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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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No: 16 Rufpreis/Start price CHF 1000.-   d=21 mm
TARENT   AR-Didrachmon. 6,43 g.
Av: Reiter im Panzer mit Helm, Schild und Speer n. r. galoppierend, im Feld l. DI, unten APO/[LLWNIOS].  Rv: [TARAS]
Delphinreiter mit Dreizack n. l., auf der ausgestreckten Hand Nike, die ihn bekränzt.
SNG ANS 1212. Vlasto 894. FDC   RESULT 1.300 CHF





Angus Mcbride, Guerra achea, 146 a.C.

La scena dello scontro fra un cavaliere ed alcuni soldati appiedati che ritorna su tante monete.



  • Mi piace 1


The Prospero Collection of Ancient Greek Coins. KINGDOM OF MACEDON. Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm of 2 Shekels, 15.41g,. Minted at Babylon, struck c.327 B.C. Indian archer standing to right, drawing a large bow, AB monogram behind. Rev. Indian elephant to right, Ξ below (M. Price, ‘Circulation at Babylon in 323 B.C.,’ Mnemata: Papers in Memory of Nancy M. Waggoner, p. 70, 18, pl. 15 (these dies); M. Price, ‘The ‘Porus’ Coinage of Alexander the Great: a symbol of concord and community’, in Studia Paulo Naster Oblata, vol. I: Numismatica Antiqua (1982), p. 78, A/b (these dies); N. Dürr, ‘Neues aus Babylonien’, SM 94 (1974), 36b (this coin); Mitchiner Type 22). Light crack in flan, well-struck for the issue, obverse very fine, reverse good very fine, extremely rare and important. Ex Numismatic Fine Arts, Auction V, Beverly Hills, 23 & 24 February 1978, lot 82 Ex Numismatic Fine Arts, Auction XXV, New York, 29 November 1990, lot 82 This tetradrachm of 2 shekels is without doubt linked to the ‘Poros’ dekadrachm in the previous lot. It too has the xi symbol, but this time on the reverse of the coin. The elephant that appears on the reverse is similar in appearance to the one that features on the obverse of the dekadrachm. There is however a unique innovation on the obverse of this tetradrachm that occurs nowhere else in ancient Greek coinage: the archer appears to be an Indian infantryman. His attire and the arrangement of his hair indicate that he is not a Greek, and this has been a cause of considerable excitement among scholars. The types on both the obverse and reverse of this tetradrachm are symbolic of Indian power, and it therefore seems most likely that they were struck during Alexander’s time in India. It is known that he made use of Indian troops in his campaigns, and had been supplied with manpower and elephants by his ally Taxiles. This fascinating issue expresses elements of that fusion experienced by Alexander’s use of Indian forces. It is also interesting to consider that the very existence of these tetradrachms is indicative that they and the dekadrachms were intended as a coinage and not just as purely commemorative issues. RESULT US$ 55,000



  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Greek Coins
Phoenicia, Sidon, Ba’al'illem II, circa 401-366.
Double shekel, AR 28.10 g. Phoenician war galley to l.; above, Phoenician letter B. Rev. Persian king in chariot l. with driver; behind, king of Sidon following, holding sceptre and votive vase. Betlyon 18. Elay-Elay 573. Rare. Good very fine Privately purchased in 1999.



Modificato da King John


Sicily, Messana Æ Litra. Circa 310-288 BC. Wreathed head of Pelorias l., wearing single-pendant earring and necklace; two dolphins before / Nude warrior (Pheraimon?) advancing l., wearing crested helmet, holding large round shield and spear. Cf. Caccamo Caltalbano 808-872; SNG ANS 394; HGC 2, 834. 8.30g, 22mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. Green patina.





Cilicia. Tarsus. c. 425-400 BC. Stater, 10.63g. (h). Obv: Persian satrap on horseback. Rx: TRZ Warrior, nude but for the helmet, kneeling left, holding round shield ornamented with Medusa head and spear. 



  • Mi piace 2


Dracma di Farsalo :


Non è un guerriero. Porta sulla spalla un bastone detto "lagobolon" che serviva per colpire le lepri, suppongo senza scendere da cavallo.

Una specie di Polo ma con un malcapitato animale invece della palla.

Una bella monetina e scusami l'intrusione fuori tema.




Una bella monetina e scusami l'intrusione fuori tema.

Nessunissima intrusione: ci sta benissimo!



Raffigurazione moderna di un cavaliere di Alessandro Magno ed un elmo beotico originale.





C. Servilius Vatia
Denarius 127, AR 3.54 g. Helmeted head of Roma r. (no star on flap); below chin, Û. Behind, lituus and below, ROMA. Rev. Battle on horseback between two warriors; the shield on horseman on r. inscribed M. In exergue, C·SERVEILI. Babelon Servilia 6 var. Sydenham 483 var. Crawford 264/1 var. An apparently unrecorded variety (no star on flap) and SERVEILI on reverse. Old cabinet tone and good very fine Ex Vinchon sale December 1986, 467.




Greek Coins
No.: 3
Schätzpreis - Estimate CHF 10000
d=20 mm
Didrachm circa 345-340, AR 7.08 g. NEO[PO] Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. Horseman, wearing Samnite helmet, mantle flying behind him, holding spear in r. hand. Sambon 396.
Of the highest rarity, only the fourth specimen known. A coin of great fascination and
historical interest. Metal somewhat porous, otherwise very fine / good very fine
Ex A.D.M. collection.
This excessively rare didrachm, known but for a few specimens, totally differs from the Neapolitan coinage we are wont to. It is very unlike the usual type both for the head of Apollo on the obverse and, above all, for the Samnite horseman on the reverse; in fact it is the only Neapolitan didrachm not showing the customary man-headed bull. We humbly dare to propound an original theory that, even though deserving full corroboration, is plausible both from the historical and strictly numismatic point of view. A. Sambon identifies the rider as "the Tarentine horseman", dating the coin 340 BC as a memento of an alliance between Naples and Tarentum. Our theory does not undermine Sambon’s one as for the dating, on the contrary it is almost coincident as we propose 345-340 BC; but it differs for the interpretation of the reverse.We attach great importance to the detail of the horseman’s headgear, in which we think to recognise the typical Samnite helmet. Based on this evidence we propose the idea that follows. At that time in Naples two political parties were in conflict, one supporting independence and a sympathy for the Samnites and the other Campanian populations in conflict with Roma, and the other in favour of a closer tie with the powerful neighbour. In our opinion, this coin was struck, with its unique and peculiar tipology, by the faction for independence which quickly came off worst in the clash for power. Insignificant was the output of the mint because of the very short lapse of time during which this party seemed to have the better in the city. Eventually, considering the political meaning of the coins, these types were promptly withdrawn from circulation. Immediately following this issue is that in the name of Roma struck in the Neapolitan mint by the pro-Roma party, i.e. Cr. 1/1, Cr. 2/1 and Cr. 13/1, which we date 340 BC





Drachme (6,13g). 424 - 405/404 v.Chr. Vs.: Kopf der Athena mit attischem Helm mit hochgestellten Wangenklappen, darauf Sphinx n. r. Dahinter T-Θ. Rs.: ΦAΡΣ, thessalischer Reiter mit erhobenem Streitkolben n. r. Vor dem linken hinterem Pferdehuf winziges T. Lavva, Pharsalos 145 (V68/R85); Taf. VII, 145. ss




Inviato (modificato)

Tetradramma in argento (13,15 g) di Patraos (340-315 a.C.). .Classical Numismatic Group, asta n.242 del 13/10/2010, lotto n.36.



Modificato da King John


Phoenicia. Sidon. c. 425-402 BC. Half-Siglos, 7.02g. Obv: Galley left before fortress with four projecting towers. In exergue, two lions back to back. Dotted border. Rx: Persian king slaying lion that stands in front of him on hind legs. The whole in incuse square. BM p. 141, 9, pl. 18, 5. Traite II 2, p. 551, 891, pl. 118, 7. SNG Copenhagen 192. Elayi pp. 68 ff. pl. 10-13. Good VF.
Ex Dr. Stephen Gerson Collection.
Estimate: US$1500


Bassorilievo: Scene di caccia al leone del re Assiro Assurbanipal 645-635 a.C., Nineveh, Iraq



  • Mi piace 2


Pamphylia, Aspendos, c. 350-333 BC. AR Stater (10.85 g). EF
Pamphylia, Aspendos, c. 350-333 BC. AR Stater (10.85 g). Two wrestlers grappling; between them, two letters and inscription in exergue. Reverse: Slinger standing right; in right field, triskelion. SNG von Aulock 4568 (this obv. die); Numismatic Chronicle, 1920, plate 13. Slight obverse porosity. Very Fine to Extremely Fine with excellent facial detail. This is an unusual variety of this desirable type, which has the name of a magistrate fully written below the obverse exergual line. Estimated Value $300 -
400. Provenance: Ex Superior's 29 V 91 sale, lot 2026.






Guardate che moneta superba....



Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 416

Auction date: 28 April 2016 Lot number: 47

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -

  Lot description:

Sizilien Messana (Mamertiner)

Pentonkion 220/200 v. Chr. Kopf des Apollon, Beiz. Lyra / Nackter Krieger mit Schwert, Lanze und Schild von vorn. Calciati I, S. 103, Em. 26 8.33 g.; Dunkelgrüne Patina Sehr schön Felder geglättet

Estimate: 250 EUR






Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XI

Auction date: 7 April 2016 Lot number: 673

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction - Bid on this lot external.png  

P. Fonteius P. f. Capito AR Denarius. Rome, 55 BC. P•FONTEIVS•CAPITO•III•VIR, helmeted and draped bust of Mars right; trophy behind / [MN•FONT•TR•MIL], warrior on horseback galloping right, thrusting spear downwards at kneeling enemy in Gallic helmet, who holds sword and shield; to lower left, another enemy warrior, kneeling right; Gallic helmet and shield to lower right. Crawford 429/1; RSC Fonteia 17. 4.05g, 17mm, 2h.

Near Extremely Fine; minor marks and deposits.

Estimate: 150 GBP





Panel on Trajan's Column, showing start of sequence leading to the capture and death of Dacian king Decebalus.






Inviato (modificato)

Pecunem | Numismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann) > Auction 42 Auction date: 3 April 2016 Lot number: 622

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction - Lot description:

L. POMPONIUS CN. F., L. LICINIUS AND CN. DOMITIUS. Serrate Denarius (118 BC). Rome.

Obv: L POMPONI CNF. Helmeted head of Roma right; mark of value to left. Rev: L LIC CN DOM. Gallic warrior (Bituitus?) driving biga right.  Crawford 282/4. Condition: Good very fine. Weight: 3.86 g. Diameter: 20 mm.  Estimate: 50 EUR




Modificato da King John



Guardate che moneta superba....



Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 416

Auction date: 28 April 2016 Lot number: 47

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -

  Lot description:

Sizilien Messana (Mamertiner)

Pentonkion 220/200 v. Chr. Kopf des Apollon, Beiz. Lyra / Nackter Krieger mit Schwert, Lanze und Schild von vorn. Calciati I, S. 103, Em. 26 8.33 g.; Dunkelgrüne Patina Sehr schön Felder geglättet

Estimate: 250 EUR



Questa King è impressionante ....premio bulino dell'anno  .. :-)



  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Greek Coins 
No.: 8
Estimate: CHF 1200
d=11 mm
Fraction circa 216-211, AR 0.82 g. Head of Artemis l. Rev. Elephant r., with castle on its back; in exergue, one pellet and P. E.S.G. Robinson, Coinages of the Second Punic War, NC 1964, pl. 5, 6 (these dies). See also NC 1948, pp. 165-166.
Of the highest rarity and interest. Minor encrustations,
otherwise good very fine / very fine
Ex NAC sale 23, 2002, 1007. Robinson attributes this issue to the period of the second Punic war. Scholars have argued about the presence of the elephant on the reverse of this fraction and on other Hannibalic and rebel Italian issues. According to the literary sources only one of the original elephant survived beyond 217 BC. If we accept this statement made by Polybius, how can we explain the wish to draw attention to these animals which were totally unsuccessful in the outcome of the war ? Propoganda is one possible explanation, as Hannibal was hoping for reinforcement. Alternatively, the beast might have featured in a family coat of arms and could therefore have been used as a symbol of Hannibal himself.



Modificato da King John


MACEDON. Autonomous issue, 185-168 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.45 gm). Macedonian shield with star with six curved rays at center / Stern of galley. SNG.Cop.1289v. Toned VF+.




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