rare.


approfitto subito del tuo consiglio e, a commento di questa moneta, posto le foto di uno scudo spartano originale scattate da me personalmente al museo della Stoà di Attalo ad Atene. 






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